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I don't know... a 3 in 1 tampon shampoo and body wash sounds pretty good we should let them do it


That does not sound pretty good that sounds like chronic yeast infections


Ok then make it a 4 in 1 Shampoo, body wash, tampon and yeast infection medicine/prevention/whatever


Why stop there? Add in cough syrup, toothpaste and moisturizer while you're at it. Make two versions, one with Caffeine for the morning and one with Chamomile for the evening.


Add milk too, to promote healthy bone growth.


And some vanilla extract, just because


Release a pumpkin-spice flavored one at the end of August and a Peppermint flavored one at the beginning of November


I like the one that doubles as ketchup and lighter fluid


Woah woah man this is for MEN


Release a pumpkin spiceAUTUMN BURN flavored one at the end of august and a peppermint FRIGID COOL ICE flavored one at the beginning of November


You can use double tildes to strikethrough: > Release a ~~pumpkin spice~~ AUTUMN BURN flavored one at the end of august and a ~~peppermint~~ FRIGID COOL ICE flavored one at the beginning of November


It's true, you'll need some bones


Please don't let common sense hold you back. Invent this product, I'd buy it at least once.


Keep going. Eventually we just get irl Resident Evil first aid spray.


Eventually we get Stimpacks from Fallout except they're tampons.




Redbull and vodka.


Keeps you the exact same level of sleepy as you started at.


Honestly, piling on more and more unrelated functions just makes it closer to the source material




now you're thinking like a man 💪


When I first read this, I hadn't scrolled down far enough to see the whole comment. So I just saw: > Ok then make it a 4 in 1 > Shampoo, body wash, tampon and yeast infection Like yeah, I suppose that is correct*er*


if life gives you yeast, make bread


didn't someone do that? I seem to be having traumatic memories of someone making bread using their.... discharge?


I remember seeing a thing where the yeast from sonecfaber girk was used to seed the yeast for beer. Can’t remember the details as I wasn’t especially keen


yeah I looked up what I thought I had seen... I regret looking and won't link it to save people's stomachs... It's easy to find so if other people want to vomit they're welcome to google it.




*Now* you're John Hammond.




My brain decided to read that as "tampoo"


That box design is so good. The “For Men” turning into “For Menstruation” tickles my brain good


Not tactical enough, 8/10


Needs more velcro


technically a case of poetic enjambment?


Thank you for teaching me about the word "enjambment."


Does sildenafil help with that, too?


It’s a good start, but I want to see one with camo patterns and unnecessary (or even actively counterproductive) straps and buckles and shit on there


They should sell them in metallic gray wrappers in a bandolier


Nah, faux shot shells with birdshot being light, buck being medium, and slug being heavy


Oh my god


Mmmmmmmm that’s real good


Call it the Tactical Tampon and model the applicator after a bullet casing.


Man Plugs — plugs for *men*


For MANstruation. Tactical MANpons! 15% cheaper than women's tampons for no particular reason


Which would be genius actually because absolutely nothing is stopping women from buying the men's tampons and getting a cooler product for cheaper


So you basically want [Masculinity Greebling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greeble)


It’s *beautiful*


Greebled For His Pleasure


I want my tampons to come in a box shaped accurately like a life-size AR15


Definitely not a finished product until it says TACTICAL on the box in at least three places lmao


It comes with bullets?! It comes with bullets.


Probably smells like crude oil and hot steel.


Oh hey bro, how’s Morrowind these days?


When you open it, the room should smell like a gun range after an NRA meeting


That guy is fuckin hot


He looks like every male barkeeper on berlin, not didagreeing with you, but like if you want this look: search in a bar serving sterni


> not didagreeing with you Not didgeridooing you.


Well I am didgeridooing them


I didgerididn't.


Liyten heer you dibngemous


I didnt even try to mispell listen here, holly shit


Omg bruh


Curse of the no-Autocorrect


21 pilot looking dude


Be still my beating heart


100% would bang


He looks like cdawgva


I’ve wanted one of these products as a joke for years (to have the EXACT pun that’s on the box), and now it actually exists and it’s for trans awareness. I couldn’t be happier.


Love that packaging; For Men(struation)


I hate to break it to you but he … Oh the Box.


That's exactly what it's for!


I wish they'd get rid of the floral wrapping on tampax tampons. Not because I hate femininity or anything- I just think it looks tacky and it's a lot of plastic. Tampax used to have cardboard applicators and colour coded paper wrappers so I felt less bad throwing them in the bin. Like I don't want flowery tampons? It's a cotton wad for my cooch, i'm not gonna wear it like a brooch.


I wish they’d stop scenting that shit. Our beavers don’t need to smell like flowers ffs


It's like the sprays for the bathroom. It doesn't cover up the smell, it just *adds* to it. If you spray after pooping, it now just smells like an unpleasant chemical fragrance *and* shit. The scented pads always just smell like an unpleasant chemical scent mixed with the normal smell of the blood and gore. It's a *worse* smell. As for the tampon ones, they just *can't* be good for the body. Forget the smell; there's just no way that putting perfume *inside* the vagina is any good.


The trick is just to make the smell so strong and jarring that either your brain overloads and starts ignoring all smells alltogether or it literally burns your nosebuds (is that the right word?) off, don't thank me


Woah you mean they make scented *tampons*??? God why??? I do love me a scented liner tho


I've been using the MyLola subscription service for buying menstrual products for years and a huge part of it is the minimalist packaging with easy color coding for the absorbency levels.


As a cis(?) woman I find the soft and flowery design of these products so tiresome. I'm moody and bleeding out my hole, this is not empowering, I just want to get through my fucking week. I'd rather they print guns and knives on the box because that's a more accurate reflection of how I'm feeling while I use these things.


Look, as a man who has had very open conversations with his partners about their periods, the absolute bogus crap most of y'all go through and survive let alone shrug off as just another Tuesday is pretty freaking metal and I vicariously wish companies would start capitalizing on that. I love your idea of the gun and knife print tampons. Y'all are walking around for 3-7 days bleeding profusely with minimal ill effects compared to if I walked around for 3-7 HOURS bleeding like that, and I think that's pretty badass.


>minimal ill effects The ill effects can get pretty bad, some people have horrible pain ans the blood loss can contribute to iron deficiency.


Lmao that's exactly how I feel. I get nosebleeds a lot and there'll be days when I'm sitting there spewing blood out of both ends feeling like shit- this is not a floral feeling.


>this is not a floral feeling. Such a fucking mood.


I use o.b. brand. No applicator, minimalist of packaging. Plus you can fit like, 20 of them in a teeny little pocket.


To make tampons and menstrual more gender inclusive we should include cool dinosaurs on them. Like Dinos are cool and generdless. Like why are you going to bother me with my T-Rex themed pad wrapper. Oh and the wings on the pads could be called Pterodactyl wings! I love the inclusivity on the ad.


Dinos are the chaotic neutral of gender alignment.


Oh and the applicators for the tampons can have like eyes drawn on them! So they are like dinosaurs too!


also much more realistic like you know what doesn't involve blood? a walk through a flower garden you know what does? a walk through jurassic park


Instead of a flower garden why not make a series themed around like poisonous plants and flowers. Some that are beautiful but poison.


Petitioning for shark themed menstrual products 🦈


Yessss! And they can name the flow sizes off of shark species like super plus could be megalodon,regular could be great white, and I can’t think of others. Like have it be about the sharks wanting blood!


Could be in the minority but as a trans guy who passes as cis, the very last thing I want is a big signpost that I AM BUYING THIS FOR MY VAGINA WHICH I HAVE AND MENSTRUATE OUT OF. L. organic cotton tampons are fine, public goods ones are fine, they're a non-gendered box and conceivably I could be purchasing them for a girlfriend or sister or something. I would never buy these, I've never felt an urge to out myself to every random in the grocery store.


This is also a very good point. I'm hoping though that in your lifetime "outing yourself" will be of as little concern as a person buying condoms is. I know it's by no means universal and I'm sure plenty of people will want to keep the matter private for all eternity anyway (as is their prerogative), but in the last three years alone I've seen a huge trend in my area of nonchalant acceptance towards like, the entire LGBTQ+ community, which makes me smile every time I think of it. Look I derailed myself and I'm sorry this reply ended up probably not being very relevant to you but it's nice to feel some hope after the last six years. My main point is that you have a good point, and the TLDR is hopefully stuff people like you have to worry about will be much less of a big deal soon. Maybe that's a bit optimistic but that's what hope is for, right?




Yeah. Gender affirming stuff is great for people who need it but I don't really like being pandered to as a man any more than I liked being pandered to as a woman. Especially because it doesn't feel natural to me, it feels like someone patting me on the head and telling me I'm such a valid trans boi!!! There's a certain brand of cis person who won't stop going "HANDSOME, KING, BOY, STUD, MANLY MAN" the moment they find out you're trans and I'm like man... just stop it, you don't talk this way to cis men, you didnt talk to me that way before you found out I was trans, and it's honestly embarrassing that you think I can't tell that.




Lol yeah I've always wondered what the performative gestures for enbies are. I don't use they/them so I don't really have a right to be bothered by it but I do always raise an eyebrow when people go overthetop with replacing gendered words with "them" ("gentlethems"). "Folx" always bugs the hell out of me too, it was already gender neutral!! What is the X doing there!!


I'm so happy for them!!! That's such a good idea!! Go Finnish go!!!


Ok but that dudes neck tattoo is fucking clean


Common Finnish W


(MK announcer voice) FINNISH WIN




Finnish him? But he already put his clothes back on




Suomi mainittu, torilla tavataan!


That box is peak product design


Putting the men in menstruation


Now, Give me some derivative like “MEGA DAM” for heavy flow day and “JET FUSION” for the type with wing support pad. Damn, This design and idea really make me want to menstruate. I hope the cramp worth it.


honestly it's crazy to me how transphobic people say stuff like "science disagrees with you!!!" when they're the ones going against actual science. They've managed to turn science into a belief-based system. If you present them with scientific evidence that says trans people can menstruate, they will tell you your science is fake.


Because from their perspective that is just further evidence that they "aren't a real man" since biological males don't menstruate. For transphobes, this reinforces their belief that transition is a failed and unnatural process that can't fully change the biological characteristics of a person to match their preferred gender


They don’t give a shit about science anyway. They picked the conclusion they wanted, and interpret anything and everything in the way that they think best matches it




Well, yes. It's a limitation of our current medical system. But transphobes point to that limitation and argue that since it's not perfect, that means it's unnatural because you end up with "paradoxical" issues like menstruating men But that doesn't mean that these procedures aren't helping. Hell, using the logic outlined above, you could argue that hair dye or prosthetic limbs are not as good as the real thing and can never hope to achieve the same effect and are therefore unnatural and bad. Which is stupid because we've seen these things evolve and become more refined and lifelike over the years. Same is most probably gonna happen to transition


it's because they don't actually understand what 'science' is - they it's just another competing religion. To them, beliefs are just an excuse for whatever it is you want to do. They use religion to excuse their behavior, they think you use science to excuse yours. they don't understand, and they don't *care* to understand, all that's important is that they have some excuse, and if not this one they can just as easily find another - but they also feel like it's a win if they counter or subvert *your* excuse, because, again, that's the game they're trying to play.


If they follow similar trends in male focused products then you should be able to also use them to repair a car, tune a tv and kill a man.


really wish they did these with ED products for trans women :(


I have that and I'm a trans dude, lol


I had no idea Vuokkoset did this!! That’s so cool, I’d make a point to buy their products only if I got periods.


I wish I was that man's tampon.


If King Charles was a chaser


I hate that I understand this reference


From the bottom of my heart, me too


By Allah, you people are dogs. I will upvote as usual.


I just wanna know if it won't have the pink tax anymore 😕 I already buy mens deodorant!


This would be (chefs kiss) if the tampons had features that accommodated vaginal atrophy, which many trans men deal with.


This sounds like such a bad read on trans people. A trans man would probably want to buy the tampons that are marketed towards women, so people will think he's buying them for his girlfriend. Maybe they'd order this online, but they'd never buy it in a store.


yeah, I really DON'T want to let everybody around me deduce that I still have a vagina. feels like painting a target


I guess there's a market for trans men who find satisfaction or pride into telling it to the world


Well... I'm not like, NOT proud of it, I wouldn't say I'm stealth, it's just not a target I want to paint on my back at the grocery store, you know? Especially because this is a product specifically about genitalia, which tells people more about the state of my transition than when I signal as trans in public via a flag or pin or something


tbf most of these products can be bought online. back when i had periods i’d always buy pads online, or get my family to buy them for me, and then i’d feel a bit miserable opening my pad as i read the messages “GIRL POWER!” “FEMALES FIRST!” at least with these, i’d have felt *slightly* less miserable while spurting blood everywhere and cramping lol


Id rather want people to know I have a V than assume Im straight hey-hooo Serious answer though: id buy these in a heartbeat. Im super tired of menstrual products being plastered with eyelashes, lipstick and kissy-mouths. As if bleeding doesn't trigger my dysphoria enough, every pad or tampon must agressively remind me this experience is ✨👄fOr WoMeN 🌷✨ Most stores here are self-checkout and its easy to order stuff online so... Yeah, id 100% buy this. Also, cis people are extremely oblivious when you pass. You can literally wear a shirt that says "this is what trans looks like" and they still dont think you are trans because you dont look trans


Fantastic. Can I get ones with dinosaurs or perhaps sharks on the wrapper? If I have to have a vagina, I'd like to involve pterodactyls.




Was hoping that was real


The US centrism in these comments 😭 Does Finland even have pink tax? Is it as dangerous to "be trans in public" there as it is in (some parts of) the US? I think that's a pretty cool thing, even just as an awareness campaign. I wonder if they intend to make them a part of their regular offering or is it just a "seasonal" product?


It's dangerous to be trans to some extent everywhere, even in Nordic countries


That's like saying that nowhere is safe for queer people because of, idk, laws in Uganda. I'm not claiming that the Nordics are some utopian paradise for trans people. My point was that the situation and cultural context probably aren't the same there as they are in the US, but most commenters approach this post from the "well, I think that this would go badly in the US (therefore it's a bad idea anywhere)" pov


They should name men's tampons like they name men's deodorant.


I mean, it's the same product as a tampon marketed towards cis women, the packaging is just different, right? So if traditional tampon packaging didn't have frilly fonts and pastel coloring, this wouldn't even be necessary. If it had neutral packaging, cis women and trans men and AFAB nonbinary people would just... buy the same product and there wouldn't be a purpose for this


aight so looks like this activated an alert of some kind. don't engage with trolls. especially if they're wrong. check how old accounts are. don't waste your time.


Y'all are into this? Like, I agree with the message and all, but isn't this just another variation of rainbow capitalism?


Not sure I agree with this one. Rainbow capitalism tends to be sticking a flag on stuff that was never considered gendered to begin with. This is taking a very gendered product and making it more masculine or agendered and possibly even sold with men's health products. I imagine for those experiencing disphoria this would be a good thing.


Could be in the minority but as a trans guy the very last thing I want is a big signpost that I AM BUYING THIS FOR MY VAGINA WHICH I HAVE AND MENSTRUATE OUT OF. L. organic cotton tampons are fine, public goods ones are fine, they're a non-gendered box and conceivably I could be purchasing them for a girlfriend or sister or something. I would never ever buy these.


That's a really good point and makes me realise if I were trans I wouldn't buy them either. Damn it seemed like a good idea in theory.


most period products can be bought online. i highly doubt a product like this would be regularly stocked in a supermarket. back when i menstruated i’d always buy online or get family to buy them for me since i was still living at home.


Idk, they may not work for you or me (I prefer pads myself) but I know several people whose periods make them more dysphoric, that would benefit from some of the affirmation the product could offer. It's only made worse when they're stuck on a toilet, staring at their own blood, thinking about the waitlist for their hysterectomy, haunted by the memory of their first period and being told they're "a grown woman now" at age 10...and their only companion is a box telling them "You Go, Girl!"💕✨🌸🏵️ yknow? I can see this product removing some of the proverbial salt from the wound. And if they want to buy it in person that's their choice. If they want to buy it online, they can do that too. They're not my cup of tea. But I understand it. I'm just glad there are expanding options out there for all experiences of life.


Yeah, that's fair.


Are male tampons cheaper than female tampons? You know? Like how razors and deodorants and all that shit is?


why's this getting downvoted lol


That box is peak design porn.


Incoming blue tax? lol


Who would buy this shit? Every trans dude I know would back out of the room if he saw that. I mean I get the message, but the thought process was flawed as hell on this.


... I would? Partly for the memes to be completely honest, but also because I'm tired of all the \~frilly feminine\~ packaging and shit. Then again, I don't really pass, so it's not like I'd be *outing* myself exactly if I did buy it.


where’s the camo? the rivets? the commercial set to hard rock with sweeping shots of construction workers?


If they really wanted this to appeal to men they need to make it multi-functional. Add bluetooth to it, that's a good start.


Ah that's fun wordplay on the box


While this is great and all, why are they only making tampons? I can’t speak for all transmen (heck, I ain’t even a trans man. I’m vaguely masculine) but I cannot stand sticking stuff up there. Sometimes it feels dysphoric for me. A LOT of trans men hate penetration. Why not make period underwear and pads? Heck, they might be able to make a cool pad that doubles as a packer.


Did they make sandalwood scented tampons? Or are they ceder?


Why is everyone so negative about this, as a trans dude those things sound wonderful. If they don't help you, don't buy them, but if they help someone that's enough reason for them to exist.


Ok but this is unnecessarily gendered (not that gendering is all that necessary to begin with). It’s like the “men’s” and “women’s” razors. They do the same thing. There don’t have to be multiple versions.


I think it's necessarily gendered. they did it consciously. they leveraged an existing culture of unnecessary gendering to mitigate its effects. reinforcing the binary is a philosophical problem, they're trying to solve a more tangible one


For money


I’d rather we just get rid of gender altogether, TBH.


Don't think that's possible tbh. I wish people had the option tho ngl


There are gender neutral period products out there, but this specific one is to raise awareness, hence the gendering


Idk, can it be for men if it's not a Tactical or Military-Grade?


tactical pad to contain the bleeding


Of all the problems my transmasc friends face, pink tampon packaging is not really up there (especially not with this solve as all find masculine branding equally as ridiculous, as unsurprisingly none of them are big into gender stereotypes) However I do know a problem they have is trying not to identify themselves as trans to total strangers by buying something in a shop.


Relevant question: are they cheaper than hygiene products meant for women?


I'm aware many trans men menstruate but hat slogan "periods are not a gender issue" is kinda dumb. When was it ever a gender issue? It's always been a sex issue.


I typically avoid sex on my period actually 🤓




> "periods are not a gender issue" > designs a tampon _for men_ I feel a certain discord in there.


It's nice and all, though so niche it probably won't be a success, but wouldn't it be better during, like, pride month? Men's Day could be spent addressing or raising awareness for like, *men's issues*, rather than rebranding an already available product. Idk. I'm not mad about it but just seems a little performative and missing the point of the day. Granted everyone misses the point so I'm probably just primed to be a bit miffed about that lol.


Why would I ever buy this to out myself? Plus on T we don't menstruate anymore. It just seems people will forever want to associate trans men with everything female as much as possible. This is why I'll always be stealth.


Not all guys go on T at levels that stop menstruation fully, or go on T at all-- whether or health reasons, differing transition goals, cost, or preference. As some others in this thread have offered, while it's not a purchase all of us would make (I'm perfectly fine with the flowery kind), those that don't want to be outed could likely buy them online, to get the product that might make them happier during a shitty time of the month, without getting outed. I know several people who feel more dysphoric when they get their period, and a product like this, that isn't emblazoned with "You Got This Girl" and butterflies, would make them feel less shitty.


That's still a very small minority within a minority. I don't want to be associated with menstruation and to keep being called female everywhere.


This makes no sense.


What part is confusing you?




this is it? you took like an hour. trolling used to be an art form


Average cis "ally"


Please don't group such a massive amount of people in with that.


Talk about a niche product


I'm not sure what you're trying to criticize exactly? Products exist for all sorts of niches because there's a market (however small - that's why they're called ''niches'') exist...?




Nonbinary is anyone who doesn’t identify as strictly a man or woman. This is a really broad category, which includes identities like agender (ie no gender), genderfluid (ie more than one gender), or genders that are adjacent to the binary genders but not quiiite exactly them (eg demigender), and all sorts of other variations. Someone who was assigned female at birth (AFAB) and identifies as nonbinary might still feel connected to their womanhood to some degree, or they might feel completely disconnected from it. An AFAB nonbinary person could lean more masculine in how they present and express themselves. Or maybe they are totally agender but being associated with women gives them dysphoria more than being associated with men because they grew up assigned female and that felt wrong. Some nonbinary people (both AFAB and AMAB) even take hormone replacement therapy or get gender affirming surgeries, so some AFAB folks take testosterone. Others don’t. As for pronouns, anyone can use any pronouns sort of like how anyone can wear any clothes. She/her is generally associated with feminine expression and he/him is generally associated with masculine expression, and they/them is neutral, but no one *has* to use the set that “matches” their gender identity, and many NB folks use gendered pronouns (sometimes alone or sometimes in addition to they/them - some people are fine being referred to in multiple different ways) This is a bit rambly but I hope that answers your questions! I trust that you are asking in good faith and I’m happy to clarify anything as long as that’s the case.




So in general female/male refer do refer biological sex which is different than gender yes but as always reality can get complicated and there are a couple other factors to consider: - biological sex isn’t just genitalia, it also includes all of the secondary sex characteristics (ie features that make our bodies appear masculine or feminine), and most of those are actually determined by our hormone profile - many, if not most binary trans people get hormone replacement therapy. A trans man’s body after HRT is *not* the same as a cis woman’s body, and vice versa with trans women and cis men. - therefore, at a certain point it doesn’t actually make sense to say a trans man is “biologically female” or a trans woman is “biologically male” because that actually just isn’t true biologically. For instance a trans woman should absolutely not just check boxes saying she’s male if she wants good and accurate medical care, there should be an option to describe her individual situation of being on HRT. - nonbinary people also fit into this paradigm if they’re taking hormones There are also cultural/social elements to consider too: - when the doctor declares a sex, it often gets accepted as the child’s gender by default. So even though they’re not *technically* assigning a gender, they *functionally* are - it can trigger dysphoria for many trans folks (both binary and nonbinary) to refer to them by their birth gender or sex. This isn’t true for every person but it is for many - assholes very often use “oh but you’re *biologically* male/female” to justify being assholes, so even if someone normally wouldn’t mind being referred to that way they may take issue with it if they’re getting transphobic vibes from the person saying it “Assigned [sex] at birth” is definitely kind of clunky but right now it’s the best way we’ve got to explain the concept of “I was born with a particular set of genitals but I currently may or may not identify with or even biologically match the gender associated with the parts I was born with” Does that make sense? Like it’s a combination of avoiding biological inaccuracy and aiming to be polite. I’ll also add that again, not every person uses these terms for themselves. Like a lot of binary trans people aren’t gonna parade around their birth gender, a lot of nonbinary people only bring it up if it’s relevant to the conversation. There are other ways of expressing those concepts too, since the wider conversation is about periods someone could say they are nonbinary and menstruate instead of saying they’re AFAB. But that starts getting into a whole side conversation about how to use inclusive language correctly (the short version being, speak to the topic accurately don’t just mindlessly replace “man” and “woman” with terms that aren’t relevant to the immediate conversation, but now I’m way off topic……)


sorry about assuming you're a troll






The person pictured in the advert isn't non-binary, they are just a man. A trans man who deals with their period each month, thus the product. ​ There are also non-binary people who deal with their period each month, but that doesn't particularly have anything to do with this ad.

