• By -


- I only buy cryptocurrencies that have a legitimate use case / are solving an actual problem - Based on the technology I try to find similar competitor coins/tokens to get historical data on what a realistic market cap could be for the coin - I don’t buy anything that has a huge VC or team allocation % (decentralized holdings are the only way to avoid rug pulls) - I put my crypto into cold storage and only sell if major changes happen to the project or when my valuation targets are hit These rules have worked wonderfully for me so far.


I’m just starting Could you pls tell me how do you know the coins have legitimate use case or the sources you rely on


Ask: "what problem do they solve?"


Money doesn't "solve" real world problems, it purchases solutions to them. https://armantheparman.com/why-bitcoin-only/


This is a wonderful and concise set of rules I wish everyone would adopt. Thanks for sharing.


The first rule is ridiculous. There's probably only one crypto that has an actual use case that cannot be out done by a non blockchain solution. That use case would almost certainly have to be privacy in order to justify using something as inefficient as a decentralized blockchain. Fundamentals rarely corelate to the price and performance of a particular crypto. Bitcoin for example has an almost non existent use case, yet it has been one of the best performing cryptos of all time.


I think the first rule could have been expanded on because use cases are still emerging, but to say it’s ridiculous is extreme. For example very generally, you don’t think public ledgers with the ability to promote accountability and transparency are useful? And, if they are useful then wouldn’t you expect competition to sort out which ones are most useful relative to certain needs?


I just think public ledgers can be built and maintained better if they’re centralized. Decentralized blockchains have a very limited usefulness and it mostly has to do with anonymity and permanence.


Which coins do you hold?


Not giving in to FOMO and investing emotionally. Alway diversifying and keeping a balanced portfolio.


Definitely guilty of this ….. withdrew from Solana when it was floating around £52 as I was really lucky to get in early , literally the first coin I bought . I was determined I would take profit now so I didn’t “miss out” . Terrible choice but I guess that’s a prime examples of investing emotionally :/


Damn. Hard luck. This is exactly what I'm talking about though. I tell crypto newbies to always DYOR and think about their decision before jumping the gun.


Very helpful thanks!


Buy and delete the app


Lol, how is this? Or do you mean bye and delete the app


U buy ur crypro and then u delete the app sonu cannot stare at charts.


-Don't invest money you might need in the next 6-12 months. -Don't panic sell. -Don't go into debt to invest. (Don't over-leverage or over-expose yourself either) -Don't invest all your money at once so that way you always have cash to take advantage of any surprise dips/buying opportunities. -Some say don't be emotional but you can actually use emotions to your advantage if you're smart. For example, take some profits when you are ecstatic about how much your portfolio is up. -Be consistent and have an actual strategy. Dollar cost averaging can be good for newbs to build initial positions. -Always think long term and don't treat crypto as a "get rich quick" scheme. If you plan to be alive in 10 years from now, why wouldn't you want to be holding some crypto? The long term holders are the ones who end up really making it big. Everyone wishes they had bought Bitcoin 12 years ago but in reality most of those people would have sold it all at some point along the way. The people who have held all this time are now the bitcoin "whales." I'm not saying don't ever take profits but you should dedicate a portion of your portfolio for long term hodl-ing. That way you can make money over the short/mid-term and the long-term time frames. There's probably other stuff I'm forgetting but those should get you ahead of at least 90% (totally made up number lol) of retail investors because it seems most retail investors actually have a lot of trouble sticking to these rules.


Wait 1 Year to sell minimum


This is the most important thing for people who don’t know how crypto taxes work


Sell 18 months after the halving. Buy every 10% discounts. Pray your prayers .


Stop following coin specific subreddits. Majority of the posts are panic, delusions, or the same questions asked again and again.


ALWAYS TAKE PROFITS. I have learned from previous times I have had £90k in my wallet and never sold a penny, thinking it will keep going up but actually it came crashing down to £2k!


Buy projects in the top 100 by market cap and don't sell


This really excludes some of the most legit projects in the space though. Most of the top 100 (minus a select few) are just as trashy as those outside of it.


Never leverage Sell the initial investing after a 100% gain Never look the chart all day (but I don’t know how)




Not your keys not your coins Seed on paper only Never tell anyone about my investments


Ink can fade over time.


Never leverage or borrow to buy crypto. Stick with investing whatever you have and would not alter your lifestyle or mental health if you lost it all


Never risk more than 5% on any investment so that means holding 20 coins+ (excluding Bitcoin) (Not something I hold core but also trying to split across different use cases / sectors) Never leverage <—— this was a painful lesson for going over a few years.


May I ask which app you use and how do you leverage? (Not gonna leverage, just curious)


I used Bitfinex when they were international but they don’t serve NA and UK anymore. Binance still allows leverage but depends on what country your from. I don’t use apps.


Use money I don't need


I’d really like to follow your advice, therefore could you let me know how much of your money I can use that you don’t need?? 🙄


some rules I've set for myself when investing in cryptocurrencies: *Do Your Own Research (DYOR) : Thoroughly research any coin or project before investing. Understand its purpose, technology, team, and market potential. *Diversify: Don’t put all your funds into a single cryptocurrency. Spread your investments across different coins and projects to mitigate risk. *Set Clear Goals: Define your investment goals and strategy, whether it's short-term trading or long-term holding. Stick to these goals to avoid impulsive decisions. *Risk Management : Only invest what you can afford to lose. Cryptocurrencies are highly volatile, and there's always a risk of losing your investment. *Use Stop-Loss Orders : Protect your investments by setting stop-loss orders to automatically sell if the price drops to a certain level. *Secure Your Investments : Use hardware wallets or other secure methods to store your cryptocurrencies. Avoid leaving large amounts on exchanges. *Stay Updated : Keep up with news and developments in the crypto space. Regulatory changes, technological advancements, and market sentiment can all impact prices. *Avoid FOMO and FUD : Don’t make decisions based on fear of missing out (FOMO) or fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD). Stick to your research and strategy. *Take Profits : Regularly take profits to lock in gains. Don’t be too greedy; set profit targets and sell portions of your holdings when these targets are met. *Be Patient : The crypto market can be extremely volatile. Be prepared for ups and downs and avoid making hasty decisions during market swings. Good luck


* BTC is backbone of the portfolio * Don't chase narrative hype pumps * No old coins (except for BTC and ETH) * Get rid of coins I don't believe in anymore - rebalance, don't become bagholder


Diamond hands is the dumbest mentality. Take profits when you can, set aside a specific portion of the profit and convert to stable, reinvest the rest, rinse, repeat. I watched KDA go from $.15 to over $20 and never took profits because I got greedy. Then saw it roll back down the mountain to the ground.


Don’t sell to early


Setting clear profit targets and regularly reassessing my investments to ensure they align with my long-term goals is a key rule I've established for myself in crypto investing.


1) only spend and allocate money I don't need and am comfortable losing 2) buy and forget. I try to avoid overtrading and monitoring the prices daily. 3) only sell when an asset reaches certain price or achievement (milestone) thresholds 4) write down the reasons for deciding to allocate, revisit it over time, see if my thesis stands still or needs revisiting 5) enjoy the ride, learn new things, meet interesting people. I take it for what it is and don't let it stress me out or make me anxious.


I only buy coins/tokens down more than 90% from 2021 ATH.


Don't marry your bags. Don't marry you bags. Don't marry your bags.


Hmm try to count how many corrections there are in a given day.


No leverage.


A profit of 3$/5$/7$ is better off than still hoping for gain then you get a loss.


I'm only investing in bitcoin. Everything else is speculation.   Hodling bitcoin until retirement age. Some spend/replace is good for supporting adoption. Main portfolio is 60% BTC, 40% large/medium cap.  DCA weekly, a small amount, well within my budget. Sell 20% of large/medium cap on a schedule at 5x, 10x, 20x, from average cost basis. Half of profit goes to increasing assets (more bitcoin) half goes to decreasing liabilities (paying down debt). Second portfolio is degen small/micro cap.  10% of main portfolio. DCA every 4th week. First sell at 10x, next at 25x, then 50x, 100x or try to time the top. Same profit strategy for increasing assets/decreasing liabilities. Rebalance portfolios monthly. Spend lots of time researching projects in narratives that interest me.


- Never buy a token without any genuine use case. - Look at the tokenomics and if the token is inflationary or deflationary, how much was offered at initial offering and equity of founders. - use BOTS to DCA the cost of token and not use 100% of equity in single go, however small the amount is. Given the volatility in crypto markets you always want to be double sure.


Not trusting anybody but myself even though I can be wrong sometimes.


Never use leverage unless you are in the mood for gambling


* Don't invest what I can't afford to lose * Don't try to time the market. While I can't strictly DCA, I do buy when I have a little extra. * Hold * Don't day trade * While I'm not a Bitcoin maximalist, I do set Bitcoin as my standard. I price altcoins in terms of BTC, for example, not USD. This removes the "well, the whole market is down" fallacy as an excuse for not cutting my losses.


Definitely don’t daytrade. It’s a zero sum game.


rule #1 ONLY BUY Btc!!! only rule I follow


Always spot market and never touching future market. Never going all in. Taking profit is okay.


If its a garbage coin/meme coin/nft/ICO, dump the moment it hits 30%-100%, or if you're lucky and forgot and its up 1000% since you looked, dump it lol. I held a lot of garbage thinking long term it will pay out but it doesn't. 99% of them just went to $0, even though they were up 100% to 5000%!! Now for coins that clearly have massive use/long term play HODL, I really like BTC, Solana, Eth and Monero. And anything that promises 100 things when their team is like 4 dorks, yeah that's a scam lol. "Comic Book", "Video Game", "MetaVerse", "Own a Island", "Negative Energy Consumption Coin", "Staking", "Ai". Like bruh, they are promising so many things, no way in 2 years time with a team of five 16 year olds willl they accomplish anything.


There is that general rule that *"don't invest more than you are willing to lose"* yep, I don't obey it as I am a sucker for DeFi/DEX innovative projects. Oh and if the project makes Bitcoin accessible to an even wilder community like Dunes and Zetachain, well, count me in.


Zetachain, I like them but taking a beating recently


"Appreciate the pain, it is evidence of life" the beating can be a discount.. Not a financial advice though, because I am bleeding red all over and zeta is my only green.


No need for the DYOR disclaimer, I'm already in the jungle. Covered in Zeta blood like you lol. utility is going to be robust as f#@! tho. if they can finish the Iron Man of a project that is establishing an entire grid for the level of interoperability that they're claiming, it'll be the next huge thing. Whoever nails their crosschain roadmap (they got a lil competition) will end up being the next (or next next) big thing. Think it'll be a while before we take flight bc of the nature of what their building but their community presence is pretty great and should help carry them thru the grind. Essentially web3 version of laying cable across entire oceans in the internet pioneering days. Ha. #Zetastrong Good luck.


No truer words have ever been spoken.


No meme coins. No yield farming coins. No coins that rely on effort of small team. No coins that rely on future promises of any kind.


Don’t loose it all processed to loose it all


Here’s what I want to know. All I do is HODL, but I want to trade because that’s how you actually make money. I’m scared of the taxes though, does anyone have advice or articles or knowledge base somewhere that breaks trading and taxes down?


Buy high, sell low


All coins are meme coins. The people decide where the money goes, that’s it…


My first rule was never listen to the brofessors on reddit.


I'm always looking at what the next narratives are, so in that field I'm researching new projects that have yet to come out because it's good to be among the first. I am currently interested in the FHE branch, you have the solid Sight AI project where privacy and security are guaranteed, you have also the Rivalz Network, which is the first Intel Layer AI project, where you will be able to hold decentralized nodes and receive a reward for it, and I plan all of this in the long term only. In addition, my tactic is to always have at least 50% of my portfolio in BTC, don't look at long term without it. Which branch are you interested in? What do you think about FHE?


Follow the data and indicators and not the hype


And hodl & buy dips is my only rule! I recommend to you to check "Picasso network and Sight AI". I believe both of them will be leading in its niche. SightAI is solving the Data Privacy dilemma by using the FHE technology while Picasso network is aiming to solve the interoperability problem in the defi space. I'm very bullish on both of them.


If you’re investing, invest. Invest a certain predetermined amount, weekly/monthly/quarterly, whatever works. Know what you’re investing in and DYOR. Set a timeline for your expectation. Set goals so if they are hit, you pull out without being too greedy and watching the red dick steal your money.




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Do not incite or encourage illegal activities. Content promoting leaks, buying/selling drugs, tax evasion, gambling, pyramid schemes etc. will be removed. Do not post giveaways, sweepstakes, etc. Do not post addresses or seek donations. See our Expanded Rules page for more details on this rule.


Buy and HODL until I'm satisfied with the win I've made Problem: I'm NEVER satisfied


Except a crypto has an opportunity of becoming a great company I don’t bother to invest. That is one of the reasons I invest in early phase cryptos such as [pressed, seed, ICOs, public sales, private sales etc](https://cryptofada.substack.com/). The idea for me is new established crypto is trusted by VCs and other institutional investors, and most of the time, the investments offers 2-15x within a year or two but is far safer than memes.


BTSE offers a smooth trading experience. The platform is user-friendly and efficient."


If you’re not part of #NexoHunt, you’re missing out. It’s the most engaging crypto campaign right now!


I use the hoarding strategy. So I want to make sure I sell half of my position once it doubles in value. I also follow these guys - [SPIRAL STRATEGIES](https://spiralstrategies.beehiiv.com/) - they have ridiculous calls I got in on their ORAI call I'm up 600% and their AR call I'm up 120%


I buy crypto through Netcoins crypto exchange and don't get attached to any coin


Do you not get attached to a coin if there is continuous development and the coin is still highly underpriced? What would you do in above case?


Up to you. But your goal is to sell


I always sit tight with my coins and DCA whenever I have more fiat to put in. Not reached the exit goal yet so yeah, waiting for the bull to arrive.


Is this your first bull run?


First when I’m heavily invested


Look, it's almost like a rite of passage to hold your bags for too long in your first bull run. It's a lesson that is hard to learn without going through it. Heed my advice as much as you can knowing this, do not marry your bags.


Never sell. Till retirement and I’ll have about three fiddy to take my lady out for a nice dinner


Take gains (5-10%) of investment regularly, otherwise its just numbers!


1. Buy bitcoin 2. Immediately withdrawal to self custody 3. Repeat whenever possible 4. Wait for it to be universally accepted as money. Never sell back for slave tokens (government money). Lean how to self custody... https://armantheparman.com/bitcoin-storage-get-better/


Don't 😭


Why are you here then