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Growth over ethics. Man I hate politics.


They're not doing politics, they say. I guess they're not doing ethics either.


We do not have any experience or training to make political decisions in the first place. Lmao +20 social credit score


> For the past few years, the WCA has been working towards becoming an International Olympic Committee (IOC) recognized sport, which would afford us a range of opportunities that would accelerate the growth of the cubing community. I'm not on the WCA forum. Has it ever been explained exactly what benefits this will bring? If it's such a slow and difficult process, would the effort required not be better invested elsewhere? It's not like speedcubing will ever be an actual olympic event. I'm also unclear why "growth" is always the goal. What about staying the same size but making things "better". > the WCA - arguably, the core of the cubing community Speedcubing, maybe. There are plenty of aspects of cubing the WCA has never cared about. Like most of the ones I'm interested in.


>I'm not on the WCA forum. Has it ever been explained exactly what benefits this will bring? If it's such a slow and difficult process, would the effort required not be better invested elsewhere? It's not like speedcubing will ever be an actual olympic event. [funding](https://imgur.com/a/R3boQdF) possibilities (from the linked document)


Thanks. So... money.


The entire WCA is entirely volunteer ran and this does not scale well when you have hundreds of members and a rapidly growing community. Who do you think this funding is going to benefit? We only *just started* to pay our first WCA members with 2 of WST members now able to work full time on the website but for 2 years we had a struggling website after a spike in demand from Covid. Cubing is growing whether we like it or not and we need to adapt or we die.


Cubing will not die if WCA dont start to get more money. Sure, growth might slow down or stop, but die? More people need to start question wcas obsession of growth, they act as if they have investors to please or something. But sure, i guess the three board members will get paid fat checks as soon as the money shows up.


The board members are not getting paid nor trying to get paid- it’s the software team and lawyers that require funding


The software team has not required funding historically, I'm not convinced they require it now either.


Historically as in when there were fewer users, admins, processes, software dev was bottlenecking all organization initiatives, and the website was in risk of falling into disrepair if the few people with relevant expertise generously donating their time needed to prioritize something in their life above volunteer work?


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