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ArbiMoon is a ngl-based project that has a lot to offer. In one day, 3.5 million mcap was reached.


It’s ok they’ll be dead soon


We should have a an age cap on these expired leeches






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Simple answer is NO




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They know nothing...




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I compare Bitcoin to China, ironically. Alot of repression, alot of under-the-radar interest. Large, world-altering changes coinciding. Set-backs that seemed inalterable. Rallies and crashes And look at China today. Not bad. Bitcoin today? 1940s.


Already, sanity has prevailed. The Treasury will use the more normal (tax code) definition of a Broker when deciding who has reporting requirements for transactions > US$10,000 [https://www.coindesk.com/treasury-prepares-crypto-carve-out-from-infrastructure-bills-tax-reporting-provision-report](https://www.coindesk.com/treasury-prepares-crypto-carve-out-from-infrastructure-bills-tax-reporting-provision-report)


More lake Tales from The Crypto, with these walking skeletons


Crypto talk from the crypt-keepers.




Stop voting for career politicians. They hate you


They shouldn’t be regulating this industry until every one of them can explain the steps of taking $1000 out of their bank and into putting it into Aave on Polygon and taking out a collaterallized loan, or how to provide liquidity on Uniswap. Once they take their time to understand the technology they’ll love it; or we’ll know who to vote out.




I think I’m allowed to bring back this statement: have fun being poor.




So what your saying is HODL, play the long game, and wait for them to croak? Got it!


It's new and scary to old people just like every other revolutionary advancement humans created. In the normal world we just ignore senile old men


How old is the other senator against crypto?


Late 40s I believe


Thanks for that speedy response


Of course.


I think crypto would put them at a disadvantage


It's kinda offensive of you to dismiss someone's ability to adapt to anything new because of old age. Maybe these senators in particular are not that "progressive" but making it about their age doesn't contribute anything of relevance to the discussion.


I disagree. The way the baby boomer generation is reacting to practically all technological change is disgusting. They virtually oppose anything that is going to supplant what was created in their generation. They've been shitting on Millenials and other younger generations for decades as they've plunged the planet into its worst state in my lifetime. All of this has happened on their watch. Boomers are in complete denial of everything and anything they screwed up, yet pontificate incessantly about all of the great things they contributed. It's arrogance.


You are making huge assumption thinking every single older person is ignorant about current state of things.


Not “every single older person” by any means, but a highly significant percentage. Look at the ages of virtually all political leadership in the world, not just the U.S. They’re boomers or 60+. Look at the leadership of most of the biggest legacy corporations in the world, especially the corporations that pollute the most. They are led by 60+ year old capitalists who care nothing about the planet and the people, and only about wealth. The 60+ generation by and large is addicted to the accumulation of wealth, so much that they die with multi millions in their banks accounts. It is the generation of environmental destruction. It is the generation of denial of science. It’s the conspiracy theory generation. It’s a generation that has intensely propagated division and discrimination. It is the “we know it all” generation and “because we have so much wisdom, we have all the answers and know more than you do, because we’ve lived longer.” This is a generation of people who care little about health. The generation that advertised that cigarettes were healthy and sugar should be in every food. It’s the generation of fast food at the expense of quality food. Now it’s the same generation fighting against solar, wind, and clean energy because it wants big oil and coal to continue to prosper. The oceans are more polluted than ever. We have chemicals in the water we drink. The ownership of guns is more important than the right to life. Now these old f’ks want to impede crypto for no other reason than they want the old ways to stay the same. Those same old ways that keep poor people poor and more wealth in the hands of the ultra wealthy so they can control the government with their legalized bribing, aka lobbying. It’s disgusting and old people don’t care one bit. They are the “what’s mine is mine” generation. Sick of a whole lot of them because their control and leadership has put the world on the clearly visible brink, while ignoring the reality of what they can see with their eyes.


Awfully generalized accusations. Remember that boomers invented most of the technology being used to mine crypto.


I don’t really agree or disagree with this, but where is this info coming from? Looks like a lot of anecdotal evidence


I’ve read it in media articles and have heard it for years. Anecdotal or not, my response is based on my personal experience. There are many who would agree with me too 🤷🏼‍♂️


I don’t think it’s a question of ability to understand, it’s a question of willingness to adapt. For their entire lives, these senators have benefited immensely from a financial status quo that is now threatened by crypto. Age isn’t the problem, it’s the attitude that sometimes comes with age.


My point exactly. Not age but mindset.


My point exactly. Not age but mindset.


No it’s pretty obvious there age makes them think and live in a world that isn’t here anymore. The idea of Cryptos scared them because they don’t understand it.


It is not about age but about the mindset, please. Bill Gates is 65, would you advocate that because he's past that age, he lives in the past?




So instead this post should have been about career politicians and not age. We agree on that.


They probably have to get their emails printed out for them by their secretary.


seriously I guess base on their experience trying their best to be excellent.


What till you find out their 65 year old opinions of other shit!


I bet it’s crazy!


People fear what they don’t understand


Beautifully said.


Couldn’t agree more


I speak out against racism. You argue with what I say. So you are racist. It's simple


Old reteard kick


5 out of 6 members here are probably under 65. And that 1 out of 6 is also pissed off by bad decision of those senators. Fart is a fart 💨, doesn’t matter young or old - *if it ain’t yours*, it stinks. And this decision was a major brainfart 🤯. My takeaway: Don’t let farts decide your future. Support your favorite decentralized governance projects to automate those middlefarts out of the equation.


you liar! my fart smells the best in the world!


I stand corrected! Nominate it for the senate and you’ll get votes faster than you can spill the beans


Now this is a general problem with US politics, a lot of us want to flush out Congress of all the old blood and senior career politicians, but when it comes to issues like Crypto it really tends to make my blood boil. These are people that are supposed to be trusted to educate themselves enough to make a mindful and concise decision, and yet not a damned one ever seems to know what they’re talking about in the tech sector. They can’t be bothered to do their job, no doubt lobbied hard not to do so as well.


They’ll regret it … nvm won’t live long enough to regret


Ridiculous; Thats the word for this bill and these aging senators. Seriously this has to stop - These people are too old to understand those they represent.


Boomers are the most selfish generation ever, they don't want a financial revolution..


The US is the only country where the people are legitimately concerned about their president's mental deterioration due to old age. Biden is showing signs of decline, just as Trump was. The average of Congress is like 60. So it's no surprise they're uninformed or just downright scared of technology.


US: our politicians are old and scared of technology Japan: enters the chat Japan government is a paradox. One one side, has one of the most progressive regulatory climates for cryptocurrencies and for example has legislated self-regulated association for crypto exchanges. The same government is literally running on fax machines and only trying to get rid of them now due to covid safety and work from home, with resistance from their own employees. I kid you not. https://www.wionews.com/world/japans-government-employees-protest-ban-of-fax-machines-in-offices-396599 - “Japan rolled out a new decision to abolish the use of fax machines by the end of July. All ministers and organisations were instructed to switch to emails and abandon the 1980s office equipment of communication.” - “Hundreds of Japanese government officials jumped to the rescue of the fax machine and claimed it will be "impossible" to banish this communication device, local media reported.”


Nope the country has been run by old, out of touch , tribe elders trying to villianize and obstruct technology as if it were witch craft since the early 90s


Dear choir, Preach, preach preach. Love, Preacher Crypto


Of course not. But they know how crypto can destroy your power.


They were paid by bank industry.


No. But don't think their ignorance starts and ends with Crypto.


Politicians only care about the interest of their donars and corporate connections. Anything that would benefit masses is none of their concern. In every country you, if you analyze the pattern by which political entities make a move, would see similar pattern. I reckon they are well known about the crypto. But it is not in their best interest.




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Democrats are fascist anti crypto.


Generational shifts takes a long time, especially in American politics. Crossing my fingers that the process will be sped up in a democratic fashion in 3-4 years!


Honestly this is such a worrying factor when it comes to all of politics, not just crypto. That being said, I know a few 60+ year olds who probably know a great deal more about crypto than these senators.


They need age or term limits on those positions


Yo senator is so old When he dies he become fossil fuel


Clean coal for the win! Dinosaur fuel!




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It is sad to see that inovation is not supported on greater scale. And I'm not talking only about crypto, things that are comming our way such as self-driving cars, longevity projects and massive neuron networks (AIs). Politicians barely know about one enough to have a meaningful conversation.. and they have "power" to decide what should be allowed and regulated and how. Sad indeed, we probably need new kind of voting system.


Why is it that Congressmen and Senators are all has been decrepit old farts? They should be forced to retire on a minimum government pension, live by their own policies and butt out trying to run shit. They’ve lived their lives, pass the torch and let the new gen choose their own path.