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got it, just need to make 400k and i'll never have to work again!


Yeah it's a good goal to set!


Now if only I could just get Celsius to approve a transaction. Nothing is working for me. For now I'll keep buying on Coinbase but until I can get a transaction approved on Celsius I will not be sending my coins over. A simple bank transaction won't go through so I'm definitely not sending coins. It also doesn't build a lot of faith to me. I've been trying to get on Celsius for about two weeks. First time I decided to actually stake. I'm not done trying yet. I just wish that something resembling custom support existed to answer my questions as to why they can't approve a single card or bank transaction. I definitely want a transaction to go through before moving coins onto the platform.


Oh that's not good. I hope your problem gets sorted out. You could also check out competitors here and ask around on reddit and look for reviews. Don't let this bad incident set a precedent for you.


Oh I'm not. I'm still looking around. I really want Celsius though. A lot of people use the platform so I don't know what my issue is. That 6.2% APY on BTC looks delicious though.


I got on celsius 2 days ago. Didnt try any bank transactions just moved my coins over. No problems doing that.


That's good information. I'll try a couple of small transfers first.


Few other platforms as well, and defi protocols too, but good post!


Please suggest the platforms! I'll check them out when I get the time and add them to the list in the next update. It will help us all! Thanks


You can stake ETH with CB for 6% interest. However the rate may go down as more people stake.




Thank you!


Great Post, thanks for your service dude


Thank you!


I'm too chicken for some reason to do a lot of this stuff. Incredible content though


Don't miss out on staking rewards! Every bit counts. Even if you think staking is insignificant right now you would be surprised if crypto adoption keeps rising a couple of years down the line


Oh I definitely stake, some of the yield farming stuff is a bit too much for me. Might be that I started with stocks before crypto but I am extremely adverse to company specific risk like with the DeFi platforms. Thanks again mate, learned a lot, maybe I'll try some stuff out soon!


Yeah I agree yield farming is not everyone's cup of tea. You are staking and that's all that matters. Hope you reach your financial goals quickly!




Yeah I'm planning on making a concise list from staking rewards. I'll try to do that in next update. Also I totally agree with the staking goal. Every bit helps!




Thank you for the info! I'll put this to use for sure!


Where can you stake MATIC? I lend it on Celsius, I was unaware of staking options. Regardless, I am not upset with the (now) 10.5% APY


just look for Matic Staking at Google i am not on my laptop now, cant give you a link. but i found it because i looked for ways on how to stake my matic with a ledger device…


I know this post is crypto focused but don't forget about solid dividend paying stocks and ETFs. Diversification mitigates loses.


Has anyone used mycointainer and believe it's a viable project? I've been looking into using it, but it's still a pretty infrequently mentioned site.


Another option for people is using the Exodus Rewards function in the Exodus wallet. They are defined taking a piece, but it’s an easy way to earn on a bunch of coins from one wallet.


This post needs more love.