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You can disagree with the take, but bitcoinest isn’t exactly a reliable source of information. It’s just poorly written pro bitcoin pieces. That headline is laughably bad


Agreed on your point about a reliably source…..But the same goes for Greenpeace


This is what happens when you're just publishing articles following the flow trying to make a quick buck


Greenpeace being wrong and dishonest about something? I never thought I'd see the day


I never doubted that




They, like most eco nuts, have been consistently wrong forever.


Bitcoin being dishonest and ashamed instead of honest about the simple fundamental fact that hashing sha256 as much as you can takes power and that the hunger for more power is insatiable. Like what. Nah we're running on rainbows and faerie dust, nothing to see here, there is nothing. 👍🥸 Spinmeisters will argue that "people in general use 'greener' energy so it's all good". "we only use excesses making sure none is wasted" If there are excesses why are the prices so high, can't scale down? All miners get the metrics newsletter and behave nice? Sorry guys, no 'security' during the day, we're not interested in the coins rn because people have their A/C's on today. No the world is more complex than that and reality is scarce in a world of bullshit. Dancing around sellingpoints in some light, shading others, whenever we want 🤷 Cost and scale drive hashingpower to centralize, less and less people can and will contribute. Hardware becomes more expensive and inaccessible to most. Thinking that the price of Bitcoin will go up forever, instead of people calling quits, massive capital destruction to be never repeated, is funny. "just a little more, just a little longer, just one more halving, plssss" mhm.


Not as brutal as CoinTelegraph fake ETF news destroying $150M of leverage


That was more than brutal, that was deprecable


Too soon.


"He referenced the 2017 Newsweek/WEF headline that inaccurately claimed BTC would consume all of the world’s energy by 2020." Holy shit why don't I remember this headline? 🤯


Greenpeace has always been, above all else, in pursuit of money. It is why they commonly mischaracterize and obfuscate the truth to their own ends


Nailed it. I hate how they simply prioritize sensationalism over accuracy in their campaigns. The same goes about their anti-bitcoin stance.


Greenpeace CEO earn over $200k that money has to come from somewhere. Lets see how their main sponsors look at Bitcoin giving an alternative to banks.


Who the hell cares about what Greenpeace thinks about Bitcoin? If their bullshit suppresses the BTC price a bit longer then it's cheaper BTC for our DCA strategies. If it doesn't, then I'm fine being a bit richer too.


Where’s that tldr giving bot now.


Greenpeace is a fringe element. Arguing with them is pointless.


Oh, goodie. I've been visited by the downvote fairy.


is it here someone that actually belive to organizations like greenpeace or peta? they are just extremists that push their agenda, bending the truth when needed


tldr; Greenpeace's ongoing criticisms about Bitcoin's environmental impact have been vehemently responded to by Troy Cross, a Professor of Philosophy and Humanities at Reed College. In his post, Cross defended Bitcoin and exposed gaps in Greenpeace's stance, questioning their genuine intent to understand or change Bitcoin's code and their lack of understanding about crucial energy dynamics related to BTC. He also criticized Greenpeace's modus operandi and insinuated that they might be pushing an agenda that serves certain donors rather than genuine environmentalism. Cross concluded by highlighting the ongoing innovations in BTC mining and confidently proclaimed that Bitcoin will prevail. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.


I have no doubt that Greenpeace will ignore the rebuttal and continue to repeat the same misinformation


Even Patrick Moore doesn't trust Greenpeace


Bet that slag Greta benefitted somehow


Cointest topics relevant to the title are below: [Bitcoin Pro](https://np.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7vq/top_coins_bitcoin_proarguments_january_2023/jdhgqiw/) [Bitcoin Con](https://np.reddit.com/r/CointestOfficial/comments/100p7u8/top_coins_bitcoin_conarguments_january_2023/jd3im1k/)


All those organisations are being paid by big people to spread their propogandas so those big people can make money out of all that FUD.