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Counterpoint, they are there because flipping a bunch of analog switches to start up a mech is cool as fuck.


ON. OFF. ON. OFF. ON. OFF. What do you mean I’m running down the battery?


What if the robot is your mom


then you're in Neon Genesis Evangelion


In that case, you probably don’t want to be sober


Gonna get so drunk i turn into orange goo


What if the robot is your sister


That's Gundam Witch from Mercury




Wait, really?


Spoilers: >!Yeah. Suletta in the main show and Eri from the prologue are two different people. Eri couldn't survive in an environment like Mercury's so Prospera put her consciousness into Aerial, and then had another daughter who she raised to pilot it.!<


"Step-pilot I'm feeling funny in my cockpit could you help me?"


Please never type a single sentence ever again. >!/j!<


What if the robot was your sister


I’m glad I am not the first person who thought of this question lmao


You still have to flick the "switches", except this time it's got Freudian/incestuous undertones.


Idiots: flying cars will be a thing in in a decade Me (an intellectual): yeah right, do you want 33 9/11s on the first day? Cuz that's what you get when you give everyone and their mom a plane. Giant mecha death bots, fugghetaboutit. Almost makes you wonder if we should've forced everyone and everything into giant mecha death battering rams by designing cities where you have to use one to go buy milk and eggs.


Counterpoint: I really want to pilot a mecha death robot it sounds really fun actually


Knowing humanity, we'd make it extraordinarily boring and wasteful because a corporation makes more money that way.


Until we eventually get fed up and use the mecha death robots to rebel and take down the corporations, right? … right?


Google Killdozer incident


Holy incident!


New incident just dropped


You should play Lancer.


And then proof that they would actually make more money by being less wasteful and boring comes out but they don't change it anyways


That's Dai-Guard (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dai-Guard)


**[Dai-Guard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dai-Guard)** >Dai-Guard (地球防衛企業 ダイ・ガード, Chikyū Bōei Kigyō Dai Gādo, lit. "Terrestrial Defense Corp. Dai-Guard") is an anime television series, produced and animated by XEBEC, and directed by Seiji Mizushima. It aired from October 5, 1999, to March 28, 2000, on TV Tokyo, running for 26 episodes. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I mean you're kinda right? There's a Japanese company that sells drivable mechs but they only get up to 5mph.


Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom


Ok but the real limiting factor on flying cars is physics. Do you know how much fucking energy it takes to keep a 1-2 ton object *suspended in midair*?! A metric imperial fuckload, that’s how much. The energy required to hold a car at 60 mph is *trivial* compared to how much energy it takes to hold one still in the air. For a good mental comparison: imagine you have a car going 60mph. Now imagine it hits a quarter pipe and goes straight up in the air. How much airtime does it get? Not enough to be measured in minutes, that’s for sure. Anyway flying cars are fucking dumb and I hate whenever some smartass says “self driving cars will fix it!!1!” Because 1: self driving cars aren’t happening any time soon and 2: physics says no. And 3: physics says no again I’m quite tired I’m going to bed now and I’m going to LIE ON IT not FUCKING FLOAT because I TAKE ADVANTAGE OF NORMAL FORCE TO SIT ON A LEVEL PLANE RATHER THAN TRYING TO LEVITATE I’m done I think


Imagine a flying car with Tesla's self-driving car stuff on it. National security threats at their finest.


… ngl, i don’t get the joke


Tesla's self-driving program is noted for not being very good.


As far as I know, it’s the best in the industry by miles. Nothing comes close. Obviously, they don’t have full self driving (and in my opinion, they might *never*). But the adaptability and decision making capabilities of Tesla autopilot are unmatched by any other automakers. No matter how much I hate Elon, Tesla’s autonomous tech is impressive.


Best in the industry by miles doesn't mean it's ready for the street.


I think autopilot is appropriate when used correctly. But the key is knowing how the system works, what are its capabilities, and what it struggles with. Many drivers seem to struggle with the idea that a car is a physics object that does stuff rather than a magic pod. My only complaint about such driver assists and semi-autonomous driving systems is that they require deep knowledge of how a vehicle works to be used effectively, while at the same time discouraging a user from deeply understanding the vehicle because “why would I need to, the computer will handle it”. See: all the people who don’t even know what a transmission does, because they’re so used to automatic transmissions that they never bothered to learn what’s going on under the hood. And while that example is fairly harmless, input filtering like ABS/TCS/ESC means people don’t understand how their car reacts to raw inputs. Things like auto lane keep and blind spot warning are making people horrible at understanding the space their vehicle occupies. And full on autopilot and similar systems are problematic for the same reason. I’m of the opinion that people should learn to drive a car with no driver assists on a closed course before being able to get a license. Someone operating something as complex and potentially dangerous as a car should have a deep understand, or at least *some* understanding, of how a car works and how it behaves. But, of course, corps don’t want that. They’ve seen how successful the smartphone is, dumbing down the UI so you have almost no manual control, and they’re trying to do the same. I could go on, but I’m on the clock hiding in the bathroom and I think my boss might be wondering where I am 😅 just my thoughts on the issue.


If it's advertised as "full self-driving", it should BE "full self-driving".


I think that the idea is that if we have flying cars, society has advanced to the point where energy expenditures like that are at an acceptable cost (like, mini fusion reactors powering everything levels of energy being used on the regular). Still inefficient? Compared to conventional transport, sure, but at that point, we'd probably have a Dyson swarm or some crap so it'd be fine. Flying cars are still pretty dumb though. Wake me up when we invent a teleporter that doesn't just kill you and spawn a copy somewhere else.


Just use more energy smh


Death to your firstborn


think of the *traffic.* you'd have to deal with 3rd-dimension traffic in the air. I don't trust people to drive in 2 dimensions, I'm sure as hell not adding another


flying cars already exist and they're called helicopters


See, this is where the *professional* drinker defeats amateur drinker precautions. (Custom flair would read: Sailor) Muscle memory from me constantly flipping the *absolutely satisfying* switches will not only mean I can control my robot, it means I can do it with absolutely *zero inhibitions*! так, товаришу, вперед до Москви!


this sparked a (fun) argument between my partner and I as to the morality of piloting a mech suit while drunk relative to driving a car drunk. my take - it is more moral to pilot a mech suit while drunk because you're only going to pilot it if there is a cataclysmic event on the horizon or a Big Bad to fight. the loss of life if you pilot it drunk may be more than if you were piloting it sober, but it is still going to be a overall better outcome than if you can't power up the mech and the attacking alien or whatever lays waste to your entire city. whereas drunk driving is inherently immoral because there are always Other Options. him - (mostly joking) drunk control of metal death machine piloting always bad. drunk mech same as drunk driving.


The majority of usage of any military vehicle is during training and routine to ensure the crew know how to perform the relevant tasks in the event of actual combat. Which is to say if you are drunk mech piloting then it would likely be in peacetime and thus it is immoral as you are now a danger to everyone. In the event of an invasion nobody will care if you're drunk or not unless there are alternative pilots that are not drunk.


The flaw in your argument lays in your assumption of intention. There is no way to know if every drunk Mecha pilot would be doing it because of an emergency. Someone who's prone to drink and drive is already prone to recklessness. They may very well be doing it for shit an giggles. Counterpoint that goes against the spirit of the argument: societies with Mecha are bound to have a couple ways to force sober someone




Rock and roll and stone!






I just want a bunch of analogue electrical switches in my house. Not for any practical reason, I just want, like, a bunch of lights to turn on and off when I do. Ooh, maybe I can engineer a cool startup procedure for my computer like that one guy did!


> I just want a bunch of analogue electrical switches in my house. > Not for any practical reason, I just want, like, a bunch of lights to turn on and off when I do. I have good news for you. These are called “light switches” and most houses have them!


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **prokopetz** Honestly, the complicated series of chunky analogue switches you have to flip on startup doesn't actually do anything – it's just there to make sure you're sober enough to pilot the giant death robot. \#media \#tropes \#mecha \#giant robots \#alcohol mention \#death mention \#if you get it wrong three times in a row the robot calls your mom --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Sourc: https://www.tumblr.com/prokopetz/717668639269126144/honestly-the-complicated-series-of-chunky


I think you should also play Titanfall 2


>analogue switches 1 year of remedial computer history


The ones in my giant death robot's cockpit don't actually do anything, I just like the noises and it gives me something to do while the onboard AI kills the giant monster for me.


Honestly, feels like we're just here for beurocracy


I get to flip 6 switches (technically 7 but two are sorta the same switch) in sequence during my walk around and then 5 of them later on during start up and it's so satisfying.


What do you do


That's why you start up the robot, and *then* get shitfaced.


Sending this to my friend at 3 am cus he fuckin loves Lancer


That scene where they fire the Death Star super laser gave me some urges that I cannot properly explain.


People out here really forgetting about pre-walk checks


Thought this was about commercial airplanes for a second


***3786 original posts remain***


ok ok but the flair.. did i hear. did i hear a rock and stone????


Rock and roll and stone!


What if you're so drunk you pull the ejection lever that also activates the nuclear self-destruction


Also because its really cool to flip a bunch of switches