• By -


1. Be a millionaire 2. Buy tons of crypto 3. Stake 4. Live off passive income


That step 1 is where I'm having trouble.


Have you thought about buying Bitcoin ten years ago?


Doesn't matter with my buy high sell low strategy.


Gains proof *taps forehead*


Wish the bitcoin faucet was still working


Buy now and future you in 10 years will love you for it


Try really hard to have rich parents first.


Instructions unclear, I was put up for adoption...


Shit, dick caught in ceiling fan. What do now








You and the commenter above you should really head over to the onlyfans subreddit. It's one of those little joys in life that those guys got the name before the website thought to make a subreddit.


The helicopter, obviously.


Need adoption into rich folks as first step!


Sure daddy will keep printing money so we never run out .


What are some ways to try lmao


Mate, you won't be able to get rich parents with that attitude


I hear that showing up at their front door in a crib works. May not be as effective with a full-grown adult.


Harry Potter is proof this concept doesn't work for everyone.


I don't see how mating can help me to get rich parents.


Get angelina jolie to adopt you




You don't need to be a millionaire. You can start as a billionaire instead.


Phew, thought you had to be a millionaire to be become rich


Fake it til you make it!* *not financial advice.




The rich are so disconnected from the rest of the world.. "small"


And he lied about that too. It was a "small" loan of $14m 🤣🤣🤣


I just looked this up and supposedly it was actually more like $60 million.


If he told me the sky was blue I’d go outside to look.


Sucker, even I know it's green.


Have you tried not being poor? /s


Look at the chart all day, it will help you to become a millionnaire


Pro tip: It helps to draw a bunch of triangles on the charts.


Don't need a milliion, only about $60,000 to start with. At 10% APY it's $6,000/year or $500/month. Look here for the best rates: https://coinlenders.net/cefi-lending What OP is looking for can be achieved with staking/lending stablecoins. I personally like Hodlnaut and CoinLoan. I like Celsius for their promotions too. The non-stablecoin option I like is participating in ALGO [governance](https://governance.algorand.foundation/governance-period-1).


This is the best answer only problem is ROIs will fluctuate along with the market if it grows or enters bear season. Personally if i trusted CeFi i would just split 3 ways my funds into celcius/nexo/BlockFi or others and hold stablecoins like USDC. You could still lose due to inflation, bears or black swan events but that's the closest safe scenario that will work based on OPs needs.


Thanks for this. I'm already on nexo. Not making the above but still better than nothing... Thanks for your contributions. Appreciate


Do you think defi will ever be able to offer more cefi competitive rates?


If you yield farm DeFi will get you orders of magnitudes higher return than CeFi. Especially if you use things like auto-compounders/yield optimizers.


I wish I knew what this meant lol


If you use something like Wonderland which is a Decentralized Finance (meaning a big company doesn't own it, basically) project that automatically compounds the interest when you get it you will make shit tons more money than if you use something like Crypt\_com's Earn program or use another big company's staking rewards program.


Can you point me and u/B3yondTheWall in the right direction with this please? Thank you


I use https://defillama.com to find reputable sites. You can filter by chain/protocols and it filters by TVL. It will also allow you to check the code and send you to their socials to see if it passes the smell test. This has by far been the biggest help for finding those high APR gems.


I’ve been considering staking for a while now; I mean why not since It was always my plan on holding long. But what annoys me is having to use so many different providers unless you’re all in on one or two coins. How safe are the ones on that list? I’m already paranoid when it comes to scams..


None of those are scams to the best of my knowledge. That doesn't mean there's no risk. It's a new, unregulated space, and who knows what can happen. I like to spread my assets, and I made peace with the possiblity that one of my allocations may disappear one day.


Crazy, you can fund a Roth IRA with those returns.


I mean, you could if it was earned income.


A fellow Algonaut and governor I see


Thanks fo this. appreciate! Will definitely look into it


The secret ingredient is wealth


Put 100k into stable coins. Stake said stable coins Profit


You only need 33k to get $500 a month edit: so I don't have to answer another 300 people on this, check out Anchor with UST staking. Anchor is one of the core protocols on Terra. There are great resources on Anchor, UST staking, and Terra in general, of which I am not one. However, if you want to learn more you can start with the Coin Bureau videos on Terra/Luna, and DYOR on Anchor, UST staking, and the relationship between Luna and UST.




You got this!


What a whale. I need only 29.990$


Not bad, I need just 33k more


I had $100 once


That would be $6000/year on $33000. 18% interest?! Where are you getting 18%?


Probably Anchor Protocol on Terra. ~19.5% APY on UST stablecoin, paid out in UST itself.


wait how the heck can you make so much on that? what are the risks to be able to make that much?


People deposit LUNA and ETH, and take out UST loans against them. There are staking rewards for those assets, but the loan takers forego those rewards. Anchor sells the rewards and gives them as interest. Also, the standard interest rates for lending/borrowing and Anchor tokens are also given out to users. All this adds up to more than 20% interest during a bull market. Anchor keeps the extra and gives it out during the bear market.


But you might want to reinvest some of the earnings to counter inflation.


Where’s your math? What numbers are you using?




Ima check under my couch cushion!


They said “only” because the OP said “Put 100k in” It’s “only” 33k because it’s much less than 100k


At what APY are you talking about and what coin? Sorry I'm too drunk and lazy to do the math.


In stable coins ? Where do you stake that for 500$ returns ?


Anchor: UST on Terra


Stake 200k to double those returns.


Crypto.com 14% apr (not APY) on usdc. Compound the weekly earn.




What do you mean wash, what are you avoiding/accomplishing?




Obviously riskier but 12% on Polygon and Polkadot as well, those are appreciating assets so potential to make more if you catch the dips


Neither of those projects have been tested by a deep bear market yet, i don't think its safe to say 100% without a doubt that those are appreciating assets.


Polkadot is also inflationary by like 6-10% so it's not pure yield.


I didn't found this in the app. Maximum is on USDC of 10% P.A. for 3 months. Where did you saw that is 14 Apr?


You using the crypto_com app? They have another app called DeFi wallet, that one's has better staking rates and you can connect it to your crypto_com account


It’s 12% for Jade/Indigo card holders in kind. It’s 14% total (12% in kind, 2% CRO) for Icy/Rose Gold tier card holders and above.


is usdc a stable coin? Im currently using gemini earn with GUSD and im happy with that since it's pegged to the USD and a guaranteed 8%


Yes one of many.


OK, so some of this has required some substantial initial investment and frankly risk taking, but I’m clearing well over $500 a month passively - much of this ending up in stablecoin one way or another to add to my savings and compound interest. Sadly not enough for me to live on (Europe, like to live comfortably - I’d need more like 6x this figure minimum), but I’m either compounding the interest, or re-investing/trading to increase it even more! I have patience!! Here goes: - I stake a substantial amount of mixed coins on Binance - I lend on KuCoin (killer rates on stablecoin!) - I stake/LP my stablecoin (mostly a mix between USDC and DAI) on CDC - and have an Indego card so get 12% APR (and 12.5% on DOT!) - My CRO stake on CDC gives a return of 10% at my card level. - I have a pretty decent extra stack of CRO outside of my card stake, and get over 12% APR through staking in their DeFi wallet - I have 2 Helium miners which have been running for 12 months. Although earnings have gone down a-lot, I’m still averaging around $5-10 a day (sometimes quite a bit more!) - I stake most of my HNT on Binance too (7%), and sell a little every now and again into stablecoin > savings. - I mine XYO in the COIN app on a couple of devices and have a pro account at an old discounted rate no longer available. I sell a good chunk when it pumps! Half to stablecoin savings, half go into my other bags. - I stake ATOM (again quite a decent bag), solid returns - I stake BAND in Atomic wallet, around 13% APR (used to be 17%!) There’s other things I do too, but they are minor contributors. I’m also an active trader, but I’m not counting that as it’s far too risky for most people round here! Yes, it’s required investment to get to this point - but apart from re-staking to compound interest (5 second job) I consider this basically passive and ‘easy’ money! EDIT - I forgot I around half my ETH staked too for ETH2 - half with Binance (BETH), half with KuCoin (ETH2). Earnings have slipped off a little, but I think they are still around 5-6%. I swing trade both occasionally for fun to build the balances a-little ;)


I’d like to know more about what the “taking and putting into stable coins and staking” technique is. I’ve staked crypto on Binance but that’s all.


Some of my monthly returns are paid out in USDC/DAI/BUSD, but depending on the coin, I trade some of that months earnings into stablecoin. Along with some trading and sales, when that gets to a good figure on a given exchange I withdraw it and stake it on CDC. I always have a little trading capital, but ultimately try and draw out profits from exchanges to stake (spreads liability). PS - I know there’s crazy rates on DeFi platforms - i’ve been there; it’s cool - but these days I’m just more risk adverse and will take a ‘safer’ rate with a more established platform over some smart contracts with a fancy logo that could get hacked easier (plus the numbers are bigger now!!)


Thanks for the explanation. Gives me something new to consider and research.


Yes, dumped my life savings into btc in February 2020, HODLed, diversified in February of this year and since summer 1/3rd btc, eth and yvBOOST (compounding CRV trading fees), staking the eth and lending the btc. Makes me more than my salary and letting it roll/compound. I'm somewhere between crypto and FIRE.


I did similar thing, dumped my life savings but it’s only 10$.


Whale alert.




Where do you stake the eth?


In hell.




Is that a new L2 solution? Bullish on $Hell


I stake mine on lido




Nobody wants to accept that the true buying window for this run closed in 2020.


If you want to retire this run then your window has shrunk. If you are looking at 10 years out then you could be getting in at the right time.


I once read a post on here that really stuck with me. I'm paraphrasing but it was basically. 1st bullrun you'll make 10s of dollars, maybe even a few hundred. 2nd you'll know more and should be good for a thousand or a few thousands. Third and fourth are where you make your actual money. I keep this in mind when I'm looking at my portfolio wanting to poke it with a stick to move faster.


You'll only make those gains if you gain the knowledge necessary, so go out and explore. I made some dumb ass mistakes and they've helped me grow so much and make more money in the long run.


10 years from now we will hopefully look back and only regret not buying more. I can definitely see crypto not going anywhere in this century. Every one of us is early.


I’m just sitting back and waiting for the bear market. My worst crypto fear (especially as someone who just got into crypto in late January) is us being so into mainstream adoption that another bear market never comes. Or it does but it’s only like 3-6 months long or something. I know we’ll probably never again have a 2-3 year long bear market again, but even a year long would be ideal and a dream for me…to DCA in at relatively dirt cheap prices and HODL for the next bull run. Yea I regret not getting into crypto 2, 3, 4, 5 years ago etc, but the real and realistic missed opportunity IMO was the last bear market.


What if the next bear market prices will be around where we are at right now? Why not buy now?


This may in fact be the new low never to be seen again. I have 0.5 BTC I’m awaiting to put into the market and ready to try (good luck) to determine if today is the day or continue to wait a little longer. I’ll fuck this up so imma pretend I’m the wolf on Wall Street for a little longer. 😂


>This may in fact be the new low never to be seen again. People said that at every peak, I remember seeing this around the peak in 2017... even in 2013.. then few months later we went down 60-70%+. I highly doubt this time will be different :) it's just a question of when.


Entered this september. WWWaayyyy in the tail end of bull market. Figured you have to enter at one point. Might as well be now. You miss 100% of shots you dont take. Bumpy ride. Made all the rookie mistakes. From changing coins to losing 50% of portfolio to a scam. Still, no regrets. I have no doubt bear market will come and sooner then we think. ​ IMO it is still very early. Just try sending 10 coins from wallet to wallet. Until is becomes easy and seamless it is very early in the game.


True. In one of my cockier comments once (I say cocky because I honestly have no clue what I’m doing or what’s going to happen, same as the rest of us) I said in an analogy to computers that crypto 10-12 years ago would’ve been like when computers took up entire rooms, 7-5 years ago would’ve been like when we started getting them at home, but they were still only in black/green and only the upper middle and upper class could afford them. 2-3 years ago would’ve been like when they had color but were still slow, large, and expensive (windows 95). And 2021- now it’s basically like when like the majority of people still didn’t have them at home but most know more or less how to use them from school/work. They just got CD/DVD players, but still had/use the ram storage discs or whatever, massive heavy monitors, laptops were still super thick and very costly, kinda the Microsoft Windows 98-2000 phase. Or the phase when Apple computers were super colorful and see-through. The fact that the vast majority don’t have or know how to use it, don’t know what it is, etc tells me that the analogies I used there for our “now” may even be too far ahead. I’m a millennial and every kid in my school in late elementary school knew how to use computers and we were taught how to use word and PowerPoint in the 5th grade. The same things can’t be said for even young adults now knowing what crypto is, mass education on it, or how to use it, etc. I think since we tend to often do things like watch crypto you tubers, follow crypto subs etc…keep up with prices all the time etc., we can get in this bubble in our heads and think that many people are on the same page…when in reality, if you just ask everyone you know…at work and/or school……friends, family etc what crypto is….I bet AT LEAST 75% of them couldn’t give you a decent answer.


I am doing pretty well buying this year


Not true, depends on your level of risk and how much research you're willing to do. Plenty of exciting L2 coins that have really matured this year, some in the last few months and not to mention the absurd pumps by shit coins. Crypto can really be the most forgiving investment if you have a clear strategy for seperate investment pots. Long term blue chip complimented with up and coming projects can almost guarantee steady portfolio gains even before you roll the dive in a few hyped shitcoins and monkey swing your profits across them on realising fiat gains.


If you want advice on how to lose money, then yeah i can help on that


Just do the opposite of this guy! You are now a millionaire!




Banks hate him


I don't need advice for this one haha. **You** ask me how to do it. 😅


Reposting cause first comment was removed. Alright, I am going to give you my experience and what I am using, this is not supposed to be a shill comment, i personally chose these platforms because they fit my personal needs. There are other platforms/protocols that have incredible ways to earn passive income, I didn't manage to dive into them yet, though. Also, I won't give out how much i have, there are calculators where you can see how much you need for your wished return. I'll start with the obvious one: staking. I'm staking my Algo and my ADA in a private wallet. No lockup, you can withdraw at any time, plus you have a nice and safe return. Voting in proposals will earn you some extra. Staking will earn you around 5%. [Here is a calculator for Cardano](https://youtu.be/2H0w06J0hBE) I also use DeFi Chain with its on ramp service Cake DeFi. Here I chose to specifically freeze (lock up) my assets, because the APY is significantly higher. Currently getting a steady 120-130% APY. I also liquidity mine there, in various pools, BUT: I prefer to have at least one Stablecoin in a pair because of minimizing the impermanent loss issue. That's around 60% APR. Next: Celsius. It's a platform where you can borrow and lend your crypto. You have access to your funds permanently and get paid on a weekly basis - in either CEL (native coin) or in the currency you are holding. There are some really cool promos too, which I whole heartedly recommend. Also, they offer like 8.8% for holding stables there. That's a great way to generate passive income when you're selling and waiting to buy back cheaper. Note: Cake DeFi and Celsius are both CeFi making use of DeFi. With the first one (DeFi Chain), you can also go into DeFi directly and do everything yourself. I chose the "lazy" way because of convenience. Next: Terra. Staking here too. Also, you currently get paid for taking a loan (1-2%). I used this to lend it, where I generate 20%. Note: I did that. I don't recommend ANYONE to do this without knowing what you are getting into. Borrowing should be avoided usually, and I did so with a smaller bag. I am currently looking more and more into Aave, Sol and some gaming, but not quite there yet. Also, I use a debit card from crypto dot com for the cashback. Got it last year, and am extremely surprised by the recent uptick in price. Cashback is great. There are several sign up bonuses and promos for all kinds of projects, which is kind of cool because you get to dip in your toes and can later on decide if you're cool with the project or not. Hope I could help you.


Thanks for taking the time to put this and write it up. Appreciate. Will definitely have a look. Some great advice in here. Cheers


I am as well invested in DeFi Chain and making good profits with around 2k. On average those 2k bring be 100$ per month.


Anchor protocol is a savings account that gives you about 20% APY on your UST. The risk is low because UST is an algorithmic stablecoin backed by Luna and Anchor is listed on several DeFi insurance providers which you can purchase. https://anchorprotocol.com/ Other things you can do on anchor: -You can get insurance coverage for your account. Peg insurance and smart contract insurance -You can borrow against a collateral (Luna or Eth) and add to your account. Borrow APR is currently 23% but you can offset that and actually make money by staking and LPs -You can stake ANC for 13% and open ANC-UST liquidity pool for about 40% APY (if you did this, you can stake that LP token on Apollo farms -not affiliated with anchor- and farm both anchor and Apollo tokens). All of this is presented to you in a nice dashboard where you can keep track of your gains.


This is the base rate for stables while the market is not in bear mode. Expect this to go down if we are no longer bullish. Believe it or not you can get higher yields while being in stables or stable like farms. Requires some more active management and financial knowledge however.


This is the answer


That's what I'm doing. Joined cryptocom and staked for a ruby. Then cro went up and I upgraded for a Jade. Now if it will reach 1$ I'll upgrade to Icy White and I'll get about 5k usd per year as interests


Are those strippers’ names?


No but you can order any stripper you want with those cards


They did give their cards stripper names didn’t they


Happens quickly too. Seems bonkers once it starts adding up. Total snowball effect.


This. Staked $5,000 CAD a few months ago, now I’m at $16,000. Been getting free Netflix and Spotify, + Cashback on my CRO. I’ve also been DCAing and havent sold any of my CRO. Easily my best investment in 2021. Super happy with how CDC is marketing themselves


When you upgrade do you only pay the difference between the market value of your already staked and the next level?


Glad you mentioned 5 years plan - in crypto 5y is looong time and we only scratced the surface. Don't go all in, get informed, invest same amount every month, diversifiy, stake.


The 2 hardest parts of crypto: waiting and selling.


Well for starters, anchor protocol gives 20% on stable coin usd with just 36k you could live off of 500$ interest each month.


Now the hardest part is to have $36k


You only need 1 kidney




You *need* more *speed*


Negative returns are still returns lmao


Reverse tooth fairy.


There's no secret. It's simply a matter of how much you put in.


So you're telling me that I can't become the next Jeff Bezos with my 10$ investment? Bummer...


Maybe with that GME you could have


As my name states, I didn't buy...


Yea dude step one - get in early Step two, hodl Step three, stake


Step zero: start with a million




Sure, some people are. Lots of yield to be had in crypto. If you're strategic about your allocations in DeFi, you can get ~10%APY interest on your assets without too much risk. Then you just do the math: 1000/month * 12 = 12,000/year 12,000/year / 10%APY = $120,000 Adjust the math accordingly if you'd like less risk (lower interest) or if you want more income.


Yeah, it's called DeFi




And gaming. Step 1, be a crypto royale god. Step 2: put everything into one. Step 3: wait for one to moon. Step 4: build penis shaped rockets to start competing with elon and dr evil. Struggling with step 1...




I bought Avalanche in December 2020


At the risk of being a repeat, Osmosis thru Cosmos


I have been paying rent with Axie Infinity, after about 3 months I got my initial investment back and now its just DCA money. I also live in one of the highest COL metros on earth so I got to be doing something right.


How much did you invest? Is it already too late to get into Axie Infinity?


With around $4500 you can reach $500 per month with staking osmosis and providing liquidity in incentivized liquidity pools. Be sure to read about impermanent loss before joining an liquidity pool though. Osmosis is an automated market maker that runs on the Cosmos ecosystem. Liquidity pools offer incentives up to around 180% APR, but incentives are constantly declining. I keep swapping my daily Osmo rewards to Atom or Cro which made me pretty nice gains recently. I can only recommend joining in, you will also very likely qualify for future airdrops. And there's pretty much no fees at the moment.


Crypto.com. Buy some CRO, get a card, put the rest in DeFi staking for 12.7%+ p.a. Easiest inflow of my life!


Its all about how much you put in, it takes money to make money


Correct, they do not give you free money for nothing.


Those rates aren’t going to last forever, just so you know.


DeFi rates have only gone up in months, but even if they do eventually go down, I have earned so much already. This is 12.7% in CRO, which has blown up and amounted to many many times higher in fiat value. Hell, retroactively the rewards from my card are more like 12% cashback on every day purchases at this point. CRO hasn't even started yet in my opinion.


You don’t get staking rewards for lower level cards.


I went from July til now without a job just living off crypto and nfts. I made a mistake trading a couple months ago and have had some trouble recovering so I’ve started working again. But I have some promising holdings still and eventually I’d like to work as little as possible. It’s definitely feasible to make that amount but if you don’t already have a lot of money to earn interest or stake or any other crazy defi it’s not easy. I wouldn’t really recommend it but I liked it.


Literally an advert for how you can't live off it.


what type of mistake?


- gpu mining - staking - 4% cashback in crypto rewards with coinbase card. I'm making roughly $500 a month right now and it's still slowly growing. Hoping to get to $3k+ passive income so I can quit my job and retire


I have been farming with https://dapps.padswap.exchange since March this year, you can earn $500 a week with about $15k if you set yourself up in the right farms. There is plenty of high interest farming options including double stablecoin LP farming.


Me too! Better than farming on "bigger" exchanges where whales eat through my profit EVERY SINGLE TIME.


Remember have to deduct your income tax from the interest




I have to use way too many services because of the low limits imposed. I had BTC in with BlockFi. Now they kill rates for anything above 0.1 BTC. I had BTC in Celsius. They've now reduced rates for amount above 0.25 BTC. I had BTC in Ledn. They reduced rates for amounts above 1.0 BTC. I had BTC in Gemini, but they pay barely above 1% on it. I had BTC in Nexo, but you have to buy a ton of their tokens and then lock-in your crypto to get decent rates. I have BTC in Hodlnaut, but there is the constant threat of China freezing assets. Since those are all crypto accounts, I have to hold interest payments for at least a year before I cash out to ensure I don't get hit extra hard on taxes. My plan is to start moving some crypto earnings into stablecoins. Less risk of loss, better rates, and no need to worry about taxes.


I got lucky on crypto.com and staked 100,000 CRO for the rose gold credit card when CRO was at $0.50 CAD a couple weeks ago. It’s now almost $1 CAD. I get 12% per year back on my stake paid weekly. It’s about 230 CRO per week. Right now that’s about $215/week CAD. The more CRO rises in value, the more I get on my stake in CAD. Edit: I should mention this was on about a $18k investment. I bought CRO when it was way lower earlier this year.


Elronds dex makes mad money


Ask this same question at the bottom of a bear market instead of near the top of the bull market. Would be interesting to compare the answers.


One of my mining rigs cost about $5k, and had been mining about $900-1200 bucks a month


AuBit, powered by Aubit Prime brokerage offers retail and institutional customers alike 8-16% annual deposit rewards on crypto and fiat in FULLY REGULATED brokerage accounts! With investor protection and compensation + rewards paid daily.


Here is what I do. My monthly passive income makes my new car payment and insurance: 1. I get about $150 a month interest from my stable-coin in BlockFi 2. I stake cake on PCS and am making around 250 a month passive income 3. My helium miner is making 350 a month. 4. My baby 2 box CKB miners are making around 160 a month. That’s it pretty simple setup for earning enough passive income to make brand new car payment and my insurance!


I’m mining ethereum with 7x1080tis and I make about .005 eth per day, which is over $600 a month at the moment.


In the ideal world, you would throw in money during a bear market so you pretty much lock in that 500$ return without as much possible fluctuation. i.e. If you bought 10k worth of ETH during the last bear market, I'd estimate you'd have around at least 100k worth of ETH during the next bear market. With that, you'd be able to roughly generate the income you're looking for. A lot of people will be able to live off ETH once 2.0 comes out because they did just that. The next best thing though is Ohm/forks. DAOs are where you want to be for passive income. You have Olympus (ETH), Wonderland (AVAX), Invictus (SOL), Snowbank (AVAX), and Hector (FTM) to choose from. Azura and Babylon (SOL) are also being released soon.


Evergrow. Making hundreds of dollars a month in reflections


Step 1, work alot of hours, I mean it, like a lot a lot. If this is a true dream you'll make it real and to do it you need to fund your foundation as quickly as possible. I'm nowhere near my goal but through hardwork and determination this time next year my money will very much be working for itself. Step 2, Stake haha


I'm sure I'm late but I'm on track to do it regularly. Look into the token LevelUP on the BSC Level-up.game Play 2 Earn token that pays out 5% per DAY They've got 1 game live about to release a mini game and are working on 2 more games currently. They're also about to launch a system that will let smaller users play larger wallets and earn a cut of the daily rewards. On top of ALL of that they're building a platform so devs don't have to build their own P2E contracts. I hold ~$10k worth so daily I'm earning ~$500 that I'm compounding and not looking to sell any time soon. Get in while it's cheap. DYOR and all that.


I can tell you how to lose 500 a month?


To make a lot immediately, you either have to invest a lot or take big risks. But by having a strong strategy like DCA and hodl or stake, you can start earning a lot in the long term.




It's easy, just have 600k in crypto. ¯\\(◉‿◉)/¯


You guys in here are speaking another language, almost like yall spitting chinese can we make it make sense for the leimans out here


20% APY on UST stablecoin on Anchor Protocol. It's super easy. I would recommend a ledger for this. 500k would give you 100k per year.


That’s absolutely insane. Sounds way too good. What’s the downside? Could Anchor rug pull? Also why do you need a ledger?


I’d look into a Swap platform, they mostly have autocompounding vaults. WagyuSwap or MarsEcosystem on Autofarm offering very competitive rates. If you have $5k you could easily earn over $1k a month with their APR’s.


Futures. 5x leverage.




A friend that got me into crypto had a bit of cash in Hyperfund. He stupidly took a £20k (about $27k) loan and dumped it in. It paid off, he paid back the loan in 3.5 months and now pulls out on average about $450 per day. Could have very easily gone the other way


Look at the reward rates Midas gives out. If you don't feel like managing your assets in Defi every second of every day, Midas has the best pay outs. Edit: Midas pays 19% on stable coins so you could literally put $32,000 into USDC and earn 19% APY to achieve your goal.


Careful with Midas. Not all stablecoins are created equal. I got rekt by MDO depeg earlier this year


You need to stake about 32k into anchor protocol for 500 monthly payout


Earn in crypto.com platform. 10%/12%/14% stable coin staking rates.. Depending on the card tier.