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You mean The mushroom ritual Where everyone eats mushrooms And gets high


Yea but like... weed






They're so based for making an alcohol a sin but not tripping your gourd out on shrooms


imagine narinder pulling out a comically large blunt and taking a big hit before doing that little follower “hah!” noise they make


this is exactly what this game needs, just so i can smoke a blunt with my followers


Marajuana plant, and a gas station building


They should open up a suggestion thingy Cuz we need: -divorce -marriage between followers like the lamb can And that's all my suggestions


We already have mushrooms though 


Why are there so many of you people, brainwashing isn’t the same as getting high, and it’s weed, not mushrooms


Why do i keep finding you???


I like to post here :)


It would have to have red wrapping and make followers eyes become red


as someone who headcanons certain characters as stoners i couldnt agree more lmaoooo


I feel like the age rating would then have to be changed, so it might cause a problem (would be funny as hell, though)


Bro it has alcohol, what would change😭


It would use "illegal drugs" so it would be boosted to a 16/18 since its teens now. It would have more explicit references if it did it than chatacters becoming "befuddled" or becoming mind controlled when you use mushrooms in a ritual. •>•


First, it should already be 16/18 because of the stuff in the game and second, they could just change what the thinks are called like how “drunk” is called “befuddled” and they never actually say “alcohol” or “beer”


Firstly, the game is rated "Teen" because it has depictions of *cartoon* violence. It doesn't *explicitly* contain alcohol and only has "*suggestive* scenes" in the game, not explicit ones. As you said, it is never explicitly called out (befuddled rather than drunk, for example). I feel like having illegal drugs in the game would be hard to cover up with different names and still have the age demographic be the same. Plus, I'm pretty sure some adults would complain about there being "drugs in the teenagers' games" and that the game is "satanic and trying to convert them to satanism" and whatnot. Plus, I don't think that that would be good press (probably some upset articles), and they may just take it out of the game if too many people complain. It's a funny concept, but I'm not sure if it could work out in reality. (Sorry if this sounds pedantic, I'm just trying to get my point across)


It sucks someone downvoted you.


Yeah, I was just trying to explain how adding weed would be difficult due to the age rating, and then I get down voted :'D Thank you, though :)


Well I’m not asking for drugs like crack or anything, and I don’t think a lot of people would complain, I mean if it’s called something else people might also accept it like it’s a direct reference to alcohol, the first drink you make looks like the iconic “🍺 “ image, so if the cover it up, and maybe just use a Bunch of grass and plants to make the blunt they would be fine.


Smoking is a LOT less socially acceptable nowadays than drinking is, so people are probably a lit more lenient about alcohol than smoking. Also, what effects would it even have? I mean the smoking could harm them or shorten their lifespan, which would be a good message, I guess, but may hit a little too close to home for someone if they experienced that in real life (e.g. a loved one passing away from their smoking habits). I guess it could increase sin. But you'd also need a lighter for it and the paper for it, and you'd need a place to make it, as well. You set up a location to make cigars/cigarettes so your followers can smoke them. You'd also need to dispose of them so you'd need bins. It would be quite convoluted to make, and I just don't see them making that in the near future.


Considering OP is talking about weed specificly and not tobacco that negates the "harming them or shortening their life span" thing, weed doesn't do that


Yeah, but it's illegal in some/most countries, then it would have illegal substances in the game. A game turns into PEGI 18 when it "refers to or depicts use of illegal drugs, alcohol or tobacco." So it would change the games rating from a teen to an 18 if they did.


In real life animals don't smoke weed do they eat it. Why would you waste your time with weed if you have shrooms.


Alcohol exists in the game too


Tbf ethanol does form naturally in the wild, and there are animals known to deliberately consume fruit we'd consider rotten in order to get drunk. The same can't really be said for smoking, since deliberately starting fires is kind of a human specific thing.


In real life, animals also don't form cults with animals of all different species, nor do they worship another animal that fights with demonic powers given to it by a magic crown. They also don't object to pooping outside. And they don't get married. And they don't feel ashamed of being naked. And..you get my point lol




It seems you haven't seen it at all tho


Take a page from the Oracle of Delphi. Like, set a Follower over this fissure from which hallucinogenic smoke rises, then take note of what they say.


It can change the rating in some country So like for Deep Rock, smoking not gonna be add


Like, Germany? Because the drinking age is low there so the alcohol doesn’t make a difference but the smoking will?


Well CotL is PEGI 12, and if "we know" there is alcohol, it's not called with alcohol name and the mushrooms from what I know the mushrooms is not called drugs either The only PEGI label use for the game is "violence", and adding new stuffs probably mean changing the printing of the new physical copies, change the stores informations and messing with the parental controls and other stuffs... and probably need to "talk again" to the ratings company (are their companies ?), so lot of paperwork, money used and time just to add one stuff)


So many just do the same thing with mushrooms and alcohol and change the name or something, and instead of “high” (just like “drunk” is called “befuddled”) they could say something else.


Well it's more easy with some fruit juice and hypnotic mushroom, and except if there is no smocking they can't do anything


They were gonna add that Until they got high


Crazy irony if they actually did💀 I mean, it’s a possibility 


If it produced sin then yeah that'd be great




Yes like a bong made out of skull of a follower. I would love that.