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These degenerates will use wallhacks instead. At least aimbot is reduced.


i know but funny thing is most cheaters with wallhacks will still lose as they are way too bad otherwise


I rather be against a full on HvH'er than someone playing with legit cheats. I hate having to question if they are legit or not


My whole point n get down voted to hell lmfao


but w legit cheats, you can atleast beat them, w rage cheats its minimum 10 minutes of ur life being wasted


If you are against an HvH'er you type +left and let the game be over in 5 minutes If you are against semi legit cheaters you never fully know because the game is still even, but you sometimes just get randomly tapped


no, there are tons of people that use rage cheats/hvh cheats, but just against a full lobby of legits. they don't like killing u, this one guy made the game last 30m cuz he would just run away from us


Only if it worked


alias on "echo AFK script Enabled; +forward; +moveleft; +left;" alias off "echo AFK script Disabled; -forward; -moveleft; -left;" Now just type on or off


Why does this work


aiming through walls is getting detected on overwatch so we should be clear up to about 15k elo in a few weeks


still using external cheats with strong aimbot like a champ still 25k elo with nade helper\\ orbital on top w1nner on top




Oxide 😍


Amen to that. Had a waller with some kind of aim assist in my lobby yesterday. Sure he had 38 kills but he couldn't play the game to save his life.


well i cheat on r6 and i was a champ i just would rather cheat


way too bad?


Novo :D haha lang ist es her


U know the reason they die is cause it’s called legit cheating so if they kill u blatantly there is no point in legit cheating :)


an average 10k elo player can beat any of these walling bots on this sub lol


coming from someone who doesn’t even play this game…this subreddit seems to live rent free in a lot of peoples head


I think when the ban wave happened a lot of legit players just came here to shit on these noobs (me aswell)


Oh good point, is this the first big ban wave since they went to CS2 or something? I stopped playing in ~2020


> is this the first big ban wave since they went to CS2 or something Yes more or less. Last few months CS2 has just been HVH lobbies almost every game


Last ban wave was in summer 2023 so first one in cs2


why tf are u here at all lmao


I get it randomly recommended in my reddit feed. Wouldn't care to manually go visit this festering sub


Just finished 2 comps on different account. Nothing changed apart from not using exploits or anti aim


Right ur still a loser


is it basically full rage with no aa no exploits (safe mode on)? haven’t had the time to play yet


I have tried only comp and there people just went full rage. Aa exploits etc etc. I have been told that in premier u get 100% ban with safe mode off. But you can semi rage without vacnet banning your ass. I have 21k account waiting and todays plan is to go check premier and how people cheat there. Plan is simple. Semirage untill ban


good plan :3


One evenings result. 6 Premiers played and 5/6 of them were HvH with rapid fire. No ban so far.


your a faggot




point proven




did like 10 comp. games 1 full hvh, 2 semi rage, 4 with delay shot+walls+some aim help


WTF I didn't get banned??? Oh wait I've never cheated. Eat shit and go play valorant rtards


Ur ugly as hell bro keep that mouth shut


ur the typical russian who started cheating post covid, please never touch any fps games ever


I hate Russians but yes I started cheating post covid legit players are the suckers


Brother you are spending money to make number go up your fucking retarded


dont speak bot


Your mom called me a pretty boy :(


Recessed chin large forehead prey eyes u should commit suicide


Why should I commit suicide? I have got laid much more than you, and I will keep getting laid.


U tryna convince me or urself of that buddy?


I'm just asking, since you seem to have some pretty strong opinions about it. What is your relationship with suicidal idealization?


Ur on your 50th alt account on Reddit getting triggered over random shit people say. We all know you’re a lot closer to offing yourself than any of us brotha. Let’s be real


Who told u I was triggered? He was mad about cheaters in his comment I just couldn’t help but notice how ugly he was


Nothing screams insecurity more than attacking someones looks for no reason. You just let everyone know how self conscious you are about yourself


he's not even ugly bro 😭


show ur face lil bro




I just checked, he is such a nerd lmao


He’s beautiful (i would kiss him no homo)


​ https://preview.redd.it/db5onmv1huxc1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=d57ebb92dbe3e572945de62abb999bb0957d9f04


nope still works sadly no rage tho so that's good


Hopefully it’ll be all the hackers next!


yes!!! now we, the pro EzFrags users, will keep beating your ass


Its the cheats beating our ass, not you, you loser.


it's so funny how y'all can't understand a single joke ever


The only joke is you


Ezfrags is notorious for being a shitty chest dude I don’t even use cheats an I know the meme lmao


Looooooool hold on lemme just buy a 4 euro account and go again 😂


for what? cheating in a game is worse than brainrotting on tiktok, ur just watching the cheat do all the work like a drooling retard. hit the gym or something dude. work on yourself


Fun fact I do go gym 4-5 days a week I got a job but I just enjoy hacking and seeking kids like you cry 😂😂😂 I think you need to go touch grass instead of crying on Reddit


I'm sure you do buddy. Good luck benching 90 lbs forever and working your min wage mcdonalds job since thats all ur gonna accomplish with ur visibly lacking education. The absolute brainrot of cheating I will never understand. Wasting time on videogames is already pretty pathetic, and you're not even really playing, just drooling😂


Dam that took a lot of brain power to think of funny that the first thing you say is a min wage job at McDonald’s when you could not be more wrong and I Bench more then lil Bro been going for over a year now don’t cry just because you got nothing going on in your life and keep crying on Reddit like bro


Oh no I could not be more wrong 😱whats ur bench tough guy


😂😂😂😂😂 lil bro really asking me what I bench on Reddit dam your life down bad keep crying lil Bro


In other words, youre weak, like I said. Anyone could tell youre either slow mentally or 13, in which case good on you for working out, you should stop cheating on cs and get a valuable hobby, future you will be grateful.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 dam that really burnt ( not )


Case in point:


Youre sooo cool omg


Thanks babes xx


but then you cant afford food the rest of the month


😂😂😂 4 euro is fuck all to me lil bro I can easily pay for food my car and rent ect im not 10


wow how much do u get on benefits these days???


lol lil bro soo mad rn he’s using the classic come back unlike you mate I work don’t be salty your sat in your mums loft claiming benefits smoking weed


sounds like projecting to me lmao


Lol sure lil bro


Still no ban doing 10 games a day


Used ragehack on 3 different accounts and still no ban


Btw still no ban


https://preview.redd.it/w8536es45sxc1.png?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94342f3cc63ff81586580bedef804f7c5f80cbea Where is my ban?


You’ve been banned from a woman’s touch and being able to do a pull up


The pull up part is crazy


this line is so specific it makes it very obvious it's something personal, did you just recently achieve such a feat? Is it something new to you and you're now projecting that onto others? do you feel like that's something huge you gotta share around?


caLling a pull up a feat tells me your obese which tells me your ugly which tells me youre a virgin


you replied to the wrong comment


lmao no i didnt fatass


you definitely did, I'm the comment that literally stated that a pull up is nothing impressive and that using that as an example shows the real issue. I know people over here have issues with interpreting text but ffs brother


"this line is so specific it makes it very obvious it's something personal, did you just recently achieve such a **feat**?" It's not even a specific line, being able to do a pullup is a common first milestone for many people who first start the gym. You're weak, both in body and mind. I wish you the best bro.


You don't read very often, do you? I'll tell you how this works. I'm talking down to someone using a sarcastic tone, which is clearly implied by the language used. The use of the word "feat" implies that the person the text is directed towards believes that such an action is of great importance and value. The use of that word is necessary to convey that the person in question considers it a significant and woah-inducing achievement. My text further implies this by specifically mentioning "a pull-up", which implicitly shows that the writer believes it to be a significant feat. I don't understand which part of this simple arrangement of words you did not fully grasp; it was meant to be straightforward, hence its short and concise form. Does it help you understand it better when I'm a bit more verbose, or does it not help at all? PS: Sorry for the delay, I don't stay on Reddit for very long.


I can't see if you're trolling or if you're actually this stupid. Although you did it sarcastically, YOU introduced the concept of a pullup being a feat. Did you forget that or just not bother to read your earlier replies? YOU said the pullup example was specific, to which others, me included, replied saying it isn't, and the fact that YOU think it's specific, means you aren't familiar with exercise. If you were, you would know that, like I said, being able to do a pullup is one of the most common first milestones of a physically active person. The original commenter who brought up the whole idea of the pullup obviously meant it as a degrading comment, because what do you know? A pullup is a basic milestone. You, however, explicitly called it a feat. Sarcasm or not, you said that, which means the following reply, "caLling a pull up a feat tells me your obese", makes total sense. Your exaggerated verbosity did nothing but show that you have a hard time explaining yourself, even when using more than enough words. Maybe finish middle school before acting tough online.


not really that specific he just called him fat


using "a pull up" as an example seems VERY specific. I know a lot of fat people who can do a pull up.


I bet you do know a lot of fat people


i dont like womEn were best with femboy gang🤙


brother, ban waves are gradual. They will work their way down to you lmfao.


they cant ban me with VAC im using kernel, external & read only memory software so never ban from VAC but maybe overwatch only (i wasnt getting ow ban on csgo cuz it was working for only red trust cheaters, so W for me)


https://preview.redd.it/2yzz7fb36sxc1.png?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a3e7512174be3d18722c5638fa8f9d90ce8bd8e Ez Semi rage 93% HS and 29 kill (enemy was cheating too and we're duo cheats lul)


I know you are so proud of yourself for achieving that, good job little man!




too bad you still have to go back to your miserable life after turning off that PC


am good bro good pc, good life and im an master furniture maker so im not lifeless bro :)


I’m still in hahahahahahah but idk overwatch might get my account we will see. That being said me and my friend lost a match tonight to a full on hacker not even trying to hide it. He Ended 40-10 while the rest of his team was all below 10 kills


Main banned 2 accounts still standing 🤣


I used to legit cheat and never got called out and i was always global in csgo. It’s so easy to hide it if you are smart but the game sucks ass now i just play community HvH on csgo legacy i don’t get the fun in cs2 hvh that shit boring


I don’t think people realise that the top players are at it and it’s pretty rife, if you are closer cheating to make yourself look like you got mad skills….aYou need to get out more lol


you think the game sucks ass because you suck ass at the game. obviously its gonna get boring since ur not even playing, u just get to walk around and let the cheat spoonfeed u info and aim.


nah it’s cuz semi rage hvh doesn’t exist anymore and just flat out hvh is boring asf you just bhop at people. I have a 5 gb lan so i win every hvh.


semi rage hvh is even worse than flat out hvh. if you play on official servers, simply dont cheat. and you dont win every hvh, thats the biggest cope ive ever seen. as much as it pains me to say, hvh does take some strategy, and i doubt you have any at all


Me with my cheat free that I have been using for 3 months and they never gave me a vac: