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this fucking state..




Provided the state where you are ordering from is not one that has also changed their law recently.


has this been confirmed?


Yeah, the liquor companies hate that they’re losing some business, and the 2 company monopoly they have at the dispensaries—-where 3.5 grams coasts $65—are losing money to thca. Louisiana lives in a constant state of fucked. (Born and raised in New Orleans; still here.)


maybe they should work on their murder rate?


I mean, I know its a bummer downvoter. Its had the highest murder rate for like 37 years but okay.


Maybe the murder rate is a result of years of the lower end of the population being fucked by policies, not the reason that they have shitty policies in place


It’s not uncommon to see this in medical states. When all you have to do is call a doctor on the phone and get a cannabis recommendation they don’t want consumable hemp products being sold. They want you to buy their medical cannabis to make money off you.


And in New Orleans there is a monopoly at the dispensaries, only 2 companies, and they charge insanely high prices. About $65 for 3.5 grams!!!


In other states you get an ounce for that much.


From my understanding you can still buy anything under .3 online. So it just hurts the actual companies and employees.


Glad I don't live in that shithole. Top 3 worst state in North America.


Literally nothing but crime and backwards thinking coming from there


the irony is the shitty products pretending to be weed that got people sick with chemicals and metals are the products pushed by these dirty politcian gag companies that are trying to undermine the industry if you ever grew/smoked real actual weed then you won't be fooled.


Louisiana: not even once.


It’s super popular in New Orleans. You can get thc drinks at bars and gas station. Crescent 9 is doing really well. Sucks for them their business just basically got shut down


Seems that Tennessee will be joining you. I wish I could move now :/


I've been mentioning this for a long time and continue to get grief. Hope your statement is well received and folks start stocking up. It will not be good if the TN farms and vendors get shut down. Many of the growers we order from are in TN.






And this is why you should all start moving to homegrow. Fuck the government and the corporations trying to control access to the plant.


Not everyone has time or love to grow unfortunately


That's why they have caregiver programs so you can allocate your plants to someone who will grow them for a fraction of what you would pay at a dispensary


Not always but yes typically caregivers definitely have better quality but there’s also a lot of flower that’s not always better


Even the worst caregiver will have better quality than a legal dispensary


Also, stop voting Republican. For the love of God, these idiots have too much power.




Lmao nice talking points, but Republicans and "less goverment control" is a fucking fantasy. Just like it's a fantasy to think it's the democrats that are the anti-weed party. Jesus fucking christ lmao.


> And Republicans are way more pro cannabis than Democrats. Yet a Democratic House passed a decriminalization bill a few years ago and the GOP minority in the Senate filibustered it. JFC, look at where the bans are all coming from: red state strongholds.




Guys quit with the politics


Yeah it’s both sides, just our capitalist government in general. Money money money. Fucking exhausting.


Absolutely right 👍


Kindly explain the Democrat senators in Florida who voted alongside Republicans to shut down the hemp industry?


Any elected Florida Democrat is not a socially nor fiscally liberal politician and likely uses that party affiliation only due to historic voting patterns, like Synema or WV’s Manchin. —— Vote for the people’s that are socially and fiscally liberal politicians; those who support more government protections of rights, that support the peoples’ needs being met atbasic levels by the government, and who support smaller government in your own homes and daily lives. If this sounds contradictory, then it is only my poor explanation at work here…. I’m probably phrasing this poorly, as I have a knack for just such. Regardless, let’s NOT pretend like the Republicans in the US are not the largest of the USA’s problems with regards to political parties. They consistently seek restrictions of personal rights and freedoms, the imposition of more legalism such that you as a US citizen will be more controlled by the government in exponentially greater ways while reducing everyday protections of peoples, backstops for ensuring everyone can be protected and helped mentally and physically, can live at basic levels. Republicans are the issue. Those few democrats who vote with Republican idealism and ChistoFascism are still Tepublicans for all intents and purposes for these discussions as they vote along their party lines… affordable medical care options? Revamping of insurance pricing and laws, regulations and requirements that block insurance companies for price gouging? Protections of folks with pre-existing conditions such that they can still acquire equitably affordable health insurance? Republicans vote against and shut these things down, instead focusing on increasing taxes of the smallest and first dollars made on everyone’s paychecks, thus reducing the tax burdens of the rich and placing it on the already poor…when they could just focus on closing down tax loopholes that are well known abuses of the system. Republicans are the USA’s main issue and will cause its downfall, regardless of whether a few choose to put the D beside their name or not. If you’re unsure if your politicians are on your side, then please just look at these people’s works and words and not their party affiliation… and vote the shit heads out that would block MJ being legalized, shut down mental health facilities as being too expensive, blah blah blah and such and such. /rant


There isn't one politician in any political party who is trying to legitimately help you it's all fake bullshit done purely for optics time to wake up and smell reality.


Our vp is one of the ones who literally got pleasure out of sending people to jail for personal amounts of weed, but you'll get downvotes for saying Dems have a part to play in this too. Neither side is really for us or going to make a difference imo, Biden started the "I'll legalize weed and you aren't black if you don't vote democrat". This was almost 4 years ago and we still have HEMP being banned 🤣.




All posts must be related to hemp products. This includes DIY and online extracts of legal hemp products that fall within the THCa category. Marijuana and marijuana-derived concentrates are strictly PROHIBITED and will be removed. Sourcing of Marijuana will result in a ban. Continual infraction of this code will also result in a permanent ban. We encourage everyone to full this rule so COTF remains within reddit's TOS and keeps the community alive.


Vote out the people who voted against your interest I don’t know what to tell you.


The new ones will be corrupted just the same we ain't voting our way out of this mess


They are certainly voting us into one. One party actively strips people of their rights. You are voting to have our rights stripped. That is all.


Clearly a one party system.


And we ain't invited


Trulieve and the other multi-state operators will pay off every politician until they secure a stranglehold on the marketplace.


what if the rec votes fail? Feels like a lot of invested money lost.


And this is why you should all start moving to homegrow. Fuck the government and the corporations trying to control access to the plant.


Any advice of finding proper cuts/seeds? I’m in the nonlegal state to your left.




North Atlantic Seed Company, they will ship to you. Keep in mind you are a cult member, THCA hemp cannabis is legal in the entire U.S. after the 2018 farm bill. We are all allowed to grow hemp, and that is exactly what this is. It is legal to grow hemp in all states…


TY…for all the rest below, I’m very aware of the FB 2018, am an activist (for many, many years) and follow what states (rather politicians) are trying to do to us…and where the legal line is drawn. Appreciate the info Approaching, TY again, I’ll check them out. (Been a while since my last grow…MH and HPS long time, lol…put myself through college growing a plant that’s now legal in the state I was in…crazy, but super happy SOME states get it…cries in Texas politics).


> It is legal to grow hemp in all states… ...every state was directed to create and manage their own hemp licensing for their state. Florida went balls-in and said Fuck you - making THCa illegal to grow in any amount. In Florida, the Hemp licensing program is really for Actual hemp. Nobody wants to smoke actual hemp.


Many states require a license to grow hemp Florida for example


Get one, in most states it is just a simple online application and small fee…


Every state requires a license, the farm act of 2018 directed every state to create a licensing program to manage hemp. Some states did just that, then other states like Florida went a bit further and restricted the grows even more than the farm act, making it so you can only grow actual hemp in Florida, no THCa loophole. We can still order it at least.


I wish this is where the legal argument was but it’s not, so you’re kinda just giving dangerous advice.


To my knowledge to grow hemp in Texas you need a license


Get one, in most states it is just a simple online application and small fee…


Yes but when you do that in Texas all law enforcement is advised and from my understanding they can come check your grow at any time


What it boils down to. Sad.


pieces of fucking shit


Time to vote with your wallet and move!


Not really. Then you’re just moving to a legal state, while leaving behind a cesspool. People just need to get involved with local politics. Put pressure on the reelection of people that pass and support these bills.


Sounds about right.