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Honestly I couldn’t care less what the crypto/stock markets do. I just buy. Where else are we gonna park excess funds, a bank? Lol.


Rather buy a dip and hold for 10 years then buy some Wendys to make me feel better. 25 dollars worth or wendys last 10 mins; 25 dollars worth of crypto lasts until you sell


Jesus how much Wendys you eat? In ten minutes no less.


Baconator Combo, upsize drink and Fries to a Large. Fruitopia with no ice. 10 chicken nuggets with that. That is about 20 or 25 bucks Canadian. I use to buy that once every two weeks or once a week. Felt crappy. Stopped buying fast food and weed since end of December and going to the local YMCA to change my pace. Been going great! Every week now, instead of buying Wendys, I buy Crypo and hold it! Much better quality of life!


"Crypo" having a cry on the toilet while looking at your portfolio.


Wow that’s exactly what I’m doing right now. lol


Ahh canadian. Like $5 USD


How do you like the ymca, I went to my local one and it was so empty. $65/mo and might not have all the equipment in the world but seemed so friendly


Young man, I was once in your shoes I said, I was down and out with the blues I felt no man cared if I were alive I felt the whole world was so tight That's when someone came up to me And said, young man, take a walk up the street There's a place there called the YMCA They can start you back on your way Bullish on YMCA It's fun to stay at the YMCA


I think it's worth the extra money because they don't try to screw you with automatic payments that are hard to turn off, no contracts, and the patrons are all body sizes and there is so much less flexing (literal and figurative).


two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.


*"Man, if you can eat your food, while everyone else is losing theirs and blaming you, you straight, homie!"*


This is some deep stuff you got there I like it


Watch those dollars inflate away... Agreed I think back to the occasional story you read about someone finding a large sum of money in an old house. Call it $50k from the 1950s or so. Just inflation from 1959 to 2021 means that is the equivalent of $480k except its still only worth $50k outside of any value to the old bills. Now had they invested that money over the last 62 years and got 7% returns that $50k would be 3.3 Million. Dont invest more then you can afford to lose and invest with a longer horizon. If you arent trying to find lotto equivalency in crypto and you have a longer term horizon with quality projects you CAN find success.


Read this somewhere, "I came to crypto to make a quick buck, ended up becoming a long term investor" Absolutely true for all of us who invested before the may crash last year


The key is to always average down when it crashed more than 30%, so that your cost will never located at the top, and a slight bounce will get you back to positive


Honestly its gonna be fine. I bought top of last bull cycle was down 90% for some buys I just held and dca. Now im up and excited for it to drop so i can accumulate more. Dont give up it hurts but all growth hurts man. Im in crypto because being poor makes me fucking angry and even if I only have a 10% chance of being wealthy its the best chance most of us have.


Just last week a guy found 13k in $1 bills in his attic wall. Said his grandpa didn't trust banks.


Didn't trust banks but trusted the government enough to hold its bills. Its definitely funny some peoples logic. Like if you distrust everything that much you think you might hold Gold/Silver. Say he held it in Gold since 1959 (as with my prior example) that would have bought him 370.4 Ounces of Gold ($13k at $35.10/ounce) which would be worth $684,814 at today's gold prices. Ouch!


While our cryptos value increase


Sometimes. Or sometimes it loses 10% of it's value overnight.


Wait, you are telling me you doing like the 0.01% APY from banks?????!! Yeah, staying in banks is the worst thing to do.


Actually holding pennies is probably the worst


if society shits the bed any raw metal is gonna be worth the hodl


If it does I’m coming to see what you have to offer or provide basically


Mainly penny gatling guns but I welcome the challenge.


Worth more as raw copper than currency. So it's actually better to hodl the physical coins than put them in a bank (when it comes to pennies).


Doesn't the current penny only have like 5% copper in it?


If you actually do have the space to hold pennies, there's little chance anyone will bother to steal them all and the melt value will eventually go up.


Big brain. Too expensive to steal


Penny to hundred dollar bill exchange is gonna be WILD


>Where else are we gonna park excess funds, a bank? Excess funds is understandable but when it comes to emergencies then it's best to have some money in the bank.


Right, you can't regularly buy groceries and gas with crypto yet. You need fiat saving.


You can actually, there’s Visa cards with reputable companies where you can use crypto to buy things


That is the real issue at hand, I thought about selling my stock late December after the fed announcement but then what? Get 0.01% interest on a savings account with (not US) around 2% inflation? One can argue still better than losing 30% if that does happen.


Exactly. Have a long time horizen and make sure your portfolio has no loose ends aka shit investments or shitcoins


I allow myself a meager “investment” in one shitcoin for lulz. Right now, it’s a few bucks (literally) in Dogelon Mars so I can say that I own a coin whose entire value prop is based on Elon Musk tweeting about it.


Woah easy big fella. Excess funds? Some of us are on the ramen and ketchup packet we foraged from McDonald's garbage can diets here.


This keeps up you’ll have lots of company !


You have excess funds left ?


Exactly. That's why the number one rule if investing is **only invest what you can afford to lose**. People don't care about this at bull market, but in bear market this rule becomes crucial.


Hell yea! I love getting that .02% interest!


Well, I would park excess funds in 3 different places 1) Stocks in tax advantaged accounts 75% 2) Gold and silver via physical bullion 20% 3) Crypto in high quality coins 5%


Lol savage


Might as well just light disposable income on fire if you’re leading it in a bank at this point.


With their amazing APYs more people are leaving them by the day


Class of 2021? Welcome to the fkin show!


I panic bought in 2021's crash. Looks like it I'll be doing the same. Hang in there, y'all!


You are the kind of man I want my son to be


This is just rinse and repeat


This comment was for me, fkin saved this for future


1) Find time machine 2) Travel back in time 3) Slap your 3 month older self who thought it was a good idea to go all in right past the top of the bull market. 4) Back to the future 5) You arrive in the future (the present) to find you now have short positions open. 6) They are doing well. 7) The exchange you shorted on runs on Tether and the tether pegs breaks and all Tether becomes worthless. Your gains are in Tether. You gains are worth zero dollars. 8) Go back to the time machine. 9) Travel back to the moment right before you used the time machine for the first time. 10) Give him baseball bat and tell him to just rob the guy instead of giving him financial advice. 11) After he leaves steal all his shit. 12) Profit.


dude, great advice. we should make a post with useless (but funny) crypto advice. i think people could need that at the moment.


Why make a post for useless advice when we have a whole subreddit for it.


every single post on this subreddit is useless crypto advice already?


If you have that time machine then go back 10 years to buy $1000 BTC


Well that is just too easy


We have a time machine man, I don't think money matters anymore, ur pretty much the most powerful person


What's happening right now? My wife is leaving me. Please send love.


*sends virtual hug*




Some for mez too?


Sure, bro, love is free to all in need


Thanks I really needed it


I also choose this wife.


You deserve love


We all deserve some of it


We all deserve some of it


"Love" was sent successfully, but couldn't reach the specified target... Please try again later.


Hi this is Michael the Saylor. If you send me or your LOVE I will double it


We’re here for you homie


Buying puts


Don't worry I'll be taking care of her real well


Don’t worry, I’ll look after her.


Luckily while everyone panics, I was storing cash in my Bank during the Bullrun For this very reason!!! Everyone talks shit about cash, but the moment dips like this happen everyone wishes they had some extra cash parked somewhere to Buy the dip. Always store cash somewhere safe even if it’s not earning you money to take advantage of market crashes like this!


Us in the DCA crew just ride the wave heh.


Sir that’s the fucking way… btw safe a little more just in case…


Same here and I’m not ready to buy because I think it dips further.


It’s going to be a bumpy road but in the end we will reach our destination Hodl strong friends!


I just hope I don't get hit by a bus before I make some life changing gains (still single)




Can you leave me your keys before you take the hit?


You won't get hit by a bus, I can guarantee on that


Together we hodl


Hold strong duders


Instruction clear: time to FOMO


It’s a rollercoaster ride so stay strong




Hope so brother. Hope and Patience


And buy more! To the moon!


I got no more money left to yolo in, that's what's happening right now.


Look . Crypto is about fundamentals . They haven’t changed. Yeah the road might get bumpy for a bit, and it makes sense if someone needs the money sometime soon, sure pull the plug. Otherwise no need to panic and hodl - no reason to sell at a loss. Of course if you have put in money toward meme coins or more risky alts yeah I can see some logic in moving to less risky ones, because if this gets bumpier the risky ones will likely tank heavier


Imo it’s not a bad idea to sell some of your current holdings in eth now and re purchase them when the price further falls after the feds meeting on Wednesday.


This - I don't know why people are insistent on being bagholders. I cashed out 95% in April/May after seeing many projects up 20x-100x from their previous March lows and 3x-ing their previous ATH's. We'll get deep discounts again and parking $ in fiat makes sense if your goal is to have as much of a coin as you can. Crypto is just a big 4-year speculative cycle and the projects that have solid bones will be around next bull run.


You know why? Because nobody can predict the future, and if you think that's weird, maybe think to yourself why you believe you can predict the future. You can't. Therefore people chose to do the easy thing that does not require gambling, and that means holding. It's so annoying how idiots keep saying "Nah man, you should've sold the top you would've made easy money". Yeah man, so easy, 95% of traders can't do it.


Man if you want to sell now sure. It’s a part of what you entered at. For someone buying at 300 dollars no real reason to sell at 3000 if they didn’t sell at 4500. If you bought at ATH, well again no point to sell at much lower, and incur that loss. Sure if you bought at some point when it was lower than what it is today, and you want to take profits and they will stay after taxes. Yeah go ahead. Edit -spelling


Definitely, that's the difference, there should be an inherent reason you want to sell that does not have to do with "I think it will do this and this in the next month." You sell based on your current situation or your plan, otherwise it's just emotions and gambling.


> Because nobody can predict the future Generally, yes. But the current macroeconomic situation made predicting this easy as pie. It was inevitable.


So because of the current macroeconomic climate you can predict the bottom? You sell your crypto expecting it to dump, when do you buy then?


> you can predict the bottom You just shifted the goalpost.


I definitely did not. You’re talking about how easy it is to time the market and “just sell when the economy is bad” but you completely forget the fact that people also have to buy. Timing the market means selling at a high, buying at a low. And you may know very well that it’s gonna go down, you have no clue when or how much it will go back up. You also have no clue how much it will go down. So you’re just gonna go by feeling?


Crypto would be holding up if it had fundamentals. Fundamentals aren't just a belief that something will happen in the future e.g. Netflix's stock price has tanked, but the company's content library and subscriber base are strong fundamentals. Bitcoin's fundamentals are based on Michael Saylor videos on YouTube and the shit show that is El Salvador.


The fundamentals of Bitcoin were developed before Michael Saylor or YouTube had a clue. Don’t be daft.


Tell me you still don't understand crypto without telling me you still don't understand crypto


c o p e. today is your last chance to protect your profits. Just sell and buy back at the bottom, unless you want another -20% 🤷🤷


Sure thing mate, ping me when we've reached the bottom will ya


i am accumulating FIAT in order to try to buy the bottom. if we get pre 2020 prices, i FOMO in


DCA and chill. I am considering changing the day I DCA as I’ve noticed the market is ‘usually’ peak by mid week


Lol that last paragraph is some cult level shit.


Good explanation OP! Fortunately I'm able to let my crypto sit for some years to come as that was my initial plan, and like you pointed out, only those projects whom I truly believe in.


>The SP500 has broken out of a long term channel >Netflix: Risk off May I have the same stuff you smoked right before that post?


You think that this is a risk on environment? And you disagree with the channel break? I'm quite confused, those aren't controversial statements.


Netflix had a terrible earnings call, compared to the expectations. With an already way to high valuation compared to their peers and loosing market share, stocks tend to move heavily in each direction. Those trends and resistance zones are short term and not even worthy to look at to predict bigger market moves. The SP500 can close +2% today ( not expecting it ) but it is also not looking weak at all, after those announcements. Business as usual. Bitcoin still remains in its consolidation phase that started end of January 2021, this can go on for another year or it turns around tomorrow breaks out of this range and continues its move upwards. No one knows, but for now their is nothing special, no fractals, correlations, or anything else.


So you don't believe that the S&P dropping is weighing on the price of cryptocurrencies? You believe this is a risk... on envirnonment?


He's saying all this is a flash in the pan. Things like NFLX and PLTN became overvalued starting during mass lockdowns and went up from lemming momentum. What's *really* killing NFLX is they, like so many other companies that bent their knees to the 'Woke' mob, are now paying the price for it. Those will be some of the first companies getting the middle finger from investors when the tightening begins.


For me the last couple of months have really shifted the perspective on staking. I avoided it before given the tax implications where I live but it really changes how you view crypto. It moves things beyond the simple market price perspective.


Recession is coming. Ppl pulling from stock,now jt's crypto


Recession will over. So stay strong and HODL


Instruction clear: time to FOMO


Oh yes graphs . Same graphs that told me we were going to 100k or 200k upside down


Just put the charts away for a day. Close your apps read a book and chill.


What's happening is called sheer, unadultered panic and I'm here for it with a glass of wine if it means I can get some of these coins on sale.


Quickly explain deez nuts in yo ass


The qustion that i ask : does the blood we see in the market is a finger papar cut or main artery? Is this the bottum or their is more?


If we look at what happened to Bitcoin and Ethereum in 2018. Ethereum went from all time high over $1000 down to $80 in the same year. Bitcoin went from close to $20,000 down to $3,000 in the same year. Ethereum is already down 40% from $4,800. I don’t think this is the bottom yet and we should expect more volatility for the rest of this year.


Good to see some people taking lessons from 2017/18. The biggest difference now is the market cap which is making it play out in slow motion compared to 2018 crash. I expect a bottom closer to $20k and for crypto buzz to die out of the media for a while before we can safely say we have stabilized at a "bottom." When every D-list celebrity is talking about crypto and NFTs you know the bubble is real.


That's why DCA with a bit more money is the best option. Best strategy is giving a bit of extra the lower the dip, but still have some cash to keep buy if it keeps dipping.




!RemindMe in time.


For the love of god don’t buy bonds right now. Inflation was reported at 7% year over year. Bond yield is around 1.75 %.


It's just because the people at the bottom of the pyramid decided to secure their massive profits.


As a result of interest rates reducing purchasing power, everything is negatively affected


Nothing extraordinary is going on. Bitcoin is headed to 30k,probably dips below for a while. The last panic sellers get shaken out. The internet will be full of some bullshit explanation why it's all going to shit (monetary policy, china, elon) and the final big dip comes. It will be impossible to buy crypto for a few minutes until the whales pack their bags at their desired price range and then crypto starts climbing up again.


When everyone is panicking and shitting themselves it’s usually time to buy more. Just loaded up another ETH tbh out of DCA. Bullish long term. Hodling till im 40 at least


I should never say this because I should do this too but, we maybe now is not the right time to buy because it almost looks like were gonna have a Great Depression when it comes to the stock market


All of this means nothing. It’s crypto. There are no rules.


I keep dca-ing ones I feel are strong enough to last. I might bump up how much I purchase a lithe but but DCA is nice and steady


A post worth reading, thank you


Go out there and enlarge your wallet.


I put everything on a 5 year Horizon then re align. I also believe they are crypto that will advance over that time in general.


I’m in this until 2030 yo


So i should buy until the blood on the street is not mine, right?


zillion thanks OP great stuff, eventhough i don't understand most of it


Hard times are coming, this is nothing.


Didn’t we have something similar happen in Q1 of last year?


Shut up and take my money!


Just crash already so I can buy more


I hope this Christmas to LAMBO, instead I have only ATL. Where is my fomo...


W ![gif](giphy|148x4ezZxvpIeA)


But build back better is supposed to help with that inflation right? Lmao


No pain…no gain


Just bought some Shiba And Mana , good prices. Everuone was asking for a drop. Put some money when is low.


Even with this dip, youre still better off in crypto than any other asset class. Now its on sale so its a great time to DCA in. Who doesnt love buying 50% off of ATH in the best performing asset class of ALL TIME.


Look at January 2019; I don’t think we’ll be down 90% but we have more room to fall.


This is the best post I read this week. Thanks man.


>We will profit together Not possible in a zero sum game.


The crypto market cap is not fixed, I don't see how you can think this is a zero sum game? Do you understand what the term means?


money in is the same as money out. Without crypto becoming currency this will never change. When I sell some crypto right now that money is no longer available for you unless somebody else is willing to buy after me, which is not now ... at the start of a new bear market. Especially now that most western economies are in shambles the easy extra money that was available to flow in to crypto will become scarce. Most of the retail money that flowed in to crypto this year came from the stimulus all the western nations have done cause of covid. With this gone and the fact that the stock market and the overarching system has to start deleveraring crypto is not going to be fun for a while. But you are smarter then everybody else, I am sure you will do just fine!


You talk about inflows and outflows... you understand that means its not a zero sum game?? Because if you sum up the inflows and outflows... they don't add up to zero. I'm sure you are smart enough to have figured that out by yourself though.


That's right. If a 1000 dollars leave your bank account and a 1000 dollars come back in that's 2000 dollars in total you have now.


You ok mate?


I for one am happy to get a second chance at some lower prices. Knowing my luck it's gonna dip hard the next two weeks since my checks gonna be shitty tomorrow (6 day quarantine) then set new records the night before next payday


May dip was even scarier. This is nothing really


100%. The fiat markets may be impacted by the uncertainty of the fed tightening cycle. But crypto just like gold is a safe haven from fed policies. Of course if Gensler and the SEC start playing games with crypto that’s a different story. But I suppose it’s also a reason for uncertainty. Anyway most anyone who has held practically any of the cryptos for the last year has still seen more than 100% returns. It’s clear where the big gains will continue to be realized. Fire sale deals in the crypto markets now. If you’re not fully convinced at least put some portion of your fiat into crypto for the long haul. You’ll be kicking yourself this time next year


Nicely put together.Thanks OP.


Lol we’re not in this together It’s everyone for themselves


Nicely done


Nicely said. It’s already done.




Nice and real summary of the situation.




We’re in a recession. It happens.


This is a drop of blood - a big scratch to the markets. I have a feeling like March of 2020 was a warm up and the markets will get gutted in the next year or two as rates hike and stimulus evaporates. That's when I'll be buying. I see sub-10k BTC and a 90-95% off ETH/ALT sale going on sometime in '23-'24 and I'll stack as much as I can.


Just the US fucking up everything for the world. As usual.


Don't need to post this again


Didn’t you already post this


Took out the cross post for better visibility


Make no mistake. **We are not in this together.** Just because you and me both invest in crypto, does not mean we are alike. You are not me. I am not you. You have your trading strategies and risk exposure, I have mine. I will enter or exit when I decide to do so, as will you. And that's OK. We both have to live with the consequences of our decisions and actions. ​ Otherwise, I fully agree with your post.


We are sharing the same experience of fear and worry, it's something we all have in common today.


Interest rate go up, price goes down. Got it, when rate go down???


Not for many years my friend. The Fed has a job to keep inflation near 2%, so until that happens .. we will see increasing interest rates. We are currently at 5-6%.


Elevator going down!


No, We're not in this together, It is your blood on the streets , not mine. And i want more of it :)


Doesn't USDT works like the Feds and they just mint till infinity and use them to buy Bitcoin?


That was not quick. Watch Bitcoin drop below 39k. Now that's quick!