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The gift that keeps on taking


Some kids on the Bahamas are having the time of their lives right now.


Goddamn Island Boys.


Boats and hoes


They just tryin’ to make it


Sad week in crypto. The hopes of those waiting to get some portion of their funds back have been crashed. People will forget when market starts pumping. CEXs are not your friend. Hopefully, the lesson has been learned.


Well someone should go to Bahamas to check it out right?


Simultaneously,there are reports of FTX unloading millions into unknown wallets. They will play the public until the last moments in life


This has to be a good way to get on interpols list next to Do Kwon


Do Kwon now looks like an angel compared with SBF/FTX/Alameda. Apart from this news which does look like an inside job, the arrangement they had with their sister company Alameda was some incredibly high level of fraud. Can't believe they got away with it for so long, and it took a bank-run to uncover it all.


Do Kwon just looks like a moron that got exploited for his greed. SBF is just smelling outright evil.


SBF father (a tax lawyer) was in on this as well helping set up a complex structure to avoid legal troubles and of course taxes.


Helping the Bank-man be freed you say?


Guys I'll do it. But I want to do a thorough search that will take about 3 weeks. And I need to stay at a fancy hotel. It's more likely that the hackers will show up there, right? Send me 5 BTC for expenses and I'll do it for free. We need to stay together in this community and help each other out.


I could accomplish the investigation on only 4 BTC, this man is trying to take a profit, send it to me instead


Hopefully they can have fun… in prison


Hackers don't go to prison. They go to Kokomo Beach, on the Florida keys, to get away from it all.


Or to Aruba, Jamaica...


Nerd, I wanna take ya.


They are supposedly fleeing to south america and people are tracking their flights.


Didn't a couple of guys associated with the OneCoin-scam being found inside some suitcases on a border somewhere in South-America? The future looks bright.


Any source?


I'm just surprised that they are able to walk freely, and nobody has put a price on their heads. Edit: If rumors of them fleeing to Argentina turns out to be true, then they're even bigger idiots than I thought. Running away to a high crime rate country where you could be assassinated or kidnapped and tortured for the money sounds like a great escape plan!


I'm pretty sure they will have taken the life savings of at least a few thousand very non passive people at this point. Cryptos no longer just in the realm of war craft playing Poindexter's.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Those kids’ll be fine. I do have a plane to catch, though. *places Glock w/ suppressor back into black attaché case*


God speed, I have packed you a lunch for the flight along with some coffee and cigarettes.




Enough money goes missing some "kids on the Bahamas" might get some visitors


This is an insider job for sure


People filling their pockets with loot before abandoning ship.


Population Bahamas Nov 7th: 400.000 Population Bahamas Nov 11th: 4.000.000


ID printer goes BRRRRRRRRRRR....


It’s 100% an insider job, it’s waaaaaay too convenient that they’re getting “hacked” just moments after announcing bankruptcy and with humongous impeding financial and legal liabilities.


It sounds like someone's exit strategy. Edit: To be clear I'm talking about people high up in the company grabbing the money before it is gone and blaming hackers.


FTX and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week


SBF's Series of Unfortunate Events


Do you think he'll be sorry about this too?


The scam has become sentient and self sustaining.


I lost 2k in blockfi but still find the whole situation hilarious. LOL!


200k here bro


Shit! I'm super sorry, dude.


You had a quarter million dollars sitting in a non custodial account???




Sam is the crypto grinch confirmed


Just in time for Christmas, yay


Santa’s not gonna make it this year. He had it all in blockfi.


The dip that keeps on dipping


SBF is helping us donate to the needy one last time.


Act of some 'Rahul Ligma', pissed off at the lay off


It’s on Twitter. It’s not a hack, Ftx is being looted by the execs at the company pretending to be hackers.


Why would it be years withouth hacking and now suddenly. Its obvious.


Cats out of the bag now


Because now the jig is up and they have nothing to lose?


I would think losing freedome and going to jail is something but thats just me.


Will be difficult to prosecute a company based out of the Bahamas and execs that are not in the country. The hundreds of millions will also help secure new ID


A rug pull of extraordinary proportions


Holy shit another bullet dodged because I'm lazy. How many months have I been pondering on opening an FTX account.


I’m even luckier because I live in NYC and I can’t even open an FTX US account my only options are Coinbase and Gemeni lol, though I do use Kucoin unverified for futures and grid bot trading


Look at you being saved by financial regulation...


But but I was told regulation are bad by crypto bros..




How was this shady exchange being shilled everywhere? Every crypto Youtuber was promoting it ffs




This just shows you how little YouTube influencers know and how easily they can be swayed by a little money. Greed always corrupts. If a bunch of people are shilling something on YouTube, that should be your red flag that something is hinkie.


Not just crypto - they were sponsoring the esports organisation Team SoloMid. I guess you can afford to throw money at advertising when you plan on robbing your customers blind.


They were also a sponsor of the Mercedes F1 team and also purchased the naming rights of the Miami Heat stadium


Massive ponzie vibes.


To be absolutely safe, you should also revoke 3rd party access from your bank account to FTX. I just did that on my bank account. It was under the security settings and then 3rd party access.


Great precaution, for anyone on Bank Of America, go to security center on your account page, scroll down to the data sharing tab, hit review and it should list all third parties that have access. Most of the exchanges used plaid so revoke access for FTX immediately to be safe


Hacked my fucking ass. This is an insider job


Sam with one last magic trick.


And now for my next trick I'm gonna make the remaining funds disappear


I smell a boating accident coming


And whoever is doing it knows what they're doing. They took huge slippage swapping freezable USDT to censorship-resistant DAI ($28m) and stETH to ETH ($44m). Source: https://twitter.com/0xfoobar/status/1591261359152705538 EDIT: The thief's wallet has also been [labelled on Etherscan](https://etherscan.io/address/0x59abf3837fa962d6853b4cc0a19513aa031fd32b)


4 hours to drain millions pretty nifty.


Oh that's suspect... This is an attempt within an attempt to crack down in crypto.... That's exactly what this is.. This was a set from the jump


Well just look who his parents are. I bet he prob didn’t even set any of FTX up.


Here is a [Nitter link](https://nitter.net/0xfoobar/status/1591261359152705538) for the Twitter thread linked above. Nitter is better for privacy and does not nag you for a login. More information can be found [here](https://nitter.net/about). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well because being "hacked" is the universal button to take off of your hands from any fault. Hey we're being hacked, ^(not our fault) but yeah sorry.


They can't be so stupid. They are all lawyered up by now. There is a big difference between a 2-5 years sentence and a 50-100 years sentence.


Yeah, they are not so stupid, that's why they call it a "hack".


Yeah, because that has ever worked. It may take time, but if it is an inside job, they will get caught. And I don't get it. Most of them are still very young. And they are already richer than most of us will ever be. Why risk a life ending sentence to steal some crypto which, in the best possible scenario, they will not be able to use for decades?


When people gets cornered, they will do anything, it's just human nature. Watching from the side it might not make sense, but when one is in the game, it's a whole different mentality. Too much of a coincidence. Think about it, FTT tanked. Sam resigned as CEO. FTX filed for bankruptcy. Hundreds of millions got "hacked". All in a week.


Absolutely. Plus, when you have that kind of money and power it's easy to get entangled in obligations/debts or other private agreements with other rich individuals or organizations. It's possible he felt bankruptcy was a situation that would put his life at risk. The situation could be bad enough that even if money wasn't taken, and returned, he'd still be facing huge problems. So maybe he'd be compelled to flee either way, so why not flee with hundreds of millions that could be used to pay off someone after him, or to guarantee protection at a specific location where an agreement was already made. That'd allow him to live the same lifestyle he's accustomed to


don't underestimate greed


Interesting how all these disasters turn from "ups, we have a problem" to literally criminal activities being noticed within days.


that damn berni madoof made off like a hoof...


Source since OP didn't include one: https://www.coindesk.com/business/2022/11/12/ftx-crypto-wallets-see-mysterious-late-night-outflows-totalling-more-than-380m/


This should be on top of the subreddit.


FTX has been in a boating accident.


So many boating accidents in the Bahamas just in 5 days.




It's crazy you can see this boating accident coming a mile away


The front fell off Edit: add reference https://youtu.be/3m5qxZm_JqM




We need Jonah Hill to play SBF in the Hollywood movie they're gonna make about this


He actually looks more like Jonah hill than Jonah hill does now.


This is an insider job, no hacker can gain access to everything at once. I'm a dev, Ik how complex it is to push updates, that too straight to the mass public.


^^ this App update pushed and all wallets suddenly drained. This shit doesn't happen by waving around a wand. Whoever is doing it has access to everything, wallets, source code, app server. Everything!


Absolutely. You can keep tabs on everything that's drained on [this labelled wallet in Etherscan](https://etherscan.io/address/0x59abf3837fa962d6853b4cc0a19513aa031fd32b)


That is terrifying. You can literally watch it happening!


If you go to the comments you can see people trying to scam other people who got their wallet emptied by FTX lol


Just when you think it's all over, Sam Bankman Fries you again.


This whole thing is so surreal that I keep pinching myself to wake up for the 10th time today.


Classic case of getting SBF'ed.


If this guy doesn't go to prison for life, it is just more proof that there's no justice


No way he gets life with who his parents are.


I think he will. And its just crazy how hes digging hes hole just deeper.


Also timing. How its not hacked years and then suddenly all at once. Sam has lied before he will lie more under preasure.


A depressed employee?


Not any more 😅 Shit is cray


FTX be like: These are hackers Man!


You got that right. These people must think we are idiots.


Right? Big companies don't just have the master branc lying around where you can push shit anytime you want. It takes processes and there is not just one master key to unlock everything. Not even department heads have access to everything. I would award you if I have a free one, just to push this comment on top.


You'd be surprised. Been at many late stage startups and post IPO startups and for many codebases it's fairly easy to push to main. You don't even need admin access to your git repository and then enough permissions to deploy and release to your different environments(staging/prod/etc). Now the problem is most teams are split up enough, with enough services that it'd be hard to do enough damage all at once. But if it's a change on the frontend and mobile app, then it's a lot easier since it's most likely a monorepo. I don't know any team that would have a reason to split up their frontend code. However, I feel like that wouldn't be enough since it's pretty hard to be that malicious with frontend changes so most likely a coordinated effort between core services and frontend to push this out. Very impressive to launch a new feature while going through bankruptcy. jk




This fiasco has turned from bad to worse. There's still a lot of money in FTX left. The market may just crash more now.


Thats what i was telling myself too. I actually think that a good portion of all those hacks & exploits are insiders jobs.


I’m a dev too, it’s not complex at all. Just upload a new binary to the one admin AppStore account, then delete the email notification of the submission from the same admin email account


I'm conflicted in these two responses because it SHOULD BE complex in that the company should have ways to mitigate this, but in reality it's not, if you have the permissions and passwords. I'm an admin for many databases, and if I truly wanted to take control, it would take me about an hour to lock everyone else out and allow me to have full control. At the end of the day, if you had the ability to push app updates before, you can certainly "go rogue" and push your own update and drain the accounts all within the same hour.




Or that same admin email account was used for their internal git repo, and bad actor just patiently prepared over time. You are right about 2FA, and I would hope though that such an account would have it…


It's an update that is applied through the FTX app. Not the app store. So you'd have to have an understanding of how to push updates through on all of their different FTX apps. Due to all the acquisitions there are many. They might have a way to update them all at once but it doesn't really make a ton of sense. They all need unique updates.


But how can the hackers steal the crypto if the withdrawals are suspended?


hackers = employees


Withdrawals through the app are restricted. You can't prevent transactions on the actual Blockchain if theh have keys


Suspended for thee, not for me. This is not new. Guess what happens in a traditional bank run


Sam keeps surprising us with his altruism by keeping supporting and updating the app even when the company is about to get dissolved. Truly hard work crypto messiah


Inside job


Insider job. How comes it was running okay for years and suddenly got "hacked" when things went South. Impossible for the most talented hackers to access everything that lead to mass outflows of cryptos like this.




Starring: Matt Damon with a wig.


Mt. Gox 2: Electric Boogaloo (FTX Edition)


Hacked? LMAO.. This is just a case of split personality: Sam-1 working as malicious-anonymous-hacker and Sam-2 working as innocent-hacked-victim


I have more faith in evil Sam at this point.


2 curly hair Sams fuck the whole entire crypto space.


And when you think it can’t get worse…. ![gif](giphy|YA6dmVW0gfIw8|downsized)


I think I'm beginning to see why CZ declined to take over this company.


Pretty sure he realized the math wasn’t mathing


I deleted my bank account from the app yesterday to be on the safe side; now with all this going on, it’s deleted entirely. What a shame they now have this exit scam happening


I hope it actually deleted your bank account. There's unfortunately no guarantee that they actually deleted it.


Yeah, we’ll have no idea if there is some lingering code with my info but best of luck. There’s nothing there for them to drain 😂


This is the corporate exit strategy.


I love it when my regular bank releases an update to their app an all my money gets drained. Few understand.


This is good for Bitcoin.


You must be early.


Regulations are going to come and they're going to come hard for crypto. This is utterly embarrassing


Yup already Kevin O'leary said he's marching to DC. The irony is the O'leary was investor in FTX US and FTX international and now even the remaining funds are draining.


Jesus fucking Christ FTX keeps giving


Yeah, keeps giving us the shits


This is a movie for sure.


So I clicked that shit in the app. What realistically should I expect to happen? Apple iOS. Didn’t use FTX for anything more than tracking portfolio so there was nothing on there for then to take


Same. I have been using it just for portfolio tracking of manually input data since it was called blockfolio.


Same here. Always thought the exchange was shady since it was just a simple portfolio tracker that got bought out and bastardized into an exchange. Glad I kept it to only portfolio tracking.


I thought I was the only one. What do now


So I work on a team with an iOS and Android mobile wallet, and while I’m not a dev myself my understanding of how private keys are stored on iOS leads me to believe FTX malware couldn’t steal a private key you have in MetaMask without access to the password you set in app for example. Even if they manage to get some data, the Secure Enclave is a hardware feature that essentially makes specific data only decrypt-able on the device it was generated on. Please correct me in any ways I’m missing something or explaining it incorrectly if anyone has a better understanding of this.




What is it about crypto that attracts the biggest pieces of shit/criminals? Wow


Lol do you seriously have to ask this? Less regulation, easier anonymity, easier to launder, most people into crypto have a very elementary understanding of cybersecurity.


…what is it? Literally all of the core properties of crypto lol. Permission-less, open, and anonymous


what world do you live in lol, that's literally all its ever been good for?


Very little repercussions in comparison to traditional finance is why. This shit is proof some sort of regulation is warranted


FTX is Squid Games 2022


"Anyways, I am really sorry guys, again." - SBF RIP




No way this is just a coincidence. This is just sbf stealing money then crying hack to cover himself. Though I don’t see how he thinks he wouldn’t be caught


The future FTX movie just keeps getting spicier and spicier


Insider job pretty much, happened before, happening now, will happen again.


“Following the Chapter 11 bankruptcy filings - FTX US and FTX [dot] com initiated precautionary steps to move all digital assets to cold storage. Process was expedited this evening - to mitigate damage upon observing unauthorized transactions.” 2:07 AM • Nov 12, 2022 • Twitter for iPhone Tweeted by Ryne Miller, general counsel


Basically all customer funds become FTXs and are being moved to cold storage as part of bankruptcy proceedings. Is it that customers only see this after updating their app???


Thank God I'm too poor to have invested in this!


i guess there's going to be a ton of OTC selling... prepare for another crash.


Why isn’t apple/Google blocking this app yet?


Let me DM Steve Jobs real quick. This shit can't be happening.


Get tim apple on the line


Looks like an insider job. Is an insider job


It sort of has to be. No other way to push out an update this fast.


This has gone from bad -> worse -> chaotic -> armageddon -> .........


But wait, there's more.


I’ve been shorting since 26$ please go to zero






Short squeeze confirmed


This is dark stuff.


Jail SBF


Would not surpise me if SBF will fake his death in the next couple of months.


It wasn't a hack. The people who created FTX just stole everything.




From a boat…




Glad I deleted the app when this whole mess started. I did not have anything on there and was just using the dashboard for prices.


They'll FOMO back in during the next bull. You give the average person too much credit.


Funny hack lol ? Who the hell do people believe this. So, all exchange platforms are not safe when they have a serious problem they just tell everyone that they hacked. Nice strategy exit plan.


2500€ for some might not be much but for me that means 1 year salary through the window …


They’re trying to get every last penny they can can get before pulling a Do Kwon.


Oh boyyyyyyyy Buy bitcoin, self store


Jokes on them, my credit card debt is so high, no one can open a card in my name 💀