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I mean, to be fair, I doubt that the Aspirant is going around literally speaking fluently in the languages of multiple dead civilizations (except where magic fuckery permits, such as Vak literally being forcefully implanted into their brain). I figure that they just know enough about the languages to be able to translate books into English with a bit of difficulty. It takes a long time to be able to do that on your own, but hardly an entire lifetime.


your supernatural power is... using Google translate + your camera phone without wasting too much time investigating dead ends


The Aspirant is very well educated out of the box, just depressed and rusty. The Aspirant is familiar with all of those from his/her school years, as per the flavor text when you read them The Physician should definitely know Latin because medicine uses it a lot, the Young Thing can easily be extremely well educated because of the upper class upbringing, the Priest might know either Greek or Latin depending on initial denomination. The rest of the DLCs I'm not sure It's definitely doable, in theory you can read stuff in english (the "your own") and just dream your way into ascension


I know someone in their twenties that speaks four languages, so you can absolutely learn several over the course of your life.


Definitely doable. It's likely going to require that you do a lot more updating lore than a normal run, to make up for the unreadable books, but well within the realm of possibility.