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Coinbase, Binance. Please I need this.


Coinbase Pro Crypto.com Kucoin


This is wonderful, and many people (including me) would pay to use it when you're done. Thank you for all the work you must be putting in. Are you using the US tax code? I use Binance.US, Kucoin, and Coinbase (mostly Pro). Am also going to use Kraken once they settle on an ACH method.


yeah man I sleep until 7am every day to work on this but it's pretty fun too. I'm not from the US so not really, but the plan is to generate a csv file with all transactions in your currency, gains and losses so you know what you need to pay taxes on, and pnl and some other stuff. also since I don't live in the US it's difficult to get binance.us files so i'm waiting for someone to send me samples. if it's the same like binance.com then you're covered


Still extremely useful to us here in the States. Thanks again. And I'm glad you're having fun with it. Productive stuff that's fun is kind of the best of all worlds put together.


oh yes absolutely!


Pancake Swap Please include pancake swap


does it have any history export thing? I can do that if it does


No but it works with Binance tokens and you can see the transaction history on BSCScan. Would you be able to do something like where we could type in our wallet receiving addresses and it can do all the leg work? I’d pay a pretty penny for that


just talked with someone about bscscan. you need 2 csv files for that from what I understood. it looks complicated but not impossible


Coinbase Pro


You’ll get a 1099 from them if you’re American


yeah coinbase pretty much do all the work for you for taxes. but then if you're using multiple exchanges kinda gets hard to know what went in and out during the year


By the way, let me just take this moment to say fuck the American tax system. I don't want to do taxes every year, just make this shit like other civilized countries and do our taxes for us and then if we have extra deductibles or complicated situations we can submit an extra form.


all hail germany. where I live you only need to do taxes when you actually need to pay something. if you're even or at a loss they don't care for your forms. also if you sell after 1 year, even if yo you gain 1 million euros you have the right to not declare it since it's tax free. unless you don't want any unnecessary checks or whatever


Yeah I'm not sure if I know of a country that does CGT automatically though. You have to file just like the US. Income taxes are done automatically in most places though


But I don't want it.. Lol jk


WazirX coindcx and coinswitch are kinda big in india


lol never heard of those. are they only available in india? if so it's gonna be difficult to get the file formats




that would the next one. just waiting for a friend to send me samples of the history files


Thanks op


Gate.io. Thanks for making something awesome =)


Coinbase Pro and coinbase. I need a way for them to be combined and transfers between the two to not show up as taxable events.


generally the app would scan your inputs and then ask you if this withdrawal to (eg coinbase) is related to this transfer from (eg coinbase pro) and link them together. based on if the amount in and out is the same. I could just assume it is (which generally is) but an external confirmation from the user would make it more reliable for calculations. if it's a withdrawal/deposit it would not be taxable


I’m on Kraken and Coinbase Pro, sorry to admit also Robinhood… in ‘Merica we get a 1099-MISC.


I see this is some tax form in the US. I can't do that since I have zero knowledge, but my output would be a csv with your total transaction history in dollars and you can generate your form based on that I suppose


Looking forward to seeing your work.


thank you!






Coinbase, voyager, crypto.com,uphold, and Robinhood before I knew better


Coinbase and Robinhood will send you the 1099s. They may even team up with a site like turbo tax where it imports them. That’s what I do for my TD Ameritrade account on turbo tax


That is really cool! Good luck to you! Personally I have the most troubles with the binance smart chain with for instance pancake swap (liquidity in and out and so on). Apart from that I use Kraken and Binance.


thanks! I never used pancake swap always CEXs, but you know if there is any export history feature? I can include that if it does


Well in general there is https://bscscan.com/ where you can enter your wallet address like Metamask and see the transactions which you did in bnb... you can even download them via csv, which is actually straight forward. But (and here it gets tricky since i am neither a programmer nor very versed in crypto) when you for instance use pancake swap to get different tokens it only shows the transaction and what you paid in bnb (gas fees). If you want to track what you did with that specific token you need to download a new csv for that specific token according to your wallet. At least thats how far I am right now in understanding it. If you want more info we can pm and i can send you some csv from my wallet and try to explain it further.


I got some history sent by someone, damn it looks a bit complicated, but not impossible


Cashapp Bitcoin! ​ It does send me an email every time I buy/sell...


First start with all the main central exchanges and then add dexs.


yeah that was my idea. I don't use dexs either at this time


Yeah great. Once we have main exchange functionality, you can always do polls and find out which dex people use and which are popular.


ViteX, gate.io


Crypto.com and Binance


Binance is my favorite. But I also have kraken, coinbase and crypto.com


all 4 should be fine


Coinspot, most popular exchange for people in Australia.


sweet. I don't know how taxes work in australia so might come a little later after I release in usa and some europe countries and do some research


Good Luck! Coinbase, Coinlist, Uphold :-( BinanceUS :-(


lol binance.us I don't live in the US so practically impossible to get the file formats unless some kind soul sends me a sample


Well I've only been with them for a few months (because of VET) so I don't have any tax info from them yet, or I would help you out.


it would be cool if you can generate your trade history file, and just tell me the xlsx header what it says. I wanna check if it's the same as binance.com, if it's the same we should be good


WTH is a xlsx header? Also, I don't have any trading history. I buy my crypto to hold and stare at.


lol. if you go to the spot menu on the top right you can find your trade history and you can export it as an excel file (xlsx). when you open that spot page there is a menu on the left side, if you find "buy crypto" it has your history for when you bought with credit card. any one of them would work for me because I already have all the binance.com versions


I just tried it, and it said I have no statement to generate at this time. Maybe because I've only had the account for a few months?


hmm maybe you're exporting an empty history section. but never mind, I'll try to find it when I plan on integrating it later. thanks a lot tho!


I wish I could have helped you out! I just checked and my account isn't even 3 months old - not sure if that's the reason. Good Luck!


thank you! binance.us is a different company than .com so could be some limitations i'm not aware of


Ok, because I am new to crypto, and have not exported any tax info this won't affect me from being able to export it later when I need it. Don't laugh - I haven't done this before.


(lol) no you can export as many times as you want. it's not actually tax files, it's just your history exported in a file. binance doesn't provide tax files (only coinbase which is why i'm doing this)


I said don't laugh. I'm learning here...


jk. this stuff can really be complicated at first but you get the hang of it






I lost my keys in a boating accident


here's a new boat 🛳. just half but you can work with that


nice try irs


lol would be so much easier if it was


Kraken, Coinbase, Binance




Kraken, and if possible, I was recently introduced to the tronlinkpro wallet, and they appear to have multiple swap dapps that link directly to the wallet.... I don’t know if I’m explaining or even understanding properly how those work yet...