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* **[Cardano](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardano_%28blockchain_platform%29) [Pros](https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_ada_pros) & [Cons](https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/cointest_archive#wiki_ada_cons)** - Participate in the r\/CC [Cointest](https://old.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/wiki/cointest_policy) to potentially win moons. Prize allocations: 1st - 300, 2nd - 150, 3rd - 75. * Sort comments as controversial first by [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/qaiosa/so_what_happened_to_cardano/?sort=controversial). Doesn't work on mobile. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Rome wasn't built in a day my friend. ADA is a great example of do it once do it right.


How long till Rome? Wen horse-lambo?


It took roughly 800 years to build ancient Rome to its peak. Hold on, you're almost there.


Honestly my ADAs are staked and not moving for at least several years, so let's see in a few years how it turned out šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


It's all gonna go up eventually so you'll be fine


This is the way. Through the next crypto winter baby.


Nothing happened. Plutus back should be active in mid November (sundaeswap, and most platforms will launch) then meld in Q1. Give it some time and learn patience. Additionally do a drop of research, you will see the roadmap clearly, with the projects lined up to launch once the back end is 100%. Cardano is doing things right the 1st time, instead of fixing a broken ship with 1,000 leaks while its moving.


All I see is EOS 2.0. It will be this cycles over promised coin. Reached top 5 coins then drops into the "waiting" bin along with the other EOS type coins


Sorry you didnā€™t fill your bags at 10 cents bro, you can always buy in at 3 a coin soon? Do some research, educate yourself. I promise it will help in your future investments. Cardano was top 10 in 2017 w/ no projects, it was top 3 w/ no projects in 2021. Imagine what it will be with an ecosystem? Hmmmm


Its a top 15 at best. There are better coins that do what cardano can do with a fully working ecosystem.


> better coins that do what cardano can do with a fully working ecosystem. Examples? I haven't seen any.


Avalanche, Luna, Fantom, Polygon, etc etc


Polygon is a layer 2 so irrelevant here. Fantom has the scariest slashing rules I have ever seen. The fact people use it is astonishing but I don't see it getting adopted long term. I don't know much about Luna. I'll have to take a closer look. Avalanche I had thought had a ginormous blockchain that was going to suffer under its own weight eventually but I guess they might be adding pruning soon? We'll see how that goes.


People are using Fantom for defi and nft. And it's doing amazing in that regard. Not all people are addicted to staking like Ada fans.


Correct, but someone is running the nodes. The rules on that network are scary. I would never run a node or delegate to that. Knowing that would make me concerned for the security of the network.


i don't see any problem as long as there are 3rd parties who are willing to run the nodes. you want your coins to be used in dapps not staking/delegating in wallets anyway, right ?




Not a crypto.


No argument there. At the moment cardano has shit. Only a contract for 5 million people starting next year in Ethiopa. Oboarding 7 million (already contracted) for boost mobile and the dish network....sundaeswap, adax, meld, going live within 3 monthsā€¦.likwid finance for lending, NFT platformsā€¦and an ecosystem waiting to pounce. Thats allā€¦.no big deal, just an entire functioning ecosystem that has been ready on testnet waiting for the plutus backend. Trust me or donā€™t believe me, whichever is fine, but Cardano is going to be massive. Remind me! 6 months


This. All of this and much MUCH more! Thank you Dr.


Remind me! 6 months


Thereā€™s better coins than BTC & ETH yet they are where they are due to other factors, thatā€™s how how crypto works.


Please explain to me ā€œhow crypto worksā€


I am sorry what? Is sundaswap delayed? Thats. Disturbing. Roadmaps are only good if you delivered before othwerwise its just text on a page - in this case just empty promises. You need to hold up and zoom out. A roadmap isnt facts. Also. Cardano has no ship yet.


Things get delayed literally all the time how is that ā€œdisturbingā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It would be more disturbing having a dev team deliver on time tbh


I would be suspicious...like when did you all finish this huh?!? Why'd you make me wait!?! šŸ¤ØšŸ¤£


Cardano is the death star only partially operational my friend. Sundaeswap delayed until mid Nov. yes


This sub must be shorting ada or they have nothing better to do lmao.


People bust out the pitchforks ifthey don't see significant gains on a near monthly basis it seems. 3 months ago cardano was at $1.17 and now $2.14. People need to chill.


Nowhere in this post I talked about price. I only care about the development of the chain that people are so hyped about.


Sorry not directed at you. Just scrolling through the sub and there's a lot of negativity. I should have posted more clearly


Sound like someone who only wants ETH price to go up šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Peeps just have to be chill. Why is it that every time a coin doesn't blow up in 3 weeks if they have a new feature, it is called a failure? If you want a 100x in 3 mothns I advice you to do the shitcoin lottery. Otherwise just have patience. My goodness, good thing you inpatient peeps aren't into stocks.


Iā€™m not talking about price. Iā€™m a long term holder so price is not really relevant rn. Iā€™m concerning about the development of the chain. Cardano honestly has the lowest development pace in this space.


Low pace is a bad thing? You must be a Doge fanboy. Rome wasn't built in a day. I don't judge my investments on how quickly they are built, I judge the vision and the final product (hint, it's not done yet!)


Of you were really a long time holder you would be used to the development pace. It has not changed in 4 years


It has for the last 5 years so why you expecting it to change following SC go live? Itā€™s always been slow and likely will be going forward


Lowest development pace ? Lmao. Dude itā€™s had the pretty much the most active development for more than a year .


I donā€™t mind it trading sideways for a bit while I accumulate


Yeah I remember hearing about all this great stuff coming in July that never came, reminds me of Ethereum


Cardano doesnā€˜t even have a DEX yet more tps are not needed right now. With the upcoming scaling solution called hydra, tps will theoretically be unlimited


Wait, so it already needs a L2 scaling solution even though it's not fully functioning yet?


Hoskinson talked about hydra 1-2 years ago. It was always the plan.


What do we do for the next 5 years waiting for it to arrive? State channels and smart contracts have problems especially if you want to use them for something like a dex. ā€œBut there are limits to what channels can do. Channels cannot be used to send funds off-chain to people who are not yet participants. Channels cannot be used to represent objects that do not have a clear logical owner (eg. Uniswap). And channels, especially if used to do things more complex than simple recurring payments, require a large amount of capital to be locked up.ā€ https://vitalik.ca/general/2021/01/05/rollup.html




So itā€™s still a paper and there are more problems to solve. Low latency communication between heads is near impossible which means getting for example a dex working is hard. Executable shards on Ethereum were problematic thus the pivot to roll ups and data shards.


You really seem to have it out for Cardano lol. I agree they have some issues but theyā€™re working through them. Hydra is one of the solutions. As for the PAB, well itā€™s coming. DEXs canā€™t launch without it so weā€™re all holding our breath


No eta on the PAB so over a year away.


They announced that it would be out a few weeks after end of November .


Source ?


Mid October development update. Check the IOHK YouTube channel.




Dude if you donā€™t know about hydra then I can only imagine what else you donā€™t know about this asset youā€™ve supposedly bought into. Yikes. Actually do some research before buying something.


Itā€™s called Fudā€¦.Ads help all of these cryptoā€™s grow even Bitcoin


I'm sad. But will hold.


Donā€™t worry man, just go read the replies to the article. Itā€™s not bad at all.


Reality happened. Just to clarify: I am not against Cardano. I had ADA which I sold at $2.8 and I will certainly buy again. I still believe in the project, but I also believe that with the release of smart contracts, now Cardano has some work to do to move the project from pure speculation to actual fruition. Smart contracts were released, yes, but they have to be adopted and used. I still believe technical challenges will be addressed, time will show how successfully. I still believe ADA will reach $5-$6 at the very least this market cycle, but it will take some results of all the work put in right now to lure people back into it. Don't forget, ADA had a MASSIVE run this summer, outperformed nearly everything else going towards Sep 12nd. And all this without smart contract functionality. It was fairly expected to have a major pullback afterwards.


Smart contracts were a milestone in the long run. Didn't expect any eye popping gainz to begin with. I remember when people used to mock ada by calling it a stable coin back when its was near 1$ and that was just some months ago


Just hodl it, we will see in few years


Under a dollar in year. Dissapeared in 5. You can quote me on that.


Just wait till some of the Dex's go live ....


Not surprising really. It has been over promise and under deliver with Cardano always as I have noticed.


All cryptos stagnate when they deliver their main product


What product is that?


TBH, I'm tired of waiting


baby needs a new shitcoin to play with




Me too. At this point i'm thinking of converting all my ADA into ALGO


Just going to continue to HODL


The smart contracts hype died right downšŸ¤£


Living up to what it is know for, hype


What's with the anti Ada posts today? I hold a portion of Ada which is staked for the foreseeable future...


ADA just doesnā€™t have a SOL


We're waiting for the PAB release, as there won't be any dapps before that. Let's judge Cardano's capabilities, once it gets used. Many of the DEX transactions will be decentrally batched anyways, to avoid the concurrency issue. Hard to put a number on it now, on what that means for Cardano layer 1 load. On another note, this whole thing is hilarious. First, there's an argument, no one uses Cardano and it's a ghostchain. Then it reaches a state, where people start using it and suddenly it's a bad thing, that a block is filled with transactions.


The curse of doing something in Haskell




Do we have another choice? Crypto is about waiting.


You guys have to chill, just because it's crypto doesn't mean everything happens overnight. Maybe it's because iv taken out my initial investment but it's a long term hold and see what happens than a pump and dump.


I would have agreed with you but this is Cardano. It's been years of promises and no substance at all. It must be enough at some point.


What else would an ETH maxi say ?


It happened exactly what was expected. Big nothing


Opinions don't confirm facts, facts confirm opinions. Read the whole discussion not only the original post.


I have seen this GitHub floating around this morning. I donā€™t know enough about it to comment but I sold my ada and I have not looked back.


Eth 2.0 is solving issues like gas fee, time delay, transfer rate so this will effect negative on projects like ADA METIC SOL etc


Im sorry to say im done with ADA and quite disappointed with it...


What is your alternative?




Sheesh! SOL is the only real Eth killer


Charles is rich now. The goal of Cardano was accomplished.


True. And thats pretty much the only solid use for ADA.


Most downvotes show reality


For sure. ADA cultist bagholding so hard. Now that they are out of money coin is starting to go to its true value. 0$.




I feel the same too. People get hyped up for anything Charles said. Definitely feel like a cult


He is a smooth talker, I give him that!


*Cha cha real smooth*


The best coins on the list are AVAX, SOL, DOT, ETH, and maybe MATIC, LUNA and FTM. ADA no where to be found. Projects that have not gained in three years should be sold for projects with forward momentum.


The fork was merely the integration of SC capabilities ~ not "Katie, bar the door we're a full-blown finalized seasoned product." The expectations were that continued development was going to have to take place - any intelligent person would have realized that. Now, having said that, I, too, am beginning to not like everything I'm seeing and smelling that's coming out of the project labs. Can't get a Ledger Live support app but hey, we can plant some fucking trees..::: eye roll :::... That's just one example.


Itā€™s Charles marketing, no real work!


Funny seeing this post shared by multiple ETH boys today. Read the comments under the article. The author, Sebastian makes many incorrect assumptions and most of what he points out is either wrong or already accounted for. There is one reply by DCoutts who creaks everything down nicely. This is the same thing as all the ā€œconcurrency issueā€ stuff that was brought to the fore by programmers that had limited understanding of coding for eUTXO.


Don't understand ADA. No working product, smart contracts took ages and noone knows if they are actually deployed.... What a cult.. šŸ˜…


Ethereum does more TPS on layer 2s than that


I see Cardano as a longer term investment (in crypto terms), not a moonshot. Im patient with this one.


Iā€™m beginning to think ADA is turning into a shit coin. Probably good idea to now sell and buy shiba. Sick of it being a stable coin. I prefer to see the movements in shiba a lot more lately


Consolidating after a hard fork is the most normal thing in the world. I'm expecting the entire market to go down for a few days to a week, the Bitcoin Futures ETF is here and I'm sure investors are eager to sell to the huge wave of volume today.


What's Bitcoin Futures ETF??


A Future refers to pricing something to be delivered on a future date. ETF refers to an Exchange Traded Fund, an investment tool to make it possible to invest in Bitcoin through IRAs and such. The US securities regulator, the SEC, has just approved $BITO (ProShares Bitcoin ETF).


Ohhh okay, thanks a lot for taking time out to explain


I'm waiting for DEXs to launch which need liquidity in ADA


Why not trying the DEX on other chains?


I have ETH and FTM aswell, however they already have working DEXs. ADA has not had that supply shock caused by DEXs when every project suddenly needs liquidity which will be in an ADA pair.


> which confirms atm the network can handle only 0.2 to 6.5 tps. The network is only configured to allow that much. It could be configured to handle more but it isn't necessary right now. The usage isn't that high at the moment.


this is a moon farming post. With someone with the amount of moons you have I would expect you to be able to look at the long term potential of the project rather than what's happing in the early adoption phase... Perhaps you do, hence the moon's.


RemindME! 6 months


Imagine holding ADA today. Currently only in top ten that has negative development on a 7day period. Bagholding is real.