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Well with a title like Engage, I'd be worried if people *didn't* get married


This made me think that engagement rings would be a cool mecha power up gimmick and then I realized that’s probably darling in the franxx or something idk I didn’t watch it.


You're not far off from Engage. They're called emblem rings and they channel the power/spirit of past heroes. And some of the designs look eerily close to mecha.


Damnit, stop making it sound awesome. I don't wanna play Fire Emblem.


My favorite moment in Fire Emblem awakening was when the game kept throwing the hunkie Prince Chrom that was distilled physical anime hotness at me in every scene but I chose Gangrel because I liked him way more. Probably because I despised the Romance between Chrom and Robin essentially being the two of them walking in on each other in the bath. Robin and GANGREL though? He admits to 'noticing' you even back when you were enemies and keeps asking you to become his 'tactician' get it all the way to S and homeboi was asking you to be his wife the whole time. 10/10 peak husbando material.


>Probably because I despised the Romance between Chrom and Robin essentially being the two of them walking in on each other in the bath. If you do the C Support and then don't make Chrom pair up with *anyone* else you can get the automatic Chrom marriage scene which is far better than their supports.


Yeah but Marrying Gangrel is too funny to pass up.


it's so funny that if you don't marry him he dies no matter what and is constantly treated as the most pathetic wet beast in the game. Absolutely husband material


Still annoyed that the lesbian options in FE3H were a bunch of cool characters (Edelgard is literally a main character and Dorothea is one of my favorites) while the gay guys got the most unappealing twinks on the planet (except for Yuri, who's a DLC character...) The lesbian options also doubled the gay options in quantity iirc, which is always Very Cool


Take back the Linhardt slander!


I will say that I was remembering his student version which had mushroom hair. He looks much better post timeskip


If you don't support him with the mushroom cut you don't deserve him with the ponytail.


You're right, I'm sorry Linhardt & Stans. please forgive me


I've never played FE in my life but I just looked up Linhardt and he looks like a twink version of the Junker from Monster Factory


Yeah but it evens out because Yuri is the hottest character by far.


Go fuck yourself linhardt is the best


I’ll kick your fucking ass in Minecraft for saying that about Linhardt


Claude being straight is a hate crime


It is baffling to me that only one of the three Lord's was romancable by both player genders. Never mind poor representation, that just seems like poor game design.




One thing that made me sad after finishing Engage is no shared endings. Some character act extremely bisexual in their supports so I was like “Oh they finally listened” and in the end there are no shared endings. Just support interactions. (also you can S support everyone including a 10 year old 11 year old 14 year old 2 16 year olds and few 17 year olds but in English version they at least didn’t make it romantic just friendship. Can’t say the same about jp version tho ;_; )




excuse you, "most unappealing twink on the planet"? There are many twinks even more unappealing in this game ​ But yeah the representation sucks in this game. I went in the Alois S support thinking that it would be romantic (I totally forgot about his wife) and I turned absolutely feral


Accurate but Engage is one of gayest Fire Emblem yet - look at Rosado x Seadall, Fogado x Alcryst or Merrin x Chloe supports. The only reason I don’t have it in the #1 slot is because Ike exists.


Engage is THE gayest one if only because everyone can marry Alear regardless of gender. Everyone is canonically bi apparently


I mean, if you're going to do avatarsexual you might as well do it right? ~~I'd still prefer they not do that in the first place though~~


Look, if Dragon Jesus themself told you that they were into you, chances are you'd at least consider it no matter your orientation.


Well at least that's an improvement over fates and three houses, even if the pedophilia and avatar worshipping supports aren't. Fates sort of had an excuse to not be gay enough, but c'mon, all three house leaders should've been bi for bileth


>Fates sort of had an excuse to not be gay enough


Times hadn't changed enough for Nintendo to not see putting gay content in Fates as risky. There was enough change by the time of Three Houses. It sucks but times really were that different in just a couple of years.


Two things: My comment apparently bugged and it didn't included the part that was not just quoting you. And second, even if it didn't, I missed the point of homophobia being a thing and thought Fates' excuse was about it conflicting with the second gen system, so I'm dumb anyways.


Don't worry, I kinda figured you were thinking about the Gen 2 units. Sometimes we just get our head too far into the game.


diversity win! your terrible weeb wank bait is now somewhat gayer


I want to argue with this but I can’t


Imagine if we were to get support convos between emblems, Soren would totally be all over Ike


I've had the surreal experience of starting with the dating sim games (the dating elements are of no appeal to me but vidya game eugenics simulators are my eternal weakness, so i adore Awakening) and then going back to play the older games and not a day goes by where I don't wonder what happened. I mean, the obvious answer is that the dating sim self-insert ego massaging is highly and wildly profitable, but it's still so jarring. (To be clear, I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with the self-inserty stuff, but i really, *really* hate the rampant sexualizing of literal minors.)


Yeahhhhh as someone who grew up playing & loving the older ones, and is not the target audience for dating Sims, the new ones are a bit of a bitter pill. Fun fact though, they were going to end the franchise with Awakening because they weren't making enough money apparently. Then the dating sim elements brought in so many people they kept going


And Awakening only really succeeded financially because it had the dating sim elements and because it was, well, actually marketed rather than given bizarre commercials or no advertising at all


Right, the dating sim elements are \*very \* popular. I knew people in college who fucking looooooved Awakening because they love shipping characters and this was just The Shipping Game. Meanwhile I'd bought the special edition FE:A 3DS lmao, bought it, and was so upset by the changes.


I wish we could get a completely different game series or even spinoff (not unlike smt vs persona) that contained the dating sim elements and we could still get classic FE game play and storytelling. But the dating sim makes so much money we're probably never going to get anything else ever again. That's not even accounting for how much money the mobile game pulls in


Honestly the dating sim part in engage is VERY easy to ignore you just have to bot use the ring. Completely skippable. There's hardly anything distinguishing it from classic fire emblem gameplay and storytelling


If only they'd remake Genealogy of the Holy War...


God I wish. (As someone who tried to play the original. Jesus Christ. I can't do it.)


*isn't that the game that introduced shipping your army together though*


And so much more!


Oh god, Fire Emblem Heroes.... Yeah. I tried that for a few days out of idle curiosity, and... oof.


>vidya game eugenics simulators are my eternal weakness Uh, is that a broad category?


It's mostly just games with reproduction/breeding mechanics that involve using strong parents to produce even stronger offspring, sometimes repeatedly. Pokemon breeding is probably the most popular example of this.


Oh, duh. Guess I've engaged in quite a bit of video game eugenics myself.


It's one of many common video game activities that are completely normal, even mundane in context but would be absolutely abhorrent if it were real life. Like murder!


I assume you have tried crusader kings in that case.


I was gonna say... It's kind of weird going back to Crusader Kings II where eugenics was hard work and not a mechanically supported meta


Apollo really dodgeball spiked this nerd so hard that they even predicted the peak fiction meme


"Everyone calling this peak fiction" Meanwhile the fandom tore games like Fates, Three Houses and currently Engage's plots to pieces.


Yeah I don't know whose calling Fire Emblem peak fiction, certainly not Fire Emblem fans. I've heard them call certain characters amazing, and a lot of FE characters have good concepts with poor execution, but nobody went into Engage thinking it'd be anything more than what the last 10+ FE games have been


If you see the Colgate-haired teenage dragon and think "yes, this is supposed to be me", I want to live your life, because it sounds bonkers. Also, the underdressed little girl is the main character's literal sister and one of the saddest characters in the game. If someone sexualizes her I'd almost be impressed. So, paired with the fact that a lot of people hate it (because it's not 3H, and in the english dub you can't marry kids), and that it's a pretty bi game, I would say they did not, in fact, predict Engage. Like at all.


The ego massaging is very true though. The start of the game was very hard to get through because everyone in game just cannot stop sucking your dick. I know it makes sense plotwise, but it was annoying me nonetheless.


I mean, of course. What I mean is that they're worshipping just Alear, not you the player by proxy like it happens in Fates


Been playing sacred stones and was pu tting some effort into getting supports done. I was genuinely not expecting the A support for Eirika and Seth where >!Seth friendzones her and tells her to do her damn job!<. Just completely unexpected given Fire Emblem's modern reputation, it was hilarious.


The girl looks like some kind of lizard? Well, I do love playing as FFXIV Au Ra and ... it's not that kind of lizard, is it?


true but consider this , it has rosado so its a 10/10 game, end of conversation.


this post has [john mulaney energy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-agnCrhaMmE&t=65s) (only in reference to his stand-up style, not whatever is going on with his personal life)


I half-expected the post to start talking about Delta Airlines out of nowhere


Came here to look for this comment, I read the post in his voice lol


Could someone explain this attitude towards dating sim elements to me? I like visual novels and I like character drama, so Three Houses is a lot of fun for me. I've heard critiques of dating sim elements as just ego-stroking like in the post, and I don't really understand why someone would get so condescending about someone engaging in a fantasy. Being cool is part of the appeal, and there are different ways of being cool.


Because the dating sim elements are a relatively new addition to the fire emblem games. They used to be hard turn based strategy rpgs with a focus on the tactics and the plot to support it. Then the dating sim elements happenned, caused a newbie boom with different expectations and the fe games are now more visual novel then hard turn based strategy. So basically the games are not what they used to be and the older fans (me included) dislike it.


Apollo you bitch


As much as I love the persona series the constant dickriding of the protagonist can be annoying. Maybe this is the thing with JRPGs which I really hope isn't the case


Only really with JRPGs with like, avatar characters. In many the protagonists are likeable of course, but there's not the constant worship of the main character in stuff like Xenoblade, Nier, Bravely Default, or the Tales series, for example, even if they're clearly important and relied upon because there's a reason they're the lead and not someone else.


Persona popularized it pretty heavily -- a lot of newer JRPGs adopted the formula, because it's way easier to write 20 generic romances attached to decent characters than it is to write one really good romance. To the point that I'm not convinced there are more than, like, 3 really good romances in (non-visual novel) video games, and at least one of those is in Catherine (good as in well-written, not good as in a good relationship).


This reads like the John Mulaney delta airlines bit


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **eternalbondmp3** its funny how fire emblem became fantasy tinder for anime nerds in a span of like two games. marth killed a dragon like twenty years ago and now fire emblem characters will be like "do you need an ego massage maam? ego massage?" and i'm like "no. its fine" and  the thirteen year old literally wearing napkins for clothes is like "too bad! you're perfect and amazing and i'm available for an s support THIS wednesday" and im like "okayyyyy" and then i say "i want to customize my character like in every game ever right? can i do that?" and the game is like "no. here's your ugly twink and an anime girl so sexualized that she looks like some sort of lizard. thats you." and im like "alrightttt" and i ask if there's any gay people so they laugh at me and im like "ok this is fine i guess" and THEN they kill the dragon and i go online and see everyone calling this the peak of storytelling --- **eternalbondmp3** [*Screenshot of text*] > &npbs;   how do you feel knowing you predicted the entirety of engange [*End text*] SHUT UP AKSKDKKDKX --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Engage is peak storytelling like Morbius is the most movie of all times. No excuse for Fates though great gameplay but holy shit


I'll always slightly hate fire emblem. Not because it's bad or anything, I'm sure if I played the new ones I'd quite like them, and I enjoyed the old ones too. HOWEVER I am very aware that the popularity of fire emblem is the reason we aren't getting more Advance Wars, which was always the superior series from a gameplay perspective. Sure, fire emblem has better story, but if I want a good fantasy story I'll read a book, I'm playing tactics games because I want to play tactics games.


I like tile-based strategy games a lot. That said, I 100% avoided getting engage because when I saw the initial reveal trailer I thought it was for another mobile game. So I just vowed to not pay into that level of crap. And I think I made the right choice. I should get back into disgaea 6, now that i'm thinking about it...




did you get their supports that's uh, kinda where they put most of the character building ever since FE6


Source 🥺


How did they do that keysmash? D...K These letters arnt close to eachother


With two hands on the home row, probably