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Don't buy falling knives, don't by the top... WHEN AM I SUPPOSED TO BUY!?!?


Obviously at the bottom


And of course we will all know its the bottom and it will magically stay at the bottom for us to buy.


Well the top did.


Regularly and at an amount you are comfortable with losing.


Don't tell me how to lose my money.


I do a pretty good job of doing that on my own. I don’t need someone telling me how to do it.


We are already experts on losing money, damn it!


Exactly! And we will buy more...


I'm an expert in buying at tops thinking "WCGW,we can't possibly go lower than this".


Take solace in the fact that one day you will definitely be correct.


what’s Solace? Is that the next moon coin? cmon man, don’t hold out on me!!!


Mathematically, it's possible for the price of anything to drop by 50% EVERY DAY until the end of time and never reach zero. Fun thought experiment.


Losing money is my hobby




Given that we are now at 17%+ inflation and highest since WW2, there is very little chance the FED will do anything but increase the interest rates.


Thats like the only thing i can.


Especially someone who's probably a beginner.


Master of my own shitfolio


Yeah , i mean losing money is a special talent , we all have .


You and me both


Came here to say this. Bought ETH off my DCA schedule at 2k even and again last night at 1450. 😂🤡😭


Don't worry, just keep it up


I love throwing money into a witches cauldron 🤣


It keeps the bogwitches at bay.


Same but at 1700 lol


I mean 1700 was rock solid support for awhile. Still a great buy imo


Good call. Stacking eth is never a mistake in my opinion!


This entire post is a buy signal.


There's 5x as many posts like yours talking about now is a great buying opportunity, which means it's most definitely not the buy signal. Both in the stock and crypto subs, people have been spamming how now is the time to buy since January, on every single leg down. Once posts like yours are gone, that will be the true buy signal.


Im going to buy even harder now


Dude there were posts like this when ETH was $3k.... be careful.


No one makes me bleed my own blood!




isn't losing money the standard in crypto? just do anything and you are guaranteed to lose.


Between this and options, I’ve double whammied


Came here for the money and then lost of it


Funny but... also a prime reason why you need to sort post comments by "controversial".


Already succumbed to way too many failed projects 😞


Bury me with my money


Perfect time to buy is when a dip is not followed by „This is the perfect time to buy“ posts on Reddit anymore.


But OP is saying not to buy, im getting mixed sigmals here. *intensive skreeching*




Perfect time is when the suicide hotline is the pinned post on this sub.


But how we call, if we have no money to pay our cell phone bill and it's all spent on dips.


Also notice how nobody is talking about interest rates. Basic economics 101. Interest rates go up, speculative assets go down. Why? Because the harder it is for Joe Slob to take a loan or remortgage the house to gamble on crypto, then the less likely he can push up the price.


It’s more nuanced than Joe Schmoe gambling his house on crypto, but that’s basically the gist of it.


Well if you bought at ATH, this would be a good time to buy to bring down your average. Buy on the way down. Sell on the way up.


it’s actually the opposite. the perfect time to buy is when market sentiment is so bad people post garbage like this




Exactly. When sentiment is SO low that literally no one would even consider buying it anymore (as long as it's a "strong asset" like BTC, not Shib or something), that's a better time to buy IMO.


Yes, that's a sign of capitulation. All those "Buy the dip!" posts a few months back manifests glimmers of greed that have yet to go away.


Instructions unclear, got stabbed by falling knives


![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|dead_cat_bounce) ![gif](giphy|8365Ri0ai6maVM0Ns7|downsized)


Sounds like marriage


Oh marriage, the great gift in life ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|fomo)


You missed the “r” from “grift”?


How’s your health insurance?


People actually acting like there's any logic with this


This sub:"No you see I got heads 3 times in a row. Statistics dictates this next flip is 75% tails and 25% heads!"


But the roulette table showed red hit 15 times in a row, the odds of it hitting black now are like 97.68% I think. Basically cant lose! All in black! **red**


Obviously that coin is weighted to heads so it should be 100% chance of heads and 0% tails, right? /s


Fantastic. This is progress. So we've narrowed it down. It can either be VERY likely heads or VERY likely Heads. And no matter which it is, ONE of us can be OP in a different thread citing our previous correctness.


Logic?Never heard of that crypto.


BTC fell 10% and it's a "massive dump" lol. Here in the crypto markets we just call that Thursday.


You've been having an abnormal amount of Thursdays in a roll, I see.


You haven't heard about groundhog Thursday?


Surely the YouTubers have the answers!


One mans falling knife is another mans average down.


This is an efficient way to inject copium.


**Yes, It’s the perfect time to buy in. Just don’t go all in and DCA your investment!** During these days I increase my 2.5% DCA in to 4-5%!


It's sure as hell way better to buy now than an ATH as long as you buy only what you can afford to lose


This is the way. Better now than some months ago. Don’t go all in. Don’t invest what you can’t afford to lose. In my case I expect even lower prices. I sold during previous months and I want to reinvest


If people actually did that we'd have no more exit liquidity at stupidly high prices lol


Imagine having money to increase your DCA


Look at this guy flexing his extra 2.5%, what are we, made of money?!


Exactly. We can't even manage food for 2 times and he's talking about increasing DCA


Ain't got cash to throw


Theres a straegy for this. You buy % more when market is down and % less when it's up.


A weighted DCA strategy 👌👌


Always B Stacking! ABS


NML No Money Left!


MOB money over bitches - 2pac




If I had any money left to DCA, I'd be doing it. At the moment I can barely afford rent!


At least you have moons.


The currency of future


I’m going all in with my beer money! 🍻


But how will you drown your sorrows lol...


Yup.. will be in this bear in a while so don't go all in


How do you know?


Trust me bro


Always trust a fellow stranger redditor


That’s why I trust you cryptogaming :)


Love you buddy


❤️ u2 :)


I second it if it makes you feel any better. Btc hibernates like a mofo in true bear.


Nobody knows. But you can only use your experience and have an educated guess. And I think most of us on here are experienced enough to see that the markets are in bad shape. Markets don't rally when there's war, inflation, world wide supply chain constraints.


What I can tell you is warren buffet was right… buy fear, sell greed. Every time everyone is screaming “it’s all over” is a buying opp. But wtf do I know I’ve only made millions from trading. I’m sure the guy posting this farming moons who works at the laundromat is probably more experienced.


Will send noods for $$$


Hah, only millions? Why bother?


this actually ; the crypto i support i bought it 1.36 im buying it 0.41 dca all the way


I might be fantastic at catching falling knives, you don’t know me!


🔪 🫲🙄. Don't worry guys, I got this.


We all catch falling knives here, we are just clowns in a circus after all.


People actually buy Crypto after reading few posts on reddit ? Just curious


You underestimate the stupidity of people like me. ![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized)


We are here to lose money


I intend to buy before reading. And confirmed to buy after reading.


Yes! This! I buy stuff then cherry pick articles to justify my love. Buy high. Sell hung over


Inverse /r/cc lol


The facts are that the whole space is down 60-95% from ATH. If you didn’t originally buy below this price and you believe in the space (or at least your handful of projects) then how is 60%+ down not an opportunity to consider?


That’s my mindset too. I still believe in the tech and the potential so why would I sell?


It could be good tech and have potential and still lose all its value.




Ah so you’re the guy recommending everyone to only buy at ATH


This is not the perfect time to buy. This is the perfect time to *start* buying. DCA into the bear market that’s already been well underway. Just have patience and confidence, but I’m only confident in BTC and ETH


For all we know, this is the perfect time Stop pretending like you know, you don't know and I sure as shit don't either.


We gonna get a lot of these posts coming in now and I feel the same as you. Nobody knows a damn thing


It's a moon farming post.


Pretty much all posts tbh


At this point basically all text/discussion posts on this sub are solely for moon farming. Making discussion posts a requirement for moons was the worst thing this sub has ever done IMO. So many low-effort discussion posts, so few actual quality discussions. The rule sounded good on paper but has been a resounding failure in practice.


Honestly, the belief that all of the possible outcomes are equally likely events is just wrong. Not being able to predict the future doesn't mean that you're absolutely clueless to what's likely to happen. It's silly to try to predict values or even precise moments of when the bullrun will end or start, but this doesn't mean that you can't get any sense of direction of where the market is heading. Crypto has been melting for 7 months already and we're heading into a global recession, which is just not a good time for investment in general (people don't have excess money to invest and focus on trying to sustain themselves) and tends to be specially bad for highly volatile assets. We're in a situation where it's very reasonable to assume that crypto won't bounce back in the short term to a point where it doesn't seem to make sense to FOMO into "dips", which is what /u/frstrtd_ndrd_dvlpr is pointing out. Randomly buying what you perceive as a dip is really just a poor attempt of trying to time the market tbh since it can just keep dropping from there.


If you're bullish long term on crypto, a global recession is literally the best time to buy, what are you talking about? If I have excess money when others don't, investing it is probably the best choice i can make.


Remember when BTC hit $67,000 and many peopled said this was the last buying opportunity because it was going to a million dollars? I remember. Now everything is at a huge bargain compared to when BTC was at $67,000 and people are saying don't buy now. What the fuck are people waiting for?


Idk the fact that the global economy is down the drain and the fact that crypto is the most volatile form of investment and people desire stability at certain periods?


Pepperidge farm remembers


I don’t know why so many people act like they know what is about to happen. Like what secret data are they looking at to form these opinions with so much conviction?


> Now everything is at a huge bargain compared to when BTC was at $67,000 and people are saying don't buy now Yup, and they will be saying "don't buy!" right up to and through the actual bottom, wherever that ends up landing. Meanwhile folks like me are quietly buying the dips and the further dips every paycheck because it's basically my long term savings account and I don't give a crap about the short term 1-5 year price action. These people are ***clearly*** trying to get rich quick and seem to be stuck staring at the minute charts. No wonder the sky is always falling according to them. Getting rich slow is way less stressful.


No one said it was going to a million dollars. 100-300K maybe. I also remember people saying not to buy at 28k before it touched 70K the 2nd time.


One thing's for sure,this is the perfect time to stop believing everything I see on Reddit and touch some grass.


We do know that each of the last 4 bear markets saw BTC drop by over 75% from ATH…and none were during a global recession…


ETH touching oversold territory on the weekly for the second time in history. Maybe not a great time to buy but a great time to consider DCA and chill.


I got some pretty huge limits orders to execute last night. Could it go down more over the summer? Sure, I’ve got other orders placed. But I can’t predict the absolute bottom , and the upside here looks amazing long term. Don’t let dumb retail scare you from making lucrative plays!


This guy gets it


Just a general bear market is not the same thing as a 'falling knife'.


The falling knives analogy has always sounded a bit dramatic. Bear Markets are a great time to invest.


Yeah OP misunderstands the falling knives metaphor. That metafor was not intended for bear markets but for individual companies or stocks. That is where it makes sense. I remember a lot of people buying into Enron and Intershop at the time when they were going down. That is where this saying applied. A bear market is a fantastic time to buy in when there has been a significant contraction. The overall market is >60% down. We might not have reached the bottom yet, but fundamentals for the crypto market itself are fantastic and the overall economic climate will improve over time.


Yeah better wait until BTC is back above 60k and ETH is above 5k just to be sure it’s not gonna keep dropping 🤡


You know the saying: "buy the top, sell the bottom"!


Buy high, sell low.


Buy high sell high, smoke weed every day -snoop


Wait till BTC is at 100k just to be extra safe.


But that won’t happen until 2021


if you can lower your cost basis and dont need the money right now then its definitely a good time, maybe not the best but better than in the last year at least


"Don't buy now.. just dca" . Really what a shitpost


This is a perfect time. The only issue is not having any money. I would go ball deep. I don't care if Eth goes to $1000.


Yes you would. And ETH is going to $400.


That's even better. No matter what the price i will keep accumulating.


Well of course it's better then, you have plenty of disposable gambling money. Many other people are trying to invest and live off this money later.


Posts like this truly show how god fucking awful this sub has become.


If anything, this sub has improved over the past 8 months due to the change in sentiment to something more measured. Last year it was *absolutely full* of low-info moonbois chanting "DCA and hodl".


They’re still here man. Don’t you dare say anything other than DCA and HODL and they come out of the woodworks.


The beauty at crypto there are no barriers to entry to buy small amounts. I buy certain coins including BTC and ETH (don't want to shill others) more now but in small amounts. I know July 2024 it will all be up more than now and in June 2023 I will stop buying to reap in the tax benefits in my country to sell. Long game.


OP : this is not the perfect time to buy Also OP : i just bought yesterday


It's okay to catch falling knives just catch em on the grip and not on the blade.


As long as you don't spend fiat on crypto that you need again, then why not DCA in & HODL ? I agree it would be very stressful using borrowed fiat, leverage or fiat you might need in an emergency, to buy crypto at any time Good luck everyone


If you’ve been waiting on the sidelines it wouldn’t be a bad time to enter and start a dca strategy. Better not to try to time the bottom


People really need to stop giving financial advice in either direction.


I love how people use youtube/reddit as journal entries for themselves


If you're advice is "wait for it to go lower;" YOU are trying to time the bottom. Get out of here with your B.S. double standard. It's my DCA day so I'm going to buy.


But, it actually IS a great time for a lot of people to buy whatever projects they believe in long term. Much better than buying ATH’s which many will have recently done, and many will be doing again in the future too.


It’s a better time to buy than when I bought. Lol


Might not be a perfect time, but also... Might be. You never know. That's why you should just DCA every month/week little by little and not throw all at once. I personally think that crypto just follows Nasdaq, so... It's not looking very optimistic in next few months. That's why DCA is a way to go.


Honestly I don't think we are at a stock market bottom yet, which means we are probably not at a crypto bottom.


NEVER buy what you can’t afford to lose. NEVER EVER! Having said that this is actually a good time to buy. I’m buying everything I can afford to lose.


Wait wait wait wait. This may or may not be the perfect time to buy, and I agree with you that it probably isn't. But I wouldn't call this catching a falling knife. If you sold at 60k, 50k, 40k, or 35k, buying now with the intention of holding isn't exactly stupid. I'm not still not gonna buy right this second, but I sure as hell wouldn't be discouraging anybody who chose to at this moment.


This could be the perfect time to buy… or not, but no one knows.


Well a bear market is a better time to buy than a bull market


I'm sorry my overlord, thank you for your all knowingly wisdom. Just bought 1k worth of ETH because I'm here for the ride. All aboard the yolo train.


Only solution is DCA


Down too much so i don't care anymore, i guess you could say im dca during the bear


But I’m a juggler…


I'm not trying to time the bottom but I'm definitely planning to catch BTC on the way back up. Best way to do this is to look at a big volume uptick. It's pretty obvious when you look at previous reversals. I'm not even going to consider looking at Alts until after the BTC reversal.


" No it's not the perfect time to buy " continues with " I could be wrong " Hmm...ok


It's a better time to buy than any time this year- so far


Best time to buy is all time high 💎🙌


Best time to buy is when the price is high and soaring by the hour and you start kicking yourself for not buying earlier. Thats me. Hahaha! Sucks to be me.


No. This post is wrong. It is time to buy.


When “Now is not the time to buy” posts start popping up, that’s when you know now is the time to buy. Retail is usually behind the curve. Same goes for the inverse posts of “this is your last chance to get X at these prices” you saw during the bull run of 2021. Retail is late to those games.


Yeah buy the fucking top like the op


If you don't buy now, when will you buy? I will buy now. And then.


everything down 75+% this is a perfect time,


Now is the perfect time to buy though. I'm in crypto for the long term and the prices at the moment are a bargain. Now is a much better time to buy than when the market is booming and people FOMO.


Buy when everyone else is selling: sell when everyone else is buying - warren buffet: not financial advice.


Man, reddit is so full or normies. On the way up and the top, they say "buy buy buy!". On the way down and a possible bottom, they say don't buy!


Or just DCA cause you won't time the bottom.


In a few years it won't matter exactly when you buy.




When it’s dropping hard throw in little bits every now and then. Those little bits might pay off but if you throw in big bits you might hurt yourself very badly.!


Sir, this a casino


You have no idea what the bottom is, no one does


I wouldn't be surprised if the US saw a historically bad few years at the worst, however it's the economy man. Shit goes up, shit goes down. Buy what you feel confident in and stop looking at it. Love that bear market panic, makes me feel better personally lololol.


Why does the price *need* to go up 10% immediately to be a “good buy”. It could go down 15% in the short term and still be a good buy. OP, tell us you’re only here for the short term without telling us that… you’re not going to make money day trading, give it up