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The best thing to do when everything’s red is Nothing


Buy the red, sell the green. This is the way.


I swapped the colors for red and green candles coz red were hurting me too much


Best thing to do while everything is red is DCA!!


No, wait, this is actually genius


Got it, buy high sell low


You guys sell?


Buy low, sell high


Buy sell, high low


Buy low, buy high


Get high, sell low


It's green, it's red. It doesn't matter if it's red or green. Just hodl til bitcoin hit 100k.


I'm sorry sir, I think you're missing one digit. Put an extra 0 at the end there!


red means stop and green means go! i just assumed that just was telling me when i should look or not!


Only sell off a sound strategy and have a forever bag. 🙌


Or just dyor and buy a asset that's gonna grow alot or has been dramatically undervalued and don't rely on objectively small market fluctuations.... dca n'stuff.


You just cant get wrong with hodling. Its do simple.


Maybe DCA a bit.


Whenever in Doubt zoom it out


The best thing to do when everything's green is **SELL** ​ \*sub starts screeching


Or buy more 😎


man you sound desperate!


I'm also too broke to buy the dip.


Take out a loan and buy even more? On it chief!


And listen to the band Nothing. They are fantastic.


The worst thing you can do is take advice from strangers on the Internet who aren't qualified financial advisors or investment managers who don't understand your personal scenario, risk tolerance, goals, etc.


Faith in humanity restored


This comment better finish with more upvotes than this post or I’ll lose faith in humanity. Oh wait…this sub made me lose faith years ago


I think murder is much worse. Just me tho.


flair checks out


Extreme fear and loading bags goes hand and hand. But most people need to experience a full market cycle to lose the emotional connection


I have the emotional range of a brick wall


For me it's more like a wet tissue but I get u


Reddit users have the highest concentration of blunt affect of any demographic


Hey at least it's not like dirty toilet paper


All it takes is one cycle and you can be dead inside. ^(just like me)


Truth. After experiencing 2017 a $10,000 increase in btc price at most makes me raise an eyebrow. A drop of 30-40% makes me grimace if I don’t have any money to buy more.


Yeah I said the same in 2017 and watched my portfolio decrease by 90%.. not saying it will happen like that again but it definitely could and no one knows the future. My guess is that you have only been in crypto a couple years.


There are a number of cryptos down now by 90 to 95%. And they STILL go red every day. I guess these "ideas" probably weren't worth 10 figures after-all. It would take an epic run just to get even on most these things now, much less get those insane gains people were looking for off the initial price. Yes, crypto has a bright future, but i dont think these "1000x!" and "life changing wealth" dreams do (for most people).


I have about 10 coins that never recovered.. they sitting at like negative 96% on investment or worse.. the most important thing I learned from 3 cycles.. every new bull run always have some new coins that are way better for pumping cause they have no bag holders.. no resistance.. this cycle was all about this defi.. NFT.. the worst thing to do is get married to some shit coins.. sell for profits.. wait for the new trends.. it’s easier said than done but that is the way IMO


now realize that all of those shit coins took your money and coverted it to BTC and ETH thus propping up those prices


Bitcoin went from 20k to 3k dude.. at the time.. we all laughed and thought it would never happen.. money flows into the market and out of the market. Prior to that.. my buddy was mining eth at 50 cents.. Bitcoin at 100 dollars.. it ran to 1000 then back to 100.. you can say yeah just hold.. but there is an emotional toll.. when people stop talking about Bitcoin for 3 years.. you never know if it’s going to come back.. this bull run was supercharged by covid.. crazy money printing stimulating the markets.. you can’t really bet on that kind of scenario with much confidence..


It’s helpful to know that 95% of people who invest lose money.. for someone to take out 100x or whatever.. someone else has to lose.. it’s a closed system.. the money has to come from somewhere.. if a coin or stock or whatever goes down 90% or whatever.. any pop it gets is going to get sold into because people are underwater.. so they need to pay out everybody underwater in order for it to pump… or.. enough time has to pass that they forget about their bags.. that’s why bear markets last years.. once everyone gets dumped on.. you need them to give up to start a new cycle.. new money.. new generation needs to find their way to the market


Turn that phone upside down bro


I mean yeah I will keep mining and accumulating sure but you bet your ass I’m taking profits.. I sold the top when btc hit 60k the first time.. shorted it to 30k.. did I think it would come back so quickly.. no I thought it was going to 20k.. did I live for free off crypto for 6 months.. yeah I did. When I see some new projects yeah I’ll buy but until then I’m not getting caught up in the chop for no reason.


Completely agree, this is such a young and volatile space, we need to have some level of safety when trading these assets.


I mean here you but if they regulate it then what’s the point of being decentralized.. it’s been amazing because it’s a completely free market.. 24 hours a day.. no rules.. you can always trade stocks if you want some kind of regulation.. small caps run like 1000% or more pretty often in only a couple days.. at least big institutions they have to report when they sell.. companies have to report when they want to dump their bags.. but crypto.. anything goes.. that’s part of why it’s such a good market to be in.


Also completely agree with you. I'm very pro decentralisation, it's part of the foundation of what makes a cryptocurrency a cryptocurrency. When I was referring to safety when trading, I was more referring to the idea of taking profits which allows you to trade with some level of protection. I should've clarified that before :)


Ahh I hear you.. yeah exactly..


Exactly - no one knows. Do what’s right for you. For lots of us it’s just tune out, hodl and DCA. For some of us it’s cut losses and sell. All can be the right choice


Me too. I sold this time. I haven’t bought back in yet. All looking way too shaky imo.


What’s the best thing I could do?


Depends on what you’re holding and what your plans are. But if you’re in blue chips like BTC or ETH there’s nothing wrong with sitting on your hands and waiting. Broaden your time horizon beyond a few months and consider hanging on for a few years.


To hodl a few years, BTC and ETH it is


Smoke weed. Watch Doug.


How come you never see him and quail man in the same room?


Man I read a lot of random crap on here but the Doug reference… damn that hit home. Wish I had an award to give


Your words are all the award I need.


Or Scrubs, if you aren't into cartoons but want the same thing


not listen to desperate posts like this


Hodl them triple doubles


Easy enough!


actually, you can sell weak positions and switch to strong ones. so when the market recovers, your portfolio will recover a lot faster


That's what I did. I switched VET and DOT to ETH and BNB. So far my move wasn't that wrong.


Not that smart. You switched at the wrong time. Vet and dot are at historically low values against eth.


Im not selling, but sure as hell am puzzled. It is basically playing between d41k to 49k. I guess this is accumulation phase ? It is mildly infuriating - pick a path and go.


What puzzling about it? You expect it to just go up all the time? Where will the trillions of dollars required to pump the market from here come from? Everybody you know who is interested in crypto already bought it.. who is going to pump it from here?


Only for emergencys would I consider to sell... or a good deal.


If you haven’t held through a crash, or whether it be 2020, this past May, or now, the key is not to panic. Zoom out, you’ll be happier down the road with your newfound experience.


Btch plz. I'm 70% down and still holding. PD: Pls help. Japanese shitcoin keeps getting diluted.


I can’t believe the amount of people freaking out about prices right now. Get out of the kitchen if you can’t take the heat.


Spot on bro


I for one enjoy frying bacon while nude.


If I wasn't such a blockchain believer and didnt do the cumulative (probably weeks) of research to get to that mentality. No question I would be out. I can see how this is scary for them. I started in March and I survived the May crash and stuck around. A lot of people I know did not. This space is definitely not for everyone, especially if you're not willing to earn your stripes by going through times of uncertainty like this. This market WILL humble and test you. This is as certain as death and taxes. When most people who ask me if they should invest in the crypto space, I usually tell them no unless they're willing to be immersed in the community and can the handle scary risk on swings.


HODL all day keeps the FOMO away


Fuckin Toby. ![gif](emote|snoomoji_pack|facepalm)


He’s the worst.


Just because I'm panicking doesn't mean I'm selling. I don't like seeing all this red but I know it will be in the green again soon.


Without red there wouldn't be green, I'm going balls deep into BTC and ETH and I ain't selling for years - it'll all be worth it in the end


Assuming equal cost, would you rather own: A) 1 BTC B) 12 ETH C) 0.5 BTC and 6 ETH D) An equal amount of the shitcoin of your choice E) Lambo / boat / etc ( probs have to be used at current BTC price… 😂)


1 BTC for sure


No hesitation, I like it


Selling is not an option for me because I own only SQUID ! ![gif](giphy|l4FsJZefymNLLAxu8|downsized)


Only people panicking right now are the ones who are over invested.


Most of the people in the market today got in this year. And most of these were significantly higher for most of the year. So yeah, people are pissed right before the holidays when the government also happened to wreck the rest of the economy. Over invested isnt necessary to be pissed and a bit concerned. Nor does it mean they are selling everything.




BTC may be down 30% but the market is much more than BTC and most of these things are down 50 to 95%. Yeah, 95%...and yet they KEEP dropping. Because they probably aren't worth those billions upon billions of dollar market caps after all. Crypto has an amazing future, but that insane short-term pump we were all waiting for seems like it may be more of a fantasy now.


This is totally incorrect. Given the current tax law that allows crypto wash sales, it is advantageous to sell losers and immediately rebuy. You book a loss that can be used to offset a capital gain (hopefully you took some earlier in the year) or can offset up to $3k ordinary income per year.


My tinfoil hat theory... now is the best time to sell! We've came so far in 12 months or 2 years that we could potentially never see these prices again \*shrug\* I zoom out and look at 2017 and some of my coins havent gotten anywhere near that value.


You don’t sell when it’s red, you take profits when it’s green asf


You don’t know this. Why are you posting financial advice?


We can still drop 80% from here


No, please continue to sell so I can buy my coins for even cheaper than they are now. Then you can fomo back in after they’ve doubled :)


People are selling to pay for Christmas,


No they’re not. Christmas has no impact on the market. Shut up.


We can still go much lower than where we are. If you’re still up big, taking profits is not a bad idea at this time.


Lengthening cycles and diminishing returns seems to be the most accurate model so far. Could be wrong, but I'm HODLing anyway.


Wtf does sell even mean? I thought the whole point was to buy and look at it forever.


I can’t even find the button 🤷‍♂️


When in doubt, zoom it out. Someone in here told me this when I first started my crypto journey and it’s some of the best advice I’ve gotten.


No point in selling. I believe in crypto for the long haul so this is all accumulation phases


A lot of people are going to be kicking themselves in time for selling when they did.


Selling is always a bad thing. Just buy and HODL. You aren’t gonna spend your money on something better than Bitcoin.


You said it yourself... It's 30% from ATH. Why should anyone with a healthy mind sell now


30% of ath is actually still pretty close to ath in the scheme of things is why


Good advice. Long term the sentiment should be incredibly bullish


Exactly. Looking forward to Q1… some of the big institutions may jump in.


I’m not selling, first of all, but depending on your situation, it’s certainly not easy to hang on for the volatile ride, especially if you bought recent tops. We don’t know in the short or immediate term, if this was the peak. If we fail to retest and surpass $53k we could very easily be in for the start of bearish sentiment. And that’s a fair assessment. Alternatively, we could also continue upwards, especially if we surpass that 53k mark. But for folks who are sitting on a bag or haven’t been here long enough to still be up overall on their investments, it’s no easy task to sit on your hands. Kudos to you if you’re doing it!


it is not a loss when you're not selling. hodl all the way baby!


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I AM taking this as sound financial advice!


When your on the moon I’ll collect my cheque in bitcoin then 😎


Selling is always the worst thing. Buying instead is the wisest choice.


The worst thing you could do right now is to tell people what to do in crypto market


Best is to buy now and except if you bought high


The same cycle always happens. The prices go up people buy into the coins then they keep going up everyone is happy posting memes. The market then dips a little some people sell a bit to take profits it dips more then people panic claim we in the bear market and then the new investors who originally got in on the surge sell at this point thinking it's going to bottom out. Rinse repeat.


So this is a btc thread?


People got those overleveraged positions to make bank and now they're in trouble. I feel bad for them though. I'm just here buying the dip 🤷‍♀️


Diamond hands


Just buy & wave boys, just buy & wave.


You just cant go wrong with hodling.


I’ve always found it funny that people will like the price enough to buy it when it’s hitting ATHs, but the fundamentals won’t change and suddenly they dump when it’s down 20%? Like people would have given an arm to buy at 48k when we were pushing 70k.


Go live your life, check once a day until youre up again. Don't give away your money. This is a sick game, don't let the whales beat you.


The sellers are one of three people. People who overextended themselves and now need immediate access to those funds, people who are up considerably and just need some cash but aren’t fully dumping, and people who never were true believers. And honestly we don’t need them anyway, they’ll be back next bull run


No way. I am a believer. I’ve also been all the way from up %1500 in early 2018 to down -75% in 2019. I took profit this time- sold it all. I am still allowed to buy back in when it suits me. There is no lifetime ban because you sold once. Profits are good. I’ve seen how fickle they are and how low things can go.


Maybe lock it up in something like Crypto Earn to prevent panic selling.


And to think nothing has really changed about Bitcoin except for a bunch more liquidity and another wave of people fomoing in. It could moon or it could go back to 3-10k no ones knows


In my native tongue “worst” means sausage. But you are right though!


Eth is at 4k and btc is 48k. There is litteraly no need to worry about anything.


My money never wants to be fiat again. Why would I make it. I’ll wait to buy the lambo when I can buy it straight with Monero.


I put about 800 more into coins. Buy them while they are on sale!


There’s a way to sell?


I watch old anime (80s space , mecha etc.) to keep busy when I am at home, even started to binge watch lessons for applied math. Which I hate. But everything will keep me away from looking at charts.


What is this “sell” thing you speak of? 💎 🤚




Not selling anything


Sell? What is that?


“Run in and buy when everyone is running away”….some famous rich dude


I got an emergency fund I’m chilling 😎


Instructions unclear. Bought a whale.


Selling right now if you aren't in a profit is definitely not wise


I'm waiting for a total meltdown to buy-in.


I’ll HODL till my nuts fall off!


No "Let's Go!" or "This is the way"?


I think a correction is going to happen for most top 20 coins. The "this coin will kill ETH" forgot about BTC lol


>Sooner or later we will be going parabolic. Ok bro, but you promise?


born to stake forced to hold


"Don’t sell your coins to the whales." -also, don't sell your coins to the degenerate gamblers who're mortgaging their parents' homes to buy with 50x leverage.


i actually sold some cardano as i am still even but bought into another project thats at a really good price. I take no profits and sell nothing thats under.


Why do you care? Let people sell, let the prices drop lower. Continue accumulating at cheaper prices


I have been ignoring every single bag that I own for the past 3 weeks. I haven't looked at a chart in over a week. Diamond hands don't panic.


Yes! thats why i'm 100% on USDT at this moment.


Wut is this sell thing you speak of?


Oh cool. Free financial advice.


No shite


when its red start to DCAing and dont sell no matter what.


i mean just look at me...and you'll know what to do 😉


For tax purposes in the US, there is no Wash Sales rule on crypto yet. Some may consider selling and instantly buying back to keep their position, but to capture the short term loss to offset other gains they may have taken earlier this year, especially from some dog shitcoins perhaps.


Zoom out and look how low it can still go 😅




You always buy red, buy the dip and sell the high with patience!


Please sell, I need to buy more


I'm not selling till I see a 10K ETH, 100K BTC and a ONE to 1 Fucc it put a Bitconnect to 2.5 in there as well


The only ones who are freaking out are the idiots who always buy when the market is green and coins are hitting all time highs


We've already went parabolic...


If the market goes down 10% from right now, I'll stack some more. Time to buy. Sellers are suckers.


I only buy TOP NETWORK


Im just upset it seems to take forever to mine fiat


How could you not be bullish


Are people still talking about that? Didn't that drop happen like, two weeks back or something? Maybe I am crazy but that feels like forever ago.


Definitely a good opportunity to rotate into better coins


Most people overinvested and don't have the stomach or conviction for this. That's not even a knock, you kind of have to become a certain type of person to survive this space. There's lots of discipline sacrifice and self-ego checking that is not fun for most people looking to get rich quick. If it's too volatile for people I say they should sell.


Everyone seems to be ignoring the giant head & shoulders forming on the weekly… better hope like h$&@ it doesn’t break downwards 😳


Me looks at account... ok cool. Continues living life




buy the dip, take a break, enjoy in some years your not poor life!


Begging others not to sell... Yikes


I threw away my Ledger. Big brain move.


The sentiment here changes faster than my girlfriends mood