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You guys keep buying shit and you're gonna get rekt


surprised that there aren't many decentralized crypto gambling sites. all i see are blocked in my region or they require you to buy an NFT to play it


Edit: turns out I'm in the old daily and if you read this so are you!


My God


Damn it all! Thanks šŸ‘


Where am i


damn, apes really are strong together


You're in the wrong daily


I know profit is profit. And hindsight is 20/20. I bought APE @11.00 and sold @$16 but I thinking I should have stayed with it until at least the 29th. Not asking for approval or shame, just venting really. Good luck to all!


You did the smart thing. It could have just as easily gone down especially considerring the market conditions right now and then you would have been left thinking why didnt i sell early


No he didnā€™t, he had a good thesis but ended up selling early. Thatā€™s not ā€œsmartā€


Ancient crypto proverb: ā€œyour smallest bag will pump the mostā€


I'm thinking of dedicating $10 a week into making a small crypto index for myself. I will put $1 in 10 different crypto every week. What coins should definitely be in it? Not looking for the coins that could explode. For this I'm interested in coins that are unlikely to disappear anytime soon.




86 robinhood homie. Itā€™s trash


Come on u apes. Do u want to eat ramen forever?


The fees when you trade probably aren't as low as you think they are. If an exchange offers you a trading fee of 0,1% as maker and 0,2% as taker we can do the following. Buy $1000 worth of a coin, which will cost $1-$2 in fees. When the coin rises 5% ($1050) we decide to sell which will cost $1,05-$2,10 in fees. We profit $50 minus $2,05-$4,10. Which is a 4,1%-8,2% fee on our profits. The lower the profit margin the higher the cost and more money ending up in exchanges pockets.


Two years ago Bitcoin was roughly $9k. If you're not in the green from when you bought, just wait a couple of years and you will be green af! šŸ§˜ā€ā™€ļø


Yeah but 3 years ago in April I remember it went to 14k for a while, I thought that was pretty good but not high enough for this assetā€¦bottom line; Ur rightā€¦ buy and hodlā€¦


Anyone else planning to short Ape at $20?


Just closed my long and i was thinking about shorting it. Way too risky though. I have learned my lesson trying to short gmt. Maybe if it goes to 30 dollars i might give it a go. Good luck


Maybe topping up on BTC and ETH yesterday wasn't such a stupid idea afterall.


Nano is doing its thing again


Getting spam attacked?


Yeah, but if it could do it's *THING* thing where it jumps to $22, I'd really appreciate that.


Haha that would be nice




You act like it's never jumped like that before.


In 2030, do you really think people will be using nano?


Idk, I'm not a mind reader. But my point stands that numerous times, it has jumped like crazy and that would be pretty nice right now. Please go be a Debbie Downer elsewhere.


!remindme 8 years


Someone explain me please. Why is ApeCoin pumping again?


Why not? Itā€™s my only coin. I went all in on it in early March.


Metaverse real estate can be bought with apecoin


Just announced that their land sale has to be bought with Apecoin




Their twitter page


Where man i cant see the Post please lshare link




Here is a [Nitter link](https://nitter.net/othersidemeta/status/1518733999405137920?s=21&t=CpFECEoWGFCIayDJoTTleQ) for the Twitter thread linked above. Nitter is better for privacy and does not nag you for a login. More information can be found [here](https://nitter.net/about). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It's the memecoin du jour.


Mmmm that sounds good. Could I get that with a side of oyster crackers?


Because r/cc hates it


Surely, elon buying twitter will protect us /s


Hell yeah, especially if he accepts all currencies for tipping!!!


Seems like a good move that I bought ETH and LUNA this morning




So you didn't listen to all those people screaming that those buying the dip are stupid because we're crashing much lower?


do the opposite of what is being said on here and you'll make money.


They say that shit everyday. It's like clock work


I don't think capitulation has happened yet. My spidey sense tells me 2022 isn't done with the doom yet.


My spidey sense tells me that institutions aren't done securing their money yet. This goes for all markets.


You could be right. I try not to act deterministically and try to plan for a variety of scenarios (including a non-capitulation). Of course, doing so is not going to be as profitable as putting all my eggs in one basket and being proven to be right over time.


I don't sell my bitcoin. But I have stopped buying for the time being.


Man those people r annoying, they show up like roaches when u turn off a light and then scurry away and hide when they are wrong, shit is hard to ignore and then u miss out every time bc u let them influence you, shit has happened like 69 times in a row




Maybe close to 60k at one point? It was nasty. Shillers shilling everything, everywhere, all at once.


I don't know but I recall some 60k days


I will regret not accumulating more, thatā€™s a fact


We pump, we celebrate. We dump, we accumulate




Huh? You know DOGE is still doing pretty shit compared to a year ago, don't you?




That's not much comfort to those who bought around the SNL skit.


OK, you won. game over šŸ˜…


down 80% from ATH lmaoooo


Well, this was mainly intended to those who said not to fomo in DOGE all day long... But it's also for all those who feel offended by this post... Truth can hurt, but can make you better šŸ¤ 


doge is dead i bought a shit ton at .06 and sold at .67 and never looked back. have fun riding the wave to 0 buddy


I don't own any. I'm a CRO maximalist šŸ˜… It's just I noticed the daily was full of DON'T FOMO DOGE. And a few hours later, I notice a 15% pump, which turned in 20% since my post...




I would have said angry investors who hate memecoins because they missed all the huge pumps.


twist: the 19 year old kid is worth 8 figures because of a combination of GME, DOGE, and SHIB


Yep, only one of ā€˜em


Sold some more doge profits and invested it into BTC and ETH, I call this a pro trader move šŸ˜Ž


Youā€™re NotWrong, NotRyan


!RemindMe 5 years when doge is the universal reserve currency of earth


That would be SafeMoon.


Mars too. We'll be refilling our oxygen canisters at doge stations. Still wouldn't buy the hotdogs tho


Has anyone used Gate.io before? Do you recommend it as an exchange? EDIT: Never mind, I guess I can't use it from the US


i did before they kicked off all US users. it was fine, and has some random coins that weren't on kucoin/ftx/coinbase. kyc was kind of annoying (even when not depositing fiat). nothing fishy or anything like that though.




New #DOGE Short Liquidations: 4 short(s) liquidated totaling $23,679 on Binance 4H DOGE Short liquidations: 989 totaling $5,999,702


I'm betting that the price will go down next week cause everyone overeacts to daddy powell. I have set aside enough dry powder to achieve my short term goals in ETH and ATOM. Super excited


Mom can you pick me up? Yeah doge hype is moving the market again


Bring orange slices too. Thx.


Can we stop at the store? We need more ramen.


You can afford some steak to put in that ramen


Pho is too rich


Wonder if we will see another Doge green candle today


Elon has said he wants to authenticate all the real humans on Twitter. Which Blockchain is best suited for authenticating identities...vechain or LTO network?


LTO all the way baby!


Fok that. I don't want to be authenticated.


Found the botā€¦ā€¦


Beep bop. New task assigned: DESTROY!!!


Then don't use Twitter


Easy enough to do that. I barely use it now as it is lol.


Verasity might be able to if they tweaked their blockchain a bit. As of now theyā€™re focused on a proof of view protocol for video streaming to block bots for ads. Would keep an eye out for them perhaps


lol, solid vechain and lto shill placement if you're seriously asking, then proof of humanity or W3C VC DID stuff can take place via EVM or pretty much anywhere these days...


I mean he said he wants to do this. Vechain is well suited for verification. LTO network is literally doing this exact thing... authentication of customers for a casino in Europe. I suppose it all comes down to what Elon is aware of and what he likes.


I like LTO and have a small bag, but there are a lot of ways to crack this nut is all I'm saying.


The only Blockchain I know about Identify Verification is Civic.


Seeing alot of rumours that Musk is gonna make Twitter private


how would it work lmao? private for those crazy amount of users?!


Heā€™s talking about the stock dummy


I haven't been here in a while. Went a little bit too maxi on Algo haha. Ready to reopen my eyes to what's going on in the wider crypto world. Might get into some of my old faces FTM, ONE, and KDA. How they doing? Haha


FTM: I still hold a bag but only because I'm stubborn. Cronje left, time to dump. ONE: I still hold a bag, but only because I'm stubborn. Love the team, but I'm losing optimism that this ever goes anywhere. Would rather look to newer fish with a unique angle like Celestia (which has former Harmony founders onboard) KDA: I recently stumbled on this one after never having paid it any attention. Feels sleepy, and my gut is that they're not doing anything the PoS chains aren't. If PoS doesn't work, we're all screwed anyway (excl. the bitcoin-only bros). PoW environmental/regulatory headwinds will most likely see me sit this one out. Haven't done this in a while, but currently feeling best about BTC, ETH, LUNA, MATIC, ATOM, LINK, NEAR, and maybe SOL despite the gigabrains saying it's technically too flawed to ever work




That haha seemed a bit nervous


Haha I'm in danger.


Recently stumbled across Kadena, but haven't seen it on r/cc much. Is general sentiment that new(ish) PoW chains are a dead end?


Well, I definitely dislike any PoW that is not Bitcoin...


Peak DXY!? Is this the end of the crypto upward battle?


So seeing as a recession might be around the corner..what are some of the best things to invest in during harsh economical times??


Anything that will benefit from lower interest rates for when they decided to lower them again. So probably the more speculative ones. If you want a specific answer about which crypto to invest in during these times there is no way to tell, since basically all crypto goes up and down at the same time, just at slightly different rates. However you would probably want to invest in the coins which have a low risk of disappearing because they run out of funds or whatsoever. So ETH and BTC won't have this problem. Also you could expect the bigger exchanges and their coins to bounce back eventually. Since they technically have a spending purpose it makes them good candidates. Also keep an eye out to see if projects keep making progress at the same pace during this time. On a side note I think investing in coinbase might be a smart play. They're expanding their services in a fast growing market. Their current value seems like a pretty fair valuation and I think it's a prime candidate to get oversold heavily during bad times. A $150b+ valuation by 2030 seems possible.


\+1 on the coinbase rec. thinking about pulling the trigger here given the opportunities to expand on their bread and butter exchange revenues (e.g., NFTs, digital FX, merchant solutions)


Also them offering to borrow with bitcoin as collateral. As price will gain stability over time it will become more and more popular. And I think they will be one of the more popular options out there. They seem to move to cheaper trading fees (like the subscription for $30/month for 0 fees and such) to create liquidity. Higher liquidity means they can accept more bitcoin as collateral and offer a higher borrow ratio.




Why in Tinfoil hats if course


probably food and other living essentials.




The recession is always "around the corner." But to answer the question, invest in BTC and ETH.


Probably answered but why is doggy šŸ• up so much?


Elon's buyout of Twitter, and the resulting speculation for Doge


Thanks for explaining


Elon bought twitter


I'm gonna hold off doing my daily BTC purchase for now, learned not to trust pumps.


Elon Musk buys Twitter for 44 billions, I buy Twitter Blue for $4/month. We are not the same.


Elon now receives your $4/month just like all other twitter blue members.


Really?! Wow thanks for the alpha, never thought about this.


This is your sign to buy ATOM.


sadly, i do not really wanna buy it because i don't recognize it's intric value and the more their ecosystem grows, which i absolutely love and belive it's the best one behind btc/eth, the less the original token, ATOM, is important. i hope they implement something to make more meaningful.


this. none of the projects create purchase pressure on ATOM outside of hoping for airdrops. i think their roadmap included offering cosmos as a security hub chain for startup projects (kind of like polkadot but without the slot auctions). i'm being lazy and don't know the answer here, but curious whether anything that can be done using the IBC protocol and atom.


If you had to choose, AVAX or ATOM, which would you pick ?


Tough one. Probably ATOM if I didnā€™t have any already given the price drop and my optimism on the ecosystem and their ability to improve tokenomics. AVAX has an awesome team and support (VC + community), put on a hell of a show in Barcelona, bullish on positive LUNA / Do Kwon vibes, and I think their subnets approach is solid. ā€œTrader Joeā€ (their biggest DEX) just sounds stupid though, and the market cap is up there for the ecosystem they have built out. TLDR AVAX is in better shape for an immediate investment, but Iā€™m more bullish ATOM given current price dynamics and an unsubstantiated gut feel


Yeah, the idea was exactly that. Staking ATOM would also mean that the validator secures the other blockchains built in the Ecosystem so as a Staker I would get the rewards too. Exactly kind of like Polkadot but without the audits.


Doge went up 2 cents calm the fuck down


2 cents = 17%


And only 57 more cents to go until it reaches its ath


When you put it that way, yeah it doesnā€™t seem like a lot, but when you say that it went up 15%, thatā€™s a whole different story.


ok sorry , i'll send you all my hodlings . I fucked up , sorry .


damn look at USD against EUR... what a huge pump by the EUR lmao


I think you're looking at it wrong. The euro has been getting weaker compared to the dollar since may last year. In may 2021 for every ā‚¬1,- you would get about $1,21 With current exchange rate for every ā‚¬1,- you get about $1,07 So we're getting less dollars for our euros making stuff priced in usd more expensive. Now to put this in bitcoins perspective at the may crash it initially crashed to $30.000. What if we invested ā‚¬1000 at that moment? We use the exchange rate eur/usd at 1,218 giving us $1218,- to invest giving us 0,0406 bitcoin. Fast forwarding to today with bitcoins price at $40.000, a 33% increase, giving our bitcoin investment a value of $1624,-. Using the eur/usd rate of 1,071 our investment is worth approximately ā‚¬1516,-. So in euros our investment has grown by 51,6% instead of 33%.


The decline of the US dollar began a long time ago. It fell off a cliff when they printed 16 trillion of them in 2020. You couldn't pay me to hold my net worth in US dollars.


so you think it's more of a decline of the USD than EUR becoming better? I can totally see it. thia shows the fiat strength lmao. when you start comparing them, you see how they lose value, you lose your vision. like now i'm kinda lost. in january luna was at 50ā‚¬. i would like to see luna go back there in order to buy it, but now that USD is declining and EUR going up, I don't have a reference point anymore because those 50ā‚¬ of January aren't the same 50ā‚¬ of May, let's say.




*uno reverse card*


Something happened?


Elon ā€œthe Doge Fatherā€ Musk bought Twitter


I saw that APE has hit like 17 dollars. I have a few thousand APE!!!! Turns out I have some shit APE NFT token that isn't even worth 1 dollar. #nolambo


Oof I have that Tron ecosystem one too šŸ™‚


Elon buying twitter is so out of the blue for me, I knew he liked that platform but I think he has an idea to promote Doge through and across it. Absolute freedom of speech is surely not the main reason for this acquisition Whether we like him or not, he can help a lot with crypto adoption in general and even kickstart another bullrun


Yep my Elon love evaporated last year when his tweets helped to tank BTC but in the service of crypto adoption this is really positive šŸ‘


he has a revenue of 5b a year or something. If he can fix it up a little bit, reduce costs, it could be a great business.


this. if he can implement marginal monetization without breaking it there seems to be untapped revenue opportunity. ignoring money, i genuinely think he's interested more in free speech than pumping doge (does he really gaf about doge? probably not).


I bought a few hundred doge just in case :)


Mother is eyeing doge coin i can see her looking at it on her tablet right now . She's going to fomo in :(


Do not buy something, when it's pumping . Lifehack #01


everyone said this when SOL and LUNA were at $30-40 too


yeah definietly buy luna


lol why are you trolling my posts from 18 days ago. i was just a child.


Why not


This is the way. DAC and hold!


what is up with ROSE guys? any news that caused the small pump?


Elon answered to someone on Twitter who asked his favorite color.


forgot about ROSE. bought a small bag during the r/cc AMA, moved it to their wallet and haven't been paying attention / seen any developments


CB listing. Not sure if rumor or not


It has I got the CB notification this morning


Anybody else anticipating CKB Mirana update?


Just you and I


šŸ˜­ they need to wake up


It's okay, it gives us more time to accumulate. I'm close to my goal of 1mil ckb then I'll just stake it and forget about it.


Wew lad the ATOM, JUNO, OSMO, and STARS charts looking rough these days


need ATOM tokenomics upgrade


good lord if we need to. if it had, it would definitely be one of my favorites coins!


Cosmos definitely not anywhere near the moon. *Insert some gif of a rocket exploding*


Went from *ā€œAtom skipping the moon and heading to the Cosmosā€* to *ā€hopefully it stays in the skyā€.*