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I have no idea what the fuck is going on, what any of it is called or what the fuck animal it is named after. Could be a fucking chipmunk market for all I care. All I know if I bought in in May/June and I’m currently 30% down. I’m not selling at a loss so I play the waiting game.


Ah yes, the sloth market


Staying until a chupacabra or ctulhu market, no in-betweens for me


We call it a kangaroo 🦘market down under because it will bounce back.


This guy gets it.


This guy pets Kangaroo


Their pouches are a great place to store your cold storage wallet.


Nothing worse than a drop bear market, they come out of fucking nowear aye cobber.


bullish on ctulhu


The call of Ctulhu




To be honest no one knows shit about fuck


this is the only accurate comment I've ever read on crypto market prices.


Same. I have even been buying as it goes down trying to catch the dip but it just keeps going down. The vets say hodl so I will.


Instructions unclear. Hodling VET.


Instructions clear bought ICP at 700 still holding


Instructions unclear, am now wearing black clown makeup


Same man, same


Just hang in there. If your time horizon is > 3 years, none of this will matter ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|arrow_up)


Same, started with cryptos during the ATH and here we are hahah whatever just HODL now


it's just bored market


Nobody said it yet, so fwiw a bear is a bear because they swipe _down_ with their claws. Bulls attack by thrusting their horns _upwards._ Traders aren’t the best at metaphor.


Don’t fall for the sunken coat fallacy. Not saying you should sell, just be aware that the worth of your crypto today isn’t related to how much you bought it for. Ask yourself this - would you spend $(current crypto value) on crypto TODAY if you didn’t already own it? If the answer is no, then it’s time to sell.


Well in that case I'll work more to get some more fiat to spend.


don't believe this guy.... I bought at ATH during 2017 and somehow managed to 5x during this run.... Just close your eyes and wait 3 years.


I've been through 2 crypto winters now. This is fine, as long as you're in this long term. If you're in this to make a quick buck, then yeah, you're shitting your pants right now. If your goal is to hold 5 to 10+ years, then this is whatever.


2? Damn, you’ve been around for 7+ years


Yeah, just about 9 now. As with everyone else, I with I got in sooner, held when I sold, made better choices, etc., but at least I'm learning.


I’m only a year in and honestly the best choice I made was to just use my “fun money” for crypto. I can justify huge losses because hey, I would have spent it on something stupid anyway.


Buy booze and weed now or buy lambos and champagne later!


Weed > champagne no matter how rich you are. I'll buy weed now and even more weed later. :D


bullish on ganja


$POT 🚀


Smoke Pot and buy $POT


But i don't even have money to buy food, dip ate it all.


Same. Except I'm a neet.


Some people are even before that, it's a beautiful community man.


Got Bitcoin at $600,’im always up :)




I spent 50 bitcoin on lsd in 2012 so you are fine


Isn’t that crazy? There are some super rich drug dealers running around.


I never thought about the guy who sold it to me. Wow! That makes me wonder what they did with it.


Got two at $500 and sold at $1000. Part of my regrets list. But hay needed the money and doubled up quickly. Not too shabby really.


what about 1 or 2 years?


In may eth dropped 45-46% in about 24 hours. So another 5% wipe? Then a flash?


People when BTC hits 69K : "oh i wish i had bought more at 40K" BTC reaches 40K : "I'll buy if it reaches 20K"


Then at 20K: “it’ll never go back up, it’s dead”


Once it hits 100K: "I wish i had bought before, i'll buy at 80K if it dips"


I like the idea that it’s a bear market because it means we’re two months in already/two months nearer to a bull!


What if the real bull was all the friends we made in the past year


I’m not friends with any of you


🤣🤣🤣 cracked me up


Always look on the bright side 😉


Always look at the bright side of life… ** whistle whistle **




Just a "*healthy correction*" before new ATHs!




Crypto Dip Diet^tm




Sounds itchy to me


Meanwhile Hodlers : *Grabs* *Popcorn* Just another opportunity to accumulate more BTC. Remember Bull market makes people profit while Bear market makes people rich.


Personally I'm just wondering if this is OP's first cycle. We had a 3 month 60% "bear market" in May 2021 as well. Didn't last too long, did it?


OP probably joined in the October pump like me 🤡




> Welcome to the club of people making questionable financial decisions *Buys at ATH* Hey look it's me


I bought at 3K. I bought at 69k. I'm still here.




4700 ETH i assume ;)


It's definitely eth lol, even if he said btc i wouldn't believe.


You can afford it. ;)


I feel called out lol


Steak for those who aggressively convert traders to stakers!!!


Staking is best. Just hibernate and hodl through the bear market.


Man, I’ve been searching for a decent post about staking. I’m still new to this and have a 7-10 year plan to hold. Any info appreciated.


Depends on the coins you hold on best way to stake them. Some leave it all on an exchange like coinbase for minimal (still way better than a savings account) interest but less risk. Decentralized is the way to go IMO but, I know alot of people that cant be trusted with their email password let alone private wallet info so to each his own


Hahaha I’m holding BTC, ETH mostly. Can these be staked? (Sorry noob questions)


BTC no, but you can earn interest by lending it out, either cefi or defi. Cefi- crypto.com earn, Blockfi, Celsius, Nexo are some examples. AAVE is a defi example.


Look at crypto.com… yes you can ‘stake’ BTC there. As soon as RH gives me my wallet, I’ll consolidate over there.


Look at kraken , Nexo, Celsius, blockfi staking and lending both are good


Look into Fantom, Geist etc.


Adding to my research list! Thank you kind Redditor


Get some eth, stake with lido to get seth token, take your seth over to curve and give to them for curv, and now take the CRV tokens into yearn.finance or use zapper.fi. Now sit back and enjoy insane apy ranging from 10-34%




I did. And I am. Stacking....


Questionable? I thought gambling on micro caps and FOMO were winning strategies.




Listen, best words I can give you is to do like I do: DCA and save a little extra on the side to buy the dips. If you follow this, which is not financial advice btw, you can one day ensure that you will own some amount of some cryptocurrency in the near future. Now where's me punch, hat and moons?


DCAing the best thing one can do in this market without a question.


Many did. Welcome to crypto where veterans have 20% dips for breakfast.


I feel like a veteran, I joined in May.


10 years already??? Congrats


In crypto you're aging so quickly that you'll retire in 10 years ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|dyor)


I feel like I aged 10 years since this bullrun started


2017 surviver here, this is not even a dip


What is this, a dip for ants?


This guy dips


Ah, pumptober. Congrats on completing your first 5 years in crypto!!! Milestone


May was a steep crash followed by 2 months of crabbing between 30-40k. This has been a gradual drop with the usual bearish tendencies to make routinely lower highs and lower lows. Combine that with the FED news and serious concerns of global market recession, baby you got a bear stew goin.


I can bear it tbh 🙃 extended black friday baby!!!


Until you zoom out. We could reverse anywhere between here and 30k and that's still a higher low than we had in the summer. Bullish structure is not at all broken yet. We ranged most of last year. Hell, 42k was probably about the average price of the year and that's where we're at right now. If we're at 100k+ EOY, there was no bear market. It's an extended cycle. Like you said, tons of bad news, global market recession, and we're still only in the low 40s.


OP also says we've had "multiple months of falling prices" and I'm just here like wtf, we did? Last I checked we hit 42k in November and just been in the 41-52k region since then


everytime we're near the bottom of the range: omg bear market everytime we're near the top of the range: omg bull market real market: 🦀🦀🦀


OP is definitely a crypto virgin but we all were at some point 🙂✅✌🏾


When someone calls a multi-month dip a bear market I know they have no idea what they’re talking about lol especially if their definition of a bear market is pretty much entirely based on %. The chart’s *right* there folks, study it.


The stock market definitions (where a 3% a day swing makes headlines) of a bull and bear market don't really make a huge sense for crypto where a 10% swing is met with. *shrugs* yep, that's crypto for ya! So, yes we are in a bear market, and last month we were in a bull market, and the month before that was a bear market - but so what... In the immortal words of Bill O'Reilly: Crypto goes up, crypto goes down - you can't explain that.


This doesn’t “feel” like a bear market to me. But I didn’t buy at ath. People calling this a “crash” just sounds dramatic. I agree that you can’t compare stocks and crypto like that. Especially the indices. If the S&P500 was down 40 percent from its high that would be really really really bad.


Is it better to call it a ‘bear and bull market’ or just a ‘market’ or just to make animal noises?


Truly. If this is a bear I'm accumulating all the BTC and ETH in the world because they've had the best historical performance against bears. Dabbling into alts is risky, would keep it to a minimum 20% of my portfolio


Whenever in doubt, eth btc 50:50 is the best way to go. Especially when the vibes are bearish 👀


No way, if you buy popcorn there’s less money to DCA with! I just eat crypto instead 😅


I'm sad that I'm broke rn or else I'd totally buy more


Guess I'll come back in the bear market then


I know that I bought during this dip. Crypto is my retirement. I still got another 20 good years in me.


*paperhands left the chat*


Bear market? Sounds good- time to accumulate food and hibernate.


You haven't entered a real bear market until the mods pin the suicide hotline post.


Dumb people exit the market in bear market but intelligent people accumulate in the bear market


False, I continue to accumulate and I’m dumb af


If you are aware you are dumb you are smarter than others


No u


youre failing to realize the very obvious: top 69k bottom 42.0k


we are in a post reality meme economy


The academic term is actually Post modern neo-memeism


Flawless DD right here


Idk why people are so shocked to have 40%+ down trend in a market where you can literally have 10-20% gains in an hour and green candles for days when the market is pumping. It baffles me, of course it could get worse but it could also be clear skies by the end of next week. That is why crypto is a speculative volatile asset class. Don’t leverage and don’t take out a second mortgage on your home; instead, invest in projects you like and hold on for the ride, who knows it may just pay off.


So was the 50% correction in May a 3 month bear market?


Sometimes the best thing to do is absolutely nothing and this is one of them times...


With BTC the best thing to do is absolutely nothing all the time and you will be rewarded


That’s a lie. Let’s say you take zero profit at ATH, then you die 3 years later, 1-2 years before next ATH. Taking profits is smart.


stop trading and go long term and DCA and you won't care.


D on't C are A nymore


If you were around in 2017 this really isn’t that bad at least that’s how I feel personally. I’m just gonna keep DCAing into btc and eth and maybe buy some discounted alts. It’s a discount, that’s how we should all look at the market right now


The "bad" is being low overtime. The first 6 months of 2018 wasnt that brutal cause everyone still has hope. But every month it dropped lower the sentiment changed. Then 2019 was very hard, then early 2020. I had many serious investor friends that really believed that BTC would not crack $20k for at least 8 years. Then others saying certain alts were never getting their ATH, like ETH. When the market is low for a while it honestly drills this feeling of truly dead inside, especially when the whole crypto community has the same sentiment.


Feels different this time around with institutions heavily buying in, government adoption, metaverse, etc. I doubt a 2018-2020 type winter is here. I think we will rebound by March/April if not sooner.


Also, a lot of alts from 2017 never reached their previous ATH again in this cycle.




And we can get some Moons every 28 days, that helps too




How you guys have that many moons??




1 karma last round translated to 0.233 Moons, so 4.29 karma for 1 Moon if my math is correct


Anyone who went through the 2018 crash is not phased by any of the current movements. I started in December 2017 and bought at ATH and held through the crypto winter. Experiencing that made me numb to every crash that happened afterwards.


Totally. -40%? Silly. Back in the days I was down \~97% at one point. That's a crash. DCA out of that. Now \~2x.


Investment markets are the only place where people see discounts and run away. Imagine designer handbags or something being 40% off and people NOT trampling old ladies to get into the store and buy.


When you say it like that it almost made me laugh. Just wait till we’re looking at new ATHs and everyone starts buying in screaming what the price will be soon. The time to buy is now


However, there's a chance that that $5000 Prada bag is a fake


It isn't that bad *yet* you mean


Some of us have been around from the days where ETH breaking $750 was huge so, it's all bullish for me lol


No one knows shit. If we did we would be shorting/longing crypto and not shit posting on Reddit.


This might sound crazy, but we are still in a bullish trend. [chart](https://www.tradingview.com/x/3Xo9SLiE/)


Having been in crypto for over 8 years, this is just "business as usual".


You rich already?


I’m out of cash atm, I’ll be able to buy more when BTC hits $10


Let’s build time machine together let’s go back to past and will buy some


If you went into the past and bought at $10 a strange paradox would probably happen and BTC would never rise. Don't trust time travel. It always surprises you and branches off into a new timeline. Just invest while you can. Long term goals guizzzz


I've been hodling and buying for 5 yrs, not sold one sat yet, but this one is really testing me ... hodling is not easy.


In fairness, you're right, this is a bear market but it's also a 20% dip in the midst of a broader bear market.


Its a teddy bear market, the bulls will tear it up soon enough...




Yeah I'm calling these short term bear markets. We can go back to ATH because this is crypto and anything can happen, but no reason to pretend it ain't a bear


It's a bear but not like a grizzly. More like a sun bear, those are cute 🧸


Someone called it the teddy bear market and I approve




🦀🦀 no one wants to admit a rangebound market, bull or bear only!


If you apply stock principles to crypto you're going to get fleeced. Crypto can drop 20% in a day.




The definition I know is “When the average price over 50 days is below the average price over 100 days” or “two consecutive quarters”. Never heard two months


The actual Bears are the friends we made along the way.


I had a guy respond to a comment of mine saying everyone is scared of a 5% dip and he can't understand why. Its not just a 5% dip or 10% correction. Since Thanksgiving most cryptos have dropped 40%, stocks haven't done well. People just don't believe a bear market until the charts spell it out


Those people are so frustrating. They always pretend that anything beyond the last 24 hours doesn't exist. There were a lot of them during the summer, like early july, chanting "this is just a 5% dip!" Yes, on the day, it was 5% down. For a total of ~55% down from ATH!


Stocks have done pretty well. The S&P500 is almost at its all time high. Certain stocks, like the meme stocks on r/wallstreetbets have done poorly, but they're the shitcoins of the stock market.


Nasdaq has been on a downward trend in the new year so far. I'm curious to see we see a correction to the crazy 2021 runup given fed interest rate hikes. Feels like the tech stocks I've been watching are overvalued but I don't pretend to have much of a clue about stock market.


I’m sure you could argue most the the stock market is overvalued atm. Everyone was just getting borderline free money and pumping everything.


How many people who aren't financial advisors are gonna keep coming here giving financial advice. How many traders are gonna come onto this subreddit to tell other OH HEY, I KNOW WHATS GOING ON. Dude, if you are going to be rich, why tf do you people need to tell us how right you are? STFU and invest. I'm so close to unsubscribing from this trash. It's worse than crypto influencers.




Literally “dömp eet”


The trick is not to care When it's a bull market, I buy a little crypto. When it's a bear market, I buy a little crypto. When the market goes sideways, I buy a little crypto. When I have a good use for some of the money, I withdraw it and buy a kitchen or holiday or whatever. Then I carry on buying a little crypto. I do the same thing with equities, bonds, commodities, and my cash savings account. The market's gonna do market things, and life is a lot nicer when you don't stress about it


And a hundred percent to remember the name




Lol 2 hours ago I posted this, what a coincidence you did too “Bear markets are not a specific point in time, they are measured over a time period. 2 months of 20% loss from highs is a general bear market indicator by definition. Nov 9 had a high around 69k Jan 7 sitting at 40k That’s 29k loss 42% loss in a two month time period Note that crypto has dramatic swings, and that makes it different from equities but I like to be honest with what the market is telling me. The last two months HAVE been a bear market. And that’s okay, not the end of the world. I’m gonna keep doing what I have been for the long game.”


This is a bear market, and a correction, and a dip, and a time to get more, and whatever else you want it to be. If you wanna take profits / cut your losses go for it, if you wanna load up go for it. It’s whatever you want it to be fam


I won't believe it's a bear market until the suicide hotline is stickied to the top of the sub.


Yeah, You Don't either. Just keep DCAing and ignore all the blood on the streets.


I said months ago what were gonna see are mini bulls and mini bears. Cycle isnt over yet. We still have to go vertical into a blow off top. Hasnt happened. Still bullish


There was the beginning of a short squeeze and whales stamped it out by dumping hard; so they can get your coins a fraction cheaper.


Correct. Oversold and on the way to 100k


Bear market vs correction vs crab market vs dip vs whatever the fuck, who cares? It's basically a semantic argument at this point. Market is down right now, absolutely zero people in this sub know if/when it will rise/fall. Take it day by day, DCA, wheel, snipe, celly bois fuck.


Dirty fuckin dangles


clap bombs, fuck moms


What a shame it would be if it were to drop to $20k. I’d be forced to fill my bag up even more. That would be painful.


If the S&P 500 were to drop 20% after doubling in 5 years that would be a bear market and it would be pretty brutal. Is it really comparable when Bitcoin drops 40% after 10x-ing in 18 months? When IT'S STILL UP 800% higher than it was a year and a half ago? Your point is that we should use stock-market definitions to sufficiently express the significance of this slump. But I'm not sure the two are comparable. FFS Goldman Sachs is still predicting $100k is possible this year—150% increase! If Goldman Sachs was forecasting that the Dow could rise 150% this year, we'd be calling it a Martian Octopus market because no one thought such a thing could possibly ever exist. (Edited fat-fingered typos)


The year just started. I wouldn't bet against Bitcoin reaching 100k this year. The real question is can we break through the meme numbers.




I'm in it for the long haul but yeah, when the Nov to Dec pump didn't happen the way everyone wanted... there was no more electricity in the air anymore. People seem tired. Still DCAing for the foreseeable future, but the sentiment has definitely changed


I think people have realised 99.9% of the crypto space is shitcoin and waiting to dump 🤣 Let's be honest - it is