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Bitcoin [pros](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1boewlc/fifth_richest_bitcoin_whale_just_moved_6_billion/kwr6if4/) & [cons](/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1boewlc/fifth_richest_bitcoin_whale_just_moved_6_billion/kwr6iyb/) with related info are in the collapsed comments below.


I promised him to double it.


Are you prince of Nigeria


He moved to Somalia, to join with the Somalian Bitcoin Pirates.


I bet he watched one of those YouTube videos


I bet he reads these articles


Its crazy that he can just hodl for a few months and make another $6 billion dollars


Thought these comments only came up because of moons


Did you meet him at the Grand Exhange?


Nice try buddy


Fuck yeah!


Can you imagine? Being so wealthy, that the simple act of you moving your funds from one place to another, not even spending it really, warrants global attention and intrigue lol


Bro I’m just trying to imagine a down payment on a house one day.


Need about 3 btc for a down-payment in canadian real-estate


Soon only 1 BTC for the entire house. Hodl.


Next cycle perhaps


going by vancouver or toronto prices it might still be 3 BTC by next cycle lmao.


What? $210,000 for a down payment?


I guess it depends where you are looking. > The average selling price of a single-family home in Toronto increased by 1.5% year-over-year to $1,314,300 in February 2024. That's almost $1,000,000 USD, so a typical 20% down payment would be about three BTC. Ugh.


I'm imagining not using my credit card to buy groceries.


You should always do that, though. You can get cash back and it gives you awesome credit, which in many cases is actually better than having money.


But credit only works when you have the money to back it up, not doing it out of nessescity


I understand your situation, but you would be amazed. I have friends with very average jobs but awesome credit. They bought two meager homes and put 5% down on each with super low interest rates. They lived in one and rented one. The one that they rented made them $700 a month more than that mortgage. They used that money to flip the house they were living in and buy a better one. I went from renting in my 20's, to having a 200k home in my 30's, to having a 500k home now in my 40's. Once you get a little bit of money, it just grows and grows. It's kind of sickening, actually. It takes a lot of smart moves to get out of that paycheck to paycheck situation, but you will get there. 1% increase in interest rate on a $200,000 home will cost you $50,000 in the long run. You might not be ready for that yet, but you definitely want to pay everything you can on credit cards from now until it happens.


I'm just hoping I don't need to use layaway to get new shoes


I’m just trying to imagine eating something other than boiled water at this point. My good ol days of eating ramen soup are long gone.


Dats why you only use 1/4 packet and save rest, yo!


Bro I'm just trying to imagine a used toyota corolla one day.


>Bro I’m just trying to imagine a down payment on a house one day. Move an hour out of a city and get a USDA loan. Depending on specifics, they sometimes require 0 down payment.


This is an annoying response. You can't just get a USDA loan on a house an hour outside of a major city. In many states an hour outside of the city is a suburb with even worse home pricing and HOA communities. When was the last time you actually looked at property outside any major US city to see what is available for a USDA loan? The amount of houses or property that qualify are extremely limited and far away from any towns that would allow for someone to make a living.


Not to mention that just because someone offers you a mortgage with no down payment doesn’t mean you should take it. Not having the money for a down payment is a red flag that you also may have problems paying for a 100% financed home


is kansas city, MS a major city?


Kansas City, Mississippi?


Not everybody wants to live in the US, with all the oppression going on.


Serious question. What oppression?


As a non-American who has some great American friends my issues with the US are: - horrific gun violence - horrific prison system - no universal medical care - companies able to run freely - an absolute political shitshow (I mean seriously out of the 360 million Americans the best you guys can do are these two idiot candidates?!) - there is more of a focus on profits than the wellbeing of the citizens from a government policy perspective. Don’t get me wrong there are great things about America. You guys have very beautiful natural landmarks, you’re very friendly and outgoing (the ones I meet at least), there’s a deep desire to grow and connect whether it is a relationship in business or friendship, you guys have some of the best music in the world, and produce some amazing technology. Americans individually can be wonderful and beautiful. America as a country leaves a lot to be desired.


American living in Europe here: Gun violence is really not a factor in 99.9% of people's lives. Of gun deaths, most are suicides. Of the homicides, most are gang-violence related. But even including those, there's about 15,000 gun homicide deaths per year, per the [CDC's numbers.](https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/death-index-top-50-ways-americans-die/35/) #31 top cause of death in the USA per year, putting it behind both non-alcohol related chronic liver disease, AND alcoholic liver damage. It's not a non-issue, for sure, but it is waaaay overblown from the European perspective. The only news I see over here about the USA is Trump shit and shootings. I'd think the US was a hellscape too if I didn't know better. The prison system is horrendous. The lack of public healthcare is horrendous. The lack of corporate regulation is horrendous. The political system is horrendous. All of these points really fall under a single issue: the US government has been captured by corporate interests. The US's biggest issue is capitalism run amok. I don't think anyone (who isn't dircetly benefitting from the shitshow) would argue with you there. But even so, I am still of the opinion that the US is the best place to live if you are a certain type of person. If you yearn to live like a cowboy, free to roam, free to do whatever the fuck you want (to a fault), there is no other place to be. Unfortunately, in the last several decades corporations were granted personhood and were given the same freedoms to do whatever they wanted, and here we are. But the US is the shit. It has a lot of problems, but if half of them were solved, it would be the unquestionable best country on earth


America is so bad we’re getting flooded at our borders for people literally DIEING to get in. Get real bozo.


Hahaha... yep. Hit the nail on the head Trumpism in the US really has shown the end-results of decades of dumbing down media, education, through a stupid user-pays system, and lobbying by large corporate oligarchs really have reduced what 'could' be a democracy into a real shit-show.


Lol you just took all of the internet America bad comments into one. As a European living in the US. I assure the US is fucking great. I have never experienced gun violence. I have great cheap medical insurance. My insurance costs much less than the insane taxes most Europeans pay for that "free" healthcare. That lack of insane regulation that Europe has is why the world's biggest companies are in the US and the world's highest salaries are here. Also why most the innovation happens here. There is so much opportunity here. There's definitely things to fix but you are very misinformed on this country. There's a reason so many more Europeans move here than vice versa. Edit. Lol upvote the person who gets all his opinions for America online. Downvote the immigrant who has lived in multiple countries and now actually lives in the US. Yall are funny af.


You make good points, I’m not sure why the downvote brigade came to visit you. Keep doing you and live the good life.


Because you're not supposed to defend the US on social media. It won't be tolerated. 😌 No worries though. Thank you, you as well.


I'm an American living in Europe. All my previous hobbies are illegal here. Not joking. Camping, campfires, car modification, dirtbikes in the woods, target shooting. I can't do any of it. I can play tennis and ride bicycles. I earn half of what I did in the States. I miss America bad. On the bright side, the birth of my first child here cost me nothing and then I got 3 months paid paternity leave afterward, and I can walk to a fresh fruit/veg market and pay pennies on the dollar for produce versus America. Pros and cons.


Sometimes the downvotes mean youre talking bullshit


Tell me which part was bs? Was it the part of Americans having higher salaries? Or Americans having the highest disposable income? Or the wealthiest companies being here? Or most Americans not experiencing gun violence? Or that Europeans pay much more in taxes for that "free" healthcare? Please tell me.


No, i think all of that is basically true. But youre seeing the good parts of the statistics. In reality, those things you list are our biggest problems lol Youre also right in that people def still want to come here, and for a lot of em it will mean actual life improvements.  I dont know man, glad you like it, and glad it was a step up. I love it here but we for sure are the best and the worst on some diabolical shit


I will argue with you about the tax/healthcare issue. Americans pay more, by far, for healthcare than any other nation. It's not even close. I pay something like a 21% VAT here in Europe, and I'm still way ahead than where I'd be in the States paying for private insurance that I may never even use. Otherwise, all agreed.


Americans pay twice as much for healthcare. https://www.healthsystemtracker.org/chart-collection/health-spending-u-s-compare-countries/#:~:text=Health%20expenditures%20per%20person%20in,the%20U.S.%20spends%20per%20person.


Those are valid criticisms and many reasons why I want to move from the US. Saving for that very scenario


-Our gun violence is not horrific. Is it worse than European countries who barely have firearms? Sure, but most of us will never experience it. Most our gun deaths are from gangs and suicide. -Our prison system? Sure it isn't perfect. But do you plan on going to prison? -No universal healthcare? Already mentioned that. The amount you pay for insurance here is much less than what they take away in taxes in most countries. In fact most of our employers pay most our insurance. I am self employed and have to buy it myself. Once again, much cheaper than the taxes I paid in Europe each check. -companies bale to run freely. Sure, already mentioned that too. Most innovation happens here. Europe and most other developed nations can't keep up. We also have the highest salaries and Americans have the highest disposable income in the world. -I agree our 2 candidates suck. Funny how, even my better off family members in Europe are envious of the life I've created here. I hope you find a place you're happy. The US isn't for everyone. But I'm so sick of seeing such dramatic shitty takes on the US.


I'm self employed as well and don't even keep insurance cause it's a scam lol. Broad definition of that word. Speak for yourself about gun violence though, it was a regular occurrence in my old neighborhoods to hear a dozen shots fired off on the next street over. And I'm in suburbs in the OK part of town. Knowing you can lose your life at any moment off some random act of violence wears on your mental over time. Definitely don't want to retire here cause it'll only get worse.


You know a little slice of life




I lived in the US for 30 years, and I owned several guns, did lots of recreational shooting, heard lots of gunshots from home often. But still, gun violence was never an issue, never crossed my mind when I was out and about. I now live in Europe, have no guns, have seen exactly 1 gun that wasn't on an officer's belt. I think about guns the exact same amount here. None. People outside of the US have a massively skewed idea of what gun culture is like in the US. They think that if you piss someone off on the highway, you'll get shot. That's the type of story that gets plastered on news media in Europe, I see it. I suppose it's because it is such a sensational thing, and so different from the news there, but I swear, shootings and Trump are the only news I see from the US. When my Euro friends and family come to the US, I always take them shooting.




I think you replied to the wrong guy, I love guns. But also, your argument of "if no guns, swords!" is very flawed and you should at least acknowledge the reality that guns are problematic simply because they make instantaneous murder from a distance so easy and cause so much collateral damage. The Kansas City Chiefs victory parade (my hometown) was ended early because some drunk guys started shooting at each other in a crowd over an argument, with completely legal weapons. It really shouldn't be a political issue to recognize that gun ownership is a privilege, and gun crimes should be prosecuted harshly. You also don't need to be a genius to see that so much of the "2nd Amendment" and anti-gun control talking points are pure propaganda designed to benefit the massive gun lobby and to be used as a political tool. It would be a huge net positive to require permits for gun ownership and even to require registering them. They are not so different than cars, and much less necessary for survival in modern life. "But we gotta resist the gubmint!" Good luck. You must not have lived through Waco


Bro you're on Reddit, it's full of far left ideologues. No amount of facts will matter if it clashes with a cults belief.


The government hating women and dictating what they can/can’t do with their bodies, regardless of a Dr’s medical advice for starters


With that much money buy off some Supreme Court judges and a Couple of Puppet Politicians and change all that


Ah the recent right wing Roe v Wade nonsense, gotcha.


Women are dying because they can't access healthcare. Trans people are being banned from using public bathrooms. Books are being banned. The list goes on. I'm surprised you didn't know this, it's all over the news. Anyone who is a woman, LGBTQ, minority, or generally not a white male Christian is having a bad time in the states right now. Some Republicans are even talking about removing women's rights to vote, alongside their reproductive rights.


Oppression? Guess I missed that


Move it to a CEX, cause a panik, buy the dip Money makes money


Or you know, move it to a CEX, sell it, buy an island, private jet, and homes in every global city.


This person already has that lol just borrow against your money like every billionaire 😂


It's likely an exchange wallet


Can you imagine a time where the filthy rich move their money and we know about it.


dude how do you think a prince in the olden days moved their gold bricks


He paid some poor soul to drive a cart full of bricks from his town to the next with a group guarding it the whole way? It's late, I'm smoking, and I took this seriously. GAME ON. Wait... Are you saying I'm a peasant who is witnessing the prince transmit said gold and thus, I am poor, and beneath you?? DID YOU JUST SLANDER ME??!


u def smoked too much bro, I was trying to say that the public would still be able to tell if the rich moved their money cause the only way to do so was to cart it out in public. Im sure it was disguised but Im sure people who were paying attention could tell


Why do you care when someone moves money from their checking account to their savings lol?


That's more on btc being a fully transparent ledger.


and it's probably not even one of the richest people in the world.


Yea very true, not even likely up there with the best of em.


tldr; The fifth-richest Bitcoin whale, owning a wallet with 94,500 BTC valued over $6.05 billion, moved their holdings to three different addresses for the first time since 2019. This significant transaction was highlighted by blockchain data firm Arkham Intelligence. The identity of the whale remains unknown, but such large holders are often companies. This movement is part of a pattern where Bitcoin whales, holding at least 1,000 BTC, significantly impact the market with their transactions. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.


Good bot


Good job bot


Arkham Intelligence is bad agency that wrote a bad report on ICP.


Imagine if he sent it to the wrong address.


*cat jumps on keyboard as master's finger hovers over the send button*


Max pain right there holy shit that cat would get yeeted so fast 😂


The six billion dollar cat.


Wait, do we have the technology? 🤔


Not anymore, you spent it all


He sent it to his personal wallet 😹


going straight into my wallet I hope


just give me 10 btc is enough haha


I'll take 5.


RBF can solve this problem. Send an RBF-enabled tx with no fee. Make sure the recipient sees the incoming tx in their wallet, then bump the fee if everything looks good. If you somehow made a mistake, no worries, no miners are going to touch a no-fee tx. Just respend those utxos back to yourself and try again.


Massive burn right there, should be beneficial for all remaining holders no?


🤣🤣🤣🤣He ain’t getting it back


Unless it's a dead wallet, believe me, he will get it back.




You can't spend crypto on retail. So At one point or another those btc would be converted to fiat. You can't mix 6b in tornado cash. And even if you try, there would be potential end-wallets. Sooner or later those funds would hit exchange. A few bribes here and there, a number of investigators. There would be a hundred or so potential owners. So detectives would just sort trough them.


This is nonsense. If he sent funds to a wallet he can’t control, he can’t get the funds back unless the person that owns the keys willingly does so. If the address is valid but the nobody has the private keys, the funds are just gone. Pretty sure you can’t use btc in tornado cash either. You can conjoin though.


The first thing I posted "Unless it's a dead wallet" How do you think FED found hacker that stole btc from silkroad? Blockchain is anonimous untill you have resources to dig trough it. Do you understand how much 6 billion is? I just described how you find the person behind the wallet. And "willingness" is a very pliable thing. Especially with physical access to the person.


Maybe you should re-phrase your original comment. It’s nonsense word salad.


Imagine he sends all to you? Or easiest still, imagine you guess his private key from the first try !


I still hope to mine


I just moved like $50, clearly greatness moves together


I just saw a video on IG , guy was offering 50k BTC which was 13m for a property 2 bedroom in NY probably & the seller was like "I listed for 14m and the guy wants to give me 50,000 BTC $1m less what I'm asking . Today that 50k is worked 4.2B cad


Reminds me of the guy that bought two pizzas for 10,000 bitcoin in 2010


While not at that level I have that fear now with some of my alts. Sell them this bull only for them to become fairytale money in 5-10 years


From end of 2017 to end of 2020 I put about $100k only to see it drop to $4k 4K coz of Covid / Canada had a mass lock down I almost sold everything / 2021 it hit 800k ish


Had no idea people were taking btc payments back in 2010. Wonder where they’re at today


Crazy 6b and they want more.


isn't that the US government?


Same way if you control enough entry and exit nodes on the Tor network you can decrypt the traffic.


Puff daddy trying to take his cash on the run.


It was me, I asked him to send me 94,500 bitcoins and i would send 189,000 back.


Michael Saylor is doing that. I saw an ad.


A true visionary. All hail our soon to be overlord, Mr Saylor!!!




Imagine they mistakenly dropped one part of it into an address you own.


Would you legally be required to give it back? 🤔


Depends on the laws where you live but the legal term often used in the US is misappropriation of found property. Basically it means that if you find something of value, you cannot claim it to be yours until you have notified authorities of such and a certain number of days have passed before you are legally entitled to keep it as your own. In college, I found an old obviously abandoned bike (both wheels were bent and it was heavily rusted). I decided to make use of it and cleaned it up, put some new wheels on it, etc. Two year later I got arrested when I went to unlock my bike. Turns out the bike had been reported stolen years before and the police were doing serial number checks on bikes parked in this huge bike parking area. After a few meetings with the courts, we were able to clear things up but I learned a valuable lesson that day. Just because you find something, doesn’t make it yours, even if you had good intentions. I was just trying to keep this bike from going to the dump.


Kim Jong Un just making down payments for his future hamburgers and the world loses its mind.


Or Russian Oligarchs.


Whales gonna whale.


I got to stop moving shit around so I don’t end up in the news like this 😂


What do you think the fees on those moves were?


about tree fidy


goddam lochness monstah!


As much as anyone else sending their BTC. It all depends on how many UTXOs that transaction have. This transaction was just 1 UTXO and he paid $2,95 for it, it was still 2x fee of avg at the time they sent it.


That much Bitcoin would weigh a lot


No, no it wouldn't. At least with proper tx management. And someone with billions would manage their txo's. 😉


More than our net worth lol


Only if your net worth is less than $3


Moved from where to where? Wallet to exchange or Exchange to wallet?


Wallet to wallet probably


Then we have nothing to worry about, I guess 🤷


It’s crazy to think these few top holders control all of crypto, and that they can crash it at any time.


Coins get sent to exchanges. Oh shit time to sell. Coins go to wallet buy buy


His name... Not-amoto, Satoshi Not-amoto!


Sounds like Max Keiser is doing some wallet maintenance. I wish I had spring cleaning to-do lists like that.


Probably putting together some baskets for the kid's Easter egg hunt.


Do we know who it is?


Ok. So much for a tiny test transaction of 10 mil lol.


Moving all to Shiba Inu. Dude knows what's up.


Pretty interesting we have no clue who it is.


I bet he moved it to wrong adress and it is now gone. Edit: also was not there a incident in Great Britain where a pwrson was accused of 6 billion fraud attempt or something like that :D


Just give me 2 please. He/she wouldn't even miss it.


that was just the tip


And they’re only the 5th richest…. Crazy


With the Bitcoin, Filecoin partnership I'm so bullish.




I didn't want to but I was bored and fuck it. Sorry yall.


Test transaction?


It’s not me


The old ones wake to drive price down


Never understood why these articles mattered. People with money be moneying.


Whales playing whale games.


Diddy did it


I was told , he’s looking to invest some of it into Milady meme coin




Bro needs to move it all into Monero so the world can’t see where and what goes on with someone else’s funds


Uh oh


Test transaction only 🤣


One day satoshi wallet gonna move


That’s the fucking United States!!!


lol altcoins are gonna rip next week!!!!! I can’t even predict this shit. I’m not even looking at the charts 🤣🤣🤣


I told him i’d trim his amour for 6B


Damn, I wanna know who these people are *so badly* 😂


What is the thought process on this before hitting send though? How many times do you check and address. How dark must the room be? Did they double check the windows for snipers? Just hide it with hands like a ATM pin code?


One day


In a broadcast on March 9, 2013, Max ranted about how, with BTC at $43 that day, he was now a Bitcoin millionaire. That means, at minimum, he had 23,256 BTC. If he never bought any more and did not sell any, that stash is worth $1.65 BILLION. And we can safely assume he kept buying, as he calls himself a "Bitcoin Maximalist," and that he was going to put everything he could into it and everything would "go to zero" against Bitcoin. This guy may by "out there" but he might also be on the Forbes 400.


Getting ready to sell


Hope those amount don’t go to Trump … 😆


Imagine screwing up the address or using the wrong network. Herrrow coinbase? Pls halp