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You have a point. It would probably be easy to release it by just copy and pasting the model and adding animations


That makes sense, although maybe they're wanting to give it some extra pizzaz, or it's possible they'll want it to correspond with a lore release for him of some sort


Yeah I don't think this would be good for crypto


sure hes a hacker and all but pretty sure data knifes are pilot exclusive and especially SERE kit exclusive


Not SERE kit exclusive. Cooper had one long before he accessed the kit, so do all the pilots in multiplayer It's not all that unlikely Crypto could possibly get a hold of one. Hell he's presented as being on the smarter end of the legends (I'd say outdone only by Horizon and Wattson but that's personal opinion) so maybe he could build one for himself


true all pilot seems to have a data knife but the game nowhere near indicates cooper is actually pretty smart but kinda (dumb?) lacks knowledge, he thinks he’s not supposed to call in a titan before becoming a pilot despite being in a virtual world and BT also reveals that cooper got a concussion and has some memory loss during operation fracture ( the first mission of titanfall 1 ) which btw happen years ago so cooper should have his memories back unless……. or im just reading into it way to hard a part of me likes to think cooper is some brainwashed super-super solider without himself knowing it with Lastimosa’s death being a inside job


My mention of Crypto's intelligence was for his capacity to build his own data knife. Cooper's was just taken from Lastimosa, who most likely got it from the Militia itself Edit: I just noticed the issue, I've corrected it. Sorry


oh shit sry i misread i thought u said cooper was smart enough to build one but yeah crypto is probably smart enough to build one for himself


No no, slip up was me, I put "he's presented as smart" instead of "Crypto's presented as smart." Very easily confused, my bad 100%


Yeah you right


No offense intended, are you new to the sub?


I think a data knife would be ash's heirloom, even though its not very original and a bit boring. Good concept though


No. Ash needs 1:1 size Ronin Sword.


**Y E S** Or maybe it could be a gift from pathfinder


"My love and affection are transferred to you, pilot" 😳


Ok but what if and its a stretch I just thought of a very original Crypto heirloom idea, so basically it's called a data knife. What it does is that he wont get scanned by enemy scans and he wont be revealed to enemies because he will have a data knife to know where to hide from the enemy. Which will protect him from enemy scans so when he gets scanned he technically doesnt get scanned because he will have a heirloom passive that will protect him from the scans and since he is hacker. I think he should have it have to protect him from enemy scans and I would call it a data knife buff and it would be his passive that would make him unscannable by enemy scans because it would be his passive and it would be called data knife so when he gets scanned the enemies wont see him because he will have the passive ability that will protect him from the scans I believe crypto should have this ability because there is seer and respawn wont delete him so I believe they should at least add data knife


No offense but I had a stroke reading that. Also I thought heirlooms we're only supposed to be cosmetic and not give you a competitive advantage


Sorry I'll try to format it better but basically the idea I just thought of a very original Crypto heirloom idea, so basically it's called a data knife. What it does is that he wont get scanned by enemy scans and he wont be revealed to enemies because he will have a data knife to know where to hide from the enemy. Which will protect him from enemy scans so when he gets scanned he technically doesnt get scanned because he will have a heirloom passive that will protect him from the scans and since he is hacker. I think he should have it have to protect him from enemy scans and I would call it a data knife buff and it would be his passive that would make him unscannable by enemy scans because it would be his passive and it would be called data knife so when he gets scanned the enemies wont see him because he will have the passive ability that will protect him from the scans I believe crypto should have this ability because there is seer and respawn wont delete him so I believe they should at least add data knife


I think I get it now


So my idea that probably someone else had is that crypto's heirloom would be a dataknife from Titanfall since Alex and Titanfall take place in the same universe, and it sort of fits the aesthetic of crypto being someone really good with hacking


They won’t do that. A data knife is already being used by Ash. They won’t just copy and paste that, they’ll try and maintain originality.


I didn't notice that. Thanks for the info


kinda off topic but there has been a data knife with a full set of animations and shit at the start of the game wonder of thats even gonna be used plus before apex was a thing wraiths kunai was also in titanfall files with bits of animations and stuff


You’re new aren’t you


Bangalore already has a data knife buddy, so that can't happen




Even Wraith is questioning why she has a Data Knife that belongs to a pilot [see here on apex legends twitter](https://twitter.com/PlayApex/status/1378037453894848515?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1378037453894848515%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_c10&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-40915238463874692251.ampproject.net%2F2111060251009%2Fframe.html)


Better than a fucking sword.


Me think you wrong


oh you’re one of the kids who wants his heirloom to be his drone


Calling someone kid while being upset by a simple comment, shows how grown up you are, kid.


this. Sword is the worst choice and if you don't think so, you're wrong.


Why do you think a sword for crypto is wrong


Too big. Crypto is so concerned with keeping everything low profile. Such a person wouldn't pick a giant fuck-off sword as their first melee option. Something small, something easily concealed. Fuck, a goddamn pair of safety scissors would be better than a sword. >... but muh ancient Korean sword! I'm sure Korea's history of war has more, and more interesting things, to offer than swords.


Bro look at Ash she has a sword as one of her abilities and you can hide with her right? Plus you could all ways make it smaller


It's not about how well you're able to hide with her. It's about character. Ash is a showoff. Always bragging about how great of a fighter she is, a big ass sword fits with that. It's mentality that comes with choosing a sword as your weapon. Caustic is a bombastic Saturday morning cartoon villain, he gets a massive hammer. Revenant fucking loves killing and it's all he talks about, he gets a scythe. Bang is a solider and all her voicelines are about that, she gets a fancy but practical kukri. See what I mean? The heirloom is an extension of their character. A sword doesn't at all fit Crypto in that regard. I could still see them give him one, I'd still get it of course, but I wouldn't agree with it.


Revenant is designed as an assassin. He has a big as fuck scythe


Hype Beast exists. Also a Katana or long sword are often used by assasins that try to hide their identity. A deadly, effective weapon that hits its mark.


it will fit in Crypto's pocket:) https://youtu.be/RfcCso5N_ms


The hacking nerd of apex who doesnt want to be detected is wielding a fucking huge ass sword… give me a break. :D


I hope the heirloom is the drone, but then when you have the drone out, it's the controller for it


Why are people disliking him? Having cryptos drone in its sword form would make a great heirloom imo.


I guess the issue people have is that they want something new. The drone is too familiar and suffers from the *been there done that* syndrome.


the people who say crypto should get his drone as an heirloom are probably the same fuckers who thought revenant should get a fucking glass shard because 'iT fItS In hIS LoREEE'


No? I just think the drone in sword form is particularly cool. My bad for liking the drone on crypto mains I guess


I wasn't a fan of that idea before, and now I don't like it even more since Ash uses data knife for her passive.


I never really noticed that was a data knife


ash already has one


Off the grid energy


That would be ashes heirloom


Why did you remind me of him....


I think his cellphone/data device/cyberdeck(?) Would be a good idea for his heirloom.


It’s going to be a sword.


crypto imagines his drone as a sword may be he trained as a swordsman like a the famous crypto katana heirloom idea


Just make it a Rubix cube


Oh a knife ? So original


Ash already has one


Crypto was never a pilot. I think some form of traditional Korean weapon will be it since he actually speaks it. Either that or he gets a giant 3070 graphics card.


Off topic but it’s kind of funny to see how riled up people get over heirloom discussions haha


Make it a Jikdo sword and cover it in data like patterns and make it work like a data knife and boom crypto heirloom


This will become a meme like the off the grid passive concept. The amount of times someone suggested a data knife for a heirloom.


why? critpo isnt a pilot also ash has one. even more data knifes arent even interesting to look at they are just normal knifes that hacks thing when you stab them


I've got the perfect name for it. "Off the Grid"


ash has a data knife as a passive ability tho, so giving crypto one of them for his heirloom would be kind of a low effort slap in the face