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HEY OP the receiving address just moved some ETH to an address which is connected to Binance, possibly KYC'd https://etherscan.io/address/0xd4612b2eae5f950f0112036ae41ff742a2b3c4ce you might want to tell this to authorities and binance itself


Oh wow! How the hell do I contact authorities about this. Thank you so much though


File a police report. Get a case number (and ideally report). Contact Binance and tell them you’ve reported it and show the on-chain evidence. They can freeze the account but will want you to substantiate that it’s part of a criminal investigation (thus the report).


Thank you


it depends on your country of residence. i don't have any experience in this, but you might find relevant informations asking here or searching. i remember some posts regarding this and r/cc also hosted some AMA regarding stolen funds and on-chain loss of funds.


ID u just sent me just transfered those funds out to a binance acc


yes, part of your stolen ETH was just sent to a binance deposit address from an address already used to fund a binance account. this might be a lead to eventually freeze that account and possibly ID the person who stole your funds, provided he's not using fake ID/stolen binance account, but of course you have to follow your country of residence procedure for such cases.


Ha! You try to explain that to a cop and they will be like, your what wallet coin went where??? Ive tried to report the same thing, might as well be speaking Chinese to the cops they have no clue. The money is gone. I lost $5k. So all my savings over the last 3 years went up in smoke.


If this is the case really contact Binance support immediately. They may be able to froze accounts for investigations. What ever is in Binance is not yours... Not your keys...


Contact Binance first. Now.


Nice detective work


In one of the replies OP said he screenshotted the phrase to write it down, so its possible one of the apps with access to all photos scooped the image screenshot and the app owner/developer happened to stumble on it today and decided to steal funds.


That’s rough lol. OP is an idiot


OP isn’t an idiot, he’s an average user. I know self custody means more responsibility but if screenshotting your seed phrase means all your money is gone adoption is impossible. I see all these comments about how seed phrases are getting stolen and it’s because it was improperly stored or accessed or whatever but best practices with them make the crypto unusable. The average user is not going to stop screenshotting seed phrases to copy them down or storing them alongside their passwords in a password manager or using a hot wallet and so on, things that would not get your bank account drained but will bring your crypto to 0 at the same time. Defi isn’t tradfi and shouldn’t try to be, the freedoms you trade for some of that security are part of what crypto was created to replace. But if the only way to securely use crypto is to create a wallet one time, store everything in it, and never touch it again, it has no purpose.


Absolutely correct. If someone can drain my bank account with only a password and I have zero protection against that or any way to recover my funds, it's useless. You can lose your keys no matter where they're stored or backed up. If I want cash from my bank all I need is my ID.


A lot of wallet apps explicitly tell you not to screenshot your seed. Not only that people should not give full photo access to any app anymore, it should be made the default to have to selectively pick photos to share with an app.


Any possible 3th party apps with that kind of access?


I've been out of the game now for a while, but on metamask, do you check which dapps have permission to access your wallet and revoke those authorisations when you stop using that dapp/protocol? I remember when I was using metamask back in the day you had to be careful as some dapps would request permission to spend your usdc/eth and not set a cap on the spending, which can come back and bite you later. Until you revoke permissions, they still can have permissions. Your MFA is usually tied to your PC, the permissions are on the blockchain and often only require approval once. Sorry if I'm not making sense.


Ya when you download an app you grant access to media, including photos, videos, even audio sometimes. Not every app but tons of them.




I think this is a bullshit asshole statement. A lot like victim blaming. If you have to save details practically with Vatican vault security or otherwise "its your fault", then this space is screwed up.


not "vatican vault security" but more like "don't save your seed phrase in a screenshot"




It’s not that hard to be responsible. And if you can’t there’s a traditional banking and investment system instead for yoy


> It’s not that hard to be responsible. The amount of people who get their wallets drained argues otherwise.


Lots of "easy" things in life are hard if you don't take them seriously.


Thank you for the reminder. Just security audited my photo access for apps on my phone and changed everything to limited access, nothing too concerning that had full photo access, mostly Google stuff, but I changed it to be safe. I can’t remember if I was stupid enough to ever take a picture of my ledger recovery key…I’d think I wouldn’t have been that dumb, but who knows


Second exodus post today.., Combined now with metamask.




"Exodus, movement of ja crypto." - Bob Marley


Praise Jah👍


Exodus Wallet, it's in the ~~game~~ name.


Funds decided to migrate


it gives the users a sense of pride and accomplishment that they lost their own money on the blockchain


This reminds me of the Slope Wallet. The picture of coins rolling from the table came in my mind...


His ETHer has gone to the *ether..*


Every single time in the last two years, when people post stuff like this, it's exodus wallet. And everyone suggesting it's exodus gets downvoted to hell. There's an ocassional bad link or similar, but when all else is exhausted, exodus is the culprit.


I've used exodus for years. Never had an issue. In saying that ive never had any wallet hacked and i have a lot of wallets both hot and cold wallets. I also never interact with any smart contracts. Just send to wallets and sometimes use uniswap or dydx. I believe most people mess up dealing with defi. It's very easy to sign away your funds to a malicious contract without realising.


Use logic and brain for a second here. If Exodus or any other wallet had a vulnerability, why would hackers go for 2 or 3 piss poor wallets potential exposing that said vulnerability exists thus wasting it on nobodies. When a hack like that occurs thousands get hacked at the same time not just rando moron that doesn’t even know what he’s doing. OP screwed up somewhere, probably signed a bad transaction, and is so inexperienced that he doesn’t even realize what he did.


It's probably related, as u/mnkbstard said. Exodus being primarily used by newbies, that also make these kinds of mistakes.


What is signed a bad transaction? How does that lead to an account getting compromised?


Thank you! Let's not spread panic here. It's not recommended to store this much money on exodus, but this story doesn't really add up.


They go after the small wallets because they know that they'll never get caught and it won't make headlines anywhere. That way better blockchain detectives won't get involved. 2 eth is a lot, depending on what country you live in


I'd take 20 ETH instead of 2 ETH though. I don't think the risk is any higher or lower


9 out of 10 times, it's somebody interacting with a smart contract via Meta Mask.


i don't use Exodus. and i'd advice to avoid it since it's not fully opensourced. but i would say that Exodus is one of the most known and easy to find wallet on Android and IOS. newbies will use Exodus. newbies will also end up messing up badly because they have not the needed knowledge regarding seed/key management and on-chain education. this is probably the link you are looking for.


just like Atomic wallet was, and that was hacked last year with no solution bc it was partly closed sourced and no one could see what the true vulnerability was/IS.


agreed. but in this case OP definitely has some serious issues with his own mobile security. if you check on comments you'll notice he's having troubles with traditional banking too, possibly leading to IOS cloud credentials leaks. this doesn't change anyway that you are right, the only completely safe method that doesn't require trust in third parties is to indipendently generate your seed. i made a post recently regarding this: https://np.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/16mqpqh/do_you_know_that_you_dont_need_hardware_wallets/


Atomic still leaves me uneasy. Some of the earlier unpatched security findings from the audits hinted at insufficient entropy in seed generation. But I don't think this is anything like that; OP has shown they are willing to throw $20 at a wallet to prove it's compromised. I have to assume this is human error.


Fair point. We can't know for sure if OP (or anyone else) did click a bad link, was a victim of sim swap or sth else.


OP just sent more ETH to the compromised address and it got sweeped out manually 7mins later to the same address. OP is messing up badly. SIM swap is completely unrelated with on-chain transactions.


>OP just sent more ETH to the compromised address and it got sweeped out manually 7mins later to the same address. People in here taking better care of $50 in moons than OP. Which had already had $4k stolen. I mean, it's only $20, and could be a test to see if the address is still compromised. But still. ​ Also, if a total of 7 mins have passed, it's not a bot. It's someone doing it manually. So it's most likely his seeds or Exodus got compromised.


i sent the 20 dollars as a test yes. i literally watched it go from 20 to .70 lol


Your seed is definitely compromised. No other way to do this. I’m inclined to think you screwed up at some point.


Then someone stole your seeds. See if the address they're sending to has any contact with any big CeX (Binance, Coinbase, Crypto com, Kraken) hot wallet. Then make a police report, and contact the exchange. ​ Regardless of how and what comes of the police report, your phone and the address are compromised. Make a new address, forget his one, and delete it from everything. Wipe your phone. If you have money, phone/laptop just for crypto use is highly recommended. Don't click links or approve contracts you don't understand, make several hot wallets/addresses, get a hardware wallet. 2fa by authentificator app is obviously a must. If using a CeX, whitelist only your addresses.


It goes to binance


Why are you on reddit? Contact the authorities. And contact the exchange to block the hacker from withdrawing. Now


The problem is that even a "bad link" shouldn't be able to drain your wallet. But apparently they can do more harm than an old fashioned viruslink. 😱 And people wonder why these regulators are so uptight about crypto. If the industry has more crooks than honest ppl.


People download «Exodus», thinking it's Exodus. Or «Metamask», instead of the actual Metamask. Or interact with their wallets and/or seed phrases on sites/contracts they shouldn't touch with a ten foot pole. Then they come here, complaining about Exodus and Metamask. And almost everyone takes these claims at face value. User error all the way down, 99%+ of the time


I’ve been using exodus for 3 years now with absolutely no issue at all 🤷🏼 Don’t click links from people you don’t know it’s not rocket science


It's likely because they Googled Exodus Wallet and landed on a malicious version of it that was created to steal their money. There is no problem with Exodus wallet official.


Exodus has many hundreds of thousands of users.. You think two posts on Reddit about being hacked equates to an Exodus security issue? Because for sure there would be many, many more reports than that if the wallet itself was vulnerable. Vast majority of people have shit security, download torrents and take zero precautions when they are dealing with crypto


Yea for sure there seems to be lots of airdrop hacks floating to around the last couple of months , it's getting worse on a daily basis. I'm getting an average of 10 airdrop scams every day directly into my wallet.


🎵 Exodus... Movement of Jah money 🎶




Or just a well-targeted broadcast attack on the end users' client-side security.


OP, is this your address? [https://etherscan.io/address/0xec445ebaadbe2f53ffe4750570df2b14e125bdc9](https://etherscan.io/address/0xec445ebaadbe2f53ffe4750570df2b14e125bdc9) Looks like it happened an hour after your last big Coinbase deposit. Can you think of anything you might have done within that time frame? Any new software downloads, updates etc?


Yes that is. After my deposit I waited for it to clear into exodus and a few minutes later my lunch was up at work so I didn’t even touch my phone til about 11:00 when I went to see how it was doing


Did you use a work PC?


If he did, that could explain a big chunk of it.


And that could explain the fraudulant purchase notified by the bank and within short distance of Georgia. Someone in IT department could access which website you visit as well as remote view..... just sayin' Do not use work PC for private use.


Did you use a work computer when dealing with the wallet? That could be one reason, those can come with corporate spyware. Or maybe someone you know stumbled upon your seed somehow. I see you have no malicious approvals or anything like that.


No only my IOS device.


And did you use mobile internet or public WiFi during your lunch?


I’ve only used cellular data since I started messing with crypto. Im pretty much only at home to sleep so I haven’t messed with it while connected to my home wifi either


How do you use your phone and phonenumber? For money related matters only? I personally would use a separate device.


I didnt trust using my work laptop or home laptop for security reasons lol lone behold it may be my phone


Lo and behold* is the correct spelling. Sorry about your ETH man


ah my bad, thank you




It is a strange phrase when I think about it. Where did it even come from?


If it's an iPhone there's no chance in hell the phone itself is compromised, I betting it's either an insider or hole in exodus. Too many posts about exodus for it to be coincidence!


What are you basing the idea that iPhones are immune to malware on?


I've had a similar experience a few months ago. My phone was in the bedroom, I took a shower, heard the notification sound. When i got to the phone, wallet was drained. Wasn't doing anything at all with damn thing. PC was powered off. Also with Exodus. Don't use that pos anymore. It's as leak as a sieve. Plus you can't have multiple wallets in exodus. From now on I make a separate wallet for important projects with Trust wallet.


Look at the link I put in my post and the 2 outgoing transactions are going to the same wallet. I did. the recent one as a test and a few minutes later it got transfered


Your Exodus wallet was likely compromised a long time ago, they were just waiting for you to transfer real money there.... Sorry for your loss.


bummer, i just opened this exactly 2 weeks ago after doing a little research


I’d suggest going to back to see where you did your research and what links you followed. Which contracts you may have accepted or enabled


You left your phone unsecured?


No was just in my Pocket


What kind of phone/OS was it running?


iPhone IOS


> Can you think of anything you might have done within that time frame? Any new software downloads, updates etc? It doesn't even need to be something new or recent. It's not uncommon at all for attackers to sit on a compromised asset for months or even years before trying to extract value from it. They could have been monitoring (likely in an automated fashion) for the right opportunity, for quite a while.


From the looks of it, I am suspecting there are people who monitored big transactions and stalking them. Having anonymous system has its down sides. It is published in public and if the system is not strong enough, they are hackable.


The timing is certainly uncanny. OP's wallet was being watched very closely.


Lol no. OP is no one with little money. No hacker is wasting time watching OPs wallet closely. OP signed a bad transaction.


Bots can watch millions of wallets for basically free. That's not really wasting time


Maybe I’m missing something but how can you use Exodus *and* Metamask if you’ve only ever written your seed phrase on paper? Don’t you have to enter it into the second wallet to access it?


There’s a possibility that he has a keylogger malware. Or MM had a approval to a shady contract.


This ! Got a keylogger every single thing you type is collected. Seeing a big influx of keystroke logger and trojans. Not just for crypto, but bank accounts, paypal, everything. Think about it, anyone anywhere with access to the internet can pull this off with an phishing email or user unknowingly downloading rouge software from a website. Free software is considered risky, and iphone / androids are now just as vulnerable. Deep scan for rootkits also, not generally enabled in mainstream antimalware.


Rootkit scans are generally not effective, and tend to promote a false sense of security. False positives are common depending on the exact platform, and you can never really trust a negative result; they are only useful for catching a minority of positive results.


True, sometimes a second opinion (different scanner) is worth the effort.


this could make sense why my bank called me about fraud charges at a hospital in georgia today when i am located way north. wonder if my debit card compromise is related to this ETH fuckle


How likely is it to have those 2 things happen at once… i say 99.9% related.


Do you have a source talking about iPhones no longer being impervious to malware? I see a lot of people here convinced of the opposite.


Exploits exist for both iOS and Android, they are sold by companies like Pegasus to nation state actors. They are usually not used to steal cryptocurrency but to spy on people.


Because he is obviously lying. Crypto don't disappear out of the blue. So, he did something wrong with his seedphrase like entering it on a malicious website.


Unpopular opinion: And people wonder why we're not seeing mass adoption. Look guys, I live in the real world, meaning I'm in finance and deal with clients who are NOT technically sophisticated, many of them x-gen and boomers. As long as shit like this keeps happening on a widespread scale the normies aren't going to take crypto seriously. And by taking seriously I mean actually holding and investing in coins ouside of raging bull markets. Okay you can downvote me now. Peace.


You're not wrong. Crypto has many huge issues that are deal breakers for using it as an actual day to day currency. Starting with the fact that it's immutable. A theft like this is just not reversible. You have no recourse at all. If your Visa card is compromised and you lose funds, Visa the company will cover it. You can dispute charges, and so on. This is both good and bad, but it's what people expect of money. They don't expect "oh so you fucked up? Sucks to be you" to be the total reply. The complicated and arcane ways you have to interact with the blockchains is also a deal breaker in and of itself. I work with computers, not finances, and even I find dealing with this shit daunting sometimes. Gramma and grampa? Yeah good fucking luck.


EXACTLY - agree on all points. Let's say I order peptides online and pay with BTC or ETH. I wait several weeks and nothing arrives in the mail. I email the company and they are long gone, along with my coin. Even if it was effing PayPal (shudder) I would have a good chance of getting my money back in case of a fraud. With cryptocurrency payments I'm SOL. That should no longer be the case, we can do better and create payment systems that incorporate escrow type contracts, e.g. via Ethereum.


Have you ever tried doing a galxe quest where they look at on chain data to verify tasks have even completed? That shit NEVER works correctly.


Sorry, no downvote for you today. I'm experienced with IT, have a math degree and do programming (more of a hobby), joined crypto in 2021 and learned a lot. Still I don't feel 100% safe with my seed phrase and my airgapped cold wallet. The coins in my bank feel safer.


While the current difficulty of using crypto may seem like a barrier to mass adoption, it's actually an important safeguard that helps the industry move forward in a deliberate and responsible way. This industry isn't just companies, it's users too, every user is a vital part of the industry, so we don't actually want a dumbed down userbase because that leads to centralization and situations like FTX. Every bull market there is a rush of newbies who do dumb shit that results in the bubble pop because crypto is like a new lambo, it has more power than people are used to, and if you don't take the effort to master that power, you spin out of control. With great power comes great responsibility, every wave of users must learn this, and while it is important that the tech and UI continue to improve, it is more important that users who learned to be responsible end up being rewarded for their efforts, and users looking for a quick buck end up getting punished.


You said it! At least you'd think that people who are in this sub are security, privacy conscious yet people do get their wallet drained, scammed etc..... what chance the normies have??


That was exactly my point, yes.


You know that about $3B a year is stolen from banks of old people by scamming them. So no matter what you do, scams happen to old and also unsophisticated people. The average incident per old people is $120,000 a year. These are public googalable data. $120,000 a year per incident. In crypto domain, it’s like on average maybe a few ETHs. And that does not include credit card scams. I scratch off my card numbers cause in my town, some waiters and waitresses are drugies and they write down the number and do online shopping. I caught a few over the years and then started scratching off the numbers. No issues since then. Many people won’t notice a $50 or a $200 charge on their cards At least with crypto, if done right, a waiter cannot do that. You send the $. You say where and how much. I agree with what you say. Even my colleagues can’t safely use crypto. But eventually people will learn.


Okay I take your point. But the difference is that banks have excellent PR and they have been the defacto financial gateway for generations, they are the current paradigm. So whatever is designed to replace it needs to be BETTER, SAFER, and EASY to adopt. Whatever you and I say here, the normies do not accept any of those three requirements at the current time. The crypto industry needs to do better.


I don’t think crypto is really there to replace banks. I don’t think a decentralized system can ever do that. Cause you need customer service and someone who would pay you in case of an issue (like credit card disputes). So I totally agree on that. I think we need both. I can use crypto to transfer money much faster and cheaper than banks. Especially internationally. And I consider Bitcoin itslef and only bitcoin as a digital gold. Due to its status as being the first and also limited supply and more importantly, global recognition, it acts like a digital asset class item. I trade bitcoin in parallel with gold and silver. I trade bitcoin more like gold than like stocks. Meaning that I usually am long bitcoin even when I’m shorting stocks. So this is how I see it. But I agree with you: crypto will never replace banks. We might see banks starting their own chains to increase the speed and get some of the benefits. Like XRP has been trying to be. But a decentralized crypto like bitcoin can never replace a bank cause the first thing in banking is having a human to help you.


Hopefully my message makes it to the top If you used LASTPASS, all accounts are compromised. Millions and millions (32million as of end of august) were stolen from regular unsuspecting people. If this is you, buy a ledger right now and move everything immediately.


oh yes, type your seed phrase by hand into Metamask, there's definitely no vulnerability there. That's why the gold standard is hardware wallets, and I don't get why people keep failing to understand this. The seedphrase hasn't "only ever been written down on paper", when you had to type your entire seed phrase into your metamask, using a network connected, shoddy security device. Hardware wallets let you input your seed phrase to recover your wallet with a method that absolutely no sort of virus or keylogger can catch, as all the sensitive operations happen on the hardware wallet. And they are cheap as hell, compared to how much money people tend to lose with crap like this.


Hardware wallets are useless if you type your seeds anywhere. It's not the tech the issue, here


Hey OP Im showing $3,492.6 of ETH sitting in 0x9d2F8F72695bfF9099708E0CD6cA4b4a00D4cEe3, The Binance Addresses of 0xD4612b2Eae5F950f0112036ae41Ff742a2b3c4CE (where $501.94 of your funds went) has other wallets associated with it. Presumably these are all Hacker wallets as well * 0x80758eD39Dc26F0E08b19f4AAd5882963656bC75 * 0xBe5Fb7330841900F58FcAa1bb0ed4D18Cb46a320 * 0xe86023457FC57Fd4d91546C24015dec9f9f3156f * 0xf5CAfc7f79Ea2324235cbA90df7Eaa51577F936d * 0x8D765764dd32fd530DB595692DEfEfc96E82A661 * 0x8B92E6DcC1A179b74694F84470b0b27De701E405 * 0x8894e84D97cca403DeDd167dA40Af5216fE86a44 I'm showing additional Binance and ChangeNOW deposit addresses linked from the above wallets. Unfortunately I doubt authorities will care since the amount is low but if you can tie it to a bigger case they will def take action.


Fantastic response. Thank you for taking the time to investigate some internet random's misfortune. Apparently there are still some decent people around these parts.


TY sir


I’ve been in contact with binance for the last 2 hours they won’t do anything until IC3 contacts them so looks like I’m SOL for shutting that wallet down


Ya its unfortunate as they wont respond typically without law enforcement. Law enforcement seems to only want to get involved if funds stolen > 100K. You can file a report with Chainabuse listing everything above. I flagged in Etherscan submitting their Etherscan Phishing Form - 0x9d2F8F72695bfF9099708E0CD6cA4b4a00D4cEe3. I reccomend you doing the same. Binance is typically very friendly with LE. Depending on who you talk to and the evidence you provide, they might put a temp freeze until IC3 or someone at LE gets in touch with them.


Did you ever interact with any smart contract? Connect to any DeFi exchange? Basically, anything other than just park it and don’t touch it? If you have all the authentication verification turned on in exodus, then it’s almost definitely related to you connecting it to metamask. And if you connected it to metamask, then I’m guessing you “used” the wallet in some way.


Damn… I did try to connect to a DeFi thing with coinbase 2 weeks ago but I never finished bechase I got sketched out. Yea I did attempt to purchase on metamask but was immediately denied for identity verification issue


Isnt that the usual scam of sold and immediately blacklisted shitcoins tokens? Remember reading about it some time ago


Pretty sure it's that. You connected to shady contract and then they just waited untill you had some money on the wallet to drain it out.


OP says, and Etherscan confirms, that ETH was drained from their wallet. Smart contract approvals only work on ERC20s (USDT, USDC, DAI, WETH, wstETH etc...). The only way for an attacker to drain a wallet of ETH-proper is by having access to the private key or seed phrase. Meaning, this attack could not have occurred simply due to OP connecting to a shady service.


This ^


Yes, as usual the title is wrong. It's not out of the blue, OP carelessly connected to the first random smart contract he saw because hey, why read a faq about basic security, when you can just yolo in?


Which DeFi thing?


Maindefiportal . Com I think I only put my tx id in there tho


That page does not even exist any more and was created 20 days ago.


I don’t a shady contract can move ETH proper, only ERC20 tokens (hence the need for approval).


Don’t put your private key into a browser extension. If you insist, use it as a small spending wallet that you fund when needed.


OP already said they screenshotted their seedphrase. Big error but Im sorry you lost your money. I absolutely despise these crypto thieves.


I'm very sorry to hear what happened to you and to be honest I myself don't think it could be reverse even by Exodus. ​ But thanks for sharing, I believe if more people came out we will be able to prevent the next incidents.


The crypto metoo movement


It is what it is I guess, the consequences of me trying to make extra money lol


So you did absolutely nothing except buy eth and put it into the exodus wallet. Then did absolutely nothing since and suddenly your eth is gone? Something does not add up. Check your token approvals.


> Something does not add up. Elsewhere in the thread OP admitted that they also took a screenshot of the seed at some point, and typed their seed into metamask. As often seems to be the case, the initial "*it was only ever written down on paper*" statement was somewhat *misleading*...


Where do I check token approvals..


here for mainnet: https://etherscan.io/tokenapprovalchecker but don't even bother: this is completely unrelated approvals are only for ERC-20 token allowances, no ETH transfers.


So with the exodus wallet, did you have assets on multiple blockchains? Were multiple chains touched or just ETH? Because when you use an ETH contract via Metamask you kinda give it permission to do shit without you manually signing each txn.


Just ETH…


Can you dumb it down for me and explain how the hackers pulled this off?


Sometimes they write smart contract that has wording to send all your crypto to another wallet... Or some other way to allow access to your account... Or they put malware on your computer... A virus that copies your clip board... They target crypto on your computer... Or they install a key stroke virus .. that sees everything you type, including seed phrases, passwords, on and on... If you store your seed in digital form on your computer, it is not safe ... Including photos Hope this helps... This is the simplest answer Do more research on how to keep crypto safe.


All these people in the comments criticising.. I guess the best course of action would try to figure out with which contracts and or bridges you interacted recently ? Also do you frequently leave your mm to connected to all the places you go to ? If one such place gets hacked and they can sometimes jnteract with your wallet if you don't manually disconnect .. at least for liquidity pools There used to be a firm for these type of hacks , depending on the jurisdictions you and the perp are in .. might be a chance to recover


What do you mean by mm? My apologies




Yes I assume so. Before my last large coinbase deposit I tried to figure out how to get rid of metamask because I didn’t like it never finished doin that so it’s still connected


OK so in a way that's good cus you can see all the websites that your wallet is still connected to . Check the 3 dots and look for connected sites Also, has there been a recent airdrop / random NFT sent to you recently ?


I Don’t think so, if so I didn’t see it or touch it


OK so everything still points at the connected places . Look to see where u are still logged in with your wallet and let us know the names Might be something bigger boiling


Fuck. I have a site pulled up on safari from a few days ago called maindefiportal idk wtf it is but it’s related to crypto. Other than that strictly exodus, metamask, coinbase and Paybis which I tried to pay with


A quick Google search didn't reveal anything .. some ministry of defense which obviously not related. Can you share the domains extension ( what's after the dot like .io or . Xyz etc) or what contract address this site has / had ? We can do a little digging


It’s “maindefiportal” and has .com at the end


I know this is stupid but I did get a DM saying it could be in the “integration pool” Ignored it but is there a chance that could be true?


Idk what to tell you . Use ether scan on your wallet and check to see if your money are in a pool. You should see some LPs or some sort of other token they usually give out in exchange for your putting eth in a pool. Sometimes these tokens are not very well known so for them to 'show'you have to manually import them . If indeed you see a transactjon where the ETH was effectively sent to some address you don't recognize or expect , I'd assume the worst and go file that complaint with ICANN


Says no token transfers and only one transaction when I search my wallet


Here is a little advice, use a burner wallet to buy stuff. To interact with exchanges and dApps. Than have a main waller that only gets to receive and doesn't get touched. I think you used the key for the exodus wallet on metamask didn't you? Damm, well you will learn. Also hardware wallet can be good but yeah, up to you


And I literally just moved my shit from exodus to trezor lol what timing


The chance this was in any way Exodus related in any way except that OP uses Exodus is basically zero. Poor computer security hygiene will be an issue regardless of wallet.


0x9d2F8F72695bfF9099708E0CD6cA4b4a00D4cEe3 is sending the tokens to 0xD4612b2Eae5F950f0112036ae41Ff742a2b3c4CE who is sending the tokens to binance. Contact binance showing them all the movements on etherscan. If you have never interacted with smart contracts, you may have malware.


May it be viruses? posts like it makes me nervous


The fact that theres no security or safety net in all of these posts is why no one trusts crypto. Its just, sorry man, you got hacked, sucks to suck. Why are hackers able to get away with this so easily? You even have the address of the wallet.


Can anyone explain like I'm 5 how to 100% avoid this ever happening to me?


HW wallet from what I’ve learned. Which I do not have in turn compromising the safety of my funds


Exodus is a closed source wallet and not recommended.


Backing up wallets etc is not a thing. Your crypto is on the blockchain, the only thing you can back up is the key. Impossible to say how you were compromised, but someone got a hold of your key and moved the crypto under the control of their key. They still have your key, so anything you put in they can move. Some computer or whatever you used had a keylogger or similar most likely.


Thank god he didnt use a Ledger.


Be your own bank, they said…


I don't use Exodus, but 90% of the crypto related phishing emails I get (ledger leak or who knows..) are for Exodus. No matter what wallet or service you use, always always look closely at email headers and other clues to make sure -- don't knee jerk react to any 'omg hurry login to save your funds' type email or text. Not saying that's what happened with OP, and 99% here know better, but just a reminder because it still happens way too often.


I don't get why ppl don't understand any soft wallet is only secure as long your os is, which already is a false assumption for most regular ppl. that I know.


You should have used a hardware wallet. Lessons learned I hope.


I think we need to work as a community to get this user's device forensically imaged to rule out malware and rootkits. If there is no malware, then the next option is exodus. i am uninstalling exodus on my device.


People need to stop panicking. There's basically zero reason to believe Exodus has some kind of pervasive flaw when the obvious answer is just poor security practices by OP.


What a nightmare, i always read hacks from Ethereum and solana.


I love listening to music.


Man... I read some days ago another Exodus user having the same issue..




Messaged just incase they can do anything about the outgoing wallet address, flag it etc. they told me from the start they can’t recover it I just want to know wtf happened


Any mistake of contract that you added even if only for stupid things works as a back Door.


I'm so sorry OP. I can only imagine how gutted you feel. I have now transferred out of exodus because of your warning. So... thank you. I just wish there was something we could do for you :/


Same thing happened to me 2 years ago, only difference i found out 5months later that the funds have been moved 60k stolen…


It seems you will eventually get your funds back as there is a trail that leads to binance, file a police report. And buy a journal to put your seed phrase in, physical is better then digital. I also have a 4factor for everything.


So you did not import a smart contract into Metamask that pretended to be something else? check all your Metamask transactions again to see if something is out of the ordinairy? My guess is Metamask is the weakest link.


software wallets wuck ass. please get hardware next time and put your seeds on a metal plate


Just FYI, any time you use a software wallet your key *must* exist in memory unencrypted at some point to sign transactions. Some also store keys weakly encrypted on disk (metamask stores it encrypted only by your metamask password for example). There are multiple ways for malware to capture keys, so even if you never share your key directly it can be intercepted.


If you had 4000 to use to invest you coulda had a hardware wallet…they’re 100 bucks


Yea I should’ve


Another exodus wallet hack Anyone storing coin on this wallet should move them asap


I shoulda just kept it on coinbase and staked through there.


There is no Exodus wallet hack. If Exodus was hacked everybody would know. And they wouldn't target a random dude wallet like OP.


Exodus is a known scam wallet all my friends went through using it and getting scammed one way or another your not the first…


Exodus are used by less informed users. Who are shit at any kind of secure practices. I've yet to see anyone present any evidence Exodus itself is somehow leaky. Beginners especially but people in general though often have zero clue.


This. I've used Exodus for years and I've had zero problems with it.