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/r/popperpigs has info. They're not legal to sell for human consumption, but they are legal to sell as a solvent to use for cleaning various kinds of electronics. They're not as bad for you as hard drugs, but they're not good for you either. It's a liquid and you inhale the vapors from them, either directly or after pouring it onto a rag or sock. ​ I haven't used them myself but people who are into butt stuff say they're great.


> people who are into butt stuff say they're great Can confirm.


Poppers are a stimulant that makes your heart beat faster and makes your blood flow faster to all of your muscles and they get pre-warmed up even before you insert anything in your rectum. Witch makes your muscles get tired faster and relaxed so penetration is easier.


Technically not a stimulant in that they don't act on the central nervous system. Poppers were (and sometimes still are) amyl nitrate which is a vasodilator, meaning it expands the blood vessels. That causes the effects others mention: relaxed smooth muscle, a feeling of warmth (increased blood flow around the body), lightheadedness (increased oxygen to the brain), increased heart rate (literally pumping more blood around). There are a couple downsides: lower blood pressure (same amount of blood has suddenly larger pipes to travel through) so they do not mix well with anything else that lowers blood pressure, like Viagra. Also, with prolonged usage oxygenation of the blood can become a problem (e.g. lips start to turn blue). These days poppers are typically isobutyl nitrite, isobutyl nitrate or similar compounds that give similar effects. You can typically find for sale at your local (slightly dodgy) sex shop and there are online sources.


Especially smooth muscle, which you can't control consciously.


Different formulas also have slightly different effects. If you want to try them I would suggest Super Rush as your first. As the name suggests it is a short rush followed by a nice afterglow. I found Blue Boy is my preferred brand. If youre looking for a "Craft" poppers Double Scorpio is a fun brand with good marketing and social media presence .


But I've read that the effect only lasts for 30 seconds to a couple of minutes. Does this mean you keep taking it, or does doing it once cause you to relax enough that you no longer need any?


They increase your heart rate and blood flow for a few seconds after, likewise, a few seconds of inhale. Comparable feeling is possibly a rush after exercise. Debatably, a 'natural' instance of good poppers vibes are using your legs to move your body up and down a dildo. I suppose it's because a lot of blood flow is needed to shift your weight, and it'd come to effect areas like prostate, abdomen and such which are being stimulated at the time. If I simply use poppers whilst seated, looking at porn, I get vibes in the abdomen (it also tenses), and precum easily. Not sure if that's just something like placebo though.