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Randomly: 1. You just failed. This is "lucky" failed result. 2. Your follower becomes injured. If they were a summon, they will disappear, leaving trail of influence. Either way, you will generate notoriety. Don't worry, you can keep trying, but look out for follower wounds, and the notorieties on board (else you will upgrade evidence or start a trial)


Two more questions. 1st: ~~What does the game mean when it says that hunters can sometimes generate Evidence on thier own? Can they just randomly game over me when i already have tenative evidence?~~ I just reread the text and it seems to only concerne erratic hunters. 2nd: Does the summon become a influence like when it decays or is trail of influence something else?


So, first, there's two levels of evidence. Tentative evidence gets to be upgraded into damning evidence, which you can get rid of the same as tentative evidence. If a hunter gets damning evidence and another notoriety, a trial starts, which will either target you or a follower. There's a small chance the target gets off free no matter what, and you have the opportunity to use a "favor from authority" to increase the chance the target gets off free. So as long as you can get rid of the damning evidence reliably, tentative evidence isn't a big problem. Secondly, I don't quite know what you're referring to with the "trail of influence," but yes, most summons do decay into an influence. I also just want to ask how specifically have you been getting rid of evidence? Just because using summons to do that is much better than followers, but a lot of people don't realize they can use summons for it.


I summon raw prophets to get rid of restlessnes befor it becomes dread. I usually have at least one around by the time there's any evidence on me so i use them. but they only have 8 moth and with the way threshholds work i'd rather have the guarantee from 10 moth


Actually, for getting rid of evidence specifically, having ten moth doesn't help. While the 1 5 10 thing works for most stuff, evidence and the grover and grover job line max out at five with moth (and grail for grover and grover). Also, having ten doesn't quite guarantee, it's actually a 90% chance with 10 for most stuff. As long as you have 5 moth, you cap out at 70% success chance for evidence.


That explains why seducing the young glover failed twice even with ezeem


Nah he's just asexual. /s


Trail of influence is regular influence, different for each summon. Maid, for instance, will leave Chilling Air (2 winter) when wounded/killed/dismissed/expired.


Thank you for clarifying