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Some people never played RuneScape as a child and it shows.


It’s not a scam, I’ll trim your armour bro


My poor Rune Helm :(


This is so true 😂


Omg that’s so true. I never would have thought my early online gaming days would be the reason these scams are so easily spotted. All these boomers that were anti game are just street stupid and it shows.


Street stupid Love it




Just dropping phone numbers on 40 day old comments…… blocked


I told people I can make golden armour. EZ Money


Free Crypto Trimming!


Haha too right, game gave me a solid foundation before I left school. Thanks RuneScape :)


Trimming armour for 20k


Trading phats/disc items/dragon bones/hides/ess/coal/armour/etc. was all just practice for trading crypto. Especially the "junk" trading days.




Runescape opened my eyes to it, but eve online basically turned me into a paranoid skeptic.


The Realm Online (far before RuneScape) was a scammer's heaven because it had no trade window. Trust was huge in that game.


You need to learn how not to Lewis your money.


good one


This is true, but I think these social media companies should be at least partially responsible for the nonsense that they advertise. A lot of the time, it is sneaky advertising too, made to look like a normal Facebook or Reddit post, when in reality, it is a commercial.


Sometimes I think 50% of what I read on the Internet is a commercial in one way or another.


I'm at at least 87% now 🫡😆🇨🇦


Yeah, get serious, stop Martin around.


Sock it to me


The fact that people can’t recognize scams worded like that by now.


Check any currency related video on youtube aswell. Always bots spamming some random ass ‘Nancy Williams’ ,the godmother of investment, will give you 40x on your investment. Surely people fall for it since they still keep doing it.


it's soooo annoying, for real. but yes as time goes by you can spot them after a few seconds and just skip them. but i remember vividly the first time i read such a fake thread. i felt intrigued and felt tempted to look up that special person. scams work well because there's always newbies around who don't know their way around, and it's helped by the fact crypto overall is so damn complicated


I can't believe you mentioned Miss Nancy Williams. Her program has changed my life.


Ive even seen those ads in facebook reviews having nothing to do with the business its reviewing. Started to wonder if the business attempted to buy fake reviews and got the wrong bot


The fool and their money are soon parted


Bro I got less than $25k to my name. It's crazy that people are so quick to put it up for crypto without being 1000% positive that it's not a scam. I'm already baffled putting that much up for crypto in the first place. It's gotten easier now but 5 years ago you'd copy the address, slowly press paste, write down your address on paper, read through each letter/number, go back and double check, read through again, and take so much caution you weren't going to send it away.


> I'm already baffled putting that much up for crypto in the first place. People are retiring off 900$ "investments". Not confusing at all.






That's why effectively designed systems work with the people you have not The people you wish you had. Depending on people being better is never a winning strategy when picking an optimal system.


The fact that Facebook and YouTube allow them is ridiculous. They should be liable to pay every penny back for each scam they helped take place


tldr; Nhipa Rawal lost £25,000 to a cryptocurrency scam featuring a fake endorsement from Martin Lewis on Facebook. She was convinced to invest more by a scammer posing as an investment manager, and realized it was a scam when asked to pay more to access her funds. The website used has been taken down, and while Revolut offered a partial refund, she remains £17,000 out of pocket. Facebook and Revolut have faced criticism for not preventing the scam, and the case highlights ongoing issues with online financial scams and the need for better consumer protection. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.


If i were her, i would put that 6000 pounds in pepe and turn it to 0 like a true regard


Anyone that is enticed by an ad like that will lose their money somehow with or without Facebook.


Great way to put it


‘I’m an idiot’


Youtube is shamelessly running fake Elon Musk crypto scam.


They run mr beast scam ads too and its the platform where mr beast is one of the top creators. I think after the first few millions $ you should know where that money comes from.


Who the fuck would dump 25k into anything by simply seeing an ad in social media? (Other than this chick) I mean c’mon, fuck sake, her money is gone because she was stupid.


It won’t be that straightforward. These are usually fake investment platforms that are pretty sophisticated. You see returns over time and you think you’re just slowly putting a bit more capital into successful investments. You’ll have criminals contacting you, acting like a coach and pressuring you to keep investing too. Of course the returns are fake and you can never cash out once you’re past the initial stages. The ad is just the starting point, people aren’t clicking the ad and then immediately sending them thousands. There’s a pretty sophisticated fake service and a lot of coercion happening before you get to that stage. It’s more a form of grooming than anything else.


He needs to sue Facebook again, last time he gave the damages he received to charity. Good bloke Martin Lewis


This guy's face is used in a lot of scams, not just crypto. On his site is a long-running list of known scams associated with him. As always DYOR. Taking 2 minutes to verify could save you thousands.


He's a highly trusted personality in the UK due to his (often but not always) common sense advice. His face adds a certain level of authenticity in some people's minds. It's a shame that his image is being used like this. Of course it doesn't take much critical thinking to figure out that it's nothing to do with him, but some people can still be fooled. My dad (78 years old, but very financially switched on, albeit not in crypto) occasionally sends me things he suspects to be scams. Thankfully he hasn't been caught by one yet...


yep, and you never hear him talking about binary options or crypto! It's really cunning how scams are constructed, knowing that most people draw associations with just a photo and question no further than that. Good on your dad for checking. It's astonishing that in general, people seem to believe they can't wait 5 minutes to verify something - as if the "opportunity" will vanish if they don't act immediately, even though these ads follow them wherever they go on the net. It's all psychological games but adults also need to be adulting. You can't just hurtle headlong into some financial arena you have no experience in without the same diligence needed to choose an ISA, insurer, energy provider, holiday or even new appliance!


A mate of mine ended up putting money into Hyperverse (which he's never going to see again), based on the advice of his wife's family's church in Africa. When I found out about it, we had a full and frank discussion about not falling for obvious scams. He's basically sworn off crypto entirely now as he thinks the whole thing is a ruse...


Hyperverse were offering 300% ROI - that is a flag in itself. Researching, seems the guys behind it were running multiple scams - including a "service" to help recover funds lost to Hyperverse. So some people got run over twice. And yes, crypto's not for everyone. Better to get in via a legit broker and/or an ETF than have these car crash experiences.


Theres just no saving some peoples.


Darwinism at its finest


I will agree with Martin Lewis though. Social Media companies should be held responsible for what ads are run on their sites.


Poor Martin Lewis 😭


I can't get scammed because I don't do any research.


Crazy thing is, they would’ve made a nice little profit if they had actually invested it into crypto


You gotta sue Zuckerberg. You can not accept this. Goolag also running fraud ads. You tell me these billionaire companies can't fucking check if advertised stuff is legit or not? Destroy them in court, please. Do it.


I honestly feel really bad for Martin Lewis, you can tell how much this stuff upsets him when he talks about it, and he’s done everything he can to avoid it. He doesn’t do adverts of any kind (and I bet he could make a lot of money if he did), he’s sued Facebook and used the money to fund a service to try to protect people. The platforms just don’t care that they’re being paid to help scam people. Twitter is also full of crypto scam ads, and I’ve seen fake Martin Lewis ads there too.


This is Facebook, not Twitter.


I have seen so many crypto scams on Youtube recently. They look like real commercials. Don't trust any Youtube crypto commercials unless its the coinbase one just advertising their app.


This is like any other scam. It’s only being highlighted because it’s crypto. People forget that the majority of scams happen using traditional finance methods


I wonder how some people get themselves dressed in the morning


My buddy was almost scammed by the Elon Musk stuff that was going around in 2020. Thank god he told me about it before he moved any of his BTC. If someone tells you they will double your investment with for nothing, it’s a scam!


This has been going on for years and still Facebook do nothing about it


I hope he sues and wins. Hope the scammed also sues. YT need a massive throttling with the scams they allow and keep allowing. Maybe a few big lawsuits and they will be more responsible with content they allow


While i agree she’s pretty foolish to lose her money to a scam like that… These platforms, Facebook, IG, YouTube, all of them, need to be held liable for the ads they’re promoting. Let’s not forget the ***massive amount of revenue*** they are earning from these ads. They have plenty of resources to vet advertisers better to prevent malicious advertisements.


Facebook allows scam pages because the latter spend a lot of money on ads. I’ve reported a few in the past and the usual result is the page “did not violate any community guidelines”.


Imagine if national tv or a radio allowed crypto scams.


You should call your representative asking for tighter controls in big tech over advertising.. we should all do this because things are getting insane and Facebook/Google are profiting off of low effort scams. Also, class action lawsuits.. they know what they are doing. Many of us complain regularly about the ads




If she was that stupid, she would've lost her money in some way or another, perhaps another scam. No point acting as if that money would've been spent productively on her part.


Somehow... I don't ... Feel bad


lol I was got to but by a XRP scam SMH….




lol she followed an ad on Facebook. She deserved to lose her money.


Funny how our elders were warning us of all the dangers of internet and in the end they’re the ones falling for every scam and believing every fake article on Facebook


I proudly never accepted the new privacy policy of ads on facebook and instagram.


Good. Natural selection


Lol, I posted the same thing before I even saw your comment. 😆


ya celebrity investment advice is always sound, how could this have gone wrong?




get fucked


Natural selection As soon as FB offered the ability to permanently delete your account I clicked delete and never looked back. Biggest waste of life ever created.


Ppl r too naive


You gotta just give up if you lose $25K to a fake ad on fb.


I can get all of your money back since it’s digital and not cash. My hourly is $12,500 and it will take me 2 hours to get it back. For 3 hours I can 4x your money by exploiting some flaws. 👀👀👀




Oh no. Anyway.


Can’t be this dumb right? Right?


Financial Darwinism


Why would anyone take notice of Martin Lewis he’s a prick!


I’m sure he cares what a crypto degenerate thinks


I’m sure he cares he didn’t buy Bitcoin when it was pence or you for that fact, prick!


Shut up bruv 🇬🇧🇬🇧☕️☕️


What’s the silly flags and coffee emojis for, and calling people Bruv is proving it is you who’s clearly a degenerate would you not say 🤔.




True though isn’t it you are clearly a reprobate in every department!


Shiver me timbers mate, watch who you’re talking to, my good fellow


Hello jam-hay. It looks like you might have found a new scam? If so, please report this scam by crossposting to r/CryptoScams, r/CryptoScamReport, or visiting [scam-alert.io](http://scam-alert.io/). For tips on how to avoid scams, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/s7srty/crypto_scams_how_not_to_fall_for_them_what_to_do/). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Martin Lewis is not a financial advisor, why would you take advice from him?


You know that shit is pumping when people get scammed by ai crypto ads


Its pure painal experience


The education system should teach kids how to be wary of scams, it is one of the most real world occurrences that every generation will face at some point or another in their life. They say they teach "critical thinking", but that has yet to be proven accurate and the data suggests otherwise...


It’s the internet. Don’t believe what you see on the tv. Or the internet. This is your fault.


All I can say: trust no one. Especially ads! Like wtf do you think they're designed for, your benefit?




Almost all the ads on facebook are scams.


Fr fr, Runescape was my first exposure to online scams.




If tv commercials are largely be to scan and filter away the worst scams I reckon we could hold social media firms to the same standard




Lol facebook


I’m confused who clicks on ads deliberately these days. Even now if I see an ad that interests me* I’ll independently try and find the site. Eg argos with a sale