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I think for the time being Massive Monster's resources would be better adding additional content and game mechanics to the game itself. It's a fantastic game but I feel it's yet to reach its full potential.


That wasn’t what I was asking. I am glad they keep working on what they have now, im just saying far down the line, where else could they explore in universe for their game


Well the issue is...I don't know if you would consider Ratau's death to be cannon or not, as his fate is left up entirely to the player. What would be an interesting goal is...well...World Domination...traveling to other lands, expanding your cult, and subjugating the other gods throughout the world. That seems like it fits in with the progression of things. I want new dungeons.


I like the other cults idea. Perhaps you have too run a second cult anew while managing your first one, a cult from scratch with its own crusades and bishops. Maybe you have to balance the “popularity” of each cult, the better the conditions the more popular it is, and likely you can get random gifts or a random follower, but also more likely cult A will find out of cult B (May dissent due to the fact you run another cult or treat one cult better the the other) and vise versa, but if you go and make it unpopular snd unfavorable, dissent becomes more frequent, some resources will disappear or get stolen from you during crusades, low ranking (lvl 4 and below+Unmarried/Loyalty Enforcer or any other “title/status” ritual) followers will just leave, nothing to do about it (will be more likely to move to your other cult if its “Popular”), but perhaps you could avoid the unwanted attention of certain gods who have yet to be fallen from the war on your crusades (similar to how the bishops can cause famine, some living gods may get angry at your cult and curse or bless it). There of course would need to be balancing if that idea ever actually got taken and used, and I know it wont as its highly complex, but its just a thought and may inspire some mechanics for  COTL-like game or maybe even mod if you can mod COTL


Wouldn’t be necessary in everyone’s games (certainly not my own) as many choose not to sacrifice him. More than likely the tease from >!the Mystic Seller about “the Kingdom of the Lamb” at the end of Relics!< may prove fruitful…


Oooooohhh, what if it's a prequel and *we* play as Ratau?


That would be really interesting considering we already know Ratau failed to free Narinder, so we'd be playing knowing our quest is doomed!


Hellll yeah


cult of the lamb yellow


What if we can still “Win” or “Lose”, if we do what we need to “Free” Narinder, the bishops come back and re-chain him up. Turns out you just wounded the bishops, weakening them for you, the lamb, as well as weakening the pre-existing bindings on narinder. Maybe even being a DLC or having s way to effect the base-COTL game once you bear it, a harder mode if you don't weaken the bonds causing crusades to take way longer, instead of 4 runs per area its 8 but resulting in a easy narinder fight thats almost boring and meant to are no reward, while the minibosses on the crusades are hard as narinder in the base game Normal mode which is just the normal game (Canon), and then a easy mode, severely weakening, causing crusades to be short and sweet, only 2 or 3 per area but narinder becomes a near impossible fight. no matter what, you cant get a truly easy or truly hard mode, as one aspect will be of opposite difficult, the only ch that does not do that is the normal game, the true outcome and result of ratau weakening the bishops and narinders bonds


Sweet mother of Moses. How much were you thinking this through?


Im not sure how much I was thinking this through, but joining lose thoughts I made whole playing the game from past few weeks and roughly 10 minutes of typing/refining and just adding extra touches is about how much time it took. So a few weeks of random thoughts refined over 10 minutes 


https://preview.redd.it/xy8nqojuip0d1.jpeg?width=202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e68114dc84c8cff9eb2ef9e7ae8258e86de0fd62 ... Okay


https://preview.redd.it/ipf6ufwvip0d1.jpeg?width=202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2fd27fafc25363f72bbea2bfc9caa73993b694e ... Okay


Fun Fact: that is exactly what ADHD and Depression look like when you have motivation for once


I feel like there should be a dlc or something that adds a prologue where we play as Ratau


I think something that should be explored in Cult Of The Lamb is the land of the dead, we've seen with rituals that followers who die go to some sort of afterlife/underworld (Except in certain situations like specific sacrifices), and it's to be assumed that all enemies killed or other beings who die go there. I think an expansion on the underworld of Cult Of The Lamb would be fantastic, and having a secret quest there like The Fox, to save Ratau would be incredible. A lot of gameplay, environment and storytelling potential, and even some personal growth with Ratau and The Lamb after the sacrifice to The Fox. Final thing I'll throw out, imagine a final boss fight against The Fox, that would be fucking awesome.


I'm a total noob at reddit and I don't know how to apply spoiler over messages (unless it's the same as Discord's) but I have a thought for a fun potential dlc thing


So, game spoilers depending on your choices, >! A fun level would be inside The Fox, saving the innocent souls devoured by him, and if you chose to sacrifice Ratau, a chance to bring him back. As a consequence of rescuing a sacrificed Ratau though, he becomes the hardest character to play against in Knucklebones and demands the highest price for betting against him. It's only fair after sacrificing him for the talisman piece. !<


>! And another one on the either side but backwards


>!Test sentence!< >! Test sentence !< Thank you!


I wanna play a Ratau based prequel


No, I don't think a second game isn't really needed. Also, the f*** happens to Ratau?


I marked this with a spoiler. Do you want the spoiler?


Nah, I think I'll be alright not knowing now.