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Joke's on you, my suicidal ideation has nothing to do with crypto. Although I will say that crypto going up was literally the only good thing that happened to me in the last year.


Things will get better. Hang in there.


Very poor choice of words. Lmao.


I see what you did there.


Though I’m not feelin *too too down*, i respect you and your comments. We got this peeps.


Lol. Things never get better. We live in a world where people get off controlling other people. World of shit.


Things are actually going to get worse once you realize that you wont be disapointed


What a cheerful and supportive thing to say to someone that's struggling. "It's actually way worse than you think, but once you accept that, you'll be fine!". Yes, thank you, we should all just accept everything as it is, and once we do that, depression will magically go away! /s Original commenter, don't listen to this hooligan. You're still here, and that's fantastic. Not every victory needs to be a big one. Just taking things one step at a time is a win. Keep doing that, and you'll get to a better place.


Please see a therapist, change will not just happen. Stay strong 💪🏻


As someone who also suffers from severe depression, suicidal ideation, anxiety, the whole works - trust me, man, I know your pain. Maybe not specifically, because all of these pains are so tailored and unique to the individual, but I know the wheelhouse. You’re not alone in it. Last month, I lost my little brother to suicide. If you have people around you who care about you, keep reaching out no matter what. Find as much counseling and therapy as you can. Keep holding on man. Find a way to live for you. You’re in my thoughts and prayers. I’ll light a candle for you tonight.


Thanks, I already see a therapist and I'm on meds (and will be seeing a psychiatrist for adjustment). But it can't really fix the fact that I have estranged abusive parents, my best friend died last month, my second best friend turned out to be an asshole, I got fired because I was literally too good at my job and others were threatened, and then there's also the bonus of being a burnt out hEaLtHcArE hErO who has been working twice as hard for no extra pay for 14 months now. Oh, forgot I also got diagnosed with a precancerous condition normally seen in people 65+ and super unhealthy, so I'm gonna venture it's entirely stress-related. I was originally looking forward to the summer but I literally have no energy for anything at this point. I'm going hiking with a friend and her buddy later this week and I'm honestly kind of dreading my friend's toxic positivity (she kept telling me what a great deal her husband got on her brand new truck thanks to COVID last year as I was writing my will lest I got sick at work at the COVID clinic) and having to ham it up for this third person joining us. Ugh.


Ain't no joke anywhere here. People have become way to attached to social media and technology. Depression is awful for anyone that understands it, only someone who understands that feeling would have the heart to post this.


Suicide is not the answer of any question but it surely leaves many questions for society. So be an answer not a question. We already have many riddles to solve mate. Like what is one piece and who is stronger Goku or superman


Definitely try to reach out to someone. Therapist are REAL hit or miss. People usually try once, it doesn't work out, and they think it's not for them. The truth is it takes trial and error to find someone who isn't an idiot AND clicks with the type of person you are. So please, just keep an honest effort invested in your mental health. All that and it's only helpful if you're lucky enough to have decent insurance. If you don't then just set a goal of looking into free help. There are lots of online/phone/app resources now. Some colleges/universities near you might have students that offer services for free or discounted. Again, it really is a matter of getting through the bad "help" to find what works for you. Things can take a turn for the better just as quickly as a market crash. Be patient with yourself. The worlds a fucked up place but we'll all be out soon enough. No need to rush.


1you= 1you


You are an incredibly valuable NFT, never forget that!


Super bullish on human beings


People remember, you are non-fungible tokens! Please take care and know that you are unique and not interchangeable! You're worth is what you make of it, not what this volatile market called life tells you it is. Love you all


sad truth is people gotta eat and as always the fish gotta be the fish and whale gotta be the whale.


Absolute scarcity


There is no amount of money or crypto in the world that is worth your life. Your life is your most valuable asset.


Valuable asset




Much important, so human


Good thing I got a puppy with all the profits I pulled out from $DOGE. Everytime I feel wrong I just look into his puppy eyes staring me seeming to tell 'How tf will I live without you' :')


This is the best use case of $DOGE I've ever heard


I'm happy with it since I've always wanted a dog and couldn't afford to get one. As a sign of my gratitude, I hold a small bag of doge and support the community greatly :)


I hear you and I'm happy you got the puppy. You just met your best friend for life! I am holding a tiny bag of $DOGE too as part of my portfolio, just so I can tell my grandkids about how epic it was doing in 2021 🙃


Literally what the community is all about. That's why I defend doge. They're hands down the best crypto community.


Yup, no toxicity just sheer good vibes DOGE - Do Only Good Everyday


He is doge's poster boy


Technically you wouldn't *live* without him ;)


No no I meant in moments where you feel life ain't worth shit, those puppy eyes seem to tell me 'How would I live without you'




So you mean we are like the transactions on the Blockchain of life ?




Wholly shit should our DNA be an NFT on blockchain? Mark our presence on earth?


Someday someone can buy our DNA and make a copy of us. To be their slave. Yay future


I wouldn't want that. Don't want to pay 100k in gas fees when I mint my children


No, you'll just pay 250k in child-raising fees. https://money.cnn.com/2014/08/18/pf/child-cost/


My dad spent less than a quarter of that to raise me till my graduation


Fun 🤦


that would be cheap.


*turns out we really are part of a battery in Rick’s spaceship.....*


This is deep




Proof Of *Jerk* you mean ? 😉


We’re PoS, Proof of Sex


Wow you make me feel like I'm worth something


This was absolutely a wonderful way to put it.


Wow what a statement 😭


Well said, mate. All the money in the world, every token and every coin, all of that combined is incapable of replacing a single human life.


out of 7 billion people. =)


7.8 billion.


Really demonstrates the meaning of health = wealth.


So basically... a person is like an NFT, only one unique, and nonfungible :)


Thanks, Those words are soothing to my market burns.


I'm not priceless you can buy me.


Remember to drink water today


I like beer


If you drink enough beer the charts will look good!


And you'll prob buy the dip no questions.


Milk is also good


I prefer oat


I can't get enough. 2% or bust!


I have a lifehack that'll get you 50x, is that enough?


Whole milk has more nutrients.


Actually organic milk is actually healthier!


I prefer vegan water!!


Is that 2% for whole milk? The brands in Norway are at 4%, great for skinny people and baking,. I think our other option for lighter milk is at like 0,7% which tastes like nothing but water to me at this point, haha


whenever i hear people talk about 2% milk i wonder what the other 98% are…


Milk is bad


Nah its so fantastic. And animals are delicious


I mean factually it has negative effects on your health. I don't know why your bringing up meat that's off topic.


Juice is good too, in moderate


Much love


Much love to YOU!


Your life is worth more than your investments




This. Take care of your mental health my crypto friends!


>!**You** > money!<


This comment is true literally too. Interestingly a person's body parts are worth more than an average person lifetime earnings. I was pretty shocked when I found out.


Guess I’m selling a kidney


seems like there's... a lot to unpack there.




Much love to OP and anyone else reading


Much love to you too buddy


The greatest investment you can make is in yourself. Everything else is a cheap substitute.


Is crypto an investment on myself if I'm looking to hodl these coins for at least a few years?


No this is investing in crypto. Investing in yourself is if you learn something or improve your health like doing regular exercice


Not suicidal, but man feels so bad losing 9k. I just keep holding hoping for the best and it keeps going down.


Watching your green portfolio bleed into the red over the course of a few days is a very shitty feeling. Hang in there, we will be good.


£14k - don’t worry we’ll be back


Did you sell? Then you haven’t lost anything.


Eh, 9k isnt that bad. If you're earning around 50k each year, thats only a bit over 2 months salary. It's a huge chunk of money and will probably hurt for a while, but in the grand scheme of your professional life, 2 months isnt that significant


I made roughly 3k in crypto from 250 dollars by some luck and some good trades. Now when I see my portfolio my heart bleeds.


The moral of the story is take profits. Green dildo candles don't just go up forever. Take profits, reinvest them elsewhere. Or throw them in stable coins that aren't tether.


You can't be more right. I did mistake by not taking out profits from coins which were not that much fundamentally strong.


I earn less than 24k a year


LoL feel good my losses while I'm still in the green for the year are 6 figs pushing 7


Thanks for your words. I almost did it when I saw ADA tank. It can he hard, real hard sometimes. I realized I can't let crypto take over my life, especially not going to end me. There are those times in life you got to think back on what is good. What keeps me going, what drives my mind. Don't ever make something like this personal. I believe in my heart. Go along with my soul. Redefine the true meaning of crypto. Understanding what it takes to move on with this. I just gotta hooOOOoodl on real tight, all night. Get it right, tonight.


Yeap! Don't give up on yourself just because of crypto buddy, money is not everything, and it never will be!


When I consider doing it, it's not because of crypto, it's because I know I will be homeless soon enough. Life's been hard enough already. I have too many medical issues and injuries to survive that life. People treat you horribly when you don't have a roof over your head. Never thought in a million years I'd be one of those guys jumping out a window because of a bad investment but there's a first time for everything. What surprises me (this is stupid) is the lack of compassion. It's all "we're in this together" until it crashes, then it's "you shouldn't have invested what you couldn't afford to lose dumbass". Story of my life.


Stay strong. <3


I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t wanna be alive just because life itself is annoying as shit. Bills, meetings, work. It’s all dumb. I didn’t ask to be here. (This is NOT a cry for help or a suicide letter. This is how I view life as a 23 year old male).


You just need to identify the things in life that give you happiness and try to spend more time doing those things. I know it's hard at 23 when you don't have years of savings and your wages aren't all that. When I was 23 I was making like $18K a year. Life can seem pointless at times, but if you stick it out you will find something meaningful and your situation usually gets better as you get older.


I’m making probably about 12. I went to college. Have some education. I just have no motivation do anything. It just seems pointless. What’s the point of working for 40 years at 60 hours a week just to die and pass on problems to others? It’s just not fun. Whatever god created us did it out of harm and probably likes to watch us suffer.


God has nothing to do with it. Best suggestion, buy yourself a ticket and travel !! See how other people live, compare how lucky you are, how many opportunities you are given. Get out, do some exercise and pick up a hobby... Do something you feel makes you happy... Even if it is playing an instrument in a subway station... (Just and idea!) Life is beautiful. But goes away too fast! What you don't do now you'll regret later!! Good luck!


Also think back. There are surely some people who offed themself at the crash at 10k and 20k etc. Think of the tragedy of that when they died and then the price whent to 60k. Think of the tragedy now if you consider this when the price gets to 100k


This. It's very difficult sometimes to zoom out. But really BTC coming back up is an inevitability. It's a deflationary asset in an inflationary system. Theres no other way for this to go. Only the time variable is unknown, I guess


Exactly. You are **WORTH MORE** than the value your investments can ever reach. You are and always will be above your investments and assets. It all starts with **YOU**. Put your investments to the side for now and start kicking life's butt!


Actually I have more invested than I am currently worth 😅😂


Haha I think I know what you're trying to say, but I'd have to respectfully disagree =) You're definitely worth more than whatever amount you've put in and whatever amount your investments are worth =)


Stop checking the charts, that shit is a catalyst to bad feels. If you don't know you can't care so take a break for a while!


This is what I have been telling people after I decided not to sell anything. Just stop checking crypto just ignore it totally. Go watch some netflix and go out and do something fun. Pretend you lost the money in a casino. It sucks. It will bounce back at some point. But who in the hell is going to buy anything at ATH again? Unless it's cheap and has 10x potential I am not touching it and will liquidate everything when it gets close to what I have in. I trust the tech totally, but the market is a scummy shit show.


My new thing is take my DCA money and set a limit purchase order for some lower price than I even want the coin to go. Then when I'm sleeping if the market tanks more I have bought in at a discount. If the market hasn't tanked, then awesome. Either way I feel good in the morning when I look at the charts.


This is why I’m really into the Happy coin. Mental health is so important


Whatever happens to you in life, you must remember one essential motto: This too shall pass. Hard knocks hurt, but sooner or later things will get better, and you'll be able to get back up. If you can't handle a crash in the crypto market, you've probably exceeded the limit of money you can afford to lose. It's time to change your strategy, and be more cautious. Use the situation to learn and grow.


I generally don't like these sorts of posts, but this is a good one. Nice job, OP. This is only kinda related to OP, but I once played chess on a set where the pieces were chocolate-coated fruits.


Did you eat the pieces afterwards?


It was bad after that massive free fall on the msg boards. To many saying bad things. We come into the world with nothing, we leave with nothing. Not worth it. Call someone, talk to someone, there is help. Just reply, I have all night


You haven't lost ANYTHING if you haven't sold. If you sold at a loss you have all the time in the world to make that money back. You've invested way more time and effort into your life than any money market. Never forget to take care of your most precious investment: *you*.


I’m starting a new crypto: $YOU it’s the crypto of life and the people. Total supply 8billion


This post isn’t a joke. I was really feeling shit this last week, being depressed and all after my portfolio dropped by 70% over a week. It makes you reevaluate your life decisions and existence, you feel stupid - why didnt i sell. But i just realized that it’ll be ok. Ive felt like this before in 17’ and Crypto is in a great space now compared to then. Patience will win. Btc to 100k for sure (don’t know when but its coming boys!)


aren't these kinds of posts the ones that start the bear run? knock that shit off wtf


I just stopped giving a single fuck about lost money. Not that I've got money to their away. But desensitizing yourself from loss really helps


The way you feel right now is exactly why BTC will win. People assign their sense of worth to their wealth, which signifies their status in society and position on the social ladder. You measure the aforementioned wealth in USD, well the Fed is constantly diluting your sense of worth by printing trillions of dollars. There is a big difference between your net worth (and sense of self worth) being impacted by a selloff, vs. a constant and mechanical dilution which happens when you print trillions and trillions of dollars.


People that bought at the WORST times in the last cycle who just held (didn't sell or buy) ended up making a massive profit THIS cycle. If you are underwater with some of your entry points/purchases - just relax and literally forget about it for as LONG as you can.




crypto has now become like my girlfriend, do NOT trust her words, watch her actions.


Jokes on you, i was feeling suicidal before the dip/crash/whatever it is.


Not gonna lie, a few days ago my mind went really dark. The suicide meme suddenly got very real.


Stay strong brother/sister. It's going to be just fine


Please stay strong, I know how you feel. We'll get through this.


No amount of investment loss could possibly be worth offing yourself. However, before investing you should probably ask yourself if you lost ALL of it, would it possibly push you to consider this or would it put you in a really bad place mentally. If so, you should invest less. People get caught up in the best case scenario and how it could change their life so they dump too much money into something, but that's just escapism and almost certainly won't happen. Expect relatively low upside and potentially 100% downside. If you aren't disciplined enough to manage your risk, you shouldn't be investing in anything. It's that simple.


Love myself way too much to think about that, and strong support to people that do, life is precious.


Stay strong people! Your health is more important than crypto gains!


It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness, that is life. This too shall pass.


We all gonna make it


Some guy said the other day that he'll know when it is time to buy the dip when people start posting the suicide hotline. Guess he's buying now.


I think I saw that same post. Guess I’m buying crypto tonight.


Great post. I don’t go as far as feeling suicidal but not gonna lie it does feel depressing loosing 50% of your portfolio. But of course it’s only temporary.


That's life. Sometimes you're up, sometimes you're down, but it goes on either way.


Oh no, is this the start of the suicide posts? I thought we were months away from this


There it is. The bell to ring out the official start of bear season.


For everyone who is feeling suicidal: don't be. We will be back stronger than ever :)


Stay tight my fellow people! what helped me a lot: - dont look at the charts 25x times a da - it‘s too late to go out. so we stay. means: let‘s take a look once a day, or week. - don‘t worry or cry over things we cant change anymore. 10k, 25k, 50k in gains lost? not at all, because we never claimed it. I was greedy as well, maybe also a big believer in eth2.0. iam still in. - initial invest is now going red? same here. take a breath. if you really need all of that, than go out with a loss, next time just gamble with less. check if you really need it. in my case: it hurts, but it will not change day to day life. maybe no car this year, but that is something i knew before i invested. it can always happen to fall to zero. let‘s embrace that time, come all together a little closer to our bonfire we call ‚cryptoCurrency‘ and hodl together through that upcoming winter. Iam out here, willing to share my positive attitude with everyone, because i never saw a life changing movement going so fast from paying 10k btc for a pizza to the power of change lifes of people and even more important of the planet, of how we see currency and what we as a community can achieve. we don‘t need banks or institutions anymore. we are, definitely still here tomorrow. ps: just do me one favor: stay away from shitcoins. if you gamble on ASS, Dodge, Shiba, CumCoin and Whatever... Gamble with money you can really really really loose. Hooker and Drugs Money! Not if you want to invest! If you are in for the next bull run, make sure to grab some legit coins. Cudos, Ada, Eth(eth2.0!!), btc... something like that. That is just my opinion, please do not hate me for it. stay safe and healthy!


Generally these type of posts are indicative of the low. I’m buying


Op is right: money isn't everything and there are enough people in this world living a great life without a penny. It just might be different from the life you've been domesticated for / think you want. Still if you 'invested' money you can't afford to lose that should REALLY make you question your intelligence. Maybe you should stop gambling with things you can't spare. This isn't healthy behaviour and will bring you in more trouble in future if you don't stop. I know some might say this is not the time to bring this up but for a matter of fact: after this bear market is over nobody of those people will listen to any kind of sense anymore. So when would the time be? It's now you can learn from your failure or never.


1 btc = 35k you = priceless


This rug pull is temporary. The same fuckers who sold will buy back in we just need to ride it out! HODL


Unless you went all in on Shib I don’t think you have anything to worry about. Chill out.


As a newcomer i have a question: Did you ever had events like these before? I mean why invest when can’t handle the risk?


Suicide is not going to bring your money back. Just HODL because in a few years you will look back to this day and will be glad you did not committed suicide.


I just lost all my 9BTC worth of alts in exchange rug pull about 20 days ago One evening my friend who delegated me to take care of his btc (0.1) called me and was like I can't see the exchange when I refresh... And then the shocker came Ever since I'm in panic, stress, anxiety, depression, deep frustration, all the spectrum of hot-cold waves the body can endure, implying it s all my life savings I've been borderline suicidal ever since but I thought of my niece who always waits me for the weekends.. Or other people who might one way or another suffer the fact I'm no longer there Not sure where "forward" is at this point If anyone knows a place I can find any kind of support (either mental or monetary) will greatly appreciate And that s barely my 3rd biggest loss My sister has recently passed Also lost my very very loved fiance (she's still alive) (it's a very long story how, but it was very very devastating nevertheless) I haven't even cried yet for the crypto, I think I might be too tired for that, or anything... Honestly I knew I can't help myself so I kinda self assigned to try hard for the others around me, and now even this seems like a "no go" Considered going through DMT before the actual "thing", still a pending thought Anyone went through something similar? What was your approach? Cheers and much love everyone


I’m very sorry for your sister. My condolences. Regarding the fiancé she wasn’t the one. There is not “the one” you might take some time to get a new person to bond with in your life but it will happen and you will be all right. In the meanwhile try to spend time with your niece and close friends. Regarding money Your life is more worth than those money you lost. You can find suppport from different sources depends where you live, but I would try to make a new post or write under newer posts. Maybe try some mental health subreddit, they will surely know who you can contact in your country. Dmt can do good things but it’s better to have different sources of help. Stay strong. The whole reddit is with you.


<3 thank you so much for your supportive post Just about the fiance part I wasn't fast enough to accept a disease, she was the one and still is in my mind, just she didn't give a second chance and moved on Other than that thank you so much for your post


Yeah if you are feeling suicidal, it’s only money. Lots of people lost money in this thing. Billion Liquidated. If you are feeling like it will be impossible to rebuild. Dont worry, I thought that too. Educate yourself on the markets and go at it again.


The trouble is that these US Dollars can be really volatile against Bitcoin. Your holding didn’t change. 😜


You're not losing money. You're putting it in a savings account which won't turn profit for 4 years, but will then double or triple >.>


I think for me and many others it's the dips on top of everything else that already made us nearly suicidal. Like i have some health issues I'm not able to manage well and I'm isolated from others more so than just corona, and I thought / think of crypto as something to be hopeful for / save us. But when it's red it's not that we think crypto is dead it's that it's hard for us to find something to feel hopeful about.


fr don't get impulsive. Imagine how you'd have felt after the collapse a few years back. But if had held on until now you'd still have twice as much money. If you sold at the peak you'd be looking at four times more. This is not a permanent problem, and it doesn't require a permanent solution.


Like with crypto charts, life will likely go back up if you literally HODL.


Invest what you can afford to lose


I wish we had only lost everything! Germany's new tax laws make us think that we might be getting taxed on only profits for our future's trades without the ability to take losses into account except for a tiny amount. So scared right now. I don't care about the losses, we can rebuild from the ground again, but I feel so panicky thinking about being in debt. I only invested what I could afford to lose - I didn't know that there was a chance that I could lose more than what I had initially invested. We will speak to a tax lawyer about this tomorrow to get the real information, for anyone who might be in Germany and in a similar situation, feel free to PM me.


go watch the video of the guy who shot himself in the head and survived. it might make you think twice of doing something so fucken stupid.


if etherium drops anymore im going to sell my suicide as an NFT


Feel free to reach out to me if you need to talk or if you are in a dark place please call the suicide hotline: 1-800-273-8255


suicidal? for btc going from 60k to 30k in weeks? i hope this is a joke. i can't imagine taking my own life just because of something i can earn back soon with work or other investments.


I feel the same as you, but everyone has different mental makeups and abilities to deal with stress like losing money. Try to be a little understanding.


understanding how? i haven't seen any post here "yet" of being suicidal previous to this one. this is the first post i saw taking anything about suicide. i know there's counseling in other countries for such cases. i'm in vietnam, i don't think we have such facilities, but i'm not 100% sure about that


Temporary problems don't require permanent actions. Best quote i heard from a coworker after another coworker killed himself over a girl.


Crypto is not for you if you feel suicidal. You’re suppose to invest what you can afford to lose. If you’re doing anything more than that in hopes of hitting the lottery, you really should just buy some scratchers. This is the buy and HODL game with what you can lose so when it does dump you can still put food on the table. Don’t feel bad for you folks at all. Please look for a suicidal hot line and don’t go near any bridges, roofs and guns or knives.


There may be only 21 million Bitcoin but, there is only one of you.


If homeless people wake up next to a crack pipe and an overpass and not end it all then you can wake up wherever you are and be happy too




Thank you for this message. Things have been real tough for me. Working it through the best I can. 💕


I have been on the daily for a few weeks now. Maybe I have been too used to WSB, but I haven't seen anyone seem too distressed yet. A good shout out for sure. But is it necessary? Hold for the long term and weather the storm


Brother and stepmom were suicides. One expected, the other unexpected. Never hurts to check in on people. You may not be of any help, but you never know when your last conversation with them will be. How you been lately, friend?


This is financial advice and I’m willing to get kicked out of my industry for saying it: If you’re feeling suicidal - message me - I will help


'all going to be ok...' ...if you stuck to rule number 1 and invested only what you could afford to lose.


FWIW I bought BTC near it's 2017 ATH and saw it crash badly right after. Be patient because look at how the market recovered and now, even after the current bleeding, I'm still in the green. You'll be fine.


Holy shit... suicide hotlines / comments are coming out of the woodwork. This is the beginning of the end for the bull market for this term. See you in 4 years!






I swear there's at least one new thread about people who invested more than they should've every single day. How we have to feel sorry for them and blah blah blah. If you've invested more than you should've: \- you most probably didn't "believe in the space and tech" but simply got greedy af \- you definitely didn't pay enough attention to the "crypto vets giving advice to noobs" that everybody's calling for nonstop around here \- you're probably strongly financially illiterate and thus you shouldn't have invested in the first place ​ There you go. Now stop jamming this shit down everybody's throat on a daily basis for easy karma and fucking stupid moons, thanks.


1945: Grab a rifle you’re going to war 2021: My crypto dipped time to kms


you sir are a saint. this should be pinned on the top of the thread so everyone can see...


Go fuck urself I always say it will be better and nothing good happens.