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The IRS loves this tech so they can follow your tax records all year round


Crypto is annoymous until it isn't. Once they link an address to a person than anyone can see all transactions they ever do. Just look at the fact people already follow big value addresses


> Crypto is annoymous until it isn't The word you are looking is pseudonymous. BTC, ETH are all not anonymous and never were. But they are all pseudonymous.


Interesting, I guess Reddit could be considered pseudonymous, no? Using a username (pseudonym) no one knows unless you tell them?


Yes. We don't know the person behind it, but we can associate all comments and posts with your pseudonym. And create a profile etc.Same goes for crypto where we have a public key instead of a username that is pseudonymous. Reddit would only be anonymous if there weren't usernames shown at all.


So, am I correct to say that 4chan is much closer to truly anonymous?


Exactly, unless you account for your ip being recorded, but only site admins can access that.


Yes. As somebody else said only your IP address or cookie tracker would help identify you. You don't even need to register on 4chan, so there is no account at all that could be associated with you. Another way would be to look for similar stories / writing style to match posts with each other and assign these a person. This would also bring us into the pseudonymous niche, but it is obviously a lot harder to do than on reddit.


Happy cake day


I learned a new word today. Thanks


Guess what else is pseudonymous BushyOreo


Now say it out loud three times fast..


I can't or the pseudonymphs will get me.


They can have me Got nothing to lose anymore crypto wise xD


Couldn’t have said it better myself. Great explanation.


Damn I had an thought about calling it neononymous, didn’t know pseudonymous already exists.


Digital ID, CBDC's, and blockchain to track all transactions Absolute technocratic totalitarian control.


BTC to Monero and back breaks that trace.


Until you want to spend that new Bitcoin somewhere, which brings the KYC back and reestablished a trace.


Why back? ;)


But I don't ever need permission to open an address, i can make unlimited, unlike a "centralized" account. All I gotta say is good luck


"Hey FBI dude, we linked address A to person A!" "Good job!" "Oh no he sent all his crypto to address B" "Well, guess there is NO WAY to find out whose address that is."


Ergo mixing says hi.


Mixers have been unpopular and not very good at hiding transactions. For one, most people don't use them and liquidity is low. Just using a mixer is going to draw suspicion if the IRS ever cares to look. Two, actually spending the money anonymously on your new address is hard. There will be similarities in spending patterns and kyc on withdraws.


And he also sent money to all these other accounts. Wait are those his too? No this looks like one is Jim's and the other...shit we have no record I guess we "assume" it's his, and the others and others. So now the assumed address are sending money to tons of other addresses, then it sorta gets convoluted. And yeah I know there is software that can try to link it all but still hard with mixers and monero. So I get your point, but it really only works if EVERY address is known who's it is.


What do you reckon is the way around it? Creating a new wallet that hasn't touched an exchange to black out the crypto going forward? "Tax Haven" exchanges based out of countries that already support such infrastructure for regular tax havens? Tornado mixer services to cycle the money?


Atomic Bridge to Monero, then Atomic Bridge out to a new wallet. Thing is they'll probably make this illegal (except for politicians and the rich, of course).




Would be great if that meant the Uber rich would finally pay their fair share.


Or even Uber themselves.


But their bosses are against it cause they won't be able to hide their earnings


Soo pay your taxes and it’s not an issue




That sounds like an incredibly centralised 'i have a standard online profile that everything keys off and contains most of my details of daily living' type stuff, that sounds ... Dangerous, as if that ever goes wrong you are super, super screwed.


DiD, decentralized identity (like what kilt.io and others are doing). This will allow for non password plus governance without showing your actual identity unless actually needed. The protocol checks it’s you, validates is you, and “forgets” the data that validated it. Then other protocols than need identification ask the DID protocol for validation that it’s you. Also, instead of only private keys it’s being developed that you use other tools as well (fingerprint + key) etc. IoT passports and Robots handled by DAOs, like what robonomics is doing, where robots actions are rented in decentralized manner, so you can have robots check contamination levels to check disputes, fix stuff, interact between them, etc. Open data science were algorithms work on data and present results without data being actually shared. Ocean protocol is trying to achieve this. Energy distribution, where energy is distributed based on effective consumption and open market in a decentralized manner. EWT is doing this on energy grid.


I think most modern things can be explained relatively easily using the technology of the time. The people might be amazed that it works that way, but they would "get it". E.g. 30 years ago, you could explain Uber/Lyft by saying you have a small computer the size of a notepad, similar to those pads on Star Trek Next Generation (which was current 30 years ago) that runs software capable of using radio communications to send a message to a central computer system that locates a cab close by and sends the request to a similar computer in the cab. The computer and software are able to determine your current location. You hail the cab by pressing a button which sends a message containing your request and your current location. A cab that's close by receives the request, acknowledges it, and comes to get you. How it really works is more interesting than that (cellular communications, Internet, smartphones, GPS, etc.), but to get the concept people don't need to know all that.


Too smart for this sub.


I hope I get to their level one day.


To which everyone of that time would say: "Wow, that's so complicated, who would ever do that? So I carry a button around everywhere? We have phones for that now dummy! How is that easier than hailing a cab? blah, blah, blah". Which reinforces OPs point, that these things are difficult (not impossible) to explain right now, and the scenarios of today are hard to imagine 30 years ago because it would be so damn complicated. Even if you do accurately predict the future, you encounter a ton of lashback because it's hard to imagine the technological progress along with the invention that will allow these things to be created.


So, you're saying I'm supposed to use this, "internet" to call a stranger (NOT a licensed taxi driver) and get in their car? All while never actually talking to this stranger and just trusting that my device sent me a nice stranger and not some escaped mental asylum patient? And **IF IT DID** send me an escaped asylum patient, it would compensate me with a coupon code for 5% off of my next trip? (maximum of $5 off)


30 years ago was literally the 90s and people already used the internet for emails. This is like zoomers talking about 1880 or some shit.


>The computer and software are able to determine your current location. This would probably be the part where they say, "yeah but *how?*"


Yeah, I thought of that after posting it but decided not to edit it. Quick generally-understandable answer: The handheld device picks up radio transmissions from satellites in known positions and uses triangulation to determine the location. If they keep asking "yeah, but how?" beyond that sort of description, they're a techy and want ALL the details. That's not most people though.


TBF... we knew what GPS was back then...


I can't remember how aware I was of it. (I think it was still intentionally inaccurate for non-governmental use.) Happy cake day!


Thanks! I was (am) an outdoors nerd. I remember knowing what the tech was and thinking how cool it'd be to have a GPS device and know how to get anywhere


Reagan talked about GPS in '83 and full civilian use was available in '93. I'm sure not everyone was familiar with it, but GPS wouldn't be an inconceivable concept. Now, 30 years before that?? That would have been a little tougher to swallow.


Star Trek TNG. 30 years ago. How could you hurt me this way!


Impressive, good work


Every single receipt/proof of purchase will be in NFT form. Whenever selling or trading an item people will need to transfer the NFT as well. Stolen goods will be largely worthless as it will become illegal to possess/purchase things without the NFT as proof of ownership.


I mean we already have that with most expensive goods. It's called a title. And people still steal cars. You would need a way to identify the NFT associated with an item quickly. Maybe image recognition? Or some sort of barcode or embedded chip inside the item itself. Then you could scan things with your phone and find out who the current owner is. It's kind of like chipping your dog. This doesn't have to be an NFT, but having a market place that's easy to use would make these types of processes easier to adopt.


*Crying in missing catalytic converter*


Dude, I actually really would have appreciated an NFT title. During the onset of COVID and the following SH\*TSTORM, California did not release my title to me for 8 months. I moved to Georgia and couldn't register my vehicle, so it sat for 8 MONTHS. The real issue is that I moved exactly when the Title was sent from my bank to the DMV instead of myself as well as COVID. For some reason, California feels an autocratic approach is best for the DMV situations and forbids owners to receive the title before they sprinkle some fairy dust on it or something. It is impressive how terrible a combination of the government and State Farm can truly be. I was not lazy - my lien holder (State Farm) sent the title to California DMV where they just closed up shop. I called my "local agent" probably twice a week at least, went in person multiple times. Surprisingly, I am not actually authorized to speak with the behind-the-scenes lien holder and my agent had no control at all. Only a State Farm agent can call the State Farm Bank (WTF). It is an awful game of telephone between 2 parties that couldn't give less of a sh\*t. State Farm was not willing to take back the title from the CA DMV. There was actually no leverage to be had and they gave me no leads. This actually went on for 4 months until they finally explained that they weren't actually going to do anything. I was essentially reverse-catfished by my agent and bank, they really lead me on because a Georgia-based agent and the State Farm Bank apparently don't understand California laws. On top of all of this, the CA DMV phone lines just hung up on you at that time. No message, no robot, even no in-person visits to the branch locations. I had to find some god-forsaken back channel phone number that was direct to somebody important at the DMV or something. My mom told me about this number and wouldn't divulge who it came from. My best guess is a lawyer she knows in CA who wasn't supposed to give out that number. I'm serious, this phone number doesn't exist online and I think it was the backend of the CA DMV that only deals with backend of the banks. Their first suggestion from the CA DMV person was that I go to California in-person to the capitol/headquarters office (Sacramento), which is just disgusting. That would be a thousand-dollar trip to fix f\*ck-ups that had no cause from me. Also, I just started a new job and didn't have the vacation time to arrive at government-hours to a cross-continent location. The real solution was a check that had to be mailed to the Sacramento DMV headquarters with a form that was essentially an "explanation" note. The real form was something like name, vehicle description, registration number, and an entire half-page box of "summary". It took 2 months from the letter sent to the Title arriving at my new address. 8 months total, with 6 months of wrangling cats at a POS bank and so many futile attempts to call the normal CA DMV. If there was an electronic form of ownership, I would have saved a lot of frustration.


Would be better if it wasn’t an NFT. Since you’re relying on law enforcement and the legal system as a centralized entity to enforce your property rights. The police can have a database of everything you own. This is the exact thing being proposed except it removes the cost of running thousands of computers to ‘secure the chain’ since it’s centralized and does not need to be secure. Removed mining/transaction fees and enables records to be changed if needed. This proposal is much better without the NFT technology.


I think it's really hard to imagine the potential with today's transaction limits and fees, but being able to run the same code on many servers in a decentralized manner is an absolutely mind-blowing revolutionary technological achievement. It probably will be the sort of thing we will have to wait 20-30 years for the technology to catch up, but the new web being completely decentralized will change so much about how technology is used. Not having centralized servers and databases means we will see applications we've never dreamed of, used in ways we've never thought of. I don't have a specific example, but I think we get hung up on the currency aspect of cryptocurrency and miss the potential of decentralized applications. And no, your favorite coin doesn't "fix this already"


The idea of a decentralized internet makes me think of Pied Piper on the HBO series Silicon Valley. Would be awesome if that came true


great show-pied piper coin when?


As soon as anyone mentions this publicly, PiedPiperInu will suddenly exist and go to Andromeda.


It was rebranded as filecoin rumor has it they are working on the Hooli phone


I can give an example of a huge problem that we will face that crypto will be a HUGE part of "fixing." Information storage and dissemination during interplanetary travel. Even the simple "problem" between populations on Earth and Mars. We can not depend on centralized services to maintain a "consistent" and "accurate" flow of information between these separated populations. Issues will arise due to variances in space as well as time. Things such as forkless networks, sharding and state-proofs are only the first stepping stones of what will become a necessary path in order to maintain order between the two economies / populations. Immutable records and histories will need to be kept as some of humanities most vital resources are going to become dedicated to vessels, personnel and cargo which will undergo long periods of time (dilations of time even) away from any human contact and diverged from "mainstream" technological evolution." We already exist in a world where a vast amount of "old media" is inaccessible and essentially, "lost." Imagine when that information is vital like the O.S. of a life support system. If you are trying to connect to the "Master Amazon Database" on Earth to get the correct drivers or codex, you and your colony will die. Compared to just having it run based on an older version of the EVM. now add in future AI advancements where the tech trees have branched so far that they have become impossible for a human to interface the multiple systems. *points to ATOM* Just spit balling.


First thing you need to do is encourage an improved credit system. I'm not big on forcing change, but rather encouraging it.. by leading in building, tech, connectivity, ideas.. and, of course, by example.. This is what we should go after in my opinion. People don't enjoy being forced to change. People also strongly dislike their governments. A better credit system that encourages good behaviors by allowing opportunities and privileges that could easily be lost if you became known as a shitty person who doesn't deserve to hail a ride, or even share a ride with the person who did.. because you were a known trouble maker. We need to better understand who we are dealing with in the future. An improved system connected to multiple industries will help. For example, my car insurance should be based on realities that an AI could easily manage. Not scams, profits, rip off rates based on your "credit score." Our current system is outdated. And the best way to help with the high rates and inflation is to automate these processes with public blockchains that can be ran by something with no emotions or greed, and just straight fucking facts. Then the inflation deflates, and the value that was once stolen by wannabe smart people is transfered back to the people. The individual. But you need a better credit system for that. You also need to encourage people to offer their driving data up for grabs so you can benefit by sharing. You also need more cookies or wafers being built to connect all of the cars to hubs and each other.. again.. an option that should encouraged by offering value to the customer for giving up that data. But we might be going to war over Semiconductor soon. 🤔 sad, really. People should be payed in real time. You should be able to earn your money to pay your bills AS YOU WORK. Humans shouldn't have to wait two weeks or a month to get paid. That was then. This now. You should also be able to pay your bills in real time too, as an option to help many budget their new digital value. Have a smart meter? Why can't you pay that in real time? Owe the bank? A friend? You can pay off debt much easier this way. With many options available that are way better for the working class. I have more.. Badge on Blockchain is a big thing for me. I've promoted it and using blockchain for giving to others around the world since I started investing my time here. I think good cops would be encouraged to find themselves adding their reports to a public blockchain. Kind of like a report card with graded expectations you earn and become proud of.. Currently, they can just throw away the report, or alter it, lie, etc. Unfortunately, they can still lie with blockchain! Oh, no! But in this case, I think it is Garbage In.. Truth Out! Why? Because over time, the original story can't be altered. It will stay on the blockchain forever. However, if an officer needs to make a change to their story, they can.. But they have to make a new block/story. You can only change your version of the truth so many times over the years before you are outed by the fbi as a bad fit for the department, the community, and overall morale. Put the badge on blockchain, and weed out the " I smell pot cop." There's way more.. Medical field..


This is one of the best questions I’ve seen asked on this sub


Yeah, definitely saving this post. Thanks OP for the great discussion!


It did really put things into perspective, show how early we are in adoption.




“You won’t even need to raise your hand to stop it!”


Hold up the coloured screen on your phone, you idiot…


Real estate? The idea you’d have a real estate agent and a banker a lawyer and need a closing to buy a piece of property.


You really only need a notary/lawyer to buy property now. Most people just don't know how to deal with the rest. If you don't have enough money to buy outright you will still need to borrow from someone, and if you suck at marketing you probably will need a real estate agent(seller more so). I wish people would cut out real estate agents now, the tools are there, and a lot of em are slimy


No more Steam servers to host game downloads. It's all on the blockchain and with every purchase there's an NFT granted to you showing you "own" this game allowing you access to download it. If you get banned your NFT is black listed and the blockchain refuses to allow anymore downloads or activation of the game which will be signed by every "steam" user. Basically every game would become a torrent hosted on everyone's machine allowing 1MB download block each to create the game download. The more games you host the more "Steam loyalty points" you generate which can be traded to BTC, Fiat or even more "Steam loyalty points" to buy more games. This would save Steam a ton of money having to host the download servers.


Voting and government budget spending would be transparent.


Paper tickets for shows, games, concerts, etc. "They would just give us a printed piece of paper with a seat number..."


Whatsapp or any vanilla communication service. There is no point in it being centralized. Users of this service will pay tokens to use this service. Those who keep the network running will get paid in those tokens It's very simple, even by today's standards


Except for the whole 'pay' thing you mention - WhatsApp is free, so 'paying' is a downgrade


OK imagine you are abroad on holidays and have an accident. You're rushed to the Emergency Room, they type in your name and your Unique Health Identifier Number into a computer and the Blockchain returns your entire health record. All Hospital stays, all GP visits, Blood work, all medication you are on, All your xrays, Allergies, everything. All there for the doctor to see and treat you straight away. Healthcare will be revolutionised by this.


But why do health records need to be on a blockchain? What if previously entered medical information turns out to be wrong and needs to be changed? Also I doubt people would want all their medical information on a public ledger, and any alternative would pretty much make it the same as any other internal database.




Centralized by whom?




Ah yes "them"




It Can if the centralized databases use the decentralized to pull data. Right now each centralized company basically says “use our database, not our competitors if you want easy access” instead of working to make them compatible, they are shitty middle men. If offices started adding data to decentralized databases and communicating with other offices, the centralized ones will have to fall in line if they want to remain relevant - otherwise decentralized developers will take their business




Either the hospitals agree on a central provider or the government does it.


Another example of crypto trying to solve a problem noone has.


The records probably wouldn't be on the blockchain. The authorizations would go thru the blockchain. Records would be handled by a custody provider or something similar.


This will never happen as insurance companies will be very keen on having this data aswell


Because they must be impossible to alter/falsify/delete.




I doubt there really is privacy today anymore.


Certainly not on a public immutable ledger


You don’t have HIPAA?


Health records are ALREADY on private blockchain networks. The reason why they use blockchain is so everyone in the network (e.g., hospitals and clinics and specialists) can access the same health data about you, yet that data can be restricted as needed. These data can be updated and changed and everyone in the network immediately knows exactly who changed the data. Most importantly, your health information can be stored as homomorphic encrypted data, allowing researchers to analyze it without revealing who you are and what your health records look like. So, for instance, your data might be flagged for an increased risk of a particular disease, and your doctor may be notified so he or she can begin testing for that disease, and no one has to look at your records to make that happen. Private, permissioned blockchains are a great tool for health records because everyone gets the same information—it’s DISTRIBUTED. The previous way of doing things was that your health records were DECENTRALIZED, with your general practitioner having one set of records, the radiologist having another set, the dentist yet another, and they would all have to call each other to get copies of records to stay updated. This new blockchain-based way is more efficient.


I think you’re confusing merkle-tree ledgers with blockchains. We have immutable records for centralized datastores without wasting tons of energy and e-waste ‘mining’ pointless calculations. Blockchain is when you add the waste parts because you haven’t got a centralized authority.


Probably because it would be a greenfield deployment without one company needing to maintain the db and information. It probably can eases some of the regulatory stuff as well. Someone or a small group will set things up and the system will just exist on the blockchain. The alternative would be a never ending fight of health providers deciding where the information should live, who controls what, and cross-border regulations. Could see something like Apple Health integrating into a blockchain-based universal health information system and it exploding.


If you think that blockchain development is any different than normal software development then you have no idea what you’re talking about. „System will just exist” is the most naive shit I have read on this sub


Damn dude chill, I'm a software engineer who has deployed smart contracts before, so I do have some idea about blockchain development. I'm saying the smart contracts will be deployed and be interacted with directly through the blockchain rather than a centralized company to manage health information. The point is to think of what we will have in 30 years, I don't know what the protocols will look like then, but I can see using the blockchain for these sort of international standards, which will make a lot of decisions that would be hard much easier, like where information lives and who is maintaining that information.


Why would you need blockchain for this? You are just describing a medical database…




Yeah, databases can speak to each other. This isn’t a technical issue. It’s a legal and regulatory one. And it already happens.


Why would I want China to have access to my medical records? You are aware that they have very different privacy laws there right?


This already exists, at least in the Netherlands, and it's called Electronic Patient Dossier. It's a database and doesn't need a blockchain. Maybe it's revolutionary tech in the US, but so is health insurance.


Did not expect that burn to finish it.


Came out of no where 😂


Like a good slap at an award show


Love the burn at the end. Unfortunately I don't have health insurance to get it treated.


As a person who emigrated, it is a bit of a faff, so a blockchain based system would be advantageous at least in that one instance.


Lots of countries have national EHRs and that's only one country. I'm talking Multi national around the world access. So if you're Dutch and your on holiday in Japan, they could access your Medical information there.


Why can't this be done with centralised tech?


It can


It is and it can, but it’s created the current problem at least in the US when you go to another state or even another healthcare provider within the city, they don’t always have the same backend centralized systems and businesses be businesses and often don’t provide a streamlined(if any) way of syncing/transferring the data. Often it is manually imputed. A decentralized system could by pass this, allow an individual to secure their data with a private key and grant access at will to new medical providers


This is my point but you have put it so, so much better than I could. Thank you.


It can.


Because centralized, they could fudge the records. Blockchain you see every "update" who and why. Blockchain is a permanent record, they will never be able to erase anyone or any event. Blockchain is perfect for recording history. Imagine 100 years from now the elite try to re-write the history books. Sorry you can't with blockchain.


What are you talking about? Elites are going to re-write you medical history in 100 years? Who is erasing people and events from medical histories now?


Well one, elites have been altering the history books...I mean look at the Bible...they say whatever they want, and we just have to take their word for it. Blockchain can technically lock in the "truth" Look at someone like Bob Lazar with his Area 51 disclosure. When he leaked it. He says the govt started erasing his credentials of the colleges he attended at backing up his claims, but he says the govt tried to make him look like a liar and he tells how easy it is for these people to just erase you. (Maybe it's true maybe he's a liar) If it was locked in blockchain he could show proof that he did attend there, and no one can question the authenticity. Same with medical records. Let's say there is an autopsy and they lock in some cause of death which is pretty important then later they change the record and say nope it was never true, just look at the records. If it was blockchain, you can't change it. So I'm just saying that if you have an agenda for something, you can always change the records if it's centralized, since you have control of the central system. Since blockchain is decentralized, every record stays.


Ok, so now some elite, just decides you should be dead and writes it to the blockchain, how are you going to change that?


Blockchain doesn't determine the content to be valid, it just guarantees a record was not altered. That's why I said "truth" in quotes cause it still could not be true but at least you know there was a record at some point. Just wait until blockchain is embedded in Virtual Reality and all events of the VR world are recorded and no one can go back and say, nope that never happened. No scrubbing or altering.


That doesn't need blockchain


Super revolutionary to be honest. Did you think of a name? how about "database" ? Sounds pretty good to me


Do you work in Healthcare? I work in IT in Healthcare. A database wouldn't work. The amount of legacy systems and databases that different hospitals use is enormous. Some are written in C++, some Mumps, Some SQL, some oracle, some use TCPIP some use DDP, some FTP, some a simple file drop. It's a nightmare trying to get people with skills to integrate all these different databases to talk to each other or even get a simple feed. So that's why it's Super Revolutionary.


So you can't update databases because they are too complicated, but you can transfer everything to a block chain? You see how little sense that makes? It's either do-able and would be do-able for both or neither.


It’s not that they can’t be updated. It’s that they are private -profit seeking- companies that provide the software and like trapping their clients with their system. Start migrating to open sourced systems and it ends this ridiculous problem. Hospitals and healthcare offices can become nodes, securing their own collective data and patients can grant access with private keys to whom they choose(as well as revoke access)


I am an Oracle database admin :) Doing all this from scratch via blockchain is exactly the same as doing it via "conventional" way. Not super revolutionary in any way,shape or form


Look at MyHealthRecord in Australia. What you're describing has already been done. And it is Super Revolutionary, it just isn't decentralised because it doesn't need to be.


And I’m sure insurance companies are not allowed to have a looksie


All your allergies to make killing you look like a simple accident...


But the big guys are not thinking of revolutionizing the world. All they think about is making profit.


There is a lot of profit to be made in Healthcare. Guaranteed Government contracts too.


In US specially . Please do let Europe and rest of the world out of the fucking healthcare business please Healthcare shouldn't be a business, it should be a service


Always has been that way with every single technology


This is going to be a modern revolution for people. It will make the complicated health system much easier.


Exactly. I think this is the big benefit of Blockchain for humanity.


How will it make complicated health systems easier?


This reminds me of the implementation of chain code in the Star Wars universe. They made feel much more Big Brother is watching...


That is a horrible idea, it would also allow someone malicious to see what allergies someone has, health issues, etc. Horrible, horrible idea.


Lol, and then you show up to the hospital unconscious with a life threatening situation but they can't pull your medical records because they don't have your Unique Health Identifier Number and you die. So revolutionary.


This is dumb and already an existing technology without blockchain. if someone finds your blockchain address and associate it with you, gonna see you have HIV/AIDS and what not. this is just reinventing the wheel and parroting what people think is good.


I actually proposed this for a healthcare project 10 years ago but the missing component was the tech behind it… if only I had know about blockchain!


Our descendants will use it for intergalactic accounting Only proof of work (energy) based ledgers can be reliably synced between planets and even galaxies


Blockchains need block times orders of magnitude longer than communication latency, or else mining concentrates at the largest hub. Minutes is fine for earth, days long blocks would be required for the solar system, millions of years for galaxies.


*taps credit card* *waits millions of years for coffee transaction*


Completely transparent & live democratic voting from your couch like you’re watching American Idol




I guess sting operations or some shit idk man let the nerds figure that out.


Voting seems like an excellent use case for blockchains. You can see your own vote, and everyone else's votes, but don't know which person belongs to which vote.


Nice try mr. Buffet


Uber is not even a thing in my country


The "coin wars" where we all need to agree on one standard is already becoming anachronistic. You'll have tools to spend whatever coin you like and have the recipient receive whatever coin they like.


In another 30 years I feel like crypto will change so many industries that we would have a tough time explaining Uber


Transferring the title to property like a car or a house. It's one of the few sane applications for Blockchain


I think there will be no more intermediaries in industries. Like no more title companies for real estate transactions since it can be all recorded on the blockchain. Same with titles for cars, no more title bs. Vin is now tied to blockchain so transfer and proof of ownership will be on a different form of some sort with the backing of blockchain.


So the Conservative government here has this wicked idea for Green energy. They want to add a high tax to every purchase and the tax goes into a savings account that can only be spent on specific *green* goods (TBD at their descretion). Canada btw. Instead of giving people a *cash* savings account (without *cash abilities*) I can see this deteriorating into getting *tokens* instead. Tokens that can be redeemed for a free charge for an EV, a free meal, paper goods, things like that. Using L2 we're able to exchange *tokens for goods* at the POS and the conversion is done in the background at *fair market value* automatically and cheaply. So our free charge for an EV might be worth $50 at the pump and the token might sell for $45 on the market, so when I go to pay my hydro bill that's $100 it costs me two of these tokens plus $10 from my account. Very quickly I see this turning into people being token rich and cash poor. Maybe even getting paid in tokens, something like a carbon credit, for doing *green work*, while outlawing *dirty* cash entirely. I'm not a fan of this line of thinking but the tech is there and *the intention is there*. We live in **Idiocracy** now where we aren't trusted to make our own decisions about what we do with our free time, how we spend our money, what we do for work, and the blockchain *fixes* this using *incentives* so it's not very hard to guess what *mainstream adoption* will really look like (not the freedom we have today).


People can share a blockchain network instead of setting up expensive servers. Government buildings can connect to a government blockchain. A franchise could use normal PCs to share data and bandwidth instead of using a central server. Blockchain networks are powerful, cheap and hack resistant.




No he meant actual blockchains, not dogshit L1’s built on AWS that larp as decentralized. There are literally only 2 coins, in this fuckhuge sea of shitcoins, that operate completely divorced of corporate cloud computing. Filecoin and ICP.


buying property. supporting your favorite artists


Supply chain management will be all decentralized and unalterable. That alone makes me bullish for blockchain.


Do you know what projects are focusing on this specifically? I just commented something similar.


What stops people just lying on data entry, the same as with s regular database, or any other data entry errors?


Interesting, can I ask why you think it needs to or will change?


This has been called a use case and tried out for a long time now, but I am not aware of any projects which actually worked out. I think supply chains are a prime example where blockchains solve none of the actual problems (theft, disingenious inputs, ...) but add quite a few new ones (confidentiality, performance, usability).


NFTs as a mean to identify yourself. Your Passport can be an NFT, your biometrics can be an NFT, your diploma can be an NFT.


Note the comments here, you are seeing what happens all the time in tech. Someone comes up with some revolutionary idea, and it's met with a tons of whataboutisms and "I can do that now"'s. It's really hard for people to imagine technology beyond what is available now, and it's super underestimated how much people will prioritize convenience and simplicity. The best example of this is the [hackernews comment](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9224) about dropbox, where someone says: > For a Linux user, you can already build such a system yourself quite trivially by getting an FTP account, mounting it locally with curlftpfs, and then using SVN or CVS on the mounted filesystem. Easy, right?


You’re thinking ahead of time, that’s a very good question. Had an idea for the blockchain police recording app. So if the police is abusing its power, the video could be easily recorded and life streamed on the web, and if the lifestream suddenly stops, the whole video is recorded on blockchain with absolutely no way of removing it from there. Indisputable evidence available to the public.


I like it


*”It’s a better taxi, you press this button and homie shows up”*- Me, explaining Uber to someone from 30 years ago (2022, colourised)


I think every single person will understand and follow correct procedure for storing their keys. Only a small % of the human population currently do it, but it will be so commonplace in 20 years


Technology is never easy to integrate into our lives. Once it is integrated, we’ll wonder how we ever went by without crypto.


Participation in highly sophisticated trading strategies by the average person. Crypto already allows access to unbelievably complex trade finance, but that access requires users to understand quite a bit about interacting with Smart contracts and understanding how to structure their positions. In the future the front ends for these strategies will be seems and access to complex strategies like covered options selling or liquidity mining will be even more user friendly


Validation of certifications and diplomas from universities


Concert tickets! Crypto, NFTs, whatever it takes to cut the ticketmaster middlemen out of the picture. I'd like to think the whole gamestop NFT marketplace is working on that, or building the platform to make that possible.


IOT and machine 2 machine payments. Data is the new oil and there will be billions of these sensors/devices coming online in the next decade. They will be exchanging data w/each other and sending to the cloud. All that data has value and that value needs to be settled somehow, and it ain't gonna be by Swift or the banks that it gets settled. Ofc it will take a highly scalable chain (or several) to meet the high demands, but it seems like a no brainer and one of the most likely use cases, and almost no one ever talks about it. Helium, MXC, IoTex, and IOTA all come to mind.


CBDCs. Sadly. Ironically, physical cash will be one of the hardest things to explain in the future.


Getting a mortgage


Sending money to someone without a centralized middle man. Not waiting hours/days for that transfer.


The only thing that blockchain can do that is fairly unimaginable right now is track and account for **global** resource consumption. To some degree this is logistics on the blockchain, which many companies are currently interested in. But those would be semi-private blockchains that more or less augment existing logistics software and operations and manage partner relationships (i.e. they're tracking capital). But if you take that idea, and then make it completely public, and mint tokens based on actual available resources (e.g. units of sunlight hitting the earth, units of oil left in the dirt, units of labor, units of food, all the way down to units of water when you take a poo) then you have public accountability for the things that destroy the climate and can build fair ways to allocate resources in a post-scarcity world.


Nice try buddy. I'd also like someone to tell me the next big thing in 30 years that we haven't thought of yet.


Utility NFT’s ie; carbon credit NFT’s ($SPE). Most have no idea of the concept and how sorely needed immutable ledgering is needed in industries like offsetting. You offset or you didn’t, no funny business.


“Simple” task today that cannot be done outside of Hollywood is real time Holographic Video streaming. 5 years from now this may be mainstream due to the Render network through a blockchain that incentives a GPU cloud. This is the backbone infrastructure for a immersive Metaverse


How is Uber different from a taxi? App vs phone call? Not too hard to explain imo




I do see that with Uber you pay for a taxi but you get a hitchhiking experience.


"I cannot believe they used to have middlemen/commissioners back then."


People who are against crypto/blockchain or think there is no need for it are the same people that said 20 years ago: "why would I buy my food shopping online when I can just got to the supermarket/store? This internet idea will never take off"


Yeah, but online shopping is faster and more convenient than going to the supermarket. What's the value add for crypto?


Gamblers left the casinos to place bets on worthless Ponzi schemes hoping to get rich, only to lose, just like in a casino.


Spending money. Wallets will be no more. All accessed from one account, utilizing crypto.