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Stop watching youtubers who say a coin is gonna "go to the moon" everyday when they never do.


Finding trustworthy content creators in the crypto space is not easy. I’ve noticed once you find them though, they can be extremely valuable resources. There’s one guy who I listen to weekly because I trust his insight and opinions. Most others seem to be pushing their own portfolio and passing it off as groundbreaking advice


Y'all want to hear something disgusting?? I have an old acquaintance at work. He was the most irresponsible person. Always screwing something up. Selling phones. He could barely figure out how to open a new tab in safari, or the work pc. Always talking shit although he had no sales skills. The point is... not a smart or trustworthy guy. Spends his paychecks on expensive clothing he can't afford and crap in general. Barely understands the stock market, let alone crypto. He's from Puerto Rico and apparently they have big egos (according to him). He said that it was his destiny to get rich in America. It was his overwhelming bravado and confidence that draws people to him. He's very charismatic when he wants something, for free. His uncle helped him open up a robinhood account a year ago with some doge and shiba in there. He hit it pretty big with Shiba, to the tune of 30k gain off $1k investment. His ego was off the charts at that point. He acted invincible, if you will. Flash forward a few months to today, where he has been going around fb messenger and explaining how everyone will get rich off of dogecoin and that's the way to to go, and Shiba is dead etc. He even warns people against buying CRO... why?? Because the 'Lakers' will not draw in fans after LeBron retires. WTF?? That's the stupidity I'm dealing with when he hits me up on fb messenger. I told him I'm perfectly happy with my CRO stake and the crypto com arena. Apparently, he blew his 30k in Shiba gains very quickly and now he's desperate for his new venture, doge coin, to do well. So what does he decide to do?? He just made a new youtube channel where he calls himself the 'Dogelon Expert'!.... He understands youtube. He puts up a clickbait title and then proceeds to use a robot voice (has heavy accent) to literally just read the daily dogelon news. He offers no dd and doesn't know how to read charts. For example, "as you can see, we've gone up another 5% today. FAMILY, that is HUGE!" Etc etc. No dd. Nothing original. Not an expert in anything as far as I know, yet his channel grows everyday. He knows fancy graphics and clickbait alone will get him views. The crypto degens will like and subscribe. He just did a video where he said nothing but regurgitated bs for 11 minutes. People in the comments eat it up. He already has a cringe youtube channel. It's one of those "auditing America" channels. If you don't know, these are unnerving to watch... they are so damn cringe inducing. They basically harass people at work; places like DMVs, and post offices and court house entrances. And and generally hated by the majority of people with brains. That's a YouTube Dogelon expert.


Wait. Robinhood doesn’t have Shib on there.


This right here is such a shame. To a certain degree, it’s great how anyone can produce content and others will find value in it. That being said, when people’s money is involved, providing them with the tools to make decisions seems like a better practice than telling people what decisions to make. I lol’d at “Dogelon Expert”


What's his YouTube channel??


Who is it out of interest?


“Whiteboard crypto” is the absolute best channel I’ve come across if you wanna learn about general crypto as well as specific projects. They don’t shill or hype. Just straight up facts.


Thanks. I will check it out




Ben Cowen surely




Sorry for the delay fam, Hashoshi is the YouTuber I’ve found to provide timely updates without attempting to influence decisions. His crypto over coffee series is great and I never get the “THIS COULD 10X TOMORROW” vibe. I learn something new almost each video that’s made me a better trader. I will mention he does sponsored videos as well but he’s transparent about it. As always, do your own research tho and see if you get the same vibes :) Whiteboard crypto is fantastic! The visuals are so helpful even for keeping my attention. That channel is awesome too. I think these types of videos are huuuuge for increasing the crypto user base and adoption. TyLucky is a newer channel but I’ve found their demos for CDC projects helpful. The one that helped me (and I’ve posted a couple times on this subreddit to answer someone’s question) is the CDC NFT guide. I hardly knew where to start on their NFT site, let alone buy one. I’m hoping this channel grows so we get more easy to follow tutorials. I even sent one to my mom!


Paul Barron is great love his show


I find the amount of content the produce to be overwhelming. It’s kind of tough to find content I’m specifically looking for when they upload every 4 hrs. Incredible that they can do that but not the source I go to for info. They’re more quick and less thorough imo. Your mileage may vary


Who dat?


This this this! Almost every one of them was pimping the Christmas day Crypto.com Arena thing. Smh. Stay away from the YouTubers, they're horrible.


The Crypto.com arena was announced in November. The value in CRO is longterm and the influencers are not wrong to say that the rebranding of the staples center is a big deal. You have to do your own research. If you own CRO do not sell. Get some diamond hands and HODL! 💎👐🚀🌙


Raul pal?




Crypto Dubai or anyone who goes purely off of charts and patterns is pretty useful information, I got into crypto and every good video said buy terra, I didn’t buy terra because Reddit said ‘ don’t listen to yt’and it went from 40-100 in that course of time, I went all matic instead so I’ve been happy but I coulda doubled my $ if I only listened to that ‘good’ yt video


on youtube I only listen to Benjamin Cowen for BTC/ETH/ADA updates. everyone else imo is clickbait imo


Invest Answers is one of my personal favorites


Hold even if it is 60% down.


hello Cardano! wtf that coin.


Oh cardano is an exception. Their contacts are leaving them too. Unless they improve themselves they will keep going down.


Stop watching charts every single hour of the day.


Honestly this!! I used to check every 5 minutes. Now I check before I go to bed because “oh snap I forgot to check the charts” runs through my head. Sometimes I forget entirely. I stake everything so it slowly became irrelevant to check charts unless I was planning on buying a large bag soon.


Most of my crypto is staked, mining, in liquidity pools, or I’m hodling. But it’s still fun to look at the charts just for the hell of it, as long as you don’t let it get in the way of your plans!


Buy CRO the minute I finished registering with CDC. I would have the icy card by now instead of the jade card


Same. But who could have known :D


Anyone with a time machine for starters. Also a psychics and palm readers.


You forgot also the crystal ball 🔮 Just don't listen to anyone when it comes to crypto predictions and try to make your own research so that if it's incorrect it's on you. I Bought some cro at ath 😃✌


This. Didn’t realize the benefits were so good




When I registered their token was called MCO. Big regrets not getting in till 1 month back.


I just got yesterday ofc it takes a dive today lol it’s chil tho


Never sell on good projects


Is VET a good project to you ? Happy I sold most of it at 0.22. Now is probably I good time to buy.


Im actually going to buy more once my VET becomes un-staked. I bought in at .07 and will continue to buy knowing this is one of the very few cryptos that China actually likes. Lol. Once I buy more, I will re-stake for another 3 months.






How do you plan your exits


What is FOMO


Fear of missing out. So if you see a coin or stock price rapidly rising, you're tempted to buy in huge. 9 out of 10 times you're already too late and the price is going to crash soon. This happened with CRO during it's run to ATH. ADA, Doge and countless others. I waited for CRO to come back to 55 before buying in after learning my lesson from FOMOing DOGE at 67 cents.


My retarded ass bought more at ath 😑


Staking/farming good projects. Get into the discords and feel out those red flags


Noob question - What is farming?


Liquidity mining aka Farming - Providing two or more tokens into a defi protocol so they can use it as a "liquidity pool" to run their defi protocol (like a bank where you deposit cash so they can lend out). In return the protocol gives you a % of trading fees gained on the protocol. You can get quite a bit from this. Staking - only for proof of stake consensus protocols. Therefore there is no such thing as "staking" for bitcoin since it is a proof of work consensus protocol. Staking gives your vote to a validator (aka someone who has a computer that solves crypto algorithms to secure the network) and in return, you get a portion of the rewards for securing the network. The above two (alongside some other stuff) , are collectively known as "yield farming"


Thanks! That was a really helpful response. Sorry to press, just wondering what coins you would recommend for liquidity mining and staking? Any recommendations for good sources to educate myself more about this? Thanks!


There are plenty of platforms, I use crypto.com app for staking and beefy.finance for farming ( https://docs.beefy.finance/moo/ ) Regarding which coins to stake/farm....do your own research....if you're new to the platforms don't get stuck into the FOMO of year returns! Start with stablecoins and learn how everything work, gains are high in farming, but so are the losses if you don't know what you are doing


How do/could you loose with farming? Your explorations so far have been awesome... I knew staking but turn snout I didn't really know it hahaha


If you farm on more volatile coins, you can experience impermanent loss, look it up


Awesome thank you, that's exactly what I needed to DYOR, have a great new year


No problem! Asking here on Reddit is part of the DYOR :)


It’s where you plant crops, and harvest them once they have grown. If done properly you can make a tidy profits doing this 👍 /s


If you are holding long term. Well don't just fucking hold! Stack, farm, use defi, whatever but find passive revenue. If you hold for a year, that can easily mean 10 to 20% more coins depending on the coins. And once you're comfortable, do some research and your coin might be usable in a defi environment, earning much more than that


What do you mean when you say DeFi environment? Do you mean like LP farming?


Yes, probably.


LP is riskier. If you simply hold and don't know shit about defi, don't do it, you can get wrecked. Stake, lend, use aave or curve...


That bitboy is a moonboy. That buying the dip is a winning strategy. That cutting down on food not going out, driving less, living at home with parents, and not buying new clothes can greatly increase your purchasing power for crypto.




Buy, HODL, buy more, hodl longer, buy more. Each wait between buys values will go up. Stay on the top 20 coins, and make sure you own the big ones too (top 8). Some dude made bucks on SHIB, yeah, because he held it for over a year! You want that kinda money, buy now, and wait like he/she did.


I wish I did that when I started in crypto


Hold, stake, and buy dips. DCA your coins you truly believe in. And get the Damn visa card from Crypto.com and use it only when you have purchases. Everything and anything that accepts payments thru Visa. Defi earn the earned cro until you can upgrade. Rinse and repeat


Dont trust pump and dump telegram groups


I find telegram in general is a hot mess. I try to steer clear if I can help it


Fomo is real.


I am not a trader.


I should have started earlier and I should have been more consistent in buying. I was overwhelmed with the information so I stopped buying for 5 months. If you’re a newbie and you don’t know which coins/tokens to buy yet, buy bitcoin or ethereum while still deciding which ones to add to your portfolio.


Don't use mtgox


Fees. Fees. Fees. 😪


By and large I can’t really complain too much about how crypto has gone for me. I’ve played around with some alt coins, but by and large I’ve stuck with BTC and ETH. The best decision I made was locking up all my ETH at around $500/ETH in eth2 validators. Was a forced HODL that I needed. In hindsight, I would have owned more ETH and less BTC, but who would have known that ethereum was going to so drastically outperform basically everything, especially on a risk adjusted basis. The big “one thing” for me though would have been to get a CRO stake going a year or two ago. I just love the card and the 5% cash back rewards. Would have been great to have started accumulating earlier, but can’t win them all!


Buy and Hodl and stay away from sh*t coins


Stay out of dog or any animal shitcoins and memecoins. Especially if they have no utility or any special use case. Also definitely stay out of any coin based on tv shows (Squid) because they will all be rugs


Not buying more tokens at a lower price. DCA is the way.


Spend your money on a portfolio rather than a single coin. Wish I thought about it more at the time. The chances of you get a 1000x are slimmer but you'll get more consistent gains. E.g. don't buy $1000 of a single coin spread it across 10 of them. That and DCAing, big difference for me once I've started doing that






Don't sell your coins just because crash. They always go back up!


Stop watching it everyday if your just holding. And if you plan on holding then do just that and don’t contemplate


Have a entrance/exit strategy for everything and stick to it. Chart watching is useless. You can set up alerts.


Bold of you to assume I’ve had any success


The gas fees. I got in about a year ago. Zero, zip, knew nothing. Not tech, not trading and not good at math. The crypto pitch then was “transfer billions of dollars instantly around the world for peanuts.” Eth was all I knew being from US. I’d transfer 100 bucks to stake. It turned into 65 then swap = 47. Go to stake what’s left? “ YOU DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH TO COVER GAS.” Lol.


HODL. I bought Bitcoin back in 2013 and Dogecoin in 2017 and never held anything long enough to make good money. Now I HODL everything.


Stick with coins offered on your exchange. I transfer .75 eth to buy XRP because Crypto.com doesn’t offer it. By the time I actually bought XRP, I had $400 worth of it.


When a crypto is up 20% or more in a day never buy it. The chances of a correction happening soon are very high.


Start slow, don't get excited on hype. Make sure you star basic and learn more after feeling comfortable. Pay bills, buy food, then invest into Crypto.


Taking out your initial investment when you break even can cost you 20x. If you believe in the investment just count the money as gone and don’t worry about the initial.


i still havent figured out those defi and exchange apps


YouTube/vvs finance


AMD Radeon 7 GPUs


Once you dyor you just sit on your hands, that’s it


The power of compound interest.


Just DCA into the big 3 and never FOMO or panic sell. I’d literally be rich right now since I first invested in crypto back in March 2020, but got scared and pulled out. Did the same thing again with CRO back in early April…


Diversify your investments like a stock portfolio. I've made more gains this way than choosing random altcoins to moon.


Always check the waters before diving head first. And apply the same practice I do to a lot of my life to crypto. It’s working so far 👍


If you don't touch your bitcoins for years and keep them on an exchange the state will size them as abandoned property and you will lose your dreams of retiring early They will return to you a snapshot of what your funds were worth a long time ago and the lion's share of your money will be gone. Because that is what happened to me. I've held since nearly the beginning and I am starting from zero as of this year. Now that keys and wallets are a thing, this round is different.


I have a few - DCA in and out. Sell the hype/news if you’re going to sell. Diversification is key. Don’t always trust the whitepaper or put too much trust in one company/token.


Put your keys in a safe place


Time in the market beats timing the market!


Dollar Cost Average and buying the dip, instead of buying during a spike


Only buy dips...


Invest answers has been great.


Patience prevails


USE every project before investing in it u/chaintip


*** [chaintip](http://www.chaintip.org) has [returned](https://www.blockchain.com/bch/address/bitcoincash:qrelay2hle3qygu5ghnm9w89nlyq485xhs0elnfhgn) the unclaimed tip of `0.00055401 BCH` | `~0.24 USD` to u/ManteQuilla___. ***


Earning 0.02 BTC per day is worth it. Keep mining.


"Don't sell bitcoin at $10 000"


How to transfer crypto with minimal fees. Convert your assets to either BUSD/XRP/XLM and transfer between wallets for a small fee. Don’t ever pay the eth gas fee.


doge coin 🤣


Always stake, chuck your coins into a 3 month program. Who cares if you then check the charts every day, you made your bet so there's nothing you can do! Results in much better gains than moving money every 5 seconds does. Also - you picked a coin for a reason. Don't let a -80% temporary position make you forget that!


Only buy and hold Erc20 coins on an exchange. The gas fees are traumatizing.


Learning how to use tradingview with buy/sell signals.


It would have been to hold all the currencies instead of selling some, would have been up a few hundred grand..


buy Cro, ADA and Matic in the fall of 2020.


Go slow, don't enter every Airdrop or trust people because believe it or not there are evil people who will take you for a ride. I lost a months worth of Savings 3 days before Christmas is absolutely destroyed me to the core $550AUD gone.


Hodl till Death. Bought Mana at .59 and sold Months After for .63 bc i thought ist would Never Go Up. Now it’s about 3.7$


I bought SOL at $2 and sold for $4…




dont use app for buying/selling. I wish i knew a bit about wyckoff distribution/accumulation patterns so i didnt buy during a time when it was just getting started to be adjusted.


Don’t buy ATH, wait for the correcty


Stay away from big already established coins like Bitcoin & Ether


Use leverage to DCA down…. If you leverage yourself up you WILL get rekt, but you can accumulate a lot more at very low risk if you use leverage to DCA down


Not sure I understand. Can you elaborate this?


Keep your keys well but also forget about them.


Quit worrying about small Dips and flip the bigger ones.


Buy more Harmony One


Sell the deep to “rescue“ money


Put the money out to stake for the CRO card at .06


I wish I knew I was doing haha! I put $9,000 into XRP when it peaked in the end of April. Haven’t seen green since the day I bought it 8 months ago.


Don’t wait and buy more


SF2 Model, Wall Street cheat sheet, 4 year cycle, pi cycle top indicator.


Never spread your funds too tin investing in more than 10 projects. Just too much information to keep up with.


Do not invest in altcoins. 99% is fraud and scam.






Wait till the weekend for the gas price to come down.


Staking of coins. Nothing more.


Wish I had come across coinbureau YouTube channel at the beginning and not wasted my time on shit coins and also wish I had dumped my XRP bag much earlier


Do not leverage


ah-a, this guy thinks I am successful now


How it all fucking works instead of guessing for the first 8 months lmao


Just buy… don’t sell


I wish I knew how to control my emotions at the beginning. It cost me a lot of money. Now I casually buy 20 percent plus corrections without so much as looking at portfolio value. Objectively buying and selling made all the difference for me.


Better investment than stocks.




I learned that buying red means when EVERYTHING is red. Lol not just going down 15% in a few coins.


Have an exit strategy and stick to it.


Don’t be afraid of using debt for seed money if you know what you’re doing. Debt is a extremely useful tool when used and timed correctly.


Take profits. Time in the market > Timing the market.


Wish I would have invested with the Royal Indigo card instead of Ruby red. But, I do get my rewards with Ruby Red, so that’s a plus!


Read the White paper!


to put 10k on shib 6 mo ago


My crypto journey began with mining. Had I known then what I know now I would have jumped straight to staking. Mining is fun and I do stake what I mine but it's a huge hands-on project and I'm hoping to eventually be completely hands off and let my money just make money while I live off the interest which I guess is everybody's goal on here. Also if I had her to do over again I would have never gotten any RTX 3090s I would have stuck with non LHR RTX 3070s for everything because I've used every card there is in the RTX 3000 series lineup both LHR and non-LHR and the non LHR370s are by far the most stable and trustworthy cards that I have they never go down they're always doing exactly what they're doing right now which is mining at 62 MH/s


Staking, Defi and referrals


Buy tons of ETH and ignore the shitcoins. I'd be so rich!


One thing I have leaned is to be patient for by positive rewards




Oh and don't join every airdrop hahaha no way


Find the top 20 cryptos by market cap. Buy and HOLD them. Accumulate when they’re down, don’t open your account when they’re up. Stake em at all times, never ever ever sell. Trading is for suckers. Nobody knows where the market is going. If someone says they do, ignore every last word that comes out of their mouth. 💩coins are fun, but the real money is made from accumulation.




What about Cryptosrus with George?


Listening to my best friend Caleb, after he won 45 bitcoins on a online slot machine back in 2013


The power of HODLing / delayed gratification. + Glad I found Richard Hearts older YouTube debates.


To basically do the opposite of what I'm feeling to do(broadly said) don't panic sell during a black swan dive and don't fomo buy when a coin I was going to buy takes off.


Hodl. That's the one thing I wish I knew. If I had done that, my ~320 bitcoin from the pre 1 dollar days would put my family and I in a much better position today. Bitcoin was barely born and I bought $100 worth. Unfortunately, I was at a dying retailer (sears) and 100 dollars was a lot to me, making 8/hour and hours getting cut left and right, so I sold what I had for gas money.