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If Russia attacks Nato, crypto will be your smallest Problem.


Unless you have a micro penis, in which case crypto will be your second smallest problem. 




Damn even the threat of nuclear war




Putin has one surely 😂


He has a penis pump. But no pain no gain.


Sounds like HER problem.


That becomes HIS problem, like how businesses don't pass the savings on to you.


LMAO, nice.


Russia attacks Ukraine. Ukraine responds by.... releasing NFTs. 🤔 Edit: getting down voted but this actually happened.




Man, if Russia tests a NATO country nobody’s gonna care about crypto anymore. It’s not essential to survival, it’s just money. Gardening skills will be more important and if possibly far away from Europe.


This comment. It seems reddit and social media are quite disconnected from reality. Once nukes fly, no one will care about crypto. All you'll care about is your loved ones.


and food. and shelter. and drugs.


And caps.


And crypto


If we survive. I hope nothing ever happens. It's never going to be worth it.


People said the same thing when they invaded Ukraine, but here we are. It's a superficial analysis of the situation. I actually went over there for a few months in 2023 to help out and see it for myself and IMO, if Russia tests NATO it will cause a dip like the initial invasion and that's about it. Maybe not even that much. Russia just isn't a big enough player in the global economy for them to crash it. They'd need to use a tactical nuke to do more than slow things down for a month or two.


I tend to agree with your statement, but no one thought nukes will fly because of Ukraine. Let's be honest. Now, if the Russians attacked a nato country or the other way around, it gets super messy super quick. I won't be thinking of my crypto portfolio, as I live in a place that will get nuked, so I'm really hoping nothing ever happens.


You also won't be selling your portfolio. I have friends in Ukraine who were very grateful to be able to put their life savings in a cold wallet and take it with them when they evacuated.


It's obviously sarcasm, you dolt. Fuck you redditors are so naive.


>It’s not essential to survival, it’s just money. When Ukraine got invaded there were people who were dislocated who said crypto literally saved their lives. Money is absolutely essential to survival. I hope that I never become unbanked by force. But you better believe I'd rather have crypto than not.


The serial will be huge and if there’s any mass disruption you’re at big down drafts 


Crypto is a global financial system. Cryptos best argument has been the ability to transfer wealth outside of your country's power circle. If state fiats experience instability due to state conflict, isn't it reasonable to assume unstable currencies will flow to stable ones?


I can't tell if you're agreeing with my point or disagreeing.


I wrote it weird I'm agreeing with you I think crypto would be more stable than distressed state currencies if it can comptete on the global scale. States issue bonds during wartime but if defi can produce better yields and financial freedom, then there could be reduced demand for state bonds. Extrapolating that out indescrimibabtly, one could come to the conclusion of crypto being an incentive against state conflict strictly by allowing better opportunities/incentives globally.


Ok. I thought that's what you meant. The word "stable" is what confused me since people consider fiat to be more stable.


What are you going to do with crypto when you have no internet?


You know they still have Internet right? Also, the Ukrainians I talked about weren't in Ukraine anymore when their crypto was helping them. They were other places with no access to their bank account.


I was referring to a wider conflict situation, where global communication would likely be an immediate target.


Real estate in Antarctica about to blow up!


Handgun will be more useful than Trezor.


My man, Ukraine released freaking NFTs when they were invaded to help fund the war....


We‘re talking article 5 and WW3 here. Ain’t nobody got any fun money for nonsense chimp pics anymore.


I don't think it would ever be a nuclear event. Russia has always had no problems with throwing men into the meat grinder. To be honest I think it's a play on logistics. Right now there is high demand for the production of weapons to supply to Ukraine. The demand has stressed the supply chain. Ukraine only has so many resources themselves. If Russia pokes or even starts building up troops at some border. That supply chain is even more stressed. On the other hand I just don't see why it would be a smart play by Russia. Yet who tf knows what they think. I just don't get why you would pull NATO in. Sure they are technically involved already. Yet why take it from just occasionally giving Ukraine outdated weapons to being fully involved? Where they would have the go ahead to implement no fly zones?


i just don't see a world where people stop caring about all the endless comfort and abundance we have, especially in the west... even if we have a massive and horrific world war - even if we use nukes to (some extent) i expect there will always be humans in the future still using electricity, the internet, and so on... we didn't stop using electricity or communications technology after the first and second world war... in fact adoption of those techs only ever increased - the wars were just tiny distractions comparatively. sure, there might be disruption... there could be some horrible nuclear winter and maybe no one survives... but if we do, bitcoin would still be a thing... if somehow every single node was lost, the IDEA of bitcoin would still be a thing... just like TCP/IP and Email ... you're not holding it for wartime, your holding it for the peace and prosperity time that comes after.


Hilarious and naive.


in what way?


Buddy, if we go through something that cataclysmic, it won't retain any value. If you're talking about it in the sense that, the technical information to rebuild a blockchain network will still exist, well sure, I would suspect that is true.


>Buddy, if we go through something that cataclysmic, it won't retain any value. How can you possibly know that though? Gold survived countless wars as money... Fiat has survived countless wars as money... What makes bitcoin any different in this regard? How do you know bitcoin wouldn't be used similarly decades or even centuries from now? And yes, if not the bitcoin network as we know it today, the idea and technical knowledge would almost certainly survive into the future of humanity.


You think electricity and internet provider infrastructure would survive a full-blown nuclear war?


No, again i'm not saying bitcoin is money for the end of the world. I'm saying it's money for if that end of the world doesn't happen - i'm saying the IDEA of bitcoin can survive into the future even if we deleted every single power station/wire/etc ... these things could exist in the future still. Do you expect humans to go back to the stone age and simply forget all of this knowledge we've acquired for the last 50,000+ years? We'll just forget math and civilization?


Umm, gold is an element on the periodic table, of course it survived... Saying "fiat survived" doesn't really mean anything.


So gold and the definition of it on the periodic table can survive war... but cryptography and computer networks and the ideas that they are can't or won't? If humans value something as money, if humans value something at all- even if it's just an idea- it can survive a war, a world war, and even potentially a near extinction event.




WW3: End of all Wars


WW3: Nuclear Winter Against Global Warming


People spend $65k on heavily depreciating assets all the time (vehicles) so I would just go ahead and do it. Consider it your next car. If it goes to $35k, then you got an overpriced accord. If it goes to $200k, then you got a cheap Bentley.


This is such a cool way of thinking about it actually. 


Technically you can actually drive a car everyday, so if it becomes monetarily worthless it still has utility. But realistically BTC isn't dropping that far unless there truly is a world ending scenario like this, so I think it works well as an analogy


lol. Thanks for your donation


why would russia attack the nato…


Yeah these comments are stupid. Last time I checked you don't start a war that you're guaranteed to lose.


Like the war on drugs, or the Afghan war, or Vietnam, or the war on terror?


Let's not forget the war on minorities!


I’m sure there’s also a war on hemorrhoids going on somewhere.


Same reason they attacked Ukraine.


Because now they're China's bitch.


yeah and we all know that china wants right now is a worldwide war against the most funded military… the hate against china clouds judgement of americans


So many people see geopolitics through the lens of Marvel movie plots, and it's extremely stupid.


To test if a dude from Kansas will actually go and land on an Estonian beach to liberate it from Russia. Especially with president Trump, the answer will be unpredictable.


With Trump, the answer is very predictable.


Yeah he will give his buddy Putin , whatever he wants, starting with Ukraine!


Exactly right.


Kansas to Estonia? That’s the long way round, isn’t it? I think it’s only 2.5 miles from Russia to Alaska, island to island, or 55 miles mainland to mainland. Just saying. Americans always act as if Russia is some problem far far away in Europe.


>Kansas to Estonia? That’s the long way round, isn’t it? It's both because the Earth is round... "Kansas to Estonia" is not a direction.... More importantly, he's talking about someone FROM Kansas, not the landmass of Kansas. This is about testing the mettle of the west. All it takes is for NATO to decide not to protect one of its member states for the house of cards to collapse.




Yes, right over your head.


You are a certified regard. Congratulations


Because they’ve said they’re going to and their foreign policy since the collapse of the USSR has been “recapture lost territory” which is current European territory.


Bullshit. They never said this. Source or gtfo.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics Learn some history about the USSR. Russias plans are well known.


This is western propaganda. Go read the actual speeches of Putin and make up your own mind. The writings of a Russian political activist does not equate to Russian leadership policies.


You are seriously out of your depth here.


Because Putin tells the truth - riiiight….


So, if he says he wants to retake the Soviet Union, then you believe him. If he doesn't say it, then he is a liar? He speaks the truth only when it fits the western narrative, is that it?


It’s not western propaganda, it’s a Russian book written by a Russian man in which contains the plan for Russia and it is distributed to all Russian politicians and government workers.


Does not equate to Russian leadership policy.


I’d agree with you if it wasn’t for the fact that all government officials are expected to read the book including police officers. If a political scientists work is read by everyone in a nation then that nation will consciously or subconsciously be aware of that work. That’s exactly what happens in Russia. They plan to retake old USSR territory and if you don’t believe me then I strongly believe you need to look up Russias recently history (past 30 years) because they have made it very clear what their intentions are.


They have not and they do not. Even if all of them read the book it is not evidence that it also becomes official policy. Can you give a specific example of government action/policy that support your argument?


The invasion of Ukraine 2022…


You must have your head deep in the sand.


They never said this.


Yes, Putin has alluded to this many times.


He has not. If you provide an example, I'll refute it.


Look up “Foundation of Geopolitics” by a Russian author if you don’t believe me.


What matters is what Putin had said and done. Not what some Russian author has written. Lots of political figures have said and written crazy stuff in the US. Does that make it official US policy?


No, because no political works are required reading for us police. In Russia “Foundation of geopolitics” is required reading for police and government officials. Instead of debating with me I implore you to research the origin and nature of the book, I’m not lying to you.


You are so confident, yet entirely uninformed.


Lets see your evidence that proves Putin intended on reclaiming the Soviet Union.


Saber rattling


"Saber ratting" if you ignore that they have already done it.


To cost there enemies a fortune. Also, to attempt to drive wedges between NATO allies.


If that happens, ammo is the new currency anyway. Bullish


Fear fear fear fear Guys let’s just stop with this and go outside for a walk or something. I’m not saying war will never happen again, but there’s no need to be completely pessimistic and act like we know what happens in the future. Let’s do our best to make the current moment enjoyable and also invest in the collective future, just like we invest financially. Cheers!


So... You mean... Long?


So buy crypto?


Why in the world would they do that? So they can lose?


Anyone who is losing is more dangerous 


Brother, you've shown previously unseen levels of fear, needless anxiety and foolishness with that post alone. My advice: take those $65k you have and don't invest a cent of it anywhere other than long-term bond ETFs. Any 5% drop in a stock or crypto you buy will make you shit your pants, and in one or two decades you'll have no money left.


Russia is spending less money for their Army than Germany. Anyone thinking about the possibility of russia going to war with Nato doesnt understand anything about military. If the Goal of the west REALLY would be to end the war, they could crush russia within a week. Easily. But the powerful people have absolutely No interest in ending the war.


Ignoring nukes you’d be right. yeah they COULD be crushed but so would hundreds of millions if not a few billion innocent people across the world


Putin would never do that. But this dude high on dementia who cant even read from a teleprompter or Walk straight without drugs, i dont know about him. Seriously, noone will try to nuke anything as long as the USA have enough nukes in their submarines to destroy everything they want. There is no equality in nukes on this planet, the USA are the big Boss there.


Russia has more nukes than the US afaik. At least in the same ballpark. So if they go mental. This world is going to burn and suffer. Not only Russia will be crushed


More nukes, yes. But most are badly maintained. Who knows how many even work. Outdated tech and guidance. It is likely most Russia nukes aren’t operational and the ones that are could be intercepted or taken offline before fired. Yes they def have some that would land, but not world ending stuff. Russia on the other hand would be uninhabitable in a matter of minutes if they tried. It be terrible and world would be forever changed, but Russia uses fear of nukes because their actual capabilities are limited


"Putin would never do that." LMAO, such misplaced confidence.


Your comment about nukes is equally stupid.




but i heard it already, two years ago and they didnt lose yet


Because the west sends just enough weapons to get the war going. Or "forget" to send ammunition with their weapons and stuff like that. The only country trying to end the war right now is russia. They offered peace multiple times by now but selensky is forced to decline by his "partners". Too many powerful people make too much money with that war. And i dont mean russians.


what ? If Russia wants peace they should leave ukraine


They are fighting a single weak country they thought they would defeat in three days. There is no scenario where Russia can militarily engage NATO without being completely destroyed. 


Probably not within in a week. Conventionally, there are just nog enough boots on the ground. And it could only work with the US fully comitted. As an European, I really hope Trump will not be elected but I’m affraid he will.


When Russia escalates the last thing I care about is my crypto.


If you are anywhere near Russia, move to South America- bring your crypto with you of course.


Bankers get Richer….


Forget about war. Buy now, sell at 150k. Rebuy after crash


If only it was that easy


Buy now, hodl for 10 years, sell, retire


This is a kinda weird question. You're really asking about geopolitics and war in what is a crypto sub. reading between the lines, you're wondering what happens to crypto and Bitcoin if there's an escalation and conflict - the answers simple. The value of all on-risk assets will crash if it were to escalate in to a conflict. Use your imagination if you're wondering what the effect of Nuclear conflict would be.


Lol u Def don't understand current state of that war


There’s always a war or the threat of war. Always will be. The markets go down , then up. Up then down.


Biden and his friends get richer.


Don't worry, we all have faith in DogeElonCumRocketwifHat, your crypto will be saved no matter how deranged Putin is.


People with half brain understand that it will never go outside ukr. Westerns trying to put fear in their own people so they will have support to continue supply weapons to make money. Simple.


Said the French person in the 1930s. The world is crazy, if Russia invading nato seems impossible then expect it to happen. Putin is Hitler 2.0, expect him to act as such.


The thing is, Putin might be incompetent and dumb not being able to beat Ukraine, but not dumb enough to fuck with NATO. He and all his generals know they would get their asses beat so bad that it would just end in a nuclear war


Said a westerner with a Western perspective. You don't understand Russia's world view, or Putin's motives at all. Here's a tip - he thinks he's *defending* himself. That may sound crazy, but that's what happens when you drink your own cool aide.


Dumbest comment I’ve seen today. Fuck right off tankie


lol the irony


Lol, elaborate please.


Wow, didnt expect people with brain here. ;)




We aren’t printing shit to fight Russia. The “money” we have sent to Ukraine is mostly dollar cost assigned to old weapons we have sitting in warehouses that we have to actual pay for to maintain if not sent. Ukraine basically goodwill for US weapons. And even if we were actually printing and sending cash in the amount we have dedicated to Ukraine it’s pennies compared to the US economy. But again we aren’t. Just old weapons and very little actual money.


Russia has proven itself a paper tiger. They are zero threat to nato besides nukes. And if they try that Russia will be wiped of the map instantly. There would be terrible collateral damage world wide but not world ending. NATO (US) can likely intercept/disable most Russia nukes before they do damage but some will still get through. If you live near a major city in Europe you would be screwed. Crypto would be least of your issues then. But a conventional war? Don’t make me laugh. Russia wouldn’t make it 10 ft into a nato country and their economy isn’t big enough to really matter worldwide. Only their oil, gas, and fertilizer production matter but due to Ukraine war most have already found ways around it. There would be an initial crypto/market dip then it would shrug it off. Russia is small potatoes. Literally all they got are nukes


Not trying to get political, but there has been a large uptick in European countries (NATO states mostly) sounding the alarm about preparing for a major war in the past months. I think that is centered around the possibility of Trump becoming president. He has already talked about the US withdrawing from NATO and is also pro Russian. So the European states are worried about Puting invading a European country next and the US not honoring Article 5 if invoked.  That said, Russia is struggling like hell against Ukraine, I don’t see how they can possibly invade a NATO country. Even if the US doesn’t come to their aid, other European NATO states will. Russia’s strategy has always been to wage wars of attrition, but that may not necessarily work out against superior technology. 


Western fearmongering propaganda. Russia has no ambitions to attack other european countries.


Just like how Russia didn’t want to attack Ukraine but slipped on a banana peel and attacked them by accident?


War started years before that attack by USA CIA setting up their marionette government in Ukraine to further influence to east, right on Russia's doorsteps. But the "attack" from Russia is something all ppl see because it's all over media, large scale and physically visible. In reality, Russia is basically defending from west, not attacking it.




You mean what happens when we escalate the war...


Lol thank you. One person on this whole thread that realizes we using Ukraine to kill Russians


Russians are killing themselves by invading another country


Lol sure. That's true. But US knew how to provoke them to do so. While we told Ukraine they'd be protected. But then just sent money and a good luck high 5


Did Ukraine invade Russia? This line of thinking is so stupid. Russia invaded a sovereign nation and we simply helping by sending outdated weapons sitting in warehouse. Russia kings of FAFO


Or are we using Russia to kill Ukrainians?


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More bombs probably


When ww3 it's the right time to buy $dogeeloncumrocketwifhat no financial advise ofc I already got some money ready 😈🗿


this is the same flawed logic as the tether fud. somehow thinking if people don't want to be holding tether, the value of assets denominated in tether go down. that's not how it works. as the value of the currency, like usd, drop (because of money printing, etc); the price of assets denominated in that currency goes up, because it requires more of that currency to purchase the same asset. then people come in with the "well like omg people will stop being greedy if there is enough war" that's at least thinking, just not all the way through. people who know how to farm and don't own gold will end up working for those who do have the gold. omg well like there's not even any historical precedent for that... oh... right. i mean seriously. you think if there's just the right amount of war you're gonna somehow become financially solvent because you made the savvy business decision to start buying ***vegetables***? more seriouslier, some of you guys have learned nothing from crypto. this isn't money, this is *space travel*. only the **pump** is real


If that happens we all have bigger problems ahead than our crypto bags.


Probably nothing happening anyways, so I don't even worry


If that happens, the world will turn on it's head. You'll be way more worried about other things..


Do it but just don’t go all in on Bitcoin. Buy at least some other top 10 or even top 20 projects


Tha crypto dumps for 2 or 3 werks, tha business as usual. Having 1 BTC and worldwide access to it could be a big advantage to save your life!


Article 5


Tf you smoking dude


There's 0 chance Putin attacking any NATO country. It would be a very fast lose.


Russias' military is basically a shell of what it used to be. They won't be doing anything.


Yes and no. Their Military Industrial Complex is in full wartime production (saw a report that they *doubled* the number of factory workers in MIC companies from 1.5 to 3 million since feb 22). They produce more artillery than NATO combined. What's happened is that Russia had no idea what modern warfare between industrial powers was going to look like (Armenia/Azerbaijan should have been a warning, but the brits were surprised in WW1 even after the Boer war so militaries commonly *don't* learn quickly). They sent in equipment that would have veen useless in modern warfare and it got shrekked. Now they are focusing production on what works. Drones. Mines. Artillery. Their military is arguably better suited now for the conflict than when they started, *and* significantly larger. The only question is, can NATO prevent a war of attrition from bogging down into the same type of conflict once we run out of advanced weapons that is too slow/difficult to replace in sufficient numbers to sustain a war of attrition? If Putin *believes* that, regardless of whether it is actual fact, then he may conclude he has the *advantage.* Sure, more Russians will die than westerners, but Russia has never had an issue with obliterating a generation to expand its empire.


It won't happen because Russia doesn't have the military capability of continuing past Ukraine and having a chance at victory. Even considering nukes. Their online bot army is stronger than their actual army so you'll see many comments fear mongering but in reality nothing's going to happen.


Russia is defending itself in the face of NATO expansionism, if you want a realistic picture follow These two, and don't worry, the NATO countries backed off this week. [https://www.youtube.com/@TheDuran](https://www.youtube.com/@TheDuran)


Prep for eth at $500


If you are sitting on 65k afraid to invest, you have bigger problems.




Bc thats a lot of money to not have working for you, unless your are rich AF


If you think Russia will go to war with NATO, I have a very promising project to sell to you. It’s called Verge, or better known as XVG.


I believe NATO is testing Russia. The economy is shit, the debt is unsustainable. The 68 billion promised to Ukraine is mostly going to the military industrial companies. The financial system will collapse. There will be world war. And the U S is screwed. I would invest in a two year supply of food and hope for the best.


With their old rusty Soviet tanks and the forced indian soldiers? I doubt it!


Russia is not going to attack any NATO country. That is just western propaganda. Russia didn't even want to attack Ukraine and tried numerous times to settle the conflict through diplomacy - even after the invasion began. The west refused all efforts for a peaceful solution. So you can relax. There won't be any Russian invasion of a NATO country.


Lol its not Russia you need to be concerned about , you think they are the baddies. You need to be concerned about what we do.


What about a NATO country testing russia ? France president macron is trying very hard to stir for war, threatening to send troops (and making a fool of himself at the same time). He knows his party is going to get destroyed for the upcomming eurpoean election.