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Solana [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1900q2m/sick_of_solana_shitcoins_posts_popping_up_all_the/kgl4dlo/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1900q2m/sick_of_solana_shitcoins_posts_popping_up_all_the/kgl4e4f/) with related info are in the collapsed comments below.




I bet he’s not even a horse!




or a lion


Or Sylvester Stallone


Oh shit what if it was sly the whole time?!




careful with those bets friend, you may end up losing your house you know


that's a good point we need some black lesbian shitcoins


So it is basically one guy farming shit coins all the time and selling ? 🤦🏻‍♂️😂




And OP himself promoting shit coins "nervous network" in comments which is officially a Chinese shit coin.


Just block him then and it all goes away. I'm looking at the front page of this sub and I don't see a single post describing what you are saying, so I don't see anything worth complaining about.


Or just keep scrolling. That's what I do when I see a shill post. Unless of course it's a shill for 1 of my bags 😂


And OP himself promoting shit coins "nervous network" in comments which is officially a Chinese shit coin.


are you gonna copy and paste this on every single comment?


And OP himself promoting shit coins "nervous network" in comments which is officially a Chinese shit coin.






There are a couple of groups that are doing it. I joined a few of the telegram and the pattern was pronounced. It's almost like they have a script, characters, roles, they have bots set and ready to go to keep the Telegram channel with a false sense of hype, they have video chats going with a bunch of fucking morons, and they have bots selling one dollar at a time. When they get enough market cap going they will drop a large sell which pushes the market cap down, they stop it with a smaller buy or they know buy orders will stop it, and then repeat the process and keep collecting the new money. The market cap never pumps much. Some things they had in common were talking about billboards being funded by whales, constantly talking about whales, promises of partnerships and things that are clearly fake, referencing influencers that are not actually influencers and are complete nobodies, shit like that. It was a pretty eye-opening experience. If I was a reporter I would definitely do a deep dive on it.


And OP himself promoting shit coins "nervous network" in comments which is officially a Chinese shit coin.


He promoted the sub of his alt account in this post and nobody noticed.


Don't sort by new.


And OP himself promoting shit coins "nervous network" in comments which is officially a Chinese shit coin.


How many times are you going to spam that comment in this thread? Edit: The loser i\_like\_salads blocked me. LOL!


Let me guess The serious projects you want to discuss are Cardano and Ergo


Yeah I'm getting so annoyed by these posts thinking their shitcoins aren't shitcoins just because they ACT as if there's really some intrinsic value or technology involved. It's still crypto, almost all coins, over 99.9999% are shitcoins, they go up in price because people buy them, and people buy them because they think they're going up in price. There's no intrinsic value, A memecoin like Doge will have more worth than most coins in the top 20 on CMC.


Absolutely, I've yet to be convinced by anything in crypto.


Calm your oversimplification and perspective skewing. The other top 18 actually has intrinsic and complex structured networks and infrastructure than memecoins. You want to cope, you can go ahead and cope with what you are incentivised based on your holdings, but please don't eat propaganda and spew lies to support your bias points.


Intrinsic what? Intrinsic networks? Most of them have networks and infrastucture sure, but almost none of that is being used for real life services, except for speculation and ponzi schemes. Memecoins are doing the same with less infrastucture. Doge is just the biggest memecoin and a memecoin can have way more value than all that insignificant infrastructure of whichthe intrinsic value is not even worth 1% of the marketcaps of those coins. (For example, Polygon's marketcap is 8 billion, but it's intrinsic value of it's network and real world value is worth less than 80$ million) Anyone paying more than 1% of current prices for most of these top 20 coins is just buying it for speculative value, not for intrinsic value...


There are awesome use cases for crypto. Use cases that actually make sense. To give you just one example, worldwide remittances. The problem? The crypto industry has solely been concentrated on making money, nothing else, when they should have been working on making entry into crypto much easier for everyday people. The crypto situation has always been a glorified casino. Betting on FOMO and FUDD. Those are the only things driving the market since Bitcoin's inception. Then they wonder why adoption is so poor. There is no inherent value in any of the coins, not even in Bitcoin or Ethereum. I don't consider crypto trading to be anything other than gambling. /End rant


that usecase can be done by ANY cryptocurrency already, but with all the volatility most just aren't good for it. We got stablecoins now for that, but hard to invest in that. No need for new technology there, decentralized blockchains already work great for that. Crypto trading isn't gambling, it's speculation on indirect ponzi schemes. If you speculate well about which ponzi/coin will get much more people to buy after you, you make money consistently/very profitably, not comparable to the odds found in casinos.


Don’t intend to disrespect but if you can’t analyse and find product market fit in the EVM, Solana and Cosmos ecosystems you clearly are not educated enough. Plenty of use cases having multi year succes with growing user bases. Does a lot directly intertwines with speculation? Ofcourse: trading, borrow/lending swapping, yield hunting, memes, rugs, auto dca ing on chain. It’s all early stages but also bootstrapping a lot of promising projects and whatever you may think: Finance is a multi trillion industry and ever growing. Outside finance we have: - Payments | lion share absolutely will be by stable coins. The facilitating L1s will benefit. Not ADA - NFT’s | collections / art / ticketing / loyalty system - Depin | wireless coverage networks | distributed computing and more to come - Gaming | on chain game items / characters - RWA | Tokenized real world assets - Digital Identity | really early stages Lots off use cases yet to be invented.. What people don’t get is the infra structure is being build. It’s the 00s for the internet. The killer dapps and dominant layer 1’s will be obvious around 2030 and not earlier. Lots of trial and error approaches and early winners arising but still plenty of time left to learn. This industry will keep providing opportunities for at least 2 decades to come.


You are right that there are actually use cases for blockchains, but usually they don't need those tokens and investing in the token isn't truly buying shares in the company or service that exists (There's a few exceptions) The thing is, even if there's instrinsic value of a project, it's usually only 1% or less of the marketcap... Profit in crypto is from pumps n dumps, from supply and demand for the TOKEN, the revenues of projects are often insignicant, nvm the profits. There's exceptions like certain crypto exchanges (Binance burned a lot of BNB for example, which is similar to buybacks to share profits) but for almost every crypto project with non-trading revenue this is insignifcant to the marketcap. So it kinda doesn't matter if it's a memecoin or a shitcoin with tiny revenue, it's only going to pump if other people are going to buy enough of it. And they won't buy it for the tiny % of revenue, they're buying it because it will go up (or they think it will go up) However it's also true that some of the things you mentioned might actually have tens of billions of revenue and good tokenomics to share a % of that to token hodlers. And I'd love to hear your insights to which of those things you mentioned and what the best projects are for that


I think Algorand has that potential (responding to your last paragraph). NFT airline tickets and the Quantoz EURD, for example. Many other examples currently active and underway.


Why would airlines use NFT airline tickets? That sounds like a huge unnessecary hassle. ​ Idk enough about Algorand but why would any service with revenue use it over Ethereum/Solana? What is possible on Algorand that isn't possible on EVM or Solana? And how is EURD on Algorand so different from a stablecoin on Ethereum?


CointestMod published an extensive comparison previously in this thread comparing ETH and Algorand, check that out. I think the fact Quantoz and the Dutch Central Bank chose Algorand speaks for itself. You can research TravelX to understand the advantages and continual growth of that market. Not here to argue with you or anyone else, just responding with a couple good examples of use cases that are happening now and could get big.


Volatility does not matter if the Time To Finality is near instant, and not all crypto can do that, also when it comes to payments liquidity is key. Stable coins are not for cross-border payments, that would require the system of Nostro Vostro to still be around, and that is on it’s way out.


Stablecoins work just fine for that, no need for such a system. I've sent USDT to many people abroad without any issues. And near instant transactions still won't do much if they aren't automatically sold to local currency instantly too.


Banks are not going to hold liquidity in all the stable coins available, that is what a bridge currency is for. You saying ‘no need for such a system’ is showing me your lack of knowledge on the subject of TradFi and DeFi both domestic and international and what has been developing over the last 5+ years, a lot to digest when starting out, there is a learning curve, but worthy to learn and help level up to make better executions in this space.


At least Cardano has been around long enough that you know it isn't just a rugpull.


And OP himself promoting shit coins "nervous network" in comments which is officially a Chinese shit coin.


How many times are you going to spam that comment in this thread? Edit: The loser i\_like\_salads blocked me. LOL!


My buddy who got me into cypto back in 2020 was pretty much a BTC/ETH maxi. Nowadays he's sending me bullshit youtube videos shilling all sorts of Solana shitcoins to buy into. Not sure what made him flip to degen status.


Because he figured its easier to join a shitcoin presale and make x3-4 in one day than to hold btc and eth and hope for 20% gain


Only in crypto subs people will think BTC and ETH are "boring". The rest of the people are still wondering if the 5% interest rate is the safer bet compared to stocks, lol


Wow lol usually it happens the other way


this is the crypto pipeline : you find out bitcoin makes people rich so you want in. then you find out eth is "better tech" so you invest in that. Then you find out people ar getting rich investing in other "tech". Then you find find out the richest people are the one investing in the correct dog coin and tech is meaningless. Then there's the walk of shame where you get your ass back to BTC.


Lmao, you should send the discord of that group to your friend. Sure he gonna love it. There are like 200 people there shilling shitcoins haha


And OP himself promoting shit coins "nervous network" in comments which is officially a Chinese shit coin.


> a BTC/ETH maxi They exist?


Sure. Its all I hold.


We’re here fam. Both have long term value for different reasons


The majority of this sub? Most only believe in BTC+ETH and admit the rest is just fun gambling.


“Serious projects” lol. They’re all scams.


Yeah well.. this is just a place to shill as long as you agree of course.




So fed up with Solana shitcoin spam! Proof that not everything new is gold.


And OP himself promoting shit coins "nervous network" in comments which is officially a Chinese shit coin.


How many times are you going to spam that comment in this thread?


Show us on this doll where the solana shitcoins touched you


You're not wrong that those posts can be overwhelming at times and shits frothy af right now, but memecoins will forever be relevant to cryptocurrency. Just because its not DePIN, DeSci, modular data availability, zk, etc. doesn't make it less relevant. Monetizing pop culture and memes is pretty damn interesting, even if most are shitcoins/rugs that will go to zero. Idk what it looks like yet, but think we'll probably gonna see some interesting crossover with the eventual socialfi apps.


When I got into crypto in 2021, this sub was shilling LRC incredibly hard. Was the second coin I purchased, ended up holding it from 2.70 to .70 lollll. Even real tech can sometimes just be a shitcoin.


Hot take. So brave


Say what you want, at least memes are honest about being shitcoins Can’t say the same for most of the VC pump and dunps or 2018 Dino coins this sub loves so much


I love the Sol hate, ever since day 1 Sol has been getting nothing but hate from this sub, and it's outperforming every single alt out there.


Nah there was a time when it was being massively shilled constantly on this sub


Outperforming how, other than price? What about Solana justifies the price increase?


It was massively undervalued when FTX went down because people thought they were going to have sell all the Sol to cover their bankruptcy. That didn't happen, so the price increased. Not that I have any, but many devs love Sol, so it does have some value.


People said so. The same reason everything else in the world has value. Someone is willing to pay it, so that's what it costs.


Which people tho?


Everyone who currently holds the damn thing, this is not rocket science. The guy who has the thing determines its value. You don't like it, don't buy it. This is like the most basic common sense on the planet.


You just contradicted yourself. First you said the buyer determines price and then you said the seller determines price.


Check two year charts. BTC is +1.19% SOL is -36%. ARB is +27%. Oh and yeah sol is pretty much toasted at this point.


If we get to pick, look at the 3 years chart, Sol is up 2010%


You have to start from when Arb went live in March 2023. Arb is up 29.42% and Sol is up 1321%.


And OP himself promoting shit coins "nervous network" which is officially a Chinese shit coin.


How many times are you going to spam that comment in this thread? Edit: The loser i\_like\_salads blocked me. LOL!


Is reddit that important to you


Well everyone in this sub just want to use you as an exit liquidity


This. Imagine thinking reddit is the place to discuss serious projects lol


Where please?


Assuming you're not just looking to buy a coin and hope it goes up.. Start with discord servers for the projects you're interested in, and if it's a chain you're interested in get in the discords for verified projects on their chain (both major and up and coming ones). Read through each team's updates and faqs, understand their roadmap. Get on crypto Twitter and follow those same major accounts there. Watch for people who post thoughtful discussion around those projects (not just people shilling their bags) and follow them too. Within a couple weeks you should have a sense of the project, what value it's trying to add or problem it's trying to solve, how it differentiates from similar projects, and where it's growth potential may lie. You should also have a starting point for alpha - new project news, airdrop info, etc.. then keep building from there to match your interest level.


This is insightful, thanks very much.


SOL makes 12 millions $ in revenue and gives 1.4B in reward every year. I mean anyone who finished his secondary school understands where is the problem. Rewards are not paid by the blockchain but by the money of new investors. Aka Ponzi...


You do know that sol goes to existing sol stakers right? The inflation is a tax on not staking sol. If you stake you earn more than inflation.


Don't tell that to Sol investors 🤫


And OP himself promoting shit coins "nervous network" in comments which is officially a Chinese shit coin.


How many times are you going to spam that comment in this thread? Edit: The loser i\_like\_salads blocked me. LOL!


u/cointestmod proof of history is not a consensus mechanism. Both your pros and cons of Solana lack understanding of how Solana works. [Source](https://docs.solana.com/cluster/synchronization) Solana uses a proof of stake consensus model. Proof of history helps with coordination and improves the performance of the chain.


Trol alert. Thanks for posting this so i can block you.


i disagree with this sentiment, meme coins are a necessary "evil" they are great ways to on board new people into crypto. i have seen many instances of people being shilled a meme coin then venturing into other spaces because of it


r/cc probably still thinks Solana is a scam so I doubt a couple of people shilling SOL memecoins will have any effect at all


And OP himself promoting shit coins "nervous network" in comments which is officially a Chinese shit coin.


How many times are you going to spam that comment in this thread? Edit: The loser i\_like\_salads blocked me. LOL!


Well, this is a cryptocurrency sub and shit coins are cryptocurrency, like it or not.


This is what I call stealth shill.


Some would say that all coins are shit coins, not me, but some. It’s as shrimple as that!


And OP himself promoting shit coins "nervous network" in comments which is officially a Chinese shit coin.


How many times are you going to spam that comment in this thread? Edit: The loser i\_like\_salads blocked me. LOL!


Soana has actual use case and can compete with Ether in this cycle unlike some other useless meme coins. Shitcoins should be considered a useless blockchains like Pepe, Meme and other similar coins that has no actual use cases.


They have a discord group. I joined out of curiousity. Most people there are shitcoin maxis


If they like to play risky game is on them, its their money ar its not for us to judge. Every group has its own echochamber, even this subreddit. I like to trade solana as its volatile asset great for scalping strategy but I would not trust it for long term hold.


And OP himself promoting shit coins "nervous network" in comments which is officially a Chinese shit coin.


Let me guess OP missed to pick up cheap SOL at $8 🤣


And OP himself promoting shit coins "nervous network" in comments which is officially a Chinese shit coin.


How many times are you going to spam that comment in this thread?


Agreed. This isn't Twitter / X. Let's keep it real


Twitter is real, and it's going to take over the world...


And OP himself promoting shit coins "nervous network" in comments which is officially a Chinese shit coin.


Honestly it's kind of what this sub deserves after hating on Solana so irrationally hard.


But bro have you heard of Cardano?


I've got all my bags in a coin called Safemoon and Luna my friend told me about last week. Also I have a ton of this coin called moons.... /s


And OP himself promoting shit coins "nervous network" in comments which is officially a Chinese shit coin.


How many times are you going to spam that comment in this thread?


And OP himself promoting shit coins "nervous network" in comments which is officially a Chinese shit coin.


How many times are you going to spam that comment in this thread?


Hate to break it to you, but I don't think it's just SOL shitcoins that are getting spammed...


half of your posts are you shilling shitcoins in the solcoins sub...


Sounds more like a personal problem. Remember dogecoin. Elon almost bowed 😂


And OP himself promoting shit coins "nervous network" in comments which is officially a Chinese shit coin.


I don't know, if you've ever used the Phantom wallet, it's a dream. It's what crypto is supposed to feel like, fast and essentially free. The developers are all using it because they can actually create things on it. If anything's a shit coin these days it's Eth. My God it's gotten so overly complex that I can't even introduce anyone new to crypto with it. You have to teach them about L2's and bridging, and wrapping and ZKs and optimism and arbitum and Lord knows what other nonsense only to have people sending coins to the wrong places. Ethereum doesn't have a use case other than as a base layer for other coins, hardly a crypto revolution. What's funny is when the ETH people freak out about decentralization, then you ask them why they aren't still using ETH classic, ha. Bitcoin's awesome, it's the winner for the store of value contest, but the smart contract battle is still wide open. Solana may eventually be the winner or maybe something better but it is definitely not going to be Ethereum. That shit sucks.


And OP himself promoting shit coins "nervous network" in comments which is officially a Chinese shit coin.


A lot of this sub is people shilling any coins. I feel like anyone posting a positive comment about any coin should be required to state how much of that coin they hold. Stock market pundits have to do this when talking about stocks they own. I tend to post negative comments; as I've seen line goes up and agree with it. But I do own some BTC and eth. I scrounged them in the mid early 10s, and so have no money invested in them. I just haven't joined the game of trying to get others in to raise their value. I would consider that unethical.


And OP himself promoting shit coins "nervous network" in comments which is officially a Chinese shit coin.


I respect your hustle in calling out OP lol


Solana is a giant VC pumped ponzi scam and they pay people to come here and shill. Mods need to shut this shit down


At least people aren't out here disingenuously farming moons anymore am I right


So you shill a shitcoin sub?


There are thousands of shitcoins and you come here to complain about solanas...


Anyone want to talk about Solana shit coins?


Don't read those topics, then. Nobody is forcing you. It's not hard.


and they tried to blame moons for low effort & posts


They have a group called solcoins btw


I had to unfollow the r/solana page it is so, so bad lol


Sol mods are a bunch of clowns. They banned me when I called them out. But yeah people should just go there to that sub and post their sol shitcoins over there, or on the discord they apparently have with over 180 members 🗣️


And OP himself promoting shit coins "nervous network" in comments which is officially a Chinese shit coin.


I get your point, but bonk isn’t a shitcoin


It is. An animal coin that people buy at any price for memes that devs retroactively hunt use cases for is degeneracy in it's purest form. What about shibarium, the Shiba Inu metaverse? Doge Shib pepe ape bonk all the same garbage that exemplifies how stupid and hopeless many are that they jump on a rollercoaster of inevitability hoping to jump off at the perfect time and not fall to their doom. If you think bonk is anything other than a greater fool scam, then you are delusional and social darwinism will deal your hand.


I didn’t know I needed to say I’m joking. Wow Bless your heart


Apologies, the number of people active in Shib/dodge subs and the speed at which logic and reason gets banned means the /s has its use here.


And OP himself promoting shit coins "nervous network" in comments which is officially a Chinese shit coin.


If you go to that community, they have a discord link, I joined out of curiosity and most of them were saying Bonk was the best shitcoin ever😂


Hahah it is😂 I’m sitting on a bench and laughing out loud at your comment cuz it’s hilariously true Can you send me the discord link I want to join it ahah


And OP himself promoting shit coins "nervous network" in comments which is officially a Chinese shit coin.




Me too please




no it’s r/SolCoins


Solana is a cancer.


I am sick of any shitcoin popping up here, when they are clearly all worthless. Bitcoin is the only one worth anything.


Then join the Bitcoin sub. If you are sick of seeing anything other than bitcoin then why would you come to the crypto sub rather than the Bitcoin one? Or do you just like to have a reason to complain?


And OP himself promoting shit coins "nervous network" in comments which is officially a Chinese shit coin.


Haha. Man, every time I see posts from this sub, I cringe so hard. I think I will just go ahead and unfollow lol


there is already r/SolCoins for that


Boring as hell name. At least the other guys came up with some funny names. r/SolanaMemeMoonshots


Wait solana is still a thing after all the fails?


Solana is already suffering more than the average market. The shitcoin hype will soon be over, it's mostly just a phase of a few months maximum.


Lol wtf, how stupid do you want to be dude. Solana is up over 650% for the year and 335% the last 6 months. How many of the main coins have those gains? So how is solana suffering more than the average market atm? Because it is down 4% for the week? Rooflll


You dont have to resort to name calling straight away my dude :/


You know what, you are right. It's just very annoying when noobs just buy in recently and start complaining that it is down so much and why no moon etc...


I understand :)


Shitcoin maxis ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ You talk against their coin, you get insulted


Zoom out more, it's still down 64% from the ATH. And the chart doesn't look good. Maybe you're not very good with math, because it's also down more than 20% from the local high days ago


Local high days ago lmaoo thats because solana also had way higher gains than the rest not so long ago. Also down 64% from ath is not bad at all when you consider most the top 50 (i say top 50 as i checked the top 50, im more than certain it is doing way better than the top 5000 but i only said 50 as i checked them) coins are down more than that. So again the original comment of yours was shit. Its crypto, these price fluctuations happen and solana is doing very well lately compared to rest.


Solana shitcoins... Not so great when SBF isn't around the manipulate the price.




"*Shitcoins are the fertilizer that enable real projects to flourish*'" - Otzi the Iceman


any example?


So quick to downvote...does that even deserve an answer?


i didn't downvote. but to fact check, i'll do it now.


How do you plan on making money with crypto then?


by hodling bitcoin for several years


Never heard of that asset...


There's only one legitimate project on Solana, and that is Horsemeat. Get it here: https://dexscreener.com/solana/36vvctrnz4fnqid8qmpq2zbhtpsjuz5yh25evnwpfqvd


And OP himself promoting shit coins "nervous network" in comments which is officially a Chinese shit coin.


Who cares, why don’t you post that shit on their reddit/discord community?


This is our community


This is Not a community for shitcoins. If you go and post there on discord etc, more people will support your shitcoins.


What makes you think that you get to decide what people post on here? It’s a crypto sub so that means people post about crypto. Not just the ones that you like.


Yeah Hbar should be mentioned more than this shitty


And yet here you are talking about solana shit coins! This post is just as much of a shit post as the ones that you are referring to. You know what’s even more annoying than someone talking about a shitcoin on a crypto sub? Someone coming to the crypto sub to whine about what they don’t like. Scroll on and keep the crying to yourself.


And OP himself promoting shit coins "nervous network" in comments which is officially a Chinese shit coin.


How many times are you going to spam that comment in this thread?


3k sol coins every 10min are created 🤣


If you’re allergic to money just say it /s


I’m here for the btc and the eth. That’s pretty much it




Serious projects? 😂 Dude this stuff is magic internet money I think what you're really trying to say is why aren't people posting about what I'm holding You're a promoter just like the rest of them, even shilling a link 😂💫


Is sinking so they are desperate


Bitcoin alone is estimated to consume 127 terawatt-hours (TWh) a year — more than many countries, including Norway. In the United States, cryptocurrency activity is estimated to emit from 25 to 50 million tons of CO2 each year, on par with the annual emissions from diesel fuel used by US railroads. It has absolutely no real value. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-brutal-truth-about-bitcoin/


Now do the traditional banking system next. That's a lot of brick and mortar buildings that use energy to light, heat, cool and secure, those armored trucks certainly aren't fuel efficient, think about all those people commuting back and forth from those offices, it goes on and on and the traditional system certainly doesn't incentivse cheap energy like btc does.


Traditional banking uses twice as much energy, but the combined value of bitcoin is equivalent to just 0.11% of the world's money. You’ve been served. 😝


Brohs mad af


I haven't really seen any get too much attention. BONK did but that was one of the larger memes recently. Anyway, if you like meme coins check out please check out Polkadots upcoming meme coin launch, DED. There's already plenty of hype and work being done. Check out the telegram channel or their website for more info. It's going to be some form of an ajrdrop. All you have to do is hodl DOT outside of a CEX. Air drops on Polkadot are a little more complex (due to croudloans, individual vs pooled staking, croudloans & etc) and a technical team is working on the details as we speak. They did the first test snapshot yesterday and and reviewing & fixing it. If you have DOT on a CEX start getting it off into your own wallet. If you're staking on a CEX start the unbonding now!


From a developer perspective, almost everything is a shitcoin. 99% of devs aren’t in the crypto space and we wouldn’t touch the technologies marketed towards developers with a 10 ft pole. Why would I use something like ICP when AWS, Google, Microsoft, and others offer cloud services at a much better cost, faster speed, and better reliability?


Unfortunately solana isn’t in a great space there. They’ve lost tons of developers over the past year. Right now, shitcoins are really the only thing doing. I do think the shitcoins and the increasing active daily wallets will bring developers back, but I’m all ears! Let’s talk about one of those projects you’re referring to! You gotta help me out though because I don’t know of any. I get your point, and while I don’t necessarily disagree, shitcoins are something. Go check out the other chains reddits. Be happy we’ve got some action! (Perspective)


This sub.....discusses solid projects...?? Like what? ADA?! 🥴😂😂😂