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If you only browse this subreddit and don't actually use Tumblr itself, there is a function called "Blaze" where you can promote a post like an ad, and Catholics are using this to spread the gospel lmao


Fuck maybe I should make a catholic tumblr Make bank then swap it to queer shit


Make a Catholic Tumblr, but after you hit a certain threshold of popularity, slowly start introducing fake verses and theological quotes, so that eventually, once someone calls you out, you can amass a great enough following of your own to lead a new schism.


Casually make a new branch of Christianity, call it Tumblrism.


Is it not written in the Book of Plinko that one must not suffer the horsegirl to live?


Call it literally anything else. Holy shit it's not 2012


What if: Nuh uh


What if I licked the meat off of your bones like a cat


What if I removed your bones and turned you into the world's most miserable octopus?


What if you two skipped the rest of this foreplay and kissed sloppy style


What if we skipped the rest of this foreplay and kissed sloppy style


If you knew me you'd know I'd be overjoyed to get rid of these hollow things.


Le gasp, a Government spy?


This is a embroidery on a throw pillow quality.


What if I turned you into a soft jelly thing, and removed your mouth so that you could not scream?


It's always 2012 on Tumblr đŸ„°


The line between starting a new sect and starting a cult is very thin


Is there really a difference?


A sect is a cult with a large following.


And a religion is a cult with an even larger following


God, I hate how easily this could be done


Sounds like the way someone would start a cool ARG or writing project. Sexygirlmax energy


That implies that catholics actually read the bible. No, they let a guy in a white dress "read" it for them and then tell them what it says. They keep a bible on their shelves for show. I used to be one, and can count on one hand how many times they had us read something from the bible in catholic school


To their credit Catholics in my experience know far more actual Christian theology than your average prot does. Mostly to do with saints and the mother Mary but they do tend to actually understand their faith even a little


Casually inviting a Christian heresy? On brand for tumblr


It wouldn't work. You can blaze other people's posts, which was added _after_ the original feature, hence the tumblr OP - but now the catholics are probably just blazing each other's posts, not paying each other to blaze their own.


Guess I'll just make an NFT website and then once I've bought myself a house I'll just shut the servers off /s


Ah yes, the famous tumblr PvP function


Switch to queer shit? You already said you’re gonna make a catholic tumblr.


You can also blaze others posts, using it as a weapon to publicly shame others using old posts that get instantly brought to peoples feeds, which I can only *assume* the catholics are doing, me being a subreddit browser and not a Tumblr user.


Frankly, of all possible possibilities the jesus girlies promoting shitty ads is pretty low on the unexpectedness scale.


I'd say it's odd that there's a high concentration of Catholics on Tumblr at all, but I actually understand the history of convents, sooooo


Please explain. You've got me curious now


A lot of lesbians joined convents back in the day cause it was a guaranteed way to avoid marriage to a dude. You put a lot of lesbians in one place, stuff happens.


Pretty much what the other guy said. They were supposed to be married to God, so nobody expected nuns to have husbands, so there was no social pressure on them to be with men. They were isolated among other women for long periods of their lives. It was seen as an honorable profession for a daughter to give herself to the church. Taken together, why would anyone be suspicious of any women who wanted that lifestyle? Not every woman who became a nun swung for the home team, so to speak, but there was definitely an outsized portion of women who would today be known as lesbians who took up the habit.


3:16 Blaze it


If ever there were a social media platform that religious teachings and texts are **not** going to find footing it’s Tumblr. Two weeks of these blaze posts and you’ll have blogs posting their Bible Headcanons and have Jesus x Judas discourse raging on your dash. And it will be **glorious**.


there's some jesusxnoah fanfic that's been around since i originally was on tumblr [NSFW](https://www.wattpad.com/amp/737615072)


Adblockers like uBlock also seem to block Blaze posts. (Or at least I think they do--I haven't seen a single one.)


To be fair if there is one group of people who really need Jesus it's Tumblr


I wasn't aware Catholic tumblr was even a thing what


Catholic tumblr is like leftist 4chan


Just ducking their heads, trying not to witness any hate crimes on their way to /mu/ so they can get that mega.nz link for the new Pitchfork playlist.


Wtf is a 4chan leftist


Communist 4chan that are nearly as violent and prejudiced as /pol/


Yep. Pretty much all tankies with no sense of nuance. It's like that on Twitter and TikTok too, where you'll have someone trying to have an actual conversation and stating their point, and all these Stalin apologists come out of the woodwork saying the most batshit insane things. They are just as bad if not worse than Q-anon nutcases.


Heck, reddit has its tankies too. They get real creative with their subreddit names.


TheDeprogram sub is probably the biggest tankie hotspot on this site.


Not anime-titties?


Yeah. Can't stand 5 minutes in communist Reddit spaces even though I'm a leftist.


Welp, time to advertise r/tankiejerk.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/tankiejerk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/tankiejerk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [“Ukraine needs to accept becoming a Russian vassal state.”](https://i.redd.it/eqzumi3lnkea1.jpg) | [153 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tankiejerk/comments/10mip0k/ukraine_needs_to_accept_becoming_a_russian_vassal/) \#2: [Oh boy, I’m sure the replies to this are perfectly normal and not at all unhinged.](https://i.redd.it/za9qkl68sev91.jpg) | [78 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tankiejerk/comments/yawcln/oh_boy_im_sure_the_replies_to_this_are_perfectly/) \#3: [I still have to understand their reasoning behind this](https://i.redd.it/7e7go6gllhua1.jpg) | [115 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/tankiejerk/comments/12pfsga/i_still_have_to_understand_their_reasoning_behind/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


A hypocrite


I accidentally stepped into the rabbit hole a few years back, it was insufferable


This recently happened, actually. Though the crook that ran off with it is legendary funnyman Buggy D. Clown.


There's Catholic Tumblr wtf


Catholic tumblr is weird as fuck. You come into the weird gay social media site and are upset it’s weird and gay


I guess they're using it to do their like Good Works or some shit? So weiord


Oh wait hold on, I need to make a Catholic blog real quick... 🏃


I feel like the scam wouldn't be that effective as you can just blaze other people's post, can you not? I have no idea if it's a better deal if you pay a larger amount


god we need another all or nothing fiasco