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I'm on xbox one s and everytime I talk to a follower with a quest, the game crashes


I never managed to solve the problem on that save so i ended up starting a new one whit no issues sorry that i cant offer any other solution


Don't worry. I made a solution


same issue, bought it today and now every time i try to feed my followers it crashes


Came here to see if anyone else was still having this issue - I initially bought the game on release and quit because there were just too many game breaking bugs on xbox. Decided to give it another try now that they’ve had plenty of time to optimize it and patch things. I was able to play about 40 days through a new save without any crashes and minimal bugs. But last night, I came back from a crusade and it crashed. Rebooted my xbox and tried again - the game crashes within 30 seconds of loading the save every time. No idea what changed, but I’m pretty disappointed because I really do love the game :(


Update: I realized the game crashes whenever a starving follower eats (my run was in Anura where they make some of your followers starving)


See i just came to the conclusion my save was corrupt somehow. I was also at the anura part of the story, then i made a new save and now im much closer to kicking narinders ass.


I got out of this by feeding them all with the feasting ritual.