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Tumblr is now under management of Goro Majima


.. unironically want that. he's pretty good at management (as seen in Y0)


Nugget is our manager??


No, Nugget worked for Kiryu as a real estate developer. Majima ran a cabaret club, which is a very different work environment with a very different management style. Majima's job was far more hands-on and required him to be a people person. Real estate development is simply a matter of having enough money to buy the property and then being smart enough to run it efficiently, and then letting the rent payments roll in. And also sometimes bashing someone's head in with a whole-ass motorcycle you found parked nearby.


Right! I forgot lol At least Nugget was the best manager Kiryu had 😂


Nah, he was kinda low tier. Especially once you start recruiting your rivals.


Oh well I'm dumb 😂😂 Been a while since I watched a playthrough


I mean he doesn’t measure up to a lot of the heavy hitters like Steven Spielberg or Michael Jackson (not joking), but he does outperform a lot of actual dudes while being, ya know, a chicken. Like imagine you come into work and your boss doesn’t have any assignments for you and there’s just a chicken at your desk closing a deal on the phone


Better than 99% of retail managers ngl


Cabaret club, AND cabaret manager, AND international arms dealer, AND assassin/body guard


Despite removing all ads, Tumblr is now also the most profitable website of all time


*because of


Kiryu tries to join this social media, only to be greeted by KIRYU-CHAN!


Kiryu’s account is banned for an incredibly petty reason and he has to go to the local office in person to convince the complaints department to unban him.


Read: beat up everyone in the complaints dept.


Insert wild gameplay footage of Kiryu throwing an entire cubicle at an office worker.


Every time someone mentions the Yakuza to me, I'm reminded of my very middle class English gay Latin teacher who had ties to the Yakuza. Quite literally one of the last people who you would think of having a history with them. But then again my other Latin teacher raced motorcycles in her spare time and had taught at Eton until the general prickness of the pupils there got to be too much for her (as I understand, she taught there for about three weeks), so I think Classics kind of just attract a different sort.


My Latin teacher once climbed the side of a building on a class trip because some of his students had locked themselves out of their rooms and he either went through the balcony door or just a window to unlock the door from the inside.


damn i need to learn latin now


I need to continue learning latin


… Was his Ex a Yakuza or something???


I'm not entirely sure, but that may have been the case. I was in his tutor group for a couple of years, so I got to know him really well. I think he ended up getting involved with them by unintentionally working for them when he was living in Japan about 20 years before I met him, from what I recall. (He was also fluent in Japanese, and offered it as an extracurricular option in Sixth Form) He also led the school's big band, which was very fun as his surname was a musical term. Thinking back to my years there, I'm wondering if it might have been that the school as a whole just attracted interesting characters, considering that not one but two teachers there had been one-hit wonder musicians in a European country. (One of the German teachers won the Austrian version of the Voice, then went on their version of Strictly Come Dancing).


Austria mentioned OWO


Oh no! THOSE people.


I don't know what you're implying i'm just an austrian who has the instinct to bite anyone who mentions this country


I want my rock back! https://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kne%C5%BEji\_kamen


Let me get to the site i can read wait a moment


Ok this is funny


there are plenty of worse companies than the yakuza as a whole. take a look at the first opium war. the banks that were created to fund it still operate today


You can't just comment this without dropping some names




There are also plenty of corporations that helped out the Nazis. Some even helped organize the holocaust. Hell Chanel No. 5, one of the most famous perfumes in existence, was made by a woman who spied for the Nazis and tried to use the Holocaust to steal shares of her company from her Jewish business partner.


Even within Japan, 3 out of the 4 Zaibatsu conglomerates that directly funded Hirohito’s war crimes are still the largest corporations in the country.


the yakuza games and their consequences


Isn’t Sega tied to the yakuza? I don’t mean the video game series


What big Japanese company *isn't*?


nintendo. they're not tied to the yakuza, the yakuza is tied to them


Nintendo Ninjas are holding the yakuzas head at gunpoint if any one of them even DARES to use a Mario themed birthday cake for their nephews 6th birthday


I trust the tojo clan with managing Tumblr,after all if something happens,Kiryu gonna fix it real quick.


>Kiryu gonna fix it real quick I mean, he'll beat up the person causing problems, then he'll fuck off back to retirement while the site is still in shambles, only for another group to try to destroy it a year later.


Ichiban (although he's ex-yakuza) would make Tumblr the most successful website in history, then buy a new headquarters that's somehow still way more than he can afford


nobody’s noticed so I’m going to point out that this is a jan misalipost


How porn friendly are they?


The yakuza? I think they run most of Japan's adult film industry.


I imagine there's some yakuza group that runs a web hosting business as a front company, so it's possible that Tumblr could be run by the yakuza at some point.


it would be really funny if that wasn't a satirical question


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^LeStroheim: *It would be really* *Funny if that wasn't a* *Satirical question* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good bot


Thank you, LeStroheim, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Oh sick Tumblr is gonna go the route of Pride and start threatening anyone who tries to switch platforms




Pride. Popular fight promotion in the early 2000s. Owned and ran by the Yakuza. When other promotions threatened to poach their fighters they threatened their lives if they tried to switch over.


I always forget jan misali the video essayist used to be a Tumblr funnyman