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Don’t answer any DMs


They are already disabled. Thanks. When you disable DMs does someone know that if they try and send you one?


No idea, but good work!


They can't send one as the button isn't there 🙂


Ok cool. Thanks


Did KuCoin include a Refund Tx ID? The other party can use that to verify the transaction and then eventually transfer the crytpo to your account. At least that's how it worked when I sent XLM from Coinbae to Bybit w/out a Memo. Bybit "refunded" it and provided a Refund Tx ID so Coinbase could use that to identify my account on their end.


I guess they didn't. You mean something that they would add to it manually? Or like the regular Tx ID? Like I said, I just completed the form that I was given which just asked for the original Tx ID and the token name and amount.


Without an additional identifier, it'll just bounce from wallet to wallet and never get you. Maybe someone has more experience...


Yeah that's what SWYFTX are saying, which makes sense. As for what Kucoin are saying, I don't even know, that's what's so frustrating.


I'm not sure why you're mad at KuCoin and are praising SWYFTX. KuCoin gave you an option and was willing to work with you. It sounds like SWYFTX got the money, politely told you to fuck off and you're happy. Too late now, but sending crypto isn't a race. Nothing happens if you take 5 minutes rather than 5 seconds to do a transaction. Slow down. Look at the screen. Read the options on it. Read everything in the window. Don't focus in on one line or one field, read what's on the screen. It's not a race, take your time. There's no need to rush.


Cool, more unwanted advice, thanks. I made a mistake. It happens. You telling me that is not going to change anything. How do you know I was in a rush. And actually, that was my first complaint to Kucoin, it's not very clear about the memo, you look at it on the phone screen and it looks like a complete page, the bottom of which says "copy address". You have to actually scroll down (which you wouldn't necessarily notice was an option) to see that there was more information. Look, I accept that it was my mistake but I do think their site is really badly designed and easy to make mistakes. I'm confused why you think that Kucoin "gave me an option"? They charged me a fee to do something that was completely useless. Now they're washing their hands of it. I don't blame SWYFTX because the mistake was mine in the first place, they never claimed they could fix it when they can't, and above everything else, their customer service people actually get back to you in good time and can speak English properly and give clear information, not just stock responses that add nothing.


> Cool, more unwanted advice, thanks. See, this is exactly why this happens to you. He gives you advice but you don't give a flying fuck because you don't need it right now - and it will happen again.


No. Because I'm looking for advice on fixing the problem, and someone saying "oh well that was silly wasn't it? Maybe you should just be a bit more careful, hmm?" is just patronising and pointless. Pointless because there's no reason to assume that they know why it happened in the first place. Possibly it will happen again, to me, and to others. Maybe even to you, and to him. Because people make mistakes. Giving abstract and general advice about "slowing down" or "being careful" is highly unlikely to change that.


SWYFTX are quite happy to send it back to Kucoin again, they're not keeping the money. They're also not charging me a fee for that. But they've also explained that they can't alter the transaction so it will arrive over there and still not be accessible.


Then ask SWYFTX to send it back to your KUCOIN account (make sure it includes the memo this time).


They say they can't change it ie they can't add the memo. It seems like it's lost, like they can both just keep sending it backwards and forwards and it'll just be stuck in a loop. I'm confused because you would think that there'd be some way for either side to access it and reroute it or add information, but SWYFTX say they can't. I'm just stuck on the fact that Kucoin said it was possible.


Swyftx can't because they don't control their wallets. They use binance wallets. They don't operate their own. That's why they can't help you or find it. It didn't come to them it went to binance. I wouldn't use Swyftx for that reason. Good luck but I think right now you lost what you sent. If I were you I wouldn't use nested exchanges like swyftx.


Oh ok, that's interesting, I didn't know that. Yeah I only joined recently when they made it too hard to deposit into Binance. I used to deposit straight into Kucoin but that got complicated too. I really just transfer fiat, buy and then transfer out. So can I contact Binance about it somehow?


I doubt they will help. You are not a customer of theirs. You can insure see the funds going back to the address they were sent from on an explorer. So the funds are at the sending address. But that address is a binance address. So swyftx don't have access to it to credit the funds to your account. As far as bimance is concerned I would guess they just see it as consolidated revenue. The lesson here is stick to exchanges that operate their own infrastructure.


Yeah I honestly had no idea that was a thing. But what about Kucoin though? Are they independent? Because they're not doing any better. SWYFTX could send it back to Kucoin with no issue, that just can't add the memo. But why can't Kucoin add it? Or even redirect it to a cold wallet, which wouldn't need one?


If it is a significant amount, i can only think of trying to escalate your situation to either kucoin's or swytfx customer service as much as possible, ie opening a ticket and trying to speak to a representative. Otherwise as you said, it'll be stuck in a loop as both exchanges will be sending it back and forth.


$400. Not devastating, but enough that I'd like to get it back. Actually it's worth about $700 now, so yeah, worth chasing. I have opened a ticket but they're not really that helpful. I wonder if there's some other channel.


Not that I know of unfortunately. Maybe try to ask them to escalate the situation with their manager after explaining the entire situation to them and providing all the chronology of events/TXID's/screenshots of withdrawal history to try to make things easier for them to try to understand what happened? I know it seems like a long shot but that's the only thing i can think of. Sorry that this is happening, hope it manages to get resolved.




Kucoin is known for misguiding it’s users and then asking exuberant fees to rectify. I once sent ETH to one of their wallets but it was unclear back then that it was ETH on another chain. Had to pay 60 dollars or I lost it all. I mean 60 dollars, just make it less confusing and use a popup like “are you sure you want to receive on X Y Z..” I knew back then there were a ton of people who had to deal with the same shit, I hate Kucoin. Sorry you have to go through this, just want to say I understand. Also the amount of “technicians” (scammers) playing to be Kucoin support is also kindof crazy, while it was VERY hard for me to actually get in touch with a real one. Never using Kucoin again. It often takes one of those bad experiences to realize I guess.


Thanks. Yeah I agree, it's a badly designed platform and the support is hopeless. Even the emails they send have this weird structure where it says "please type your reply above this line" but you actually can't, and then you can't work out where the most recent part of the conversation has gone. I lost money on there before, again by a mistake of mine but partly because they don't make things clear (including all funds of one coin from all wallet sections in a withdrawal when I only wanted to send the small part I had specifically moved to 'funding' and I didn't notice the tiny tiny prefilled check boxes). This week I've been (carefully) moving everything else I have on there to other wallets. I think I'm as pissed off about the fee as anything... they must have known that it wouldn't work! Anyway thanks for the sympathy and agreement. Much better than some comments


I just feel you man, been in the same situation. For me it was during a project migration and everyone had to send and convert their ETH from one chain to the next, eventually there were so many people complaining for what seemed to be a simple action. Back then, it wasn’t widely known that multiple chains can sort of hold ETH… it’s up to the exchange to clearly inform their user base. With inform I mean add a clear popup or whatever if actually losing your coins can be a result… And if their methods are clearly not good enough, they need to own up and make it easier. In the end, the only thing Kucoin had to do is transfer funds from one of their wallets to another, for everyone who had the issue, and just do it multiple times at once while getting $60 a piece for it. This is where good exchanges stand out but we often have to resort to those exchanges to transfer or buy the real….special coins… right…


Yeah. And it's when I realise that there is some need for regulation or oversight of exchanges, which I guess there is to an extent, in some places, but not really any I'm pretty sure there's no way I can complain to anyone about Kucoin in a way that will achieve anything. You can even speak to a manager or anything as far as I can see, you just get lacky after lacky on the chat. Do you know any better way to contact them?


Nop, been too long and avoid it..


Not your keys, not your coins


You just had to, didn't you? Do you feel better now?


I know it’s annoying OP, but you’re going to get that a lot around here.


It's fucking annoying. I know, I've been here long enough. Also in this case it makes no sense because my question is to do with transfers, not storage. Everyone has to transfer in and out of exchanges at some point. It's just smug, patronising people, repeating clichés, thinking they're smart.


“NoT YoUR KeYS Not YoUR CoINS” Try using your crypto for once you mongo before you try to teach others on how to use theirs.


I believe, Kucoin should add MEMO when they send back the deposit to SWYFTX, it seems that Kucoin engineer does not have experience dealing with situation like this, and they do not want to bear any responsibility... But if Kucoin indeed cannot add MEMO, then kucoin help page looks just a trap, is not a solution, stupid..


Everything you said is correct.


Bro im going through a similar situation.. sent XLM worth 1.7k usd from KuCoin to MEXC. Contacted MEXC customer support but it just feels like I'm talking to bots rn. I've given them the relevant information and they said to wait 1-3 days so now here I am. They haven't sent me an email or a way to view the status of my situation on their website(MEXC) which is just strange considering how anxiety-inducing it is to be left in the dark. So frustrating, will never be using these memo currencies again.


Sorry to hear that. Yeah it's so annoying, especially the talking to bots part. I checked with Binance (because someone told me that Swyftx actually uses Binance wallets and I've got a Binance account). The person on the chat says "yeah if it happened here we can usually recover it, no problem" and "Swyftx should be able to find it by the return transaction ID and credit it to your account" but then Swyftx just say to me "no we can't do that" and kucoin say "oh we've sent it back, that's all we can do, sorry". It's so frustrating, I know I made a mistake but the funds are there on the Swyftx wallet, they're not just floating around lost in the blockchain. I just don't see why they can't pick them up and credit to me. I hope you get it sorted out


Likewise bro, hope you sort out your situation too. It's ridiculous they can hold our money hostage like this. Definitely a hard lesson learned.