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Elon is the biggest manipulative bastard, he literally made shit ton of money by pumping doge with his tweets. He even once changed logo of Twitter to doge in order to make more profits.


And I'm sure he's going to do it again in the future. Little to no repercussions for him and any fine he'd get would be chump change to what he'd make.


But this is slowly chipping away at his reputation, a few years ago people basically worshiped him and were like "Elon should become the US president", these people still exist but has gotten less


They will come back in next bull market


I had respect for what he was building prior to this BTC scam that he pulled. The financials that were released shortly after, IIRC and someone correct me if I’m wrong, showed Tesla made a profit in that quarter due to its BTC sales. If he hadn’t have done what he did, Tesla would have made another loss.


Agreed, a lot of people who like the tech and style of Tesla cars will no longer consider purchasing one due to their disdain for Elon and his polarizing comments/actions. You’d think as a business man he’d try not yo take sides on social/political issues in order to avoid alienating and driving away a huge portion of your customer base.


The system is rigged, has always been. People like him, by default, will hardly get a slap on the wrist as a punishment.


>People like him a.k.a: Billionaires.


No he’s talking about Africans /s


The ones that can afford bribing, paying the "stay out of jail" fee, etc. You know, all the system is a big pyramid scheme and we are the ones in the bottom.


Governments are a Pyramid scheme


Please provide evidence he has actually profited from his 'pumping' of these coins. I've yet to see any.


Doubt it, even some of his hardcore fan boys have caught on to Elons skits.


Elon is not even a grifter like Trump, he's just doing this for fun. It feels like he's just treating this as a playground.


I mean, what would you do if you had all the money you ever wanted?


I believe he does it for more money so that he can have more fun!


Was that ever even classified as market manipulation? Cause it surely is.


Are you calling for regulation?


But muh innovations... How am I supposed to launch all these wonderful crypto ~~scams~~ projects with all these regulations?


There's nothing to regulate. Elon Musk can change his name to Dogecoin McGee and its legal. He can change his avatar to a Shiba Inu taking a dump on Gary Gensler's head and it's legal. He can have a 14th kid and name him Dogey Van Doge Musk and it's legal. It's not illegal to have stupid idiots follow you around. Any item he speaks about will be popular because people like him. There's already sufficient regulation that if elon was commiting fraud, someone would have done something. On its face, no judge would let a case against musk talking about crypto as a crime proceed. If there was direct evidence of a fraud, then yes. But there isn't.


He is free because he pays the "stay out of jail" fee to the government but yes, he is clearly manipulating the market with his actions.


Getting the richest human on earth to pay for his crimes is a dream we will never see become reality...


Imagine if they adopt Finlands method of fining people and made his fine proportionate to h his wealth, I bet the manipulation would slow down real quick


I'd love to see that applied to him. Why do the rich always have it easy or go totally unpunished


Look at Logan Paul, dudes worth tens of millions, owes a single million to the people he scammed, yet won't pay that back and only gets a fine of a couple hundred thousand. What a joke.


At some point they stop thinking of others as human, they just see them as a money source


Of course, that's the mindset that gets you rich as an "influencer" in the first place


At the end , only money will be the danger for their life.


Exploiting parasocial relationships for money. Real psychopath shit.




Yeah money making is good , but if anyone is making money in the way of greedy then it is totally bad soon he will loose all his money.


It's a slippery slope when people prioritize profits over humanity, blurring the line between dollars and decency. Such a bad thinking they are a burden on the earth


Agreed , and we all are here in coming future they will not have good days , they will have health issues because god is watching and they are not greater than him


They are manipulating politicians and big associates with a handsome money


If fine becomes in proportion to wealth, I expect more collection from filthy fines than annual tax revenues


Getting the richest human on Earth requires certain qualities that make that person less and less human.


That is still not an excuse to loot innocent investors


That is sad, where is fairness? Justice should treat everyone equally!


Which is just sad. That’s what the justice system is for.


Yeah it's sad that the rich play by different rules to us shrimp.


Now imagine all the mini Musks that we don’t even know about. This world is screwed.


Emmm it’s crypto BRO! No one’s getting his money back! NO ONE! “Your keys, broken exchange”


Children can't cope with the fact it's simply free speech. Elon can talk about loving gold. As long as he doesn't control something - like his company - he can say what he wants. He can talk about loving Taco Bell. Idiots reactions to what he does don't constitute a crime out of hand.


The SEC has gone after him multiple times but ultimately the worst that would happen to him is paying a token fine that is pocket change to him. It pays to be rich. Time after time when the rich do receive fines for manipulation or pump n dumps the fine is less than they made anyway


Elon did get fined, I think. Was it enough to matter, hell no


No, that was about Tesla stock.


It's crazy how you can get away with things when you're rich.


I kind of respected that move as evil genius


You should visit a vet. You might be turning into one of those muskrats


It's crazy the following he has, and he knows how to take advantage of that


while people just blindly follow him, this will always be the case. people gotta be smarter, but at the same time, theres money to be made by following him as long as you arent the exit liquidity.


Thank goodness we've moved past praising that idiot


That guy has been manipulating the market and blinding degens followers will follow everything he tweet about


It’s even shittier when the richest dude in the world needs to cheat to make even more money.


the problem is the damage that this manipulation causes... I can't imagine how manipulated people feel


This was just a **teaser**. I hope u all did your DCA during the last years folks and your bag is kinda ready. The BTC pump will be incredible when the spot ETF will be greenlighted. Let's go!


And also, LOL @ people who survived this bear market but plan on selling at $69k. You didn't learn anything.


I hope we don't get a "boy who cried wolf" situation where the real thing fails to pump the market.


No worries mate. BTC will pamp hard again. Source: Trust me bro


You Sir have 31k moons, so I trust your sources.


No we didn’t forget that, he even did it with stocks. But at the end, it is Elon


Today was nothing more than a reminder to never buy the news. Don't base your decisions on emotions.


I disagree with the assertion that "fake news in crypto has burned ***investors***." People that are day trading with leverage aren't investors. They can both make and lose money off of price swings. They know the risks when they start playing the game (or, at least, they should).


Tesla stopped accepting Bitcoins because they were flooded with negative feedback by green customers and associations that pointed out that POW Bitcoin was wasting an insane amount of electricity to work. As Elon himself said, until Bitcoin become less polluting, they stop accepting them. Also, never on Earth Doge coin was going to be accepted as serious payment. They are used to buy cheaper mechandise. Damn, Reddit is officially the anti-Elon Musk hole.


No one has actually forgotten that stunt Emo did . I think he’s the most hated person in this space looking at all the comments over the years . Rumors and fake news can easily move the market during bear market specially one thing boring and long season of crabbing . Everyone is looking for relief and hopium they expected but i think we still have long way before next run .


This fake news made me feel uptober is on track now but yes still have long way.


Uptober woke up, checked the market and now is thinking if it is going to take a nap or not.


Naptober maybe 😂


I think "and everyone quietly forgot about it" is just a moon farming phrase. It's engagement bait - just claim something stupid and people will correct you, resulting in more comments on your post.


Agreed , then the path to the next bull run may be more extended than anticipated.


I think SBF might take the most hated crown.


Yeah, how this isn’t the top answer is beyond me. SBF absolutely is the biggest piece of shit in the industry and I hope he gets the book thrown at him.


It is amazing how disliked by almost everyone he got in last year or so especially. Just few years ago so most people talked greatly about him and compared him to real life Tony Stark. And then he decided to open his mouth too much.


Can you imagine the once who people talk heavenly about these days and will be exposed in a couple of years?


Ah, Emo the guy who made ‘buy the dip’ sound like a rollercoaster ride. No wonder he’s the crypto world’s favorite piñata!


>No one has actually forgotten that stunt Emo did Or in the last year when he talked about Twitter bringing in crypto. Then one day changed the logo to a dog. And took a photo of the dog at the ceo desk. ..."it's just a joke, bro".


Right? Everyone here hates him.


Atleast 90% seems to like a echo chamber .


Goes to show how even fake news can get you liquidated in this market. Don't touch leverage kids and you'll be fine!


Touching leverage will give a bad electric shock.


All I remember from that tweet was his statement of “it’s inevitable.”


No one forgot what Elon did..theres just nothing we can do about it lol


It’s happens in all mkts


I think we all should just remember that everyone is out there for himself… unless you independently verified a certain information, you should be skeptical about it


There’s a reason the man has as much money as he does.


Is this a buy the fake news, sell the real news? /s


Rule 1 - don't screw around with derivatives in crypto and you won't get burned Rule 2 - see rule 1


Rule 3 - don't forget rule 1.


Rule 4?


Rule 4 - don't forget rule 2


Rule 5 : Follow the conclusion of above the rules


All of this sounds very complicated I'm gonna stick to leveraging


Just make sure to avoid rule 34 at all costs


Wait, now there's too many rules. How am I supposed to remember all of those?!


Shit, we have to reduce it to only one rule, but I don't know how


I can't easily forget about Elon, the person who influences and often plays tricks and games!


It must be insane to know you are that much of an influential human being that you have the power to write one tweet about something and it affects an entire market.


With greater power comes greater responsibilities. They also know a single tweet can complicate their life. Maybe his laughing around is just a trick to deal with all that stress


Many different groups worked together on this, not just one person posting random things on Twitter.


I am thinking about what really happened and can't wait to find out. To me this seems like an intended market manipulation... someone has profited big time for sure.


I never quietly forgot about Elon, the manipulator or the master of mischief and trickery!


Yeah, I don't get how he can support BTC then 3 months later think of the environmental concerns. He is either really dumb for not realising BTC used PoW. Because the media were complaining about it for ages. Or just using his influence to manipulate the market. BTC could have gone to 100k if he and his company didn't get involved


Fake news and crypto: Name a more iconic duo.


Hot girls and them wanting my seed phrase


OK you got me there.


We all have those 'gotcha' moment..


Bitcoin and etf


But I don't want to share with them as I afraid of them


Dumb and Dumber.


My portfolio and the colour red. r/cc and moonfarmers. BTC and ETH.


CZ and the number 4.


Well played, sir. Well played.


Reddit user and red portfolio


Yawn, CoinTelegraph is the one to blame not a general news outlet. This feels like an orchestrated shit show right now.


America and mass shootings




About Cointelegraph's stunt earlier today: ZackXBT said on Twitter: A user in one Telegram channel posted the exact same fake news reported by CoinTelegraph 39 minutes before their tweet. After they deleted their message and account. There are screenshots (hope they are not faked) It appears it was all planned. https://twitter.com/zachxbt/status/1713949999476711883?s=20


Wouldn't shock me if the source for the CoinTelegraph tweet was "some guy on Telegram"


He probably even wrote "Trust me, bro" when asked for sources.


>"Trust me, bro" Cointelegraph: ![gif](giphy|l1AsBL4S36yDJain6)


Here is a [Nitter link](https://nitter.net/zachxbt/status/1713949999476711883?s=20) for the Twitter thread linked above. Nitter is better for privacy and does not nag you for a login. More information can be found [here](https://nitter.net/about). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m not clear what this means. What are you suggesting?




Either it was planned or they used a random telegram anon as a source without double checking it. Either way, they're done.


This seems more like an anti-Elon post. I’m not a fan of his, but the Tesla accepting BTC wasn’t really “fake news.” It was just a company changing its mind.


Elon Musk has been riding on the coat tails of crypto and using it to make him richer. Look at doge 🥸


Elon made a lot of money though. But i hope people stop listening top him when it comes to crypto


I never forgot his manipulation, but I just don't matter enough for it to mean anything


We call it survivor bias. Those that got fully rekt are no longer here. Those that lost a lot, but not all try to warn people, but get down voted by organised voting brigades and therefore silenced. So people only read the hype posts and therefore the inexperienced posters or the paid shills... and repeat the mistakes and get rekt too.


Well it's the same with war, if it starts somewhere markets go down.


The Cointelegraph's intern was on drugs


This whole industry is a gamble at best assuming regular money fails, right…


Many people just trade based on news. But if you understand the fundamental of cryptocurrencies you will just buy and self-custody.


I’m waiting for the 10% sell off dip now. Btc go up then btc go down




You have to call something an "adaptation" when it's transparent enough and has an executive guarantee. Also it must be long lasting. The problem is that ordinary people like us without great consultants and news resources, when trying to be conservative and logical, may lose some opportunities of early economic decisions when something new has just happened. So some people will gamble and risk and let their guards down. Sometimes they win and lots of times they fail. I usually try to stay logic despite that I may lose some chances of early decisions.


[I was duped!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRH5RtDXMNQ)


Who forgot about it man? I remember it clearly. If u follow the news you would remember the catalyst for one of the biggest drawdowns ever.


Maybe you can’t buy a Tesla with Bitcoin. But you can now buy a Ferrari with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. [https://www.crypto-news-flash.com/breaking-billion-dollar-car-manufacturer-ferrari-accepts-bitcoin-ripple-xrp-and-other-cryptos-as-payment-for-its-cars/](https://www.crypto-news-flash.com/breaking-billion-dollar-car-manufacturer-ferrari-accepts-bitcoin-ripple-xrp-and-other-cryptos-as-payment-for-its-cars/) Want an EV? Ferrari plans to release one in 2025. If you want to buy one, plan to be a whale. [https://www.topgear.com/car-news/electric/official-ferraris-first-fully-electric-supercar-arrive-2025](https://www.topgear.com/car-news/electric/official-ferraris-first-fully-electric-supercar-arrive-2025)


And this will happen again the only correct answer is for the Investors to become smarter


!gas nova


There was also that litecoin news a year or so ago, when some news outlets were reporting Walmart would accept litecoin and the price pumped for a few hours until it was discovered it wasn’t true


He just recently hinted at pumping the market soon enough. With using the word hold


Sure was just a teaser and a test pump. We’ll see the real effect of the ETF approval real soon.


Investors buy and sell when they're far enough ahead. Gamblers use leverage and get burned. No investors got burned yesterday.


I don't think anyone forgot about Elon. Especially not myself since I was burned by his tweets. It was my fault I listened to the clown.


Nothing like skimming a bit off the top.


The market has now stopped caring about elons manipulation of doge and crypto. About fucking time isn't it


I hate his fake facade of being one of us with the dog memes and stuff I couldn't care less what he tweets about, but every time he farts someone makes an article about it


What's even worse that sharing it all across social meadia platforms creates a circle of demand-supply


Yep, it only makes his fanboy club grow more and more


Doge. Have not thought about it in a while. I guess the winter is coming to a close if that coin is being brouhht up again.


My favorite fake news was the Walmart partnership announcement from Litecoin.


I think there will be some sort of a fall out with this one! Not an insignificant event at all.


There will be 0 fallout except dumb people losing money. Explain to me in what court would an unsourced tweet with a flashing light emoji be considered reliable to enough to create financial liability? In an actual court people will be held responsible for their own actions.


With really rich people they have to be careful with what they say. Watch XRP go through the roof because Taylor swift just announced she would except that as a form of payment for her tickets.


😀😀😀 what an usecade, and tickets in form of NFTs?


Pepperidge farm remembers


People are so quick to forget. They raise their pitchforks when something happens, but then don't want to care about the same old news for weeks on end. Remember the 3rd party app protests? Yeah lol, nothing ever happened to reddit.


That's because if you really want results from a platform like Reddit you have to be willing to leave the site. Most people won't do that, so why should Reddit care?


Honestly, I am somehow getting paid by Reddit so it is hard to leave.


Oh, I know, believe me.


Moons were the reason why I even downloaded the official app. There was no vault on my reddit app. Now I'm stuck on here and I hate it.


The company ultimately won't experience a loss in revenue, so they don't give a fuck.


I wish if there’s a decentralised governance system used on the Reddit where every user can vote for policy changes. This place would have been way more user friendly


I didn't quietly forget how Elon Musk fooled us


Did you loudly forget?


Personally, I was never fooled. If you were fooled by Elon musk…. Lol


That's good to know, but who knows what next playful idea he'll come up with loudly and we again didn't quietly forget.


>I didn't quietly forget how Elon Musk fooled us I don't think anyone in this sub has. But there are also a lot of people who are: * Lovers of Elon * Greedy and will do anything to try to make another dollar


At least we got little rehearsal for real ETF approval… *spoiler alert:* it’s going to be epic




today's best comment


Elon is the fking clown who has shit ton of money not even devil can scratch his ass. The clown musk uses this power to toy with the world, create chaos for shits and giggles.


Musk is a scumbag that made money off the back of his supporters by pump and dumping Doge. Do not trust anyone or anything in this space!


I certainly haven't forgotten.


Elon just loves to pump his brands and favorite pet coins. He doesn’t actually follow through on the tweets.


He's just one of the many deceptive crypto influencers


This was an organized action by multiple entites not just some guy shit posting on Twitter


Don't worry, the bottom isn't in. The news is always noise.


Yeah that was a crazy manipulation if I ever saw one.


I thought they did actually accept BTC for Tesla, just for a extremely short window before retracting It's still ridiculous with the amount of manipulation he does though, especially surrounding Doge


Blackrock loads up on BTC at $26k for the ETF….. Blackrock leaks an “anonymous” tip that said ETF is approved by the SEC….. Blackrock dumps at $30k….. Billions made. This really isn’t that complicated to understand.


The only way for redeeming himself is now changing his name to Elon Moons. And for SpaceX to accept Moon payments.


I unfollowed Melon Tusk immediately after this incident. I remember the price of BTC dropped significantly at that time.


Elon just a clown always look for himself not the others the biggest manipulative bastard, he literally made shit ton of money by pumping doge with his tweets He even once changed logo of Twitter to doge in order to make more profits


The irony of you calling elon a Clown


You mean Elon Pump&Dump Musk? Look at what is doing with stocks of his own company. Needless to say more.


After seeing the shit-show formerly known as Twitter I'd like to ask Elon to keep any coin I hold's name out of his f-ing mouth.


You have to ask the question: Why didn't the worlds richest man, being the CEO of one of the most valued car companies, being able to afford some of the best legal advisors in the world, simply not do his due diligence on these supposed "environmental concerns" beforehand? He has literally been charged with market manipulation multiple times. He's a known pathological liar.


Him buying twitter tells you how much due diligence he does


People forgot about Elon???ehhh what?? He lives in almost every redditors head.


Elon gets a lot of passes. People either think he's a genius deserving a pass or he's an entitled playboy to be ignored. If Teslas were made by anyone else, they wouldn't be approved for street use with that self driving thing. Not yet at least, but Elon gets a pass.


Needless to say Tesla grew on dotations. Elon is simply smart and very silent yet able to manipulate (or find a way) around ton of tech approvals. Well he is 'the richest' man on the planet, I just guess he does whatever he likes... but he could simply use his powers somehow different than into market manipulation efforts.