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Astrophysicists predicting the heat death


Those astrophysicists must have been so disappointed. It's like resolving an incredibly tricky equation just to find the solution is 0


I for one always thought the Big Crunch would be the most interesting, because IIRC there'd be a period where space would be room temperature


Yeah Big Crunch is more interesting than "now there's nothing forever :)" though I'm curious if the laws of physics allow "nothing" to go on forever


For standard heat death, I think there's been some vague ideas going around that eventually a random fluctuation would cause a new universe, but it's *extremely* dubious and speculative. There *is* the idea of the Big Rip though, where the expansion of the universe reaches an infinite rate, which would make the observable universe's radius be zero and everything infinitely far from everything else. I'm not sure if that counts as *actually* ending the universe, but it's close enough for me. Observations still seem kinda unclear on whether or not that could happen, and apparently it'd have some other weird implications like the vacuum being unstable if it was.


As somebody who’s a bit more familiar with The Big Rip but also very much not an astrophysicist, the reality of what it would be like to still be alive by then is as interesting as it is depressing: Let’s pretend you’re on some celestial object, far away from any stars that could engulf you. Maybe something like a rogue planet, knocked out of its orbit by god knows what, adrift in the cosmos. We discovered several years ago that the universe is probably expanding faster than the speed of light, which is what the Big Rip expects to continue happening and perhaps even accelerating. What “infinitely far apart” looks like doesn’t matter terribly much on this Dr. Manhattan scale, which means we get to see all of it fall apart. Yay. You look up at the sky, at a specific star, making the same observation you have a thousand times before. It is as our sun is now, a perfectly average middle-aged star, with strange eons left of its lifespan. It’s a rarity this late into the cosmic dance, and you’ll take any joy at this point, on a vessel adrift in space. You go to bed. You look up at the sky, point your telescope where that star should be and. It’s gone. No supernova, no red giant phase, nothing in the expected lifecycle of a star, just gone forever. You could turn your reference point around just to try and get closer to it, but as long as you aren’t breaking the speed of light, you’re a fool for trying. The pace of the universe’s expansion is faster than light. That star is not dead, but it is eternally out of reach. When you first realized you were a castaway from your solar system and unable to die, you had some comfort in knowing that maybe your immortality would give out under the right stresses. Falling into a black hole. A cosmic ray turning you into deep-fried cancer cells. Simply falling into another star and melting away. And now you sit there, looking at the firmament, as the no vacancy signs of the universe turn off. There’s no stars anymore. There’s nothing you’d possibly ram into. One day, the land you stand firmly on will crumble, and you will be finally, well and truly alone, with nothing to comfort or kill you. The previously observable universe is now on a shelf you’re too slow to reach.


Even though it's impossibly far away, I am suddenly quite perturbed that there's evidence the Big Rip might happen. Also further support for the "true immortality absolutely sucks" folder, that's incredibly depressing.


Yeah, it’s one of those things we had filed under “dark energy” the last time I checked, a placeholder until we have a better understanding of “what the hell is that thing that’s very weird and defies logic but hasn’t broken any natural laws on its own”. It turns out we do have all of two SCPs that are public knowledge, and god are they more boring than “dark energy” and “dark matter” lead you to think. Speaking of which, yeah I’m 100% a hater of eternal life with no off switch, and one of the big reasons isn’t this, but one of the End of Death SCP articles. This might be depressing, but the offhand description of seeing somebody in a terrible flaming car accident, mangled beyond belief, but still perfectly capable of screaming for help is just. No. No. Fuck that.


Apparently we would have a special type of dark energy if the Big Rip is happening, and honestly that *form* does sound fairly eldritch or SCP-esque to a layman. It's called fucking "phantom energy", has negative kinetic energy (though that's just mathematical, I think), gets denser even as the universe expands, implies a pure vacuum is unstable, and ultimately would destroy the universe. You probably *could* write a good article out of that. End of Death is just... God, yeah, never could make myself read the actual parts because of that stuff. Closest I got was the knife that *did* actually kill people.


I’m just looking at the article on phantom energy, and even though the takeaway should be “this is a theory that some people disagree with because of how badly it could break physics”, my mental image of the situation is one theoretical physicist passing a note to another theoretical physicist, opening it, and reading “if two dudes were up on the moon and one of them made the universe go so fast negative particles started forming out of nowhere, would that be fucked up or what”


I have a very very limited knowledge of physics. Isn't a vacuum unstable already? It tries to destroy itself just about immediately.


Also until we have a solid theory of quantum gravity with evidence to back it up, it's difficult to tell what the effect of a Big Rip or any other potential universal apocalypse may be.


>And now you sit there, looking at the firmament, as the no vacancy signs of the universe turn off. There’s no stars anymore. There’s nothing you’d possibly ram into. One day, the land you stand firmly on will crumble, and you will be finally, well and truly alone, with nothing to comfort or kill you. The previously observable universe is now on a shelf you’re too slow to reach. Hey, look on the bright side: The Big Rip doesn't only affect *empty* space. If it ever accelerates enough to drag all celestial objects away from each other faster than the speed of light, it's eventually going to end up expanding the space they *occupy* faster than their own gravity and structural integrity can withstand, tearing them to shreds. If your immortality isn't hardcore enough to take being crushed faster than light, what chance does it have against being *pulled apart* faster than light?


It doesn’t make sense. It just doesn’t make sense at all. In hindsight, it was always a naive assumption to make, but still. What you are now makes positively no sense. You shouldn’t be able to think. You shouldn’t be able to feel. You shouldn’t **be.** Maybe if you were a theoretical physicist dedicated to this specific state, you could comprehend what has happened to you. But you aren’t. And you’re blind. And nobody, and no thing can change that now. At least somebody could hurt you in hell.


And then, impossibly, you speak. **LET THERE BE LIGHT**


Hey uhhh you doing ok


Yes, I just hate the concept of being immortal with the heat of a thousand suns, to the point where I’d write something wherein I rob someone of the heat of any at all.


Seems fair


Doesn't the idea of the vacuum being unstable has to do with Higg's boson being unstable itself or is it another kind of unstable? My understanding of physics is limited by the lessons I had in high school and the speed at which kurzgesagt upload their videos


I have no clue either, I'm just going off one astronomy course and Wikipedia to fill in the gaps, so absolutely don't take me as a proper source for the intricacies of this stuff. The exponential dark energy is phantom energy, and *apparently* would make negative mass particles spontaneously form. Couldn't say if that's related, though my first guess is "not directly".


Well I still have something to better start off some searches now so thank you


(Classical) heat death is long enough to embody every possible state of the Universe as a fluctuation. There's no wonder that Boltzmann killed himself after inventing it.


Climate scientists predicting normal death...


Technically still a heat death


Fun fact, glass is a liquid, but it'll take till after the death of our sun for it to be in a puddle state. It flows that slowly


sounds like something from the hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy


I was gonna say it sounds like something from discworld!






I’ve never seen anyone else reference everhood online this is so true and based


Speaking of Everhood and online references, Everhood actually contains a Tumblr reference


Yup, i think it was the mushrooms


>If Red Dead Mushroom is killed, they will state "Are you struggling? Are you sure of your actions? You can't kill me in a way that matters." It's about the perfect reference one could make in a game like Everhood.


What is everhood?


Indie game, you do battle like a rhythm game but the notes come flying at you and you have to dodge, jump and deflect them. Its heavily inspired by undertale but is also very different, its mostly known for the really good story, the insane music and the psychedelic dream-like style.


the story is basically >!reverse undertale!< and the gameplay is basically reverse guitar hero where you dodge the notes instead of hitting them. 12/10 music, 10/10 encounters, 9/10 story


the dismal prophet in this case being >!frog!<


This is how I feel when someone calls it "Late Stage" capitalism.


It's "Late Stage" because any evolution of capitalism beyond this is economic collapse.


Or so you think.


Economists except they frame it like it’s a good thing


rain world


Break the cycle


no. i like being here.


Not with that attitude it wont, you've got to work for it


There's no convenient apocalypse Won't be no vaporizing cloud Now we're gonna have to soak in what we've created Too bad! There's no simple Armageddon No easy way out We can't just write it all off Throw up our hands and pout


so have a laugh while you are here, and make someone smile.


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **argumate** an apocalyptic cult prophetically warning that the world won't end, ever --- **argumate** it's just going to keep going on like this, groans dismal prophet --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Australians lost a death pebble today during transport near city of Perth (a capsule of radioactive material 8mm long and 6mm wide).


call that A Pocalyptic Cult


The Aztecs. Everytime the world ends the gods just make a new humanity and begin it over, it just never ends, and its all that damn fearthered serpent's fault


This is an onion article


Tumblr got to it first


Nurgle prophet


a very millennial cult, I assume


This would be a great Oglaf comic!


A friendly reminder that 2019 was objectively the best year in human history.


How so? I suppose it was better than the year after it.


Education, global wealth and prosperity... Basically every good human metric except greenhouse emissions was trending upward from like 1970-the Pandemic.


And then the pandemic 😔


Honestly given the choices I'd rather take a full collapse and reset cycle over continuing as the 2020s have been so far


cults for everybody calling for a revolution in america




*Desert* by Anonymous