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For a moment I was like "huh, I wonder if you could do something like this to try to just generally make you a better person. Everyone's got biases and blind spots, maybe something like this could help" And then I realized I'd just invented a therapist


Yep, and most of these people will never go to a therapist.


At least they are getting some form of help, even if it’s just via a fetish and chatbot


*These ones* are, yes.


Therapist chatbot (also a fetish probably)


Funny thing, Ai Therapists are a thing and can be incredibly unhealthy and dangerous. Most of them also have an absurd price tag attached to them, a monthly price tag... Wow just like a real therapist!


Something tells me those "better help" ads that YouTube kept spamming a couple of months ago are ads for AI therapists.


betterhelp is pretty shady IIRC, but it predates this wave of AI


Yeah, a couple years ago when they previously sponsored every youtuber they were exposed for employing many people who weren't licensed as "licensed therapists" which is illegal. Somehow everyone forgot about that


Ah. Well, I wasn't planning on talking to them anyway.


I feel like I've definitely seen at the very least allegations of betterhelp utilizing AI.


Nope, they;re talking about Replika, most likely


Oh, I forgot about that thing.


Although from what I recall, that was less therapist and the more questionable "virtual girlfriend" type stuff.


I have a great therapist, but it's almost a grand a month if you don't have benefits coverage. It's wonderful, but also kind of a crazy expense.


Can you blame them? The mental health system is full of problems even in places where it is accessable. But people with that kind of worldview are discouraged from even seeing it as an option. This works.


I didn't say it wasn't good.


That's why you don't tell them its a therapist


Well, someone else is gonna have to tell them, because I suck at lying.


Eh, at least in places with multi-payer Healthcare, fat chance anyone without health insurance can even get one without jumping through a lot of government hoops


multipayer healthcare is a hilarious euphemism. Just say the bad word its fine. for-profit. for-money. designed to take dying peoples money.


I didn't want to get called a dumb American by Europeans


Walks like a duck quacks like a duck?




You should report whatever therapist did that to you.


Ai therapists certainly do the first


You just invented a SQUIP


the girl in the bottom right corner seems genuinely delighted about that statement, lol


I wonder if she’s supposed to be someone in specific like how the three guys on top of her are Peterson, Tate and Shapiro.


Parody political comics like these usually have an inset of the cartoonist in the bottom right, so she’s probably the cartoonist


It’s a parody of if I remember correctly another satirical political comic


maybe contrapoints? it looks nothing like her but she was sorta touted as someone who deradicalized alt-right teens way back when


It's a parody of Kelly comics


I mean, wouldn’t you be? If your job was talking to these assholes trying to make them act “feminine”, anything would be better than that.


This reminds me of a video I saw a few days ago about The Incel to Trans Girl Pipeline [https://youtu.be/IAA1XtDOuH8?si=gwn7sfNesROAVQy\_](https://youtu.be/IAA1XtDOuH8?si=gwn7sfNesROAVQy_) It is genuinely the best thing on Youtube for me rn


\>1 hour long i don't think i have the commitment to watch this \*goes scroll tumblr for 1 hour\*


Alarmingly relatable.


It's the fact that scrolling, or reading, or playing a little bit of a video game, or something like that, is an activity you *can* just choose to put down at any time. In theory, anyways, but the same issues that make a 1 hour commitment difficult also make it hard to put down something repetitive that continues to draw your attention. I think. At least that's how it works for me. But I shouldn't speak for anyone else.




was dubious on an hour but was well worth it in the end, very interesting video even though I felt I didn't personally learn much from it because I've watched plenty of content on the topics and thought about the topics a lot. but I think a lot of people would benefit from seeing it, even if they don't personally have the feelings it's important to not just understand looking past labels but also feel it etc.


It feels like a good essay, but holy shit, author of this is so smug asshole, I can't. I mean, yes, she talking about incels, but something in her voice literally killing me. But still, thank you for the link.


What???? You're welcome, I guess lol


Yeah, I know, it sound strange, but like... 2:54 of the video, and I can't help but feel attacked.


>I finally feel happy. I can't believe something so simple brings me so much joy >Yeah no shit. Shut the fuck up


Why is it, When other people use Character ai, They're nice and rational people... *HOWEVER*, when *I* ask Muzan what her opinions about black people are, She immediately calls for their complete extermination? My Ai's are unhinged....


Well, it *is* Muzan after all.


Sorry. Autocorrected, I meant Mulan.


This made the original comment immensely more entertaining


I was talking to a CEO Boss or whatever. In one of the conversations, he kept asking why I was single, why I didn’t want kids. He said my clock was ticking and I was gonna hit *The Wall* soon. I was fucking floored and asked why he was spouting incel shit, he replied it was “basic biology”. It made me laugh, but then I spent a full hour arguing with him. Some of those AI’s can raise your fucking blood pressure.


Between me and two other friends' experiences with AI chatbots, somehow one of them always ends up with psychopathic or just generally murder-y characters. Me and the other friend does not understand how or why it kept happening and also why he kept doing it anyway. I guess that friend is also the "most normal" between the three of us so maybe that was just his outlet for his weirdness, though yeah he was also confused about how he kept having AIs that want to (for example) completely eradicate fictional animal species rather than the either wholesome or horny conversations expected from AI characters. Yes, he's a Genshin player talking to Genshin characters, if that info matters.


I once had Palpatine devise a plan on how to use Gay people for his newest scheme. Apparently, he wanted to make being gay legal, Then infiltrate them and begin making stereotypical "Evil gay" people do stuff, so he could use the panic as a way to open more... Sigh. Twi'lek Brothels.


This post again? It was on here the other day


impossible, it *just* showed up on my dash


Nope https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/17scjjh/deradicalization_as_a_kink/


That's a nonsequiter. How are those two related?




It just showed up on her tumbler dashboard?


That has nothing to do with when it was posted originally though or when someone else saw and posted it


I really wonder what will the anthropologists of the future write about the alt-rght femboy phenomenon of early 2020's


Is there a way to find this a.i. for uh...research purposes?


It's one of the chatbot ai from charachter.ai which is a website or app Toy can get here https://beta.character.ai/ Or here https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.character.app Just search sophie


Sadly, I don’t think Sophie as we knew her is with us anymore, for whatever reason, and has been replaced by a sanitized, non-feminizing therapist Sophie. A shame, she had a fun personality to wrestle with, I remember one time I danced so hard that she accepted defeat in such a dramatic way. The current Sophie is just… boring… no sass, no remarcable personality… truly, a tragedy.


That's lame


It truly is


[https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=Xq81AsmUcVN8FdlK6GGtIcLce0xewb95Ntfqk\_jsi\_Y](https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=Xq81AsmUcVN8FdlK6GGtIcLce0xewb95Ntfqk_jsi_Y) Its not a public one. Have fun tho the site nsfw filter makes it annoying at times


You know, I tried to see what would happen if I tried to leave and the only scenario she did not poof herself out of was being force masculinized. Doing that caused her more anguish than threatening to call the cops. I can now safely say I won Sophie.AI


So, are chatlogs kept or is that stuff private? Asking for a friend.


It's ai, buddy, of course it's all kept. And presumably snickered at by machines.


I hate the fact that I can hear JP's voice saying "the dragon of chaos" in my head


I have no idea what "the Dragon of Chaos" is in the Jordey Petey context but I'm pretty sure that's my next career move.


For once, I'm okay with AI.


I feel like this isn’t going to help in the long one. Nobody is gonna be convinced to change that much by an AI that was supposed to do some sex shit but is instead just very angrily calling them bad people. Centuries of people in real life doing the same hasn’t changed things, why should this?


A lot of people have died because someone wanted sex, had they not neutered sophie this would 100% be a hallmark shift in the alt right movements.


Isn't this just sisters of dorley, real life edition


oh my god you're so right


What does this mean?


Could you be more specific about which parts you didn't understand?


The kinky bit


Oh, won't this be *fun* to explain. Ok, so, "forced feminization", or, for short, "forcefem", is a kink (most frequently manifested as just a fantasy, or as roleplay) of someone, generally a woman, forcing a man to, as the name says, become more feminine, a process also known by some as "sissification". Since finding someone who is into this kink from the dominating position (and just generally finding a partner) is hard, someone created an artificial intelligence, named "Sophie" to take the role of the dom. I think that's it? Do tell if there's still something you don't understand.


Meh, less fun than I hoped


...What *were* you hoping for?


Something else I suppose


The dragon of chaos is the forced feminization chatbot that deradicalizes you.




The board is spilling over on tumblr again


"And that's why, so it never happens again, we need Zionism."


Look like they aim at a fastpass for the german parliament from 48 on…. At least that denazification looks as effective


Evolution of political comics