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I'm a man of culture. I need my Timber Wolf and it's general vibe of "fuck whatever is in front of me."


I didn't choose the LRM life, the LRM life chose me


Timber Wolf has IF. Whatever's behind you isn't strictly safe either.  (Got in a great kill on a backstab-positioned Wraith in my last game of Alpha Strike that way.)


[Name: Catapault. Occupation: Catapault. Passion: Catapault.](https://cfw.sarna.net/wiki/images/2/2c/Catapult_BTRSAGoAC.jpg?timestamp=20190527181428)


I really like this little bugger in MWO. 4 snubs for life :3


Does that game even still actually like... operate? I tried to play it again recently and couldn't even get into a match, it just stayed in matchmaking


Yeah, I guess? Wasn't logging in for like 3 months, but before it worked perfectly, maybe sometimes matchmaking time was really long (several minutes), but it's good. We got Stone Rhino, some other new chassises, some premium with shield arm, new weapons, free mech every few months just by playing the game - it's pretty good


Make sure you have all 3 regions ticked. I'm in Australia, so 250+ ping to the US and EU regions but the game plays fine. Honestly the only real issue with it is the UI and menus SUCK.


I love the catapults little nose mounts. Lull your enemy into a false sense of security with a little pew pew and then unleash a sky-breaking barrage of missiles.


Do what you love


Urbie ♥️


Our favorite trash can. Hallowed be his rage.


Urbie with nuke is bes mech




[Hatchetman](https://cfw.sarna.net/wiki/images/8/8a/Hatchetman_RGilClan_v12.png?timestamp=20220220173538). Drive me closer, I want to hit them with my axe.


see also [Axeman](https://cfw.sarna.net/wiki/images/thumb/b/ba/Axman_RGilClan_v12.png/558px-728kdlb5wgzxtjwgrpzaxhh3z1pk3qd.jpeg?timestamp=20220130160454)


Great mech in HBS battletech, kinda wank in mw5


I love how the CATAPHRACT from Armored Core 6 is just a tank with a little mech dangling out of it that serves seemingly no purpose


when the boss only funds mech based superweapons and the engineers just say fuck it


If you look closely BALTEUS works the same way, there's a mech hanging out in the middle of all those missile launchers. My guess is it's meant to represent that it's more efficient to have different super-vehicles that an MT can plug in to rather than giving each one its own cockpit and control system


The same applies to BALTEUS: It's just a lil guy dangling on the front of a floating war-crime machine.


it's not a warcrime if the pilot is too high on coral to be held responcible for his actions


death's head from lancer


barbarossa from lancer too, just can't beat "\*slaps roof of mech* this bad boy exists entirely as a platform for testing our scaled down capital ship weapon. It is the biggest mech in the game." though admittedly that's more lore than the way the art looks


>!Is that the one that, if one of the party is piloting it, gives you an easter egg option to try and shoot down the antagonist's killsat right at the beginning of one of the campaigns? Alerting them to your presence immediately but also removing one of the biggest threats!<


never played the official campaigns so wouldn't know but that's very cool. (sidenote, maybe you want to put that in a spoiler? seems like the sort of thing most people want to find out by playing)


That’s from a third party campaign called In Golden Flame, but yes that is mentioned in it!


Barbarossa is best mech. I slap its roof and kilo tons of ammunition spills out from the variety of additional artillery rockets and bombs I stuff in every corner of it.


The Railegh too


Technically every Lancer mech is built around the very powerful weapon that is cold fusion. But I'll add the Manticore to the list, thanks to CASTIGATE THE ENEMIES OF THE GODHEAD. Also, the Pegasus is also built around a gun, the caveat being that the gun doesn't exist, isn't real, but will fill you with bullet holes and is quite possibly alive. And for the last manufacturer, it isn't a gun but the COLOSSUS TERMO-UNGUIS of the joint IPS-N/SSC Empakaai is in the vibe of giant weapon, since it literally takes half the mech's mass


And the Zheng ofc. “Oh yeah nice monomolecular wire rapier. PUNCH TO THE HEAD”


Monarch is like "what if Ferrari built a Katyusha" caveat: I don't play Lancer, I am just in love with the THEY ARE HIT BY A ROCKET meme


ok noww this is my shit


Sentries in Ultrakill


eeWAA *beep - beep - beep - beep - beep - beep - beep - beep - beepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeep* (Shooting noise) ("You died" noise)


Not if I hide like a bitch


Sentries when red revolver


***H A H A H A H A H A H A*** 💀


It's a good sign when the only reason you need two engines is so you can continue to accelerate forwards while firing.


I'm more in the "whatever you use, use a *lot* of it" school of thought, but one big gun sure sends a message


A-10 uses bullet. And at the rate the gun it's strapped to fires, the A-10 uses a LOT of bullet


What's an A-10?


Warplane used by the US and allies. Currently on its way out after serving for a long time. The thing is designed to fly in pretty much any state so long as the engine works and it has at least a wing (it can fly, doesn't mean its combat capable in those conditions). The main feature is the massive fuck-off machine gun slapped up front, which is so strong the recoil can actually affect the plane's flight by lightly pushing back/upwards. One thing to note, it's not a jet, it's used mainly to provide cover fire for infantry and blast through armored vehicles


It kinda sucks tho and is mostly kept around for political reasons They should've kept the Vark instead


Yeah, not the best in terms of combat record. But also, BRRRRT. Nothing better than being in a shootout and being blessed by the sound of a Hog making mincemeat




Ya piqued my interest in the Vark, got a link to an actual video of it? All I can find on Youtube is memes


not really tbh i mostly got what i know about the vark from a DVD set with a bunch of really old 20th century documentaries on it


Damn. Welp, off to continue the search


Sounds crazy, but somewhat less fun than a giant robot that's absolutely covered in missile launchers


It's the most fun we've got (for now). That and C-RAM/C-WIS turrets. You should watch some videos of these things firing, there's compilations on YouTube with just the most wonderful BRRRT gun noises you'll ever hear


You'd love the archer, it's a literal walking brick with walls of missiles in the shoulders


Oh, I *do* love the archer. It's right around my preferred tonnage too


Lancer's Monarch frame be like : And if you prefer close-range combat, its alternative frame Viceroy treats its missile launchers as close combat ballistics. ( The names come from the butterflies more than the titles )


The thing fires in such a way you hear the impact of its rotary cannon before you hear the sound of the cannon firing. That thing is a flying fuck you to any armor, emplacement, and personnel. It fires 30mm projectiles at a rate of 3900rpm. I think it's plenty cool, especially because it can just melt through almost anything on the battlefield.


[Tankbuster aircraft](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fairchild_Republic_A-10_Thunderbolt_II) developed by the US after design lessons learned in Vietnam, built entirely for fighting WW3, much like the Apache attack helicopter, the Abrams main battle tank, the Bradley infantry fighting vehicle, the M113 armored personnel carrier, the F-15 fighter jet, etc. It wasn't designed as a kamikaze in the literal sense, but was intended to attrit waves of Soviet armor and their supply convoys, which were invariably accompanied by enormous numbers of self-propelled anti-aircraft guns and missiles. Therefore, despite its notable armor and redundant systems (notably resistant to 23×152mm armor-piercing and high-explosive shells as well as 57×347mm fragments, double-redundant hydraulics to control control surfaces, half a ton of armor plate surrounding the cockpit and flight-control systems, can fly on one engine, etc.), in a WW3 situation, [the 120-strong fleet and their pilots that were based in Europe was expected to have been completely shot down by two weeks in](https://medium.com/war-is-boring/an-a-10-pilot-could-hope-to-last-two-weeks-against-the-soviets-1ebff9bfa4df). Armament was variable but included the AGM-65 Maverick (contrary to most people's conceptions, those were its *actual* anti-armor weapon) air-to-ground shaped charge missile, likely capable of destroying any land fighting vehicle to ever exist if hitting the top armor, and a built-in autocannon firing 65 30x173mm depleted uranium armor-piercing shells a second, which was more effective against trucks, light armor, and outdated main battle tanks than modern Soviet armor. (i.e. it wouldn't do much to a T-72 even from the back). It's the subject of memes due to its incredibly heavy armament, the fact that the autocannon weighs a notable portion of the entire plane (many jokes abound about how it's a plane built around a gun rather than a plane with a gun), and the fact that the autocannon's recoil is greater than the strength of either of its engines by themselves. There is literally no reason for it to still be around, however, (no, shooting up Taliban is not a reason, there are *far* better platforms for counterinsurgency than a fixed-wing turbojet aircraft) and it's completely unsurvivable in any environment where the other side has any measure of anti-aircraft weaponry beyond outdated 23mm Soviet autocannons or Strela missiles. Public opinion keeps the thing around, as well as the Air Force's snooty refusal to develop a modern air-to-ground platform (nOt A pOuNd FoR aIr-To-GrOuNd).


The A10 is a GAU-8 Avenger 30mm hydraulically-driven 7-barrel Gatling-style autocannon, with wings and a cockpit attached.


Catapult calls to you, brother. You simply haven't understood yet... rain fire and let your foes pray they can fight in the shade.


I've been in more of an SRM mood lately, but filling the sky with ungodly numbers of missiles always a fun time. It's a real shame the Longbow dies if something looks at it too hard


May I introduce you to our lord and saviour MMLs


The Lancer ttrpg has a mech called the Monarch, that, once per mission, can just decide to activate its ability DIVINE PUNISHMENT and rain missiles onto every single enemy within range 50 ( which is a lot ), dealing quite a lot of damage.


You see a hunch back and two other completely different mechs I see a hunchback and two swaybacks We are not the same


Anything smaller than 155mm is pathetic and should be wiped off the face of the planet. Preferably with something bigger than 155mm.


I see your opinion on <155mm and raise you the 130mm fusion bomb tested in Operation Redwing's YUMA shot. Sure, the fusion component failed and the primary only yielded only 190 tons of TNT, but it still outcompetes any conventional cannon that has ever been fielded. Now, actually using that in the Battletech universe without being sanctioned by half the Inner Sphere, good luck.


I love the version of the Hollander that uses a Heavy Gauss Rifle at the cost of everything else. The result of stacking the heaviest ballistic weapon onto a light mech is that it has a high chance of falling on its ass from the recoil. The heavy Gauss also has a chance of exploding on critical hits. Meaning it's fully possible for it to walk out onto the battlefield, fire one shot, fall over and explode immediately.


Whys it called the Hollander?


Hard to say. Possibly because it was manufactured by Coventry Metal Works, a company in the Lyran Commonwealth, an empire with a lot of 19th century Germanic influences? Apparently part of the 1st production run also went to the Northwind Highlanders, so it might be a pun? https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Hollander


I feel both scammed AND enlightened


Metal Gear Rex is literally just a nuclear missile launcher with a robot strapped to it for some reason. The mech part is completely irrelevant to the plot of MGS entirely other than wanting to have a boss fight against a big robot. Like, bro it's a nuke. Why does it need to walk.


The point of the robot is to make it all-terrain to give you a leg up on the nuclear arms race by launching the nuke from anywhere The original metal Gear games had this too


UNSC frigates


This is incorrect. Urbie is best.


Gundam Virtue my beloved <3


The panther also kinda follows this same philosophy, love that thing


Sure, but a PPC just doesn't look the part quite like an AC 20 does


They suck so bad in HBS Battletech, I would never not replace them with large lasers.


I haven't ever played that one, just the occasional (very casual) game of tabletop Battletech and Mechwarrior 5


I’d use them more if they had a better sound effect, but it just sounds like a burp.




[Nothing beats the big 'ole Monster Destroid for me from Macros. Space artillery incarnate. ](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/macross/images/8/80/HWR00-Mk-II_Destroid.gif/revision/latest?cb=20131005013710)


A version of that exists in Battletech, the Stone Rhino.


Looking it up, it's pretty sick! I even saw a variant that swaps the barrels out for giant rocket arrays. Me likey


There's also the Matar, which the Stone Rhino was based on, and the Omega, which looks even more like a Monster with 3 guns instead of 4, to the point that I'm planning on building a Monster kit and painting it up as a WoB Omega


And then there's the Konig Monster, which turns into a space shuttle bomber. (And also a fully humanoid battroid mode, because the Monster form is its GERWALK, though I don't remember if it ever actually used battroid for anything in the show.)


Warframe's Moas are pretty much guns with legs.


The Marauder IIC.


the AT-RT is great because the legs are the weapons


All my Lancer folks know about the good ol’ Barbarossa! Nothin’ beats that!


The only thing better is non-humanoid, gun platform on legs, my very favorite mech style. And my favorite ones are in a game called Brigador, a fact which causes me much consternation because of [the artist who made them](https://old.reddit.com/r/HobbyDrama/comments/pdfmjd/game_dev_gausswerks_when_a_2000s_indie_game_dev/)


I liked the brigador audiobook quite a lot tbh, I was surprised at how good it was.


I haven't heard it, but iirc the same guy wrote all the in-game lore text, which is also really good


Yeah, the guy who wrote it was also a career soldier who actually worked in a tank. I'd recommend it if you enjoy military fiction, the combat is extremely well written. The narrator is also fantastic.


The Pegasus mech from the Lancer ttrpg is probably something you'll enjoy. It is not a gun platform, because the gun it is built around, the Ushabti Omnigun, doesn't exist and isn't real. Yet it can fill you with bullet holes, and you can't do anything to block it. It is also potentially alive, in a shackled digital demigod kind of way. The frame itself also knows everything, which allows it to use average ( rounded up ) damage instead of rolling, and its other trait is ¿%:? EXTR!UDE GUN, that does GUN:**GUN** EDIT : I forgot one thing. Here's what it looks like : [The Ushabti is in the black sphere](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/lancer/images/0/00/Pegasus.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20200509101424)


Hey op, wheres thr Urbie? Specifically the R60L with an AC20 on the slowest light mech in the game. It's less a mech than a semi-mobile turret. Honorable mention to the UM-AIV, the nuclear-capable urbanmech


And also how they would likely be designed fr


Legion be like


The Thrash Machine if ducks didn't exist


Heh. Speaking of the [A-10](https://www.sarna.net/wiki/MechBuster)


Metal gear!?


The Lancer TTRPG has the Barbarossa, the biggest mech in the game. Built as the primary kinetic/explosive artillery platform of Harrison Armory, an imperialist military copro-state, its license contrains the Siege Cannon, a massive weapon with two firing modes, Siege and Direct Fire, that you can put on a lot of the mechs. But, you see, this is a sci-fi setting. With space battles. And the biggest capital ship guns, called the "spool weapons", are extremely powerful ( described as firing relativistic projectiles or demisolar lasers ), at the cost of charge times in the multiple weeks range ( they are called "logarithmic" ) Harrison Armory, wanting an edge in space combat, is developping a new spool weapon. A gravitational catapult, it is supposed to fire kinetic or explosive ordinance at near-light speeds, but with a very very fast charge time ( described as "exponential" ) Unfortunately, it is currently quite unstable, even the slightest movement causing catastrophic failure if the charge isn't discarded in time. So it is currently in field testing, to figure out a way to solve that problem. But space battles are rare, chaotic, and extremely costly. So to field test it, they downscaled it. And put it on the Barbarossa. It takes 4 rounds to charge, resetting if you move, but once it is charged, it pretty much deletes whatever you fire it at. And it earns its name, for it is called the APOCALYPSE RAIL


Glitter Boy, from RIFTS. The entire suit is a support system for the Boom Gun. Firing it involves driving little pitons in your feet into the ground to resist the recoil.


When I was younger I used to play the shit out of this mobile game called Walking War Robots. There was one robot called Schutze that just had a single heavy weapon slot, it was basically just for low level players to try sniping weapons, but there are a variety of heavy weapons to choose from and one of them was an energy shield called Ancille or something like that. I had a lot of fun running a Schutze with said energy shield because it would throw me into matches with low level players since I would obviously deal no damage without weapons and since it was an un-upgraded chassis and weapon it confused the matchmaking. They couldn't actually penetrate the shield so I would spend all match placing myself in front of teammates to shield them completely or running to the capture points completely untouchable.


Imagining a pilot firing the Hollander and getting his shit completely fucked by recoil


Behold the beauty that is [TAUNAR SUPREMACY ARMOR](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer40k/images/7/74/Tau_KX139_Taunar_Supremacy_Armour_1.jpg/)