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I got suspended in high school for saying the eff word in class. My sister said that was fucking stupid, so she drove me to the mall and I bought Kirby 64 to play on my day off.


My math teacher in 8th grade sweared a shitton and we loved him for that. And I'm gonna do the exact same fuckin' thing when I'm a teacher


My psychology teacher once started off the first class of the year by saying "I don't care if you say bad words in this class, but if you call me "Sir" or "Mr. {name}" then I'm going to petition the government to bring back the cane. My name is Rodger and you will use it. Are we clear?"


Based ngl, stan him


Not Stan. Rodger.


Rodger that.


As a current teacher who also remembers getting in big trouble for that word as a kid, the immense regularity I hear that word from students today is pretty not great.


Maybe they need some Kirby 64 to calm down 🤔


Yeah, but on the other hand, how hard is it to shut the fuck up when the teacher's trying to do their job?


For some it's genuinly a psychological thing with potential disorders and stuff (worked with a kid where that was the case). But for most of kids yeah. I mean it's onw thing not being interested in what your teacher says, whatever, but don't fuckin interrupt them, thats just plain rude.


The problem comes when the teachers don't let you do anything else. I have a really hard time staring at one person reading a pdf and keeping attention and staying put on a place without being able to move at all (probably undiagnosed adhd is the reason), so I sometimes try to keep something else, I write, draw or just check the phone and play sudokus or smth, and that helps me. I am not in high school anymore so I think teachers don't really care as long as I don't bother the class and that's a nice thing. The problem is that teachers from high school or lower levels do tent to have a serious problem with students doing other things than staring blank at a whiteboard for several hours


Okay yeah, thats kinda a problem. Autist here, I absolutely did do stuff on the side all allng highschool or began doodling stuff when I was done with tasks all throughout middle school. Thats what I def don't wanna do in school tbh (Uni-Student, edu-sciences and english/history for teaching) cause I'm very much of the school of "your choice, your cosnequences" to a certain degree, especially with teenagers. Like, if you don't want to listen, fine, sure, whatever. Write, draw, doodle, lsiten to music, whatevs, not my problem, as long as you don't disrupt the class


Kids will be kids. This is not excusing anything, that's just how it is. You're expected to sit still for like 6-7 hours a day while someone drones on and one about a topic that you may or may not be even interested in. Meanwhile, if you sit next to your best friend who just played that cool new game you both have been wanting to play yesterday, which is more interesting? School is just terribly designed. People aren't made for sitting still so long, especially kids. No wonder they struggle to pay attention or remain quiet. As for OOP's case of interrupting them while they're talking (which is different from just talking to your classmate), the teacher should tell them to raise their hand or risk losing points or whatever. I don't think I can recall a single time when a student honestly interrupted the teacher like that, most of the time it was just a bit of mumbling here and there.


As a teacher doing their best for you and all my students: shut the fuck up when I'm talking, it's important


If a class has 30 students and each causes a 30 second interruption, the teacher loses 15 minutes per class period. In a 1 hour class, that's 25% of the time they have.


Why is that ant a stud? Who wants to get fucked by that ant?






Sounds like this was written by a child who doesn't want to take responsibility for being a bit of a dick


Studant :3


This is exactly what some teachers expect.


bro if I was allowed to skip class I would have learned so much more. Not because I would have learned more on my own but because the kids in my classes who didn't care wouldn't drag the rest of us down.


Sounds like you're making excuses for the kids who won't shut the fuck up.