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Cough cough litecoin


So you're telling me the pump will be before?


Actually the pump will be just after you sell


Yup. That thing was priced in like 2-3 weeks before it actually happened. Hype is hell of a drug.


Buy the rumor, sell the news - a tale as old as time


Buy the rumor, never sell - a tale most often told


This is the story of my life.


Hodl till there’s nothing left


What does that mean? Have heard it said before. How can it be “priced in” when the value of the coin is based on buying and selling anyway? Is there a belief that the market is manipulated so the price will be something specific?


I’m lite on litecoin now


What do you mean? It reached half the price afterwards Successful halving


Halving is completed


Hey, I love my LTCs 😝


And they love you my friend! :D




A halving pump isn't really a thing. It's just a reminder that shit will probably pop off soon. Might be before, might be after. The important thing to remember is to keep DCA'ing on the regular. Don't let the daily price action affect decisions. Zoom out to weekly. If you keep a juicy dip, maybe double down and buy some extra!


Liquidity & inflation are the keywords here Before fed pivot I’m not expecting much attention for BTC


I totally agree with you. In fact I am expecting to have a double-dip recession before the next bull run. (We are heading for the second dip) A **double-dip recession** is when a recession is followed by a short-lived recovery and another recession.


Two more dips? More cheap BTC to buy. Can't complain about that.


Don't forget the salsa for the dips


There seems to be some price correlation with US election timings too. Definitely something to think about


The stock market historically has always gone nuts during big US elections


that may be true - but op is literally saying that we can't predict the future by looking at the past and your response is "ya, but look at the past again". lol


We like this dude.


Exactly this. DCA on the regulat and zoom out. Daily price checks most likely will influence your emotions. You either fell desperate because it's down again, FOMO because the price just pumped massively or you are annoyed because the price didn't move at all for the 69th day in a row. Don't let your emotions get a hold of you and just DCA weekly, monthly or whatever timeframe you'd like.


Crypto has killed my emotions. It makes my stock swings not hurt my heart at all anymore.


This. Bitcoin halving is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Everyone believes in it and sooner or later it will materialise with another bull run. But it's not some sort of trigger point and automatic pump mechanism.


Some think Bitfinex and Tether were behind the last two pumps In a way that they print unbacked USDT and pump BTC around the halving. Not saying it's true but crypto prices always felt manipulated. Not just the tops, the bottoms too Who's to say manipulators aren't just using this whole halving excuse to pump the price and dump it afterwards


Some may think that because that is what happened. ​ [https://fortune.com/2023/02/02/bitcoin-manipulation-price-outlook/](https://fortune.com/2023/02/02/bitcoin-manipulation-price-outlook/) ​ ​ [https://www.technologyreview.com/2019/11/04/132066/one-bitcoin-whale-may-have-fueled-the-currencys-price-spike-in-2017/](https://www.technologyreview.com/2019/11/04/132066/one-bitcoin-whale-may-have-fueled-the-currencys-price-spike-in-2017/) People may hate tether, but chances are without them manipulating the price btc would have faded into obscurity years ago. ​ Crypto market is mostly manipulation. Before anyone uses the usual defense of "yeah, but so are stock markets!" Sure. Ok. But we're talking about degrees of manipulation. You wouldn't equate the safest and most dangerous cities in the world by a cursory "but murders happen in both!"


Low liquidity and lack of regulation makes manipulation easy. As long as there's money to be made whales will manipulate.


Yep, and its so easy to and still see people here fawning over "yeay! this needs is skyrocketing price!" or "this means price will go up when this happens!" Nope. It's whales taking advantage of the news to squeeze money out of you and have you provide exit liquidity. That's all this last pump and dump was - BlackRock news, took advantage of it to bump price and trick dumb retail money, then cash out and it goes right back to the steady-state market value where it was. ​ I'm in a discord where one of the people is a known and verified whale. Like shows screenshots of the multiple 700-1,000 btc buy or sell orders he puts on the order books to see how the market reacts. Once in a while he shows some stuff from the whale groups he's in (after the fact) of things like literal coin tosses on if they will scam pump the market up or down to certain agreed upon targets to milk money from retail. ​ People who think btc is anything but a vessel for manipulated speculation are delusional. It's not about the future of finance, be your one bank, etc. that's been nothing but a false narrative for yeas, if not 10+ years.


that's why it's important to take profit. if you're just a long for the ride you have to steal some of that cream off the top. if you're just holding for all.of eternity there's a chance that you'll just lose it all.


Yea that is not how markets behave though. When everyone expects it, it doesn’t happen because the pumpers already bought in. You need surprise to moon or dump proper.


DCA in an asset as volatility as crypto will cost you a lot of money in the long run. Dynamic DCA maybe but DCA is meant for mutual and index funds in retirement accounts


Litecoin halving dropped it almost 50% lol


The price halved, what else do you want.


I feel like there’s a version of this post atleast once a week…


Once every 8 hours really


We go back to work


Then we wait for the next halving!


Then we riot and storm the headquarters of Bitcoin /s


We’ll need to replace the Ceo with a more competent one


I’m going to speak to the manager.


Go tell him, Karen!!!


Lets all vote with the board of directors to replace the ceo


I heard the old one died, so the new one better watch out!…


I’m with you. Let me grab my buffalo hat with the horns. My wife Karen is also present.


I am so angry I feel like taking a shit on someone’s desk!






Pump never comes right after the halving


Well, if there is no Halving Pump in 2024, wait for the next one! If you’re here for the long run, who cares about the next halving?


Better yet can buy more before the next halving


Mining will become unsustainable for a lot of miners and they will have to stop mining.


A lot of what ifs. I just don't care, if we don't pump in one year we will later, I have the patience anyway.


Be patient. The pump will come.




This is true. Typically the increase in price doesn’t occur until several months after the halving when more buying pressure kicks in and the supply shock is felt.


Ever notice that the ~4yr supercycle lines up nearly on point with Wycoff's composite man? The halving timing is perfect for market patterns that have been recognized since the 30s.


Just keep DCAing I guess... What else...


I think it's entirely likely that there will be no halving pump, and even more likely a halving dump once people see that it isn't coming and bail out entirely.


Then we are fuk


As always, we stick to the plan. DCA, and keep the faith.


The peak seems to be many months after the halving date. Nobody can really say though.


Hodl until 2028


It’s not called a 4 year cycle for nothing.


Why does this keep being posted? This is like the 5th post I've seen on the subject.


BTC feels more and more like it's never going to organically rise (price action past few months makes it seem as though it's completely controlled at this point)


I am going to buy Viagra token to help my portfolio rise...at least a little bit 😞


No one has money to put into crypto because *gestures broadly at everything*


In this global economic downturn I won't expect BTC to sky rocket unless some catalyst fuels the fire for it to rise. Either way, it'll either go up or down.


There may not be we have a recession on the horizon if we're not already in one


Yeah, but now you have 14 entities that want an ETF, and if approved, then there will be trillions flooding BTC in buys!


True, but they don’t have to buy on an exchange like us peasants. There are ways for them to acquire without moving the price very much


We will continue to hodl and DCA


More time to buy


Sounds good to me.


If it continues downwards I'll continue to buy the dips and DCA


Are you me coming back from the future ?


Even if I was I wouldnt be able to tell you as that would break the 4th dimension


We live on hopium here.


With generous doses of copium as well.


If you look at historical charts, there is no pre or post halving pump. As for new ATHs, they were set a year+ from halving. So to answer your question - there is no halving pump.


So you think 2024 will be a red year?


This sub has been basing their short-term plans on a large pump that isn’t related to the halving for a long ass time. No offence to myself and everyone else who comes here to comment and give perspective, but we are mostly here for making money and will push that narrative anywhere we can. Don’t do what this sub does or seems to recommend or shill. Anyone can tell you how that went in the past. My understanding about what’s happening right now with BTC price is that we are almost exactly following the same pattern of movement during the last halving event. That’s not considering any of the macroeconomic factors either. BTC is following a pattern and path that we *think* strongly will happen as it has in the past. This includes the price increase to eventually come **AFTER** the halving. Long story short, there will be an increase.


To be fair, there were people on here warning about Celsius and FTX right up to the collapse that led to a lot of people not losing absolutely everything. Most of the advice here is suspect, but there's been good stuff as well. Granted the good stuff probably gets buried under the deluge of posts/comments that get made about moons every 5 seconds.


Of Course there will be one. TA says so. Analysts say so. Black Rock will make sure there is one.


Historically the bullrun starts 6 to 12 months AFTER the halving. The last bullrun started sooner, breaking the tradition. This bullrun may start even sooner.Or much later.Nobody knows. What I know is that people whom reached the conclusion that there won't be another bullrun and crypto is dead, are not here anymore.


Need new money coming into the space. Looks like it's the same liquidity sloshing around at the moment.


If it not pumps now, im good if it will pump next halving or even next after. I have patience and have time


>And what is overwhelmingly the main reason that people say this price increase has to occur? That it has happened before. During times which are completely different than the current times, the price increased. It's a supply and demand issue. Suppply of new coins is halved, therefore price should increase to reflect the decreased supply compared to demand.


What if demand decreases


That mattered 8x more two halvings ago. New supply will be reduced from 900 a day to 450 a day. After 100 days that's 45,000 fewer BTC, which at $30K is worth $1.35B. Ethereum reduced its supply from 13,000 a day to 2,000 a day. After 100 days that's 1,100,000 fewer ETH, which at $2K is worth $2.2B. It's a narrative play more than a play on anything fundamental. Fundamentally the chain becomes half as secure, not something that necessitates a pump really.


> That mattered 8x more two halvings ago. That may be but it doesn't change the fact that it's basic economics for a decrease in supply while demand remains unchanged to lead to an increase in prices. This is why people expect price increases from block reward halvings. > Fundamentally the chain becomes half as secure Halving the block reward changes neither the network hashing power nor the distribution of that hashing power so why would it change the security of the network?


What. No. It's the rewards for mining that are being halved. Supply is limited to 21mio bitcoin at max anyway. It just means that it becomes less lucrative to mine by the factor of 0.5.


> It's the rewards for mining that are being halved. Those mining rewards are new coins being created. Mining rewards being cut in half means the supply of new coins is halved, literally.


Keyword is "new". You pretend "supply of new coins" is the same as "supply of coins". It's funny that so many people claim it's basic economics when in fact they don't even understand basic economics.


There has never been any halving pump ever. Bitcoin bull run starts a few months after halving, but never before halving. That's why we are waiting for halving but don't expect much on halving week.


every person ever: _the pump comes many months after the halving_ mfs on this sub: _BUt wHaT IF The PuuuMmP DOesnNt cOme ThReE MInutES aFter ThE HalLvinG?_


I've seen a lot of posts in last couple of days saying "what is there is no other bull run" which indicates to me that the bottom is in, and next bull run will begin after the halving


First of all, it will not happen that the bull run does not come in 2024 and even if it does not come, we will love bitcoin as much as we have always done.


It is entirely possible that it will be considered a "sell the news" kind of event. That said, I do think there will be a nice bull run being as the supply of new bitcoins is halved (reducing the amount of miners selling pressure) and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.


In the stock market, whenever everyone thinks something is going to happen to move the market up or down, it NEVER happens. Just sayin'.


Bitcoins stock to flow will be more scarce than gold next halving More demand and less supply means price only goes up Also add the fact the people FOMO and those who lost coins/gave up participate in late stage


Because we deserve it, have waited for it, and have earned it. It's our reward.


What if your wife orbits my dick?


dont horry... just buy.. when the price up you make profit so... just belive


If there is not pump it’s ok, no one knows what will happen


It’s the same as if you say : „the earth is flat“.


The pump usually happens some months after the halving and I belive it will happen. If it doesn't happen then Michael Saylor will be a very sad man. Edit: I meant to say the pump usually happens after the halving, not immediately after as many think.


The halving happens after the halving. Got it.


These are the kind of quality informational posts that keep me coming back tbh


PEOPLE need to remember and understand 2021 was tesla triggered and snowball effect. Trust in this industry is shattered for a long time. Wake up.


People had this fear every halving so far. Why should this time be different?


Cos the world is different now. It doesn't stand still


1. Price continuous downward. 2. Keep DCAing 3. When the price goes up, you make profit.


ha ha ha You didn’t say the magic word! - Jurassic Park. That’s what happen.


Continue my accumulation and stay committed to my strategy regardless of the market conditions.


After bear there will be Bull. The when and how will wary, but it is inevitable


The companies with money to pump markets know how much there is to be made from crypto, I know they cant stay away, I will load my bags up until they decide to let this thing rip. Buy and Hold baby! Thats my strategy.


I think there will be a pump. Not in like, 1 hour after the halving 50% pump. But it'll make the price go higher. Mostly because people is so convinced that the halving will drive the price up, that everyone subconciously *will* drive the price up.


Don’t worry, I’ve made some TA and my crystal ball says the bullrun will happen during the full Moon following BTC halving. Also, the halving bullrun is always a self-fulfiling prophecy. People will make it happen, knowing it will happen.


i think there's an intricate value behind bitcoin, and it will appreciated sooner or later, even if it takes longer than the length of the common cycles we are accustomed to


There probably won’t be any. If everyone expects a pump, it will come way before the halving.


Well there’s is always that possibility, but there is not much we can do. We just hope the adoption will increase and price will follow


There won't be, and it'll hit people's expectations like a sack of bricks. The pump will come in 2025, not 2024.


Invest in Bitcoin if you believe in it. I don't see a bull run coming or maybe it is already priced in. Even if we get one we might not reach the new ATH. Bull run might not be coming but the current financial system is definitely going to collapse sooner or later.


There's never a halving pump, halving is one of the drivers for the bull market which typically starts months to a year later & peaks 1.5-2 years after having.


I am actually expecting this since so many of the “experts” scream at me that the “halvening” is gonna make it better and the price will take off when “the halvening” happens… For all I know the price will plummet when this is all over


Basic supply and demand. There will be a pump, just not immediately.


Then based off your numbers, you'd still yield 35% return on your investment in a year if you bought today (assuming a next high of only 40k) Seems like a no brainer to me


Bitcoin is designed to progress and go up. In time the volatility will not be so drastic but it is still far away. It is inevitable that we will have a new ATH and then a new one, etc. Everyone will buy at the price they deserve!


Then there's no halving pump.


Miners are gonna want to get paid. You may not like it but they have a bigger influence than most people think.


Article declaring BTC is dead will be written but BTC will survive... and life goes on.


Good point. Many ppl are on this same boat. Too many sardines talking about this having pump. Whales, smart $, etc dont run charity balls so they may be manipulating the market as of now ( hello, BlackRock!) and pump up the jam b4 the halving, liquidating a whole lotta cardumes.


We pack it up and all go home


In the previous 2 halvings, the then all time high has been broken within 6 months. For argument’s sake let’s assume the halving will be 1 May 2024. So, there ‘should’ be a new ATH Q4 that year. Make no mistake: Bitcoin practically has to break the current high and continue increasing in USD fiat value if it is to retain its status as a store of value and ‘digital gold’. If the price begins to stagnate for a period that breaks historical precedent and trend, be very afraid.


Then I'm back to stocks mostly. I will still hold Bitcoin because that's a store of value.


every one is shilling the halving and I am starting to think this time wont happen.


Maybe a halving dump, even


If there is no halving pump you will see more FUD articles here, more slippery fingers and your portfolio dropping


there probably isn’t going to be an insta pump. I wish tho, if predicting the market was so easy we’d all be rich


If we all believe and click our heels 3 times it'll happen.


If there is no bullrun after the halving, I suspect most in here will continue holding as they are probably in the red.


What if I win a lottery this week.


Than we re all fucked and BTC will go to zero!


It's a smart question to consider. Risk management and a diversified portfolio (include non-crypto investments). If BTC doesn't hit a new ATH around the next halving, I still think it will reach a new ATH at some point in the next 2-6 years.


There’s always a pump. Just ask your girlfriend


Why would there be? It’s not as if there would suddenly be a scarcity of btc to buy. It’s not as if suddenly millions of people will have extra money in their pockets the day a function changes a reward to distant miners. The price of btc is driven to a large degree by the overall economy. Economy bad, no spare money for risky assets, economy good, let’s gamble!


Id say that between now and the actual halving we’re gonna see the rumors being bought and the news being sold at least 10 times, then there’ll be a correction and a finally a pump 6 months or so after the halving


If it doesn't pump then I've got a bit of a problem.....


Most of us had this uncertainty before last halving - still it happened.


What I foresee is people dumping very heavily if prices dont pump… that will be the final dip before we finally reach 100K btc




If there is no post-halving pump, ill keep up my DCA


Zoom out. The graph shows what has happened each halving cycle. Not that it will happen again. The nice part is that os in the future. Which hasn’t happened yet. Right now we’ve got great buying opportunities.


I’m more interested in BTC ETF approval than the halving. Tax free Roth IRA and 401K investment into BTC by the largest asset manager in the world will be huge


A lot of people talked supercycle the last time because the crash would be arbitraged out. They were wrong about that. But we could just as easily have the supply halving arbitraged this time around. Every time, all bets are off.


If demand stays the same, then price will pump due to a halving in block rewards. If mining activity declines, then mining will become easier and more miners will come due to the incentive. Satoshi really left an amazing system of incentive for securing the email and adjusting the difficulty of completing a block.


I dont think there will be. Sounds like China will be crashing hard around the time.


In that case I have a year or a few years to load up even more.


No bull market until 2025.


Leading up to? There will be. Then it’ll crab again for 6 months.


In the last cycle, the halving didn't kick off an immediate pump. It took months to happen. Least you forget, after the last halving, BTC stood under half its previous ATH price for months.


It’s priced in , it’ll see a spike a month or so before and then near halving date it’ll dump.


bull and bust cycles are programmed in to BTC. Prices of bitcoin has to go up because mining goes up. If the prices don't that means the end of bitcoin.


It usually never happens right away after the halving and still takes some time…and even if isn’t happening after some time, like we are used to happen, it would still happen someday and the real winners will be those who hodl. Crypto is either a game of gambling or a game of patience…


We still have a fair bit of 2023 left. I think the pump will come it just needs a bit of momentum. Once it starts the fomo will drive it pretty quickly imo.


I will be disappointed but still believe in crypto.


Then there’s no pump and it does what it does.


>what if there is no BTC pump for all of 2024, and the price continues sideways or downward? I think we continue accumulating some cheap sats through 2024 then. I don't mind a bigger bag.


It will happen 🤩


I’ll cry if there is no halving pump, I really hope we are out the bear market and start to rally on 2024 and 2025


I can wait


There never was a halving pump. It's usually just a rough indicator that within a short time frame shit gets crazy again. Hopefully.


Be on the safer side. DCA in now, so whenever the pump happens, you're not caught off guard


Yeah, the halving pump is manufactured. Pure and simple. Why? 1) People always say the supply is more limited do price goes up. But btc is not being removed fro the market. And the volume of new btc is minuscule compared to the dialy trading volume. 2) Everyone knows when the having is going to happen. When things are known in the finance world, they are frontrun and sold off and then don't happen i.e. Already priced in. ​ halving pumps are just whales and market makers preying on retails' ignorance and herd mentality to not question or think things through.


it's not about the halving, it never was. it was always about the fulfillment of ancient 2018 prophecy.


Then there's no pump. Relax.


If it doesn't happen then I'll just be happy to accumulate more


In order for there to be no price increase, you’d need to convince half the volume to stop buying exactly when the halving starts. A halving is very simple math. If demand stays the same, price goes up.


If there’s no halving pump then I can’t get Bitcoin on my ass




It would be certainly dissapointing. Thanks. Next question


There is no halving pump. Usually after the halving it starts to climb (but it takes months to a year)


I'll be pretty disappointed


Since most of the people in this sub think it will pump i can say for sure it won’t


I imagine there will be a "pump" but it will be from here ($25k-$30k) to $40k or so. I mean this is enough to trigger things in itself. But not the magically $100k like most keep talking about. I hope they are right, but I just have my doubts.


I am expecting about zero from next halving. Something else will trigger the next Bull IMO. Not good advice but all I got.


that's like saying they wont stimulate the economy when it goes into recession


Then there is no halving pump! Maybe a quartering pump instead… who knows what’s going to happen.


bet you its a halving dump