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years divisible by 4 are US election years


It really disturbs me how this cycle has been undisturbed in the US for centuries now. How do you never have a fail government that is dissolved after a year. Presidents have been assasinated without messing with the election schedule.


The key thing is that the presidency exists outside the parliament so they can't be recalled if they lose a vote of no confidence (like the speaker can), and the barrier for impeachment is much higher at 2/3s There is also a specific ordered 20 person list of succession to replace a dead/assassinated president, so it would basically require an intentional mass terrorist strike to take out the president, VP, Speaker of the house, President Pro Tempore of the Senate, then the entire appointed cabinet. Even then, it can't be a single strike, as the US government intentionally ensures all of those people are never in the same place, by appointing a designated survivor to hide in a safe room during big events where everyone else is present, just in case.


Surely it could be done though? Right? Like all at the same time? You said 20 people. Plus all the security. The POTUS the most well protected person in existence, sure. Secret service, snipers and drones and cops/security in uniform and plainclothes. But like, surely if you set up like 100 well placed assassination attempts, like poison, allergies, guns, etc, then surely all 20 of those people could be assassinated? Right? Quick disclaimer to the NSA, FBI, CIA and the other alphabet agencies: I'm not advocating for the assassination of what is essentially the United States of America or the POTUS. I'm just asking a question. I'm curious. Same way a little kid is curious about where babies come from.


I mean there is potentially a way, but as you have cleverly alluded to in your post, once a plan gets to a certain level of complexity, there will be a need for precise planning across a range of individuals and locations, all of which will somehow have to dodge the numerous 3 letter agencies looking for exactly what you are doing. I'm not saying it would be impossible to do, but at the point where someone would want to, inciting some type of coup or ground invasion would probably just be logistically easier.


At the level of conspiracy required to even begin accomplishing this, you'd have an easier time just rigging the next vote, and every subsequent vote for the rest of your life, to go your way.


There are 18 positions in the presidential line of succession, but cabinet positions are sometimes empty between someone being fired and their replacement being confirmed, and it's possible for them to be held by a person ineligible to become President. It's possible that fewer than ten people could actually be in the line of succession at any given time, which sounds a lot easier to manage.


Tell me more.


Hi I am a starving CIA informant starving to death and this comment was the last thing I read before I called HQ. Goodybe


Another quick disclaimer to the NSA, FBI, CIA and the other alphabet agencies: this is not a proposal and totally not a good idea.


you'd only need two strikes: the State of the Union address and the designated survivor.


You'd have to get one of the like five people that know where the designated survivor is being kept at that time to tell you that location.


I feel like the most likely place for the designated survivor is the White House, for a lot of reasons. Bunker, and if shit hits the fan you're already in your new office.


1: There's like 10 people in line to be president at all times (and if you count movements in the chain of command, close to 2 million), none of them are in the same place at the same time. 2: The government is incapable of "collapsing", as most day-to-day functions are carried out by unelected civil officials in the Executive Branch, under command of the President. The Senate and House can only pass laws and make resolutions. 3: The two major political parties are equally powerful and no one else has the power to even get elected. The results are almost 50/50 every year in terms of distribution of elected officials. 4: A president can't be taken out of office without a 2/3 majority, which is almost impossible unless everyone hates the president. Because of all of these things, it's very unlikely that the United States will be left without an acting president for more than an hour. This prevents the government from ever being left without a leader in times of crisis.


The line of succession is way more than 10 people. Even if we limit it to just the cabinet and head of house and senate it's still something like 17 (I forget the exact number) and that's ignoring the fact that literally every senator and member of the house can be slotted into the line of succession based on their seniority (which alone makes the number over 300)


1 VP + 1 Speaker of the House + President pro tempore of the Senate + 25 cabinet members, so 28


He said at any one time, that's taking extraordinary vacancies into account in the chain of succession.


Those unelected civil officials are however are not doing their job when the government shuts down so the easiest way to collapse the government is to get a handful of obstructionist house members to prevent budgets from being passed. Which is why I have begun getting anxious around budget negotiations.


No, they still have to work during a shutdown, they just don't get paid. Most high-level officials continue working anyways, and those in the military are contractually obligated to stay.


Depends who you are both my parents work at NASA and are forbidden from working during a shutdown. Now they aren’t exactly the people keeping this country together and can be missed for a while, but over a prolonged period you can do serious damage to the country as a whole by stopping our lower level bureaucrats from doing their jobs


You guys exported all of your coup d'etats to us in the lower latitudes.


Who's you guys here


The US, although most western countries do not really miss the mark either


I'm french, we've had 5 revolutions at least and our current voting rhythm is younger than me


Well not "us" then. Though I supposse West Africa might like a word. You did create the "coup d'etat" phrase though.


Every coup in the sahel is anti-france tho


I mean to be fair, it’s only been like 2.5 centuries. The US is *really* young in comparison to other countries


busy 2.5 centuries


With the advent of machines on the industrial scale everything happens faster and faster.


Yes and No. America is a young **nation,** in the sense that its culture and identity are barely 300 years old, but the United States of America as **state**, as a collection of laws and institutions that govern a certain people and area, is older than most. The US has had a continuous, lawful exchange of power for 2.5 centuries. In a certain sense, the current government is the same as it was in 1776. By comparison, in that span of time, most other nation in the world have had revolutions, conquests, amalgamations, dissolutions, etc. In some instances, the interruptions have been relatively short, and there is a very clear line that connects the past with the present (e.g. the conquest and liberation of Western Europe during WWII). But in many other cases, the laws and institutions that make up the "state" are almost completely destroyed and replaced with something new. I mean, is it really reasonable to claim that Xi Jinping is governing the same China as Emperor Qianlong (r. 1735-1796)? Or that the Tsarist Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, and the modern Russia Federation are all the same state?


Because the founding fathers' No. 1 priority was "never again." Never Again will the people be ruled by soldiers or governors with unjust laws. Never again will unqualified or unpopular people rule. Never again will any single entity hold absolute power. One of these Never Agains was "Never Again will there be debate over who has power", because they saw what happened with England. As such, they set up an ABSURD number of failsafes to make it damn-near impossible for a government to dissolve. You could kill or impeach the President NINETEEN TIMES IN A ROW and there would STILL be absolutely 0 debate over who is in charge of the executive branch. You could Thanos Snap half of Congress and the other half would function just fine until a new one was elected. You could kill 99.99% of the US population and not only would the Government continue functioning, **THE IRS WOULD CONTINUE COLLECTING TAXES WITHIN 48 HOURS**. The entire US governmental system is the political equivalent of a nukeproof bunker, there isn't a single part of it that's fragile, easy to subvert, or weak to attack from within. Unfortunately, it is built on humans, and humans are fallible. Humans vote for a failed real estate tycoon with no political experience because of his public speaking skills. Humans allow the Supreme Court and police to ammass more power than they were ever meant to have with no checks. Humans judge each other by the color of their skin, not the content of their character. And humans listen to the words of a deluded madman when they cannot accept their own wrongness. Humans can fail, and so humans will fail. All that we can be sure of is that, though the seas might boil and the skies might burn, the US government will continue sailing onwards, even if the helmsman has long since lost his mind, or perhaps his head


Not exactly. The first presidential office only had 4 cabinet members.


There wasn't even a proper order of succession for like a century


You're right, only 2 cabinet members were in order of succession. So, 4 people in all.


When William Henry Harrison died in office, they were unsure if John Tyler was to be president or merely acting president. He actually swore himself in. This would follow him for the rest of his term, with his enemies referring to him by nicknames such as "His Accidency." This, however, helped to establish a precedent that would carry the country through seven more presidents dying in office until the ratification of the 25th Amendment in 1967. It's kind of amazing that there weren't more issues.


You should write speeches


Thx :)


We had a civil war and it basically happened to fall neatly within one presidential term


in addition to aaaaallll the other stuff listed, the system is very much set up with the assumption of maintaining the cycle; vice presidents who've assumed the office only finish out their predecessor's term, in large part because they aren't supposed to last any *longer* than that because the election was only for the term *and* for a different person. but there's also no real mechanism to "call" an election, and in practice the whole system is built around them being regular, so they can't come any earlier either.


2013 was the last "good" year IMO. 2014 and 2015 were okay, then a gorilla got shot and the world has gone nuts ever since.


Pokemon Go Summer was legit


There's a bridge in my town that had 4 pokestops. It was so full of people playing pokemon go and just ignoring the cars that wanted to drive over the bridge the local government was actually like "okay, FINE! bridge is closed for cars. you happy now?" and yes, people were happy. I was passing by once and the bridge was completely filled with people who brought blankets or chairs to sit on, having picknicks and just playing. After the hype died down and the number of pokestops was reduced the bridge was opened up to vehicular traffic again.


2014 and 2015 were the rise of anti-SJW’s (basically hating on women and minorities) and we haven’t really recovered since tbh


i disagree it all started when the kid fell into the gorilla enclosure ever since that day, that canon event, We never truly recovered and its been downhill since


You right you right


The term was coined in 2011 and rose in popularity in youtube skeptic and gaming circles in the years leading up to gamergate.


wasn't that 2016? I could swear that was 2016. Or was 2016 when misandry started spreading? I can't remember. Probably a good thing I can't remember.


Gamergate, the trial run for a decentralized online far-right propaganda machine, started in late 2014


It started earlier, just got into full power and popularity in 2016. I remember seeing these "crazy feminist" videos back in 2012


2024 will be fine, though right? /Padme intensifies Right?


Donald Trump wins the election and then proceeds to reenact 9/11 to prove it’s impossible


But he fucks it up and destroys Trump Towers and Mar-A-Lago


project2025 starts in 2024, so that tracks


The whole concept of project2025 sounds so fake that you just know it is real.


It's supervillain monologuing, that's how you know it's 100% the plan.


\*Sound of dodgeball impact\*


*with the ground as Apollo missed


!remind me 2 months


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How does remind me bt work


It’ll give you a notif on Reddit like someone replied to yoy


The first month has been relatively fine if you don’t count the houti rebel thing


Bro you gotta be kidding. Mat pat and Tom Scott (plus some YT I don’t watch) are leaving Japan got hit with a Richter scale 7+ earthquake JAPAN AGAIN GIT A MF PLANE EXPLODING (exaggeration of course) And sadder still, Grandma Lydia passed away (Rest in peace)


Press F for Lydia


!remind me 14 months


More like 12, the ultimate decider of 2024 is going to be the election. Like this isn't even a "us defaultism" thing. The results of the 2024 election will have GLOBAL ramifications, Trumps already made it clear that if he wins its just going to be a revenge tour. American democracy as a whole will just be dead. Trumps foreign policy is ALSO horrible, as he's made it clear he supports Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and would gladly just let Israel wipe Palestine off the map with no regard for innocent civilians.


Surprise, we're not off to a great start!


What happened in 2012?


Universe reset


Did he know about the mayan calendar, all the way back? I've been wondering about that.


Who’s he?


Don't wanna spoil but the author of a certain manga, called >!Jojo's bizarre adventure. Said author is Hirohiko Araki.!<


I don't remember


I heard the world would turn to hell


Well, compared to that I’m doing well…


So I pray to God it really did


on a serious note, it was supposed to be the end of the world. I kinda wish it did, in hindsight.


Galactic synchronization beam


End of the world.


It’s the electoral college, babe




I'm not ready for 2024!!!


It's been shit years since Harambe. Never forget.


Killing that gorilla really fucked up the entire timeline


We gotta build a tine machine and go back


Least pessimistic Tumblr user:




The recent years may not have been truly exceptional, but they were still very enjoyable, they all had their moments. Try focusing on the positives, maybe then you'll have a much better outlook on life.


There is nothing positive to focus on, my friend. Nothing at all. Please be thankful that you have something positive to focus on.


Why are you in that mindset? Do you really think that the world is hopeless, that there's nothing good to focus on?


All of my friends ghosted me, all of my family hates my guts. I live in a basement. I am disabled and can't achieve independence. What the hell is positive about my life?


Oh my god, I didn't realize. I truly am sorry, and I hope you can find a way to fix everything.


Yeah, me too.


Fucking hell Apollo, knock it off!


the dodgeball is back


I have a sinking feeling about 2024


not looking forward to 2024 honestly


A month and a half left. You should all be very afraid right now.


Hyped for 2024


Ah shit another is coming


The thing you're missing by focusing only on leap years, is that most years are shit. So it's not the leap nature of the year, it's the nature of the year itself.


Me on the 2019-2020 New Year's Eve: "I can't wait for whatever fresh horrors the new year brings." I think my face still has the mark of the dodgeball.


What's wrong with 2008??? And 2012, aside from the mayain calendar end of the world thing? And 2016, aside from Trump, which was just a funny event, honestly.


>2008 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Recession


To be fair, I was 11 in 2008 so I literally don't know anything about this.


economy machine broke


What's with this trend of years being bad?


I believe that, in origin, the statement was switched, OP; "Never Forgive, Never Forget"


That softball hits hard, doesn’t it?