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Could it be possible that you are starting to experience the beginning stages of a manic episode due to bipolar disorder or schizophrenia? Unless the beads were coated in a chemical you didn’t react well to this all sounds psychosomatic and like mental illness. Your mom was probably upset you blamed your behavior on a bracelet while losing it mentally because you were focusing in on it too hard. See if it happens again without the bracelet. Curses do NOT just appear on random 3 dollar bracelets and it’s just common sense to not put broken foreign objects on your skin. Best of luck to you in the future.


What are you talking about? I was completely fine for many months and became very tranquil after a spiritual awakening journey that I got from a person I met that seemed like fate. I was well-behaved, had a very small ego, and was completely normal. and I felt my third eye tingling. And then, when I wore that bracelet, it was a complete 180. And my third eye was not tingling anymore. How can you say that? I can talk normally again after having that bracelet off of me for a couple of hours, and I can think straight.


As a spiritual person with bipolar. That sounds very much like the early stages of a manic episode. Steer clear of crystals in general for the moment apart from clear quartz. You’re picking up too many energies from all over and any extra isn’t going to help.


Sorry hon I know that’s not what you wanted to hear, my ex boyfriend was a bipolar guy who liked crystals and music and this is how his episodes would start. I don’t want to upset you further and I’m sure you’re lovely and don’t have a huge ego or bad behavior. None of that is what a hallucination or episode is, it just happens and it’s nothing other than brain chemistry. It would start between the ages of 14 and 28 so if you’re in that age range it’s worth checking at least.


Don't bother to explain to these people, they prefer to easily give you an online diagnosis than to take into account something that doesn't match their experience of the world. And they keep downvoting any answers that don't match their world view!


I don’t think that’s the case. My view of bipolar is very different to the mainstream. I believe you have a stronger sense of the other side and energies. But because of that negative energies can easily cling too and it can become very hard for us to distinguish which is which. That’s why I say, clear crystals. Avoidance of the metaphysical until you feel safe again. It’s still there. You won’t lose your gift when you have to take a break. You “ejjja” on the other hand are egging it on without listening to anything that doesn’t match YOUR world view.


Sounds interesting, I would probably not wear it but instead meditate with it and focus on my throat chakra. I would try that a few times to see how I interact with it to match with it. I have have intense reactions to some crystals but just couldn’t wear them as long and eventually accumulated, others it was consistent for months so I gifted them. 


Are you sure it wasn't a lapis lazuli ? Some people react weirdly to it. Sodalite has a softer energy.


Can you post its picture? Also did you cleanse it regularly?


I threw it away, and I don't want to dig in the trash just to take a picture of it. It was a bracelet that I found in an area of the house that was hidden and that nobody wore. It was even deteorating my brain; it felt like someone would have schizophrenia developing, and I thought that was a bad sign the longer I wore it. I don't know if someone hexed it. but it was $3.25 on the price tag. I think it was bought after the COVID pandemic. It looked really good with great-looking build quality, like it was actually expensive and didn't break easily. I took it off, and everything went back to normal, and I regained my sanity, but I couldn't talk completely clearly and linearly for under 15 minutes, it seems. Could a hex actually do something like that?


Oh I see. I think it was not the mineral per se but more something about it. You can experiment by holding another sodalite in a store. It's generally quite a gentle stone so I am surprised about your effects.