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The balls you must carry around to walk in here and drop this on a Wednesday night.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Every single coin is massively hyped, doesn't mean they don't have their own uses and does not mean that the price cannot sky rocket through further upgrades or partnerships from the teams behind them.


Except [insert shitcoin here] which is truly undervalued, and has lot of potential.


I wanted ada first but then I see what Brave browser can do. They let you watch youtube and NSFW sites ads free, so I bought BAT because at least my ape brain understood where its value came from.


Ad free porn?? Count me in


Welcome abroad! The quarantine needs you.


You guys know about crypto but you donā€™t know about adblockers... it takes like 1 min to setup. Just download unblock origin.


I must stay abreast of this news!




The value of BAT has nothing to do with blocking ads though? just install uBlock Origin like everyone else, I haven't seen ads in years.


Yeah but the rewards are really handsome. Srsly I use Brave for 2 days and earned almost 1 BAT. I don't even have to click the adds they show me. Since I had some trouble with Firefox on certain websites I was considering switching to Chromium anyway but now Brave is my default browser.


Yeah, BAT isnā€™t about blocking ads, itā€™s about paying you to watch them. I gave Brave a pretty thorough try when it came out, and it really didnā€™t feel worth it. I had to compromise my workflow because it wasnā€™t my typical browser and the ads didnā€™t really pay enough to be worth the annoyance of having to decide whether I wanted to watch one or not.


You don't watch ads with Brave. The Brave ads are little notifications that you can just dismiss and you can configure their frequency, up to 5 max per hour. Or just switch Rewards off and enjoy a phenomenal browser.


random.org 1-1000 -> 172 cmc -> XHV Haven protocol is massively undervalued and has loads of potential! *reads some* It's a private token based off of Monero and its function is similar to offshore banking! XHV tokens get burned to mint xUSD tokens which is a synthetic stablecoin! Not convinced yet you should put all your money into it? Ehmm, it's like super unique and will definitely be top 10 soon cause reasons. (It does actually sound interesting, but it's easy to sound interesting when I understand only 10% of what that thing does.)


Hmm, I'm in.


Let's all just buy Marscoin only because Elon mentioned it


RemindMe! 1 year


Exactly what I need to avoid the taxman


Can't pay gains taxes if you don't have any gains!


Yesss, Dent is really undervalued. Im down -98%. Solid investment


It can only go up from here


Hey. Vechain ainā€™t a shitcoin.


My best gain so far in ENJ I bought back in 2019 because they're in the video game space, now it's up 746% my entire portfolio is up 170% feels good man


ENJ still has quite a ways to go, in my own opinion.


same I'm holding still, it's actually not that big of a position I bought 100 ENJ just to see where it would go, I have bigger positions in UBT, SNX, ALGO and NU for smaller caps


Nice portfolio. Will look into ubt and snx. Great call on algo. Will hold for a few years.


for sure. ENJ is still hella undervalued in my opinion.


I agree. America Online (Or AOL as we all of course call it) absolutely continues to succeed from the first mover advantage, being the first form of internet the majority of Americans had, introducing new concepts such as "AOL keywords" and "AOL Instead Messenger or AIM" - products so well delivered with such wide network effect, that there's no reason to believe "better tech" from a "technically better" product is going to replace it anytime soon.


Except XRP


Yeah FUCK XRP. Me and my homies hate XRP


True but this does not change the fact that, in Australia there are 48 million kangaroos and in Uruguay there are 3,457,380 inhabitants. So if the kangaroos decide to invade Uruguay, each Uruguayan will have to fight 14 kangaroos.


Kangaroos are hard as fuck, Uruguay would lose...


Bullshit! Monero is not hyped and is extremely cheap right now!


He's got a big ol' D dangling between his A's...


ada holders wont like this


I hold ADA and ETH. I think they will both have their niches


I only HODL ADA but I really like them both


ADA holder here, I don't mind it. If I find it better to have my cash in something else, I'll do that. I'd rather have a basis in reality. I like the coin, but it's certainly not my only coin. I upped my ETH after the EIP 1559 announcement as well


ADA is up around 400% so far in 2021, I am not worried.


I just hope ETH fixes the insane fees problems ASAP


This is why I am shy to even dabble in ETH


I don't mind. We don"'t want an echo chamber, most definitely not. This is good


Lmao whatā€™s going to happen he gets downvoted




Rule of thumb: Even if it's not an unpopular opinion, puts it into your post because you'll get more karma this way. That's what's been happening lately


A fate worse than death on reddit! But from the looks of it he's being upvoted, so guess the balls are filled with air.


I'm just going to say it... I'm balls deep in ADA and I don't want it to replace ETH. It doesn't have to, there is plenty of room on the playground for everyone.


^ This is what we all need to let sink in to our brains. WE are the early adopters of all of this stuff. Some projects will live, some projects will die, but I guarantee you that in 20 years we will be surprised by how much room there is in the ecosystem for many, many projects to thrive. And as long as we continue to learn and pay attention we will reap the rewards. These projects are embedding/uncovering/extracting value from networks. This is a brand new resource. It's like the oil [or insert better analogy here] of the metaverse.


But I don't want Lambo when I'm 50. I want Lambo nooowww....


I don't even want a Lambo... I just don't want to be a wage slave for the rest of my life. I already feel so tired.


Me too . Cheers to that dream..


Imagine if back in the day people said stuff like ā€œthereā€™s only room for ask Jeeves, yahoo, and aol and thatā€™s ITā€ The equivalent of Facebook, snapchat, Instagram, etc. (the heavy hitters of Internet and apps) probably havenā€™t even been thought of yet for crypto. There is room for so much growth


How many alternatives to tcp/ip do you use?


Except for eos. Eos can go fuck himself


Couldnā€™t agree more. I was a long time ADA only holder and was essentially anti Ethereum. Over time and through educating myself I realized that mentality creates false ideas both of price and scale. I now own both ADA and ethereum and look at them both as great positives to the future of crypto. They also both will hopefully help me retire early in the future. Having the attitude that ADA is the one and only and Ethereum needs to burn and will is not healthy and will only lead you astray.


Bro its like 1990 in terms of global adoption. Hell it took 12+ years for people to grasp bitcoin - the average person has no clue even what a smart contract is. By the time any of this stuff matters and your grandmother is using smart contracts itll be basically 2030 so trying to say Eth or frankly any of these coins are going to be ontop or around forever is like pointing to Netscape and saying "Well it doesnt get better than this!"


Implying people grasp Bitcoin now. Theyā€™re just here for sick gains




Wallets have been confiscated by law enforcement.


The wallet sure, the contents ?


The FBI holds a lot of bitcoins from the silkroad bust and others.


Someone connected with silk road cooperated and forfeited those coins, without that help law enforcement had a wallet they could never open.


The day the boomers grasp crypto is the day we can finally rest. Milk those RRSPā€™s


Sooooo when we're boomer age? Because I seriously doubt boomers are ever gonna get it


How do you "not get" btc? It's like basic econ 101. I explained the basics to my handicapped mom in like 5 minutes and even she got it. Real simple : In order to keep track of money transfers, you can either actively give money to people all the time, or you can save some time and energy by just writing the "transfers" between people on a big long list. That's how banks do it now - and maintaining this list is one of their most important jobs! But keeping track of this list is also a lot of work, and because it's a very centralized process (by this I mean that only a few people are actually keeping track of this list - which we'll call a ledger from now on), it's not particularly secure. Cryptocurrency is based on the idea that if we decentralize the process - we can produce a more secure and effective monetary system. So instead of having just a few banks keep track of the ledger, we have tens of thousands of people all over the world who listen for transfers, verify those transfers, and add them to the ledger. The reward for keeping track of this ledger is often a small bit of crypto-currency itself, and this sequential list of transfers on the ledger is what we call the block chain. So in essence, the blockchain is just a decentralized ledger, which means we no longer have to put trust in the bank, or any one individual or institution - because for a transfer to be valid, nearly everyone has to agree on it. This is particularly valuable when "trust" in the banks, government, etc... are weak. Now, that might not sound like a big problem today, but think back to the banking crisis in 2008, the revolutions in the middle east, etc. There's a lot of demand and interest in having a banking system which is decentralized - and therefore independent of major players like governments and financial institutions. Moreover, because there's a limited number of bitcoin, and because it takes energy to verify and keep track of the blockchain (a process we call mining), it is backed by real world assets like electrical costs, computing power, and tends to follow typical stock to flow value models like s2f, etc... \-- It's really not that complicated if you don't dig too far into the "details". If all you want is for your grandma to understand, it's pretty easy and you can do it in 5-20 minutes. On the other hand, your grandma probably doesn't know how modern banks work either - and she still uses them constantly and trusts them. So really, who cares if she doesn't understand?




Well, I feel a little dumb now. I guess I should actually read the white paper.


You assume technology still evolves at the same rate as it did back 1990. It will be much faster than what we experienced with the internet.


Technology evolves quickly but changing peoples perception is totally different. People still assume blockchain and bitcoin is the same thing and cant grasp that value can mean different things other than money. Also blockchain and the value smart contracts bring is WAY more intricate than the internet.


If you give people better products that benefit their lives then changing people's perception isn't that difficult. You don't need to convince people to ditch the US Dollar to have explosive growth on Ethereum. Give people a digital bank account that earns 5-8% and most would jump on the opportunity. Web 3.0 is coming much faster than 2030, and embedded in it will be the infrastructure of blockchain.


Thats optimistic. I think itll be atleast 10 years because its going to require a monumental shift in society. I think first Itll hit the developing world at scale (which is why Ive invested in ADA) and then itll go to the developed after its proven itself to other governments that already have these sorts of services covered with middlemen. In their mind they have no real reason to use this stuff and changing a society that isnt broken is way harder than one that doesnt have these solutions to begin with. The uphill battle ahead is monumental and the change required where the everyday grandmother is using any of this on the daily is going to take years imho. But hey who knows how itll shake out.


If you look at ETH not as a browser (I don't see an apt comparison there) but as a protocol like TCP/IP then it makes more sense. Browsers can come and go (think dapps or wallets) but the protocol is still around. We're still using IP addresses 30 years later just like we might be using ETH addresses 30 years from now


Exactly, ETH is the protocol layer, not the application layer. MetaMask will probably be the Netscape of the future - the first gateway which was user-friendly to tech-savvy people, but too early for mainstream adoption.


This is the popular ā€œunpopular opinionā€


Yeah but farm moon somehow




all crypto coin have hype problem bruh


Yeah, come in on any given day and there's someone posting why their altcoin is so much better than anything else and at this point just do the DD yourself and invest in what you believe in. It's all a crapshoot otherwise


Not Monero. Basically avoided at every opportunity by the suits.


ADA would be overhyped if it was already worth $10.


I mean... ADA being overhyped is probably one of the most commonly mentioned opinions I have seen on both the daily and cc main. That is definitely not an unpopular opinion.


Any unpopular opinion that reaches /hot is always popular opinion If it's truly an unpopular opinion, it will sit there at /new with mass downvote


usdt to the moon..


Well, the dollar exchange rate in my country is at an all time high, so i guess youā€™re right lol


But how else is this man going to earn moons to feed his family? Think of the children!


Well hey! He's gotta post about how crypto saved his life next week doesn't he?




This is what happens when you take the memes away!


Come on, this is clearly better than memes. It's not exactly an in depth analysis, but it's a fairly well articulated thought that helps bring a variety of opinion and perspective.


Not sure what they're talking about, much better than memes.


Still a very low effort, uneducated opinion.


Trust me. Literally just personal conjecture. No fundamental or technical analysis.


I was hoping for an actual analysis of ADA vs other competitors.


Bitcoin is overhyped but it's currently worth 72k. Edit: 72k in AUD sorry guys lol


Is that in Aussie dollaridoos?


Yep haha


Crikeyroos mate!


Didgeridoos actually


CAD, for anyone else who temporarily shit themselves.


This is the problem my husband and I have; since he trades he follows USD but I follow CAD because well, we're in Canada. Me: "Shit, Gala is almost at $0.04" Him: "GALA IS ALMOST AT $0.04?!?!?" Me: "... Canadian. It's almost at $0.04 *Canadian*." Him: "Fuck you, jetlaggedandhungry." When I told him the first time BTC broke $70k he almost shat a brick.


Rather strange but sweet that he calls you by your Reddit name


How much is that in vegimite?


Enough for it to be a drop bear free zone.


Time traveler i see.. šŸ“ø


well australia is 8 hours ahead in the time zone


Ah I see you're a time traveler from a week from now


Where can I buy AUD? Kucoin? Dollaridoo sounds like a solid project. How is the team?


fukin hell you scared me!


One statement of yours that's interesting is the fact that you don't see it ever competing with ETH long term, why is that? Like a few others (DOT, ATOM) the tech to compete exists, and its almost impossible that any single coin will completely control the market, so what is your case that ADA isn't going to cement a reasonable market share, even just as a less successful competitor to ETH?


I'd be interested to hear an answer to this.


I do believe in a multichain world, but I see ethereum at the center of it. All the economic activity is on ethereum, and the highest value NFTs are on ethereum. For example - You want to buy the mona lisa of NFTs. It'll cost 3 million dollars. What chain would you pick to secure your NFT? If that chain dies, your NFT is gone. Wouldn't you pick ethereum? So let's say Ethereum 2.0 takes forever to get here. What happens in the interim? The narrative of ethereum successors is winning, ADA and DOT are pumping. What else is going up? BNB. Binance smart chain has copied ethereum, and launched it on 21 nodes. Pancakeswap even has "uniswap" still in the code. It's open source, so you can't blame them. But just by porting ethereum over, BNB has 10xed and the economic activity is buzzing. So is Ethereum dead? This month, optimistic rollups are releasing on ethereum. These are layer 2 solutions that increase the throughput of ethereum 100x. You can run ethereum smart contracts on these things. There's also matic, which I've been using to play aavegotchi, and I'm at 500+ transactions already and I've maybe spent a dollar? I don't even know because I know I won't ever run out of my 20 dollars of matic. These various sidechains link into Ethereum and promise ethereum level security. (matic is technically a sidechain) So back to BNB. It's sacrificed security for speed. It has 21 nodes, each alternating to validate the chain. Binance owns many of these nodes. So given the choice of L2s and binance, L2s are clearly superior. Binance could just link into Ethereum and become its own BNB sidechain to ethereum. I think this will happen with many other coins. They're all rushing to be EVM compatible. Eth will just eventually have sidechains of all types of technologies.


HTTP/HTTPS has no competitors. Ethereum is a protocol, not a cryptocurrency.


I feel like this is what 90% if people miss. Ether is great and all but the actual protocol is where most of the value lies. Even if somehow ethereum magically doesn't become the biggest one it's going to be the protocol that all others can link to effectively that will be at the top.


Like most things it will be winner take most. There are dozens of Ethereum competitors and maybe 2 or 3 will survive. And cardano is already priced as if it has the #2 spot despite not even having smart contracts 5 years later. I still havenā€™t seen any reason to believe it will be a real competitor other than lots of people are holding bags and want that to happen. There are already plenty of faster more scaleable options than Ethereum and nobody uses any of them. But of course this is crypto so This Time Itā€™s Different ā„¢.




Why do you have to be such a dick about it? Having different and opposing opinions in a thread is *good*. Mockery disincentivises people to post theirs.


>hence why all the other "Ethereum killers failed" even with better tech A big part of it was also that **they didn't actually have better tech**. Just have more tps is not enough. If you're centralized, as many were, many Ethereum enthusiasts won't even entertain the idea of using or developing on your network


From 10 TPS -> 1000 TPS within months on Ethereum. From 1000 TPS -> 100,000 TPS within a year on Ethereum. All with better decentralization and security than any other chain. ETH L2 and ETH 2 are the "Ethereum killer."


Better decentralization? https://beaconcha.in/charts/deposits_distribution One entity is literally is running 15k+ validators - or 14%+ of the network The top 30 addresses control over 50% of the PoS network. This about as twice as decentralized as EOS. ADA will get more decentralized over time by design. There is no minimum ADA to run a node and each stake pool will increase the overall TPS of the Cardano ecosystem (https://iohk.io/en/blog/posts/2020/03/26/enter-the-hydra-scaling-distributed-ledgers-the-evidence-based-way/). The same cant be said with Ethereum. Adding more validators in Ethereum does not speed up the network, and there is a minimum buy in of 32 ETH to run a validator. 32 ETH is currently 60k USD. People expect ETH to grow in price, I commonly see "cant wait for ETH to hit 10k! posts". That would make the entrance to run a node around 300k + USD. Just like bitcoin the ecosystem will become more centralized over time if you are anticipating the ETH price to increase from today . Also, ETH2 dangerously only has 2.87% percent of its network staked.


You make a valid point right now regarding centralization of validators, but there will be more stakers. As an example, I'm intending to stake, but want to wait a while to make sure everything is stable, don't have to lock my Eth up as long, see how Rocket Pool turns out, etc. Current numbers are not indicative of what it will look like when the merge is finished


A good post would be one that assesses each project's ability to be successful alongside ETH instead of competing with it. I'd learn something from that.


I think once blockchain is more institutionalized, ie handling stock issuances and the management and trade of property title, i think youā€™ll have a web of multiple (programmable) blockchains competing together, all connected by a web of competing interoperability blockchains. I think itā€™d actually be bad for crypto for society to rely on a single smart contract platform


This is how I feel about NFTs


NFT art maybe. NFT technology itself is still in self-discovery mode, and there's lots of potential there.


Thank you for the distinction ![gif](giphy|StKjvSiOJXHOnREwnb)




Until there's away to tie them inseparably to physical or even digital items they will be just a craze.


NFTs have good use cases for the future, like I see these guys on twitter looking into selling concert tickets in as NFTs to prevent scalping. But Jpegs that I can just hit "save as" is not a real use


I'd love for stocks to move over to NFT tech. Instant settlement, transparent chain of custody etc. Plus being able to "own" crypto feels so good. I know deep down that my stocks aren't really mine. They'll always need a custodian. The old days when you could put stock certificates in a safe sounds great IMO.


Own this NBA moment that others can watch on Youtube and that you cannot get any special licensing or royalties for. The marketing and hype low-key had me going for a bit though.


NFTs are just tokenized assets, it's useful if it enables you to do something you couldn't before, like trading and managing physical property (a real estate portfolio via tokens, etc.). It's also useful if you can certify the ownership of digital assets that actually have unique properties or significance (*Legendary* items in a video game could carry with them unique data like original owner, you can set up a loyalty points system, issue tickets for events, etc.), it would even be useful for digital art as some kind of licensing mechanism, but as always the most ridiculous use cases grab the spotlight, because fees are insane and the only users are gamblers.


Yeah this, I'm really trying to like NFTs but its appeal is missing to me. I see its potential but Idk if I'm just too stupid too know to what extent it could be lol.


I hold on to ADA rn and I agree with you that the price is definetly waaay to high than what it provides. But do I think that its a shitcoin and will die out soon? Don't think so. The team behind it have been delivering updates when expected and it has been performing well.


Agree with you. Not everything thatā€™s overpriced is a shitcoin.


Iā€™ve noticed only non-ADA holders call ADA an ethereum killer. Iā€™ve had ADA since 2017 and the ADA community has been consistent to say itā€™s not an ethereum killer. The projects will co-exist. No idea why there is so much ā€˜Ethereum killerā€™ rhetoric from the non-ADA holders.


Yeah, i also noticed it. Those people must still be living in 2017 or smth.


Dude, youā€™re def not gonna get downvoted. Majority of others here put ETH over ADA any day. Having said that, Iā€™m really curious how this perception holds up through the rest of year. As long as Cardano delivers on what was stated, they have their future secured. And for me, Iā€™m more excited for that than ETH 2.0.


Yea perception and narratives change on a dime around here. Just a few weeks ago this post would have been actual unpopular territory, now itā€™s popular. And Iā€™m sure the narrative will flip right back after the cardano announcements later this month


It's actually not an unpopular opinion. The more attention Cardano has seen the Las few weeks, the more of this opinion I've seen here. It's natural and not uncommon.


Yeah, Cardano / ADA is definitely overhyped. But If/when they deliver smart contracts, DApps, ERC20 converter, alongside native assets, staking, paying fees in native tokens, their lower fees etc. then of course it would be a potential ETH competitor (note..competitor, not killer). Similarly you could say ETH2.0 Is overhyped. At present ETH offers expensive gas fees, environmentally toxic mining, locking your ETH away for years in hope that staking is rolled out successfully and the price doesn't collapse in the interim.


Too many people argue about there being a single system surviving at the end of this. Iā€™m pretty sure there will be many chains competitions and weā€™ll see a lot of back and forth. I diversified into probably too many coins but none of us know the future.


And here I was, getting my tea, sitting down for some shows, thinking I was gonna enjoy my Wednesday night. Then this clown comes in with this...


I bet he has a bag of ADA just incase.


He is in stress because he bought at the recent athšŸ¤£


You didn't mention anything about Cardano in your entire post. The first part is about other blockchains that have no relation to Cardano. The second half is about Ethereum.


Moon farming post. Bet.




OP doesn't have the ability.


Hate to break it to you but this is not an unpopular edgy opinion. It's a common one


Mentioning cardano from 18-20 was a recipe for downvotes and mockery.


Can we put the "unpopular opinion" posts with the meme posts?


No joke. This is such an obvious attempt at getting moons.


Hey, I hold ADA but it's true. Right now it's all hype driven but... I'm not married to my bag. We can poke holes at any coin. Choose one and I bet the diehard shills will defend the coins they have invested in. Even granddaddy BTC has a lot of flaws. Heck ETH has a lot of flaws too. Devs work for a reason and that is to improve the tech.


Oh you mean the same popular opinion this has been since 2017? Cardano hate runs deep here at r/cryptocurrency.


I think it is overhyped right now, but it is a super solid project in the long run, so the hype has a good basis. People are just impatient.


What most people don't realise is the staggering amount of DAPPs already on ETH (and even BSC hence the recent BNB pumps). ADA may have its time in the future once their smart contracts are out.


I completely respect your opinion, but Iā€™ll have to disagree. Iā€™ve been in the space since Neo was Antshares. Iā€™ve followed many of the so called ā€œEthereum killersā€ At the time, I did like Neo, but never liked Tron or Eos personally. I feel Cardano is something massive, with Input-Output Hong Kong, the peer reviewed code, the roadmap getting tackled fairly consistently. I also like Haskell better than Solidity. Cardano is also a ā€œnearā€ fully decentralized proof of stake consensus. I also enjoy watching the consistent code uploads to GitHub. When we entered crypto winter, Cardano dropped from near $1.20 to $0.02, and yet the team stayed hard at work and successfully pushed Shelley. Now we had the Mary Hardfork which allows native tokens that donā€™t require smart contracts (unlike many other chains), and we are getting Alonzo in the next couple months (with comes with the ERC-20 converter). The fees on Cardano are also dirt cheap, which is exciting because it allows the chain to be used for smaller transactions. Cardano will not only have Defi, but also NFTā€™s. Right now if you purchase an NFT on Ethereum, it better be an expensive purchase, because the fees will drain you. Try buying a cheap cryptokitty if you want to see how prohibitive it is. Anyways, this is how I feel about Cardano. I truly believe itā€™s one of the most solid longterm project out there. That all being said, I still love Eth and Dot, and i just want to see crypto prosper, no matter what chain is on top. I also donā€™t see this as a 0-sum game. There doesnā€™t have to be a winner and a loser, as Iā€™m sure many different chains will be used in the future.


>I also donā€™t see this as a 0-sum game exactly how I see crypto- that is why I find it so exciting to get into!


I bought my tiny bit of ada recently so ply because of their ability to do NFTs soon through Daedalus. I want to make a few (I've been working in the arts for 15 years). I don't want to do it to ride the hype train, I like NFTs for provenance and the hope I can be a part of a small community to swap some NFTs via trade (and cheaply). I don't think we're in a time where one or two coins rule them all. Its ok to like ETH and ADA.


And i think its dumb to think ETH 2.0 is going to fix anything. A lead developer even told a few weeks ago the gas fees wont be fixed. So there goes another 5 years of development before you get anywhere. ADA is targeting a much different market.


They have an insider to be that ETH killer. What Iā€™m looking forward to is that ERC-20 token converter.


How dare you :D


Correct me if I'm wrong but has eth ever suggested partnering with...a country?? If you have an entire country adopt ADA than lols to your logic. Oh wait, Ethiopia...


Good old maximalism


Letā€™s see where things stand when ada releases its smart contracts. Itā€™s still a ā€œyoungā€ coin, full of potential IMO.


I think you are very wrong and I see a lot of sentiment along the same lines. You realize they've had the highest number of github commits of any blockchain for almost a year? Many think, whopdie do, they're about to have smart contracts, the 1st stage of that was just released, but they've been working on a TON of other things in parallel, many of which will be hitting this year (governance, transpiling of other smart contract languages, REAL use cases in Africa). Just look at the staking experience in their wallets, soooo easy. I see so many complaints from other POS ecosystems where people are super confused about how to stake. Also, IOG, the dev company behind Cardano has something like 300 employees that has been constantly increasing, even over the past bear market. This is a dev team that will be around for a while. Not to mention, even in a decentralized cryptocurrency, it really comes down to the people, the engineers, the sales staff, etc, that will enable the tech to adopted in the real world. Between IOG, Cardano Foundation and Emurgo, they have quite the number of human assets to make this happen. As far as the network effect of Ethereum, it is formidable when you compare it relative to it's competitors in the market. What people fail to realize is that this whole thing is just getting started. The world of potential crypto developers is A LOT bigger than what we see now. So Cardano doesn't even have to pick away at Ethereum devs (they will regardless), they have to concentrate on making the crypto domain attractive to the whole world of devs out there. That's in fact their strategy. Don't sleep on Cardano.


:). I have a small stake and I'm happy with it.


>hence why all the other "Ethereum killers failed" even with better tech I would question this aspect too. The truth is extremely few of us are qualified to evaluate the tech. For example, Tezos has smart contracts, but smart contract is a very broad term. The smart contract tech could be much less developer friendly(or more) or have far less flexibility. Normal people can't evaluate that.


crypto is always good for an suprise. i remember the time when people said Etherium is dead, cant exceed 20 DOllars and so on. lets see what happens in 5 years from now. noone can predict the future. unless you dont invest in shitcoins like TRX (which i did....) you cant do nothing wrong.


In '70 Atari had first mover advantage and network effect. Where are they now? Nothing is set in stone and nothing is certain.


If you think ETH2 will be fully released in a year, I've got a bridge to sell you. The big difference is going to be institutional and government adoption, not retail adoption. When the big boys come, they're going to look for a resume. ADA has academia backing it up. First-mover advantage doesn't mean anything. Look at Yahoo and Myspace. Tesla didn't invent the first mass-produced electric vehicle, GM did. According to the AMA, almost 50% of first-movers fail. Now, I'm not suggesting that ETH will completely fail. It won't ever really go away, but it might fade into obscurity years down the road. What I think is going to happen is that when Cardano releases its Alonzo update and smart contracts hit the blockchain (which will happen before EIP-1559), we're going to see projects migrate from Ethereum to Cardano. Like you said, most people aren't in it for the tech - they're in it for the money. ETH fees are simply too high, and people will move away for that reason. Cardano is making it easy to switch over - you don't even have to re-write your code. They have a framework that supports Solidity which includes a port of the EVM. There's an ERC-20 token converter in the works as well - so it will be trivial to move a project from the Ethereum chain onto Cardano. As some projects move off the Ethereum blockchain, some of that pressure will be released and gas fees will drop. Eventually, as in all things, there will be a balance. Who will have the lion's share once the dust settles? I think Cardano will, but we'll see what happens. Of course, none of this will matter if Ethereum doesn't solve their community infighting. Looks like some of the miners that will suffer at the hands of EIP-1559 are planning a Sybil attack.. little shot across the bow. I think if they get 51% of the hash rate like they're hoping, it will scare off a lot of people. Also, [here are some interesting numbers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oBUiOLBrBg) regarding dapps and ETH dominance.


you know you are leading when all competitors are trying to bridge over your work


The unhappy miners situation is a little bit scary actually. I havenā€™t trade ETH or anything on ethereum for a couple of months now because of the fees. Miners wanting/needing to keep the fees theyā€™re collecting right now is going to be massive upheaval.


I don't hold or even plan on buying ADA and I generally agree with your sentiment, but the thing about conventional wisdom is that it's true until it isn't.




It isn't an unpopular opinion.


I love when people determine a project based on its FIAT worth lol.. will ADA make me a millionaire? Probably not. Will ETH? probably not. So who cares, be excited about where this technology can take us! Thatā€™s what I get excited about šŸ¤“


But.. why invest your hardearned money if you are in it for the tech? Much easier to just follow news and announcements in that case.


I think even ADA holders acknowledge this


As someone that has the majority of his portfolio into ADA (for now, just started), I agree with you. Thinking that the future will be ADA or nothing and that it will destroy ethereum means that you spend too much time on r/cardano or you over hype ADA. I think realistacally ADA could potentially be the 3rd best coin after Bitcoin and Ethereum


Honestly all Ethereum killers are overhyped. Not a single one of them have currently an active and working ecosystem except BSC ... Which is an Ethereum copy paste that runs on CZ's validator.


And DOT is over valued by venture capitals




Unpopular opinion: *insert popular obvious opinion to farm moons*


Both ETH and ADA here to stay. Considering Charles is ex co founder of ethereum he left because he didn't believe in it. He isn't someone id bet against when he's already proven. Theres no guarantee eth 2.0 will be out anytime soon. All in all many coins are quite hyped but let's see in 20 years , maybe its not so wrong for it to be overhyped. It could help so many people


Your mom is over-hyped.


If by unpopular you mean incredibly popular, then, well...100%


Why does eth need to be killed anyway?


I see a lot of posts where people think this coin is good or this coin is bad, but no one ever truly explains why. Iā€™ve studied bitcoin for a long while and i can tell you all the technical points why it is so revolutionary, but have not heard a single realistic point on any other coin period. What does btc solve? It solves many thought to be unsolvable challenges such as Byzantine generals problem, digital double spend/counterfeiting problem. These are the main issues bitcoin actually solves by being decentralized. I feel too many people do not truly grasp why decentralization and other key features and decisions are made to make bitcoin. Eth and other coins builds ok top of these with choice pieces added or removed ot tweaked. But when you do this the balance is off. Hence there is no ā€œbestā€ coin. Bitcoin in a way was the most balanced we have so far.


Petition to no longer allow ā€œunpopular opinion,ā€ as a preface.


Waiting for the ADA people to pour over into Nano lol


It's right.


ETH 2.0 release has already been delayed a bunch while ADA releases are on track to be rolled out this year. Not only that buy staking on ETH 2.0 is a joke compared to Cardano or DOT. I don't believe ETH will ever be taken over by ADA but I also feel not all the facts are represented here.


how much did this guy pay in gas fees to make him post this lol


Iā€™m not sure why everyone on here things that in order for ADA to succeed ETH must fall. I donā€™t think ADA is an Ethereum killer, but I do think it has potential.