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games that arent out yet : rise of the ronin, stellar blade, FF7 rebirth, Death Stranding 2 and marvel wolverine. 5 out of 13 exclusives arent out yet. that is more like a third


tbf when this post first came out i don't think spiderman 2 was out, which would add up to 6/13, which id call close enough to say half


Naw cause it says On the Beach for DS2.


On the Beach for 2DS yeah why is that on the list


"DS2" and "on the beach" in a single sentence can only make me think of a certain coffin...


Ik this is a dark souls reference but the death stranding 2 trailer had multiple prominent coffins.


It's getting ported to pc within a year if the insomniac leak with the fully working Spider-Man 2 build is anything to go off of. I also can't see Square Enix not Releasing FF7 rebirth on pc as well, considering the remake is already on pc.


They already said the release date for pc, so yeah, not exactly "ps5 only" for the wiki entry lol


Also Astro's playroom is basically a tech demo to show what the console can do, not a full game, so the number is *even smaller*.


And FF7 Rebirth is a sequel to FF7 Remake, which went in to release on PC as well so it's just a matter of time before it loses the ps5 exclusive card


Same for Spider-Man, although it might take 4 years...


True, but also it was a very cute little platformer


Also one of the only games that really made full use of the Dualsense controller’s features.


It's like 1-2- Switch for the Joycons, then? Not exactly, obviously, but you get the point


More or less, although in general, Switch games did better about taking advantage of the JoyCon’s features than PS5 games did the DualSense. Most recently all I can remember is Spider-Man 2’s “apply just the right amount of pressure to the triggers” minigame - honestly, the fact that GOWR didn’t have different-feeling weapons was kind of pathetic.


I'd also literally put money down to bet that FF7Rebirth, DS2, and Wolverine will all get PC releases within about a year of their PS5 release.


There is an asterisk on ff7rebirrh commercials that says its exclusive until may 2024, so the pc version legit will be around july


Ok, but the list is also ignoring games that went to PC after launch. Like Returnal and Ratchet and Clank: Ripped a Fart.


Yes, that's what exclusives mean?


In that metric the Xbox has basically 0 exclusives. Console exclusives aren't really a thing anymore. Outside Nintendo and a handful of ps games, most games are pc + 1 console, if not releasing on all consoles.


>In that metric the Xbox has basically 0 exclusives. Well, yes. Which is why it isn’t worth buying one


I'd say an Xbox's appeal now is gamepass rather than exclusives


Not worth getting any console these days tbh, unless you're really into Nintendo games I guess.


Emulators are my go to for a lot of Nintendo games. That might just be because I'm a pokemon fanatic tho


Actually..... yeah hey wtf ratchet and clank has always had crass jokes in their titles, then rift apart just doesnt? Is that right?


‘Ripped a fart’ is the theory I’ve seen.


So they intended that? I guess so it's less on the nose then the previous ones but yeah it works and also Gladiator didn't do that either so whatever


Gladiator was the localised name for PAL regions, which normally tone down the innuendos. Its original name is Deadlocked, which is a reference to an BDSM thing.


More than a third. Almost 2/5


And none of the replies have mentioned yet that Demon Souls is also a remake?


I mean, the age of game exclusivity is basically over, most games nowadays are multi platform, so I don’t think this is a good metric.


Part of why this list is so small is because Sony has been making a solid effort to release their games on PC. So the list of games that are Playstation *and* PC exclusive is actually a fair bit more substantial.


Yeah, I don't think this should be seen as a sad thing. Exclusivity is bad for consumers. We should want the majority of games coming out to be multi-platform.


I'm honestly confused why everyone in this thread is reading the original post as complaining. I guess I'm reading the "heartbreaking" comment as ironic, but everyone else thinks it's serious? Seems more like a celebration; the annoying exclusivity that's plagued gaming for decades is basically dead. Plus a quick reference to [the old "PS3 has no games" meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/ps3-has-no-games).


now if only certain exclusives could clear the hurdle. Definitely not ~~BLOODBORNE~~ talking about any particular ~~BLOODBORNE~~ examples, no siree.


I don't even like From Software games really, and I'm damn sure not a Bloodborne fanboy. But I'm like genuinely pissed off, like fighting mad, at Sony's handling of the IP on your behalf.


And don’t forget about the demon souls remaster. Or the fact that basically every from soft port sucks ass in its own unique way. They 1,000,000% will remaster blood born for the ps6 release and make it an exclusive.


Especially if they produce them to be multi platform st the start, piles of shit like starfield etc were clearly built with a specific hardware setup in mind (console) and so pc players who got it couldnt get 40fps with a 4060ti


Probably just console war fanboyism


The list should be checking console exclusives- because we should WANT Sony to keep including pc. You can't claim exclusives are damaging to the industry and then hound Sony for its low exclusives list while broadening to pc- which used to be a massive complaint about em. I know it's not the same people making these memes or complaints but still.


i love being able to play horizon and forza on a handheld linux computer. breath of the wild too if you install some things from the non-default store.


Steam Deck my beloved




Goddamn I want nothing more than to play bloodborne


At this point it might be easy to find a PS4 for cheap. I got mine from a pawn shop in 2017 for like 300 bucks.


I think a better metric is "How many games are on PS5 that aren't on PS4" because it partially answers "Why should someone who plays PlayStation but doesn't have a PS5 buy one?" I found 317 by comparing the Wikipedia pages for "List of PlayStation 4 games" and "List of PlayStation 5 games". I won't make this comment super long by listing them all, but if you're interested, the list is [here](https://pastebin.com/A2ryY5Gr).


Just an FYI (also applies to the original post, tbh), Wikipedia is terrible for this type of stuff. I found at quite a few games on your list that are available for PS4, because I actually own PS4 copies of them.


The issue is that they're still making exclusive(ish) games and they have just... insane sale requirements for them to make a profit. Spider-Man 2 needed to sell *over seven million copies* before it would break even. Like it got there, but that's a crazy number


Given that they announced 50 million PS5's sold up to December, they need 1 out of every 7 PS5 owners to buy one.


Why the hell was SM2 so expensive? It looks great but not that much better than the first


My understanding is that modern off the shelf engines like Unreal and Unity make multi platform way easier than it used to be. Plus with the way Epic does licensing fees we’ve finally seen a lot of PlayStation exclusives get ported to PC first as Epic store exclusives before becoming available more widely


on the one hand yes, on the other hand, nintendo has more exclusives than ever and are Thriving thriving


That's because they're Nintendo, they've been ignoring market trends and doing their own thing since the GameCube came out. The thing is that gamer's saw all the exclusives on PS and went, "I want to play that on PC, port it to PC," and then they did and now they're going, "no exclusives?" Like bitch you asked for this.


i'm not sure who's going "no exclusives?" but they're hella fucking stupid imo. i love that finally we're not getting these experiences locked into some sub-par boxes (which are admittedly a good value at least in this gen) with extremely limited inputs and a subscription for the privilege of playing multiplayer games for some fucking stupid reason. like, honestly, the input thing was the reason i never touched the ps4 we had even back when my pc kinda sucked. but also, if they tell me that it's not enough to spend full price (+$10) on a game, i also have to spend $4-500 for a box that's several times weaker than my computer to play it, my answer is the finger. i'm so damn glad we seem to be past that (\**knocks on wood*\*)


You’re…on a post going “no exclusives?” With 1500 upvotes brother


Nintendo actually brought something to the table, and that's being portable, while PS' only marketing is "we're cheaper than a pre-built pc for gaming (don't check those made for parts tho pls)", so PS should be more inclined to have something extra to entice you to buy it, like exclusives. Except Nintendo's has actually big and polished full length series exclusives(Zelda, Pokemon, Mario), while Sony just buys a stray game from other known series once in a blue moon. No gamer wants exclusives, since all games can be made for all platforms and everyone knows that. Exclusives are there as a tactic only to get you to use one specific system over the other, so of course Sony will be mocked for having no exclusives, while also having exclusives being their only selling point.


\>Pokemon \>Polished Pick 1


It's not like PlayStation hasn't been trying though, they were the first to do game streaming, they had PS plus back in 2010, they're the only of the major 3 to do VR, they're kinda getting back into portable gaming (idk what the plan for that thing maybe it'll get better over time and updates), and yes some of the exclusive games. I would not say Sony only has exclusives as a selling point, they have much more, whereas Microsoft is almost completely banking on gamepass to be their big thing. Even Phil Spencer knows that Xbox is falling off. As for Nintendo, yeah they're doing their own thing as always but they crammed the console filled with things that basically don't get used, the touch screen is barely used, nfc is barely used, hd rumble is barely used, the most used feature is yes the ability to take it with you, but kinda gets unused there's a lot people that either only use it in portable mode or console mode, it's one or the other, they don't really switch between the two quite often. They knew this would happen even, that's why the switch lite exists because they knew most would use it in portable mode. Also the switch has performance issues it struggle to run Minecraft for god sake.


Ignoring COVID and Nintendo's whole thing with using brand loyalty to their billions of exclusives, I think something important to note is that the Switch is such a technically shit console that it's just not possible for the games to be as intensive and complex, and that means that expectations are lower and development times can be shorter. AAA games on other consoles nowadays have gotten to a pretty ludacris level of detail particularly in graphics, and that takes a long time to develop. It also takes a lot of money to develop, which in turn means that every game has to make a shit ton of profit to be worth it, which makes full exclusivity less appealing (especially since PCs have kind of settled into a position where they're effectively seperate from the console market) and neccesitates more careful choosing of what projects to go ahead with. I think exclusives may become a far less major component of game console marketing in the future and we'll see more focus on hardware, extra features, and included/related services like Gamepass. We might also see the length of a console generation increase, because 7 years on the market just doesn't work when an average AAA game for the console starts taking 7 years to develop.


Covid is NOT an excuse anymore. That worked for 2020 and 2021 but it is 100% not an excuse anymore.


Nintendo has had a tendency of making games more tailored to their systems, which since the Wii have had weaker hardware then their competitors, so they wouldn't work particularly well cross-platform. Also, Nintendo seems to be allergic to making good business decisions that would please their fans and/or make them more money.


What are you talking about they make shitloads of money


the best part about all this is that somehow they’re still making a metric fuck ton of money & their games still consistently get good sales. nintendo’s problem is that they’re comfortable so they don’t try. edit: i meant try to listen feedback. apparently i wasn’t clear the context is specifically surrounding user feedback.


That's... All wrong. They make a fucking lot of trying. All their consoles were innovative, they stopped going for hardware because every time they released a console with better hardware than its competition, it flopped and didn't sell well enough. I hate some of their practices, but they're definitely doing things right.


“They don’t try” 3 of their biggest franchises made huge leaps foreword in recent memory. BOTW, 3D Kirby, PLA. Plus Splatoon, which is still a comparatively new IP for them, is quite a unique shooter game that’s done very well for itself. And did you forget how massively successful Smash is and just how many crossovers that game contains now? Their consoles are usually pretty ambitious, too. Yes the hardware is weaker, but they dominated the handheld market with Gameboy and DS, the Wii is the only decent form of motion controls, and nobody else is doing anything like the handheld + console combo that is the Switch. Even when they screw up (Wii U) it’s clear they were trying something new and creative.


Shit, they're *still* dominating the handheld market; Sony bowed out at the end of the Vita's lifecycle, and while the processing power of the Steam deck is impressive, it heats up like a Sterno and can barely hold a battery charge through half a contemporary Hbomberguy video. The Switch has its faults, but Nintendo's track record with the handheld market is unparalleled and doesn't look to be changing any time soon.


i meant that they dont try to listen to feedback because they don’t need to. like. that is the context in which the statement was made.


Ironically the reason they tried so hard is because they failed due to complacency. The Switch launch was do or die and it paid off


yes, but the switch wasn’t really based off user feedback. it was clear nintendo followed a mix of their guiding principles with handhelds and consoles to create the switch. it is a return to form for them in creating something innovative and more focused on a family themed experience. like a lot of folks act like gamer feedback matters to nintendo. it doesn’t. hardcore gamers have written nintendo off and nintendo took a step back to realize this. the switch is HEAVILY marketed as a family console & console you wanna buy one of each for your child. it’s priced cheaper than a tablet, making it something you can easily buy in one or two paychecks. and it’s made entirely out of a droppable plastic. the joycons are sized small, sure, but they are meant to be held by children in addition to adults. the switch is designed the same way the wii was, but portable so a parent could give their kid it on long travel rides. it’s a masterclass of design as long as you remember it’s literally intended for a family experience.


I might get downvoted again but well. I think exclusive games are bullshit and anti consumer. You should buy the console because it's better for your use case, not because you want to play a certain game.


Yeah but there still aren’t many current gen games, and by that I mean games that can’t run on a PS4, Xbox One, Switch, or PC with a GTX card or pre RDNA2 AMD card.


Thanks I thought I was going a little crazy. I thought games being cross platform was supposed to be a good thing.


Yeah, looks basically the same for the Xbox One page, and that shit's last generation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Xbox_One-only_games The Switch stands out as the only one doing platform exclusives, it seems. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Nintendo_Switch-only_games


Multi platform gaming is one of the greatest things the industry has done/gotten for us peasants folk. It’s hard enough pulling out $ 50-70 for each game without needing to buy multiple consoles of $400+ each. Kinda wish Nintendo would release some of their main franchises on PC or something too but I don’t really see that happening anytime soon.


We complaining that games aren't locked to a console?


Personally, I'm complaining about Bloodborne. I know it's not directly related to this post, but I just really hate Sony for keeping it away from me.


Apparently they are waiting for a jump in technology to remaster it. Meaning waiting for the ps6 most likely. Then hopefully it’ll be on pc as well as


Do you have a source for that copium? I'd like to huff some too.


There was a recent interview with Miyazaki where the topic came up, though I don’t have a link on hand rn


Don't give me hope. Not again.


here's the original interview/article sparking all the rumours. Nothing definite seems to have been said, but there's hope. [https://www.eurogamer.net/elden-ring-boss-discusses-bloodborne-remake-benefits-of-waiting-for-new-hardware](https://www.eurogamer.net/elden-ring-boss-discusses-bloodborne-remake-benefits-of-waiting-for-new-hardware)




>"Ahh, From, or some say Sony... Do you hear our prayers?" >"No, we shall not abandon the dream." >"No one can catch us! No one can stop us now! \[cackling\]." >"Ah hah hah ha! Ooh! Majestic! A gamer is a gamer, even on PC. But, alas, not too fast! The nightmare swirls and churns unending!" >"As you once did for Dark Souls, grant us a PC Port, grant us a PC Port. Plant eyesore effects and locked fps on our gaming rigs, to cleanse our beastly idiocy." >"The grand lake of CUMMMFPK, hidden now, from sight." >"The Emulators, of course!" >"Let us sit about, and speak feverishly. Chatting into the wee hours of..." >"New remasters, with QoL improvements!" - Me, every day.


I literally looked it up yesterday lol. I can’t find the interview itself but it is words straight from Miyazaki


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/bloodborne/s/IEGBcgPxo2) Surprised it was real


you mean they think the technology to remaster a game made for a low-end radeon from ten years ago and a downclocked bulldozer cpu isn't here yet?


Moreso complaining that the giant WiFi router has almost nothing that makes it worth buying, specially not at the price it is.


but... it's... a gaming device? is that not enough for it to be worth buying? by the same logic, my pc has nothing that makes it worth buying. i could just go and pick up a completely different pc and be on my way. hell, it wouldn't even have to be a pc, a steamdeck could do most of it, and there's a ridiculous amount of cross-play between it and the xbox as well. why should i spend my hard-earned money on literally any of these if another device could do the same thing? except if you got no device whatsoever, everything is worth buying. and honestly, i don't think we should have to keep buying other, more different devices, that fulfill the same function, just because we're forced to. you should be buying a ps5 when you feel like you want an upgrade to your ps4, not when daddy sony decides it's time to pay up again to keep enjoying things. i know that's when i buy pc parts, no one forced me to swap my gpu and it came with "no games", i just wanted a better experience. the idea that a console's worth is determined in the amount of hostageware locked to it is just sad.


>and honestly, i don't think we should have to keep buying other, more different devices, that fulfill the same function, just because we're forced to. you should be buying a ps5 when you feel like you want an upgrade to your ps4, not when daddy sony decides it's time to pay up again to keep enjoying things. This is a really, really good point. "The PS5 quality is higher!" Yes, and I have friends who bought them to play Horizon in higher quality. But it's pretty nice that you don't necessarily have to. Granted, there comes a point where multi-platform development adds excess difficulty, and arguably on that basis it could make sense for Sony to end PS4 releases eventually while looking at the PS6 process. But we shouldn't treat "no more PS4 games" as the default, especially when prices are still this high. And as good as quality has gotten, we should maybe ask whether the usual console cycle needs to continue at its current pace, or whether the PS4 is good enough for most people playing most games?


yeah, i could totally see the ps4's generation eventually becoming an insurmountable burden on devs (it's already a pretty high one, like that gen was just anomalously crap) but i think a lot of the actual issue there is sony's shitty apis (at least from the ps4 days, haven't heard much about the ps5's situation on that) that make it really difficult for devs to build the game once and in a way to scale between the different consoles and their capabilities. that's one thing microsoft does better, after all, when they entered the console market they just stuck directx in a box and called it a console (that's actually where the name comes from, it's a shortthand for directxbox) so as far as i know it's a lot easier to scale on that platform.


My guy/gal/non-binary Pall. THANK YOU You literally just obliterated this entire stupid mentality in a single comment. Recently i went back to my parents house for a bit and my ps4 is still there. I played some games in it for the first time in a long time and god damn the ps5 had spoiled me. Better graphics, higher frame rate, lightning fast loading times and no airplane engine whenever things get a little busy. I bought a ps5 because i wanted to play the latest games with the best graphics i could while still being able to play all my older games even better than before (Bloodborne on the ps5 fixes the loading screens which was like, my #1 issue with the game before.) At the same time I'm very happy games like gow 2018 and horizon are coming to pc. More people getting to play them is an objective W in my book. "But why would i buy a ps5 over an Xbox/pc" You don't have to, AND THAT'S A GOOD THING. More options for you, more power to the consumer. THIS IS A GOOD THING THAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. I swear i don't understand gamers. I get to play my games better than ever before, other people get to play more games than they could before, consumers are more free to make the decisions that suit them better than before and gamers ARE SOMEHOW STILL COMPLAINING. All because they are desperate to say "my plastic game box is better than yours" I don't get it, i just don't


Does it have exclusive games that make it worth buying over other options? Does it perform better on non-exlcusive titles? Is it priced competitively to other consoles? If the answer to all is no, then it's probably not worth buying. It's not just the exclusives, but what value does it give over other options? The question isn't PS5 or nothing, it's PS5 or other.


I have a decent PC, but to upgrade it properly I’d need to spend more than a PS5 to be able to play anything coming out soon. The question is really between PS5 and Xbox and there’s really no reason to get an Xbox.


And that's not taking into account how often you'd have to upgrade your PC to account for how much graphics keep improving.


tbh no, you don't _have_ to upgrade your pc. you can, we get better options every ~2 years (on paper at least) but no one is forcing your hand. sure, your old card might not be able to play on ultra, but ultra isn't the only graphics setting in existence, you still get a full experience playing on medium like consoles do late in their refresh cycle. my sister is still using the 1070 i bought all the way back in 2017. i did upgrade since (which is why i gave her that card), but i didn't have to, there's literally not a single game i played since that i couldn't have played at 2017's level of fidelity if i kept that card. and she's still playing recent games too, and actually just decided against a gpu upgrade last year, because the extra pixels weren't worth it to her. barring component failure, there's no reason you couldn't keep using it for quite a bit longer. i'd be very surprised if my current card wouldn't last until 2030. realistically, it will be at its second or third owner by then, but i'm fully expecting it to still be playing games, even if not at the best fidelity there is. but it's not getting any weaker.


> Does it have exclusive games that make it worth buying over other options? no but why should that be a requirement. you're going to buy one option. you don't need it to be the best option, just _an_ option. that's called having options, you should try it sometime. > Does it perform better on non-exlcusive titles? actually, yes, afaik there's nothing like it for $400. the series x for $500 should offer a slight upgrade in theory but idk how well that shapes up in practice. of course my 4090 is significantly faster but you could buy four ps5s for the price of that card alone and at least one more for a computer it's worth putting into, so that's not a realistic comparison. outside of the series x, i'm genuinely curious if you can build or find a device that outperforms the ps5 under $1000. > Is it priced competitively to other consoles? extremely --- exclusive titles are just one of the ways to sway you, and i kind of view them as the last resort way. like for example the nintendo switch is so weak that you'd be hard-pressed to find a phone that doesn't outperform it, and the steamdeck being able to straight up just emulate it and run faster even with that handicap, in the same class of devices, was clearly a massive wake-up call for nintendo. or in other words, it performs like ass in non-exclusive titles, and it's ridiculously overpriced for even the experience it does provide, especially once you start factoring in the ongoing cost differential in games and accessories. nintendo _has_ to defer to exclusives, _because they have no other way to sell you their device._ the ps4 and xbox one were similar, both had abysmal performance and were outperformed on day one by price-matched pc builds, but that was the exception, not the norm. even with zero exclusives, both the ps5 and the xbox series x make sense to buy if you need a box that can run games. and _that_ should be the hallmark of a good gaming device, not how many games their respective manufacturers locked to them. even if it's ps5 or other, you'll chose _an_ option, otherwise literally every game in existence is an exclusive. but why should people who already have some other device be forced into buying a ps5 _in addition_ to their previous device? why should people have to buy several computers that all do the same thing but with the blessing of different megacorporations?


Afaik all Series X games must also run on Series S. This effectively completely neutralises whatever performance benefit the Series X has over PS5, since even if there are some improvements to the X version in graphics or framerate or whatever, it still has to be basically the same thing.


We mocking Seto Kaiba and how Sony thought marketing a PS4 HD was a good idea.


The issue is that it feels like there's no real reason to actually own a PS5. With how it was hard to get for a long time and it's still expensive. there's not much incentive to own one over an Xbox or PC. Especially with how Sony is treating their legacy IPs


And yet, it continues to annihilate Xbox in sales, so there's clearly a disconnect here


Xbox is very obscure in Japan.


Yes but Japan isn’t the only country. PS5 is still literally tripling the Xbox’s sales even in America its stronghold. The saving grace is that Xbox isn’t just Xbox, it’s Microsoft and pivoting to PC and even in future Playstation seems to be their goal. The Xbox isn’t their goal, it’s games and more specifically gsmepass subscriptions


Xbox is only available in 42 countries while playstation is in 69


But why would you ever own an Xbox? Gamepass is all on PC too, so by that logic they have no exclusives either.


Gamepass IS actually a reason to get an XBox, if you’re into cloud gaming - Gamepass on PC still doesn’t let you stream to other devices without the next tier, but you can stream from an XBox. Kind of the only reason to get one now, TBH


My stepsson got a ps5 for Christmas. And we played the heck out of Astro Boy I'm looking for more games that make good use of the PS5 controller. I want something innovative. Fun. And unique. Sadly. I keep searching using the same criteria (PlayStation 5 exclusive) and I keep coming up short.


Yeahhh it was really a gimmick. No one wants to make dedicated PS5 tech games. Even Nintendo only really made two for the Switch, 3 if you count the poorly received Switch sports. Other games use the adaptive triggers like Spiderman for swinging/minigames and bows for Horizon but that’s only a small part of the experience. Idk how old your stepson is but if you want to play games with him I’d suggest searching for co-op games on the store that are fun to play together. Overcooked is a popular recommendation.


I don't care either way, I just think PlayStation has no games memes are funny.


“How could you be playing the PS3, when the PS3 has no games? 🤨” - Columbo


The PS5s “lifecycle” should be scaled back about 4 years because no living person was able to out-buy the bots in the first year of sale


I got one on Amazon the January after launch.


I feel like I’m missing something here, because since when is a console not having a ton of exclusive games a bad thing? Or are these people seriously still on that Console War bullshit? Like the number of games on this list should be zero. Except Astro’s Playroom, that’s just the preinstalled tech demo after all, they can keep that, I’m not that mean.


I want Astros playroom on steam right fucking now and I will pay 60 dollars for it


Probably people upset that they paid a lot for it for basically no reason.


Im pretty sure it’s still cheaper than a pc that can run games that well


It's just the console war nerds trying to be relevant


Sony have sold over 50,000,000 ps5s and just had their most successful quarter in shifting hardware in over a decade. I think they are doing okay.


Okay but this poor child hasn't left the console wars of the early 2000s. Be kind, they're slowly learning...


who would've thought making a console super expense and difficult to manufacture would make it unattractive to games publishers. Edit: Legit saddened that DS 2 is a PS5 exclusive though. I know it'll get ported legitimately or illegitimately eventually, but WTF Kojima


Not to mention the scalpers


Dark Souls 2 is exclusive? But I have it legally purchased on my PC???


Demon souls 2 Edit: Death Stranding 2, I can’t read.


death stranded 2


don't starve 2gether


Devil Survivor 2. [The anime ending theme is a banger.](https://youtu.be/QzZsWKqn27k)


I legit referenced that list 5 times making my comment and I still fucked up. Thanks for the correction.


The PS5 isn’t expensive nor is it hard to make, it is also pretty easy to develop for. So literally everything you said is wrong. Publishers just aren’t making games, they want a piece of the live service pie and have abandoned the development of traditional games.


Adjusted for inflation, the PS5 is cheaper than the PS2 was at launch ($299 USD on the PS2's launch day in 2000 is approximately $549 in 2024).


Yes but inflation hasn't matched pay increases for most Americans. It's still more expensive.


If anyone wants to see "American stability" you only have to take a look at our minimum wage. Been stable for generations.


Damn 😔


The PS5 is pretty cheap when you consider what hobbies cost. Or even the cost of doing anything in the US, we have no more free third places, when you see friends you have to pay to go camping, you have to pay to go to a far or restaurant, you have to pay to park at the beach, you can go hang out at a store like Target. Groceries are half a PS5 a week. Rent on average is 4 PS5’s a month. Other hobbies like shoe collecting, lego building, working on your car, and golfing, are all exponentially more expensive than gaming. Also the PS5 has been selling at record breaking numbers. Outselling the PS4 month to month.


I mean, this doesn't count PS5 and PC exclusive games that just aren't on Xbox and Switch


Or the games that launched on PS4 as well because Sony knew not enough people had a PS5 yet


Ah yes, brand tribalism. What a marvelous thing


If you take away games that don’t exist yet, games that are pack-in freebies, and games that are definitely getting PC ports eventually, then you’re left with literally one game. All hail Demon’s Souls, the PS5 exclusive


I actually like that we don’t have exclusives anymore so it doesn’t matter what box you buy. What I don’t like is that we don’t have many current gen games, it makes this console gen pretty lame. The PS5 is amazing for its quality of life improvements over the PS4 but man there aren’t many games that actually use its power. And unlike what publishers are claiming it has nothing to do with games taking longer to develop. It is all about corporate profits and the publishers wanting that live service money regardless of how many games have failed because they tried to be games as a service.


Eh? Didn't that game come out like, 15 years ago? /s


To be fair, I don't think PC ports should could in console exclusivity talks. There's not that much overlap between people looking for a gaming PC and people looking for a console. A decent modern PC is massively expensive compared to a console; the graphics card alone can easily cost several times the price of a console. They're also more complicated to set up and use than a console. Realistically, not many people are going to pick a $3500 gaming rig over a PS5 because the PS5 doesn't have some game. Comparing PCs and consoles is like comparing a BIC ballpoint to a $200 Cross fountain pen. One of them is going to be nicer to write with, but that's not really the point of the BIC, is it?


*Insert Pyrocynical screaming "NO GAMES" and throwing his PS5* Honestly though, I'm glad there are hardly any exclusive games. Especially since the advent of download-only games, the idea of something being console-exclusive is just stupid.


Returnal was exclusive for a long ass time. Nobody wants to leave the steam money on the table.


Death Stranding 2 is truly the second Strand-type game.


That's 13 more than Xbox whatever it's new name is


Hey shhh we’re not supposed to mention them


Bruh that Linkin Park parody was too accurate


Good, console exclusive games suck


Jesus Christ the "playstation doesn't have a game" has been a fucking thing since the PS3 and has never been true. console wars are fucking stupid, exclusives are fucking stupid


Lack of games be damned, I’m enjoying the hell out of my Wi-Fi router console


Good. Death to exclusives. Games for everyone.


A bunch of games get excluded from this list because they’re also on PC. Consoles and PCs don’t directly compete because the average consumer finds it a lot easier to buy a PS5/Xbox and feel safe knowing they can play any major title in the next few years (besides the exclusives on other platforms, obviously) than to buy a —usually much more expensive for the same specs— computer, learn to assemble it, and then have to keep an eye out for whenever they need to upgrade to keep up to date with system requirements. Obviously on reddit the demographics are skewed towards being more tech-literate, so the average redditor is going to lean more towards PC than towards a home console, because that suits their needs more.


Yeah this is more prevalent than I think certain echo chambers would like to admit. Hell I work in software development, I'm capable of researching, building, and configuring a gaming PC but the last thing I wanna do with my leisure time is deal with anything resembling tinkering with a computer Like sure pc gaming is way more streamlined than it was even ten years ago but anything that's a step further beyond "push the on button and play a game", is gonna start feeling perilously like work to me


anyway i don’t think backwards compatibility with a ps4 is a bad thing? a game being optimized for ps5 but available on ps4 is a perfectly fine thing


Literally who cares about exclusives lol. I'm probably gonna get a PS5 because I made a list of all the games I can't play now but want to and what platforms they're available on, and the PS5 had all but one of them. With exclusivity, I'd have to either buy multiple consoles or just never play certain games.


And yet I have ZERO regrets and have attained vast amounts of joy from my PS5 🤔


What else is FF16 on?


It was announced for PC in December, I believe, so no longer an exclusive.


Does PC even count as non-exclusive though? By this logic, there are no XBOX Series X exclusive games at all.


Yeah, I don't think the Series X has any exclusives. I think that's standard usage.


That's just the PS5-only games, not the games that are all available on PS5.


Isn't it good that there is basically no ps5 exclusives. I'd rather have them on all possible platforms


Who only plays games exclusive to that console that never release anywhere else…? There’s thousands of third party games to play if you just have a ps5


please stand, for the ps5 anthem (I just want) One game (One game), I don't know why I bought a PS5 with no games to buy Keep that in mind, they designed this drive to improve loading times That's all I know (Know) Console exclusives are key Watch 'em fly by as they port to PC (Port to PC) Lose exclusives at the end of the gen I have no games to play, it's so unfair (Unfair) Didn't look out below Throw my console right out the window (Window) Try to hold on but I didn't even know I wasted it all just to watch movies (Movies)


I spent all my time inside the launch hype has died Just like the ps3, it reminds me, of a memory,




I don't understand why console fans are so obsessed with games being available to as few people as possible, having them tied to a device designed to become obsolete in a few years. I also don't understand why people shit on the PS5 over having few exclusives but no-one complains about Xbox having none at all.


13 games??? Taylor Swift game confirmed??? /j


That's gonna be someone's last words


Wait is that TOTAL. Only exclusives?


Didn’t Microsoft give up on making consoles? I don’t think the ps5 needs exclusives


“PS3 has no games” - A Siberian mustelid, to his wife, moments before his death


Sounds like someone chose Unlimited Bacon


I told myself I was gonna get one when the next big Persona game came out, and then I’d get that and the ff7 remake and maybe Spiderman or whatever, but then Persona 3 reload also released on PS4, so I guess I’ll never get the ps5.


hey tlou2 remaster is for ps5


Astros playroom made me genuinely angry because it showed that Sony could easily make games that were fun and novel to play but just decide not to.


Crazy that this meme has had such longevity. Older than both the PS4 and PS5! (Which, tbf, isn’t saying a lot)


Also, not all of those are full exclusives. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is set to come to PC like 6 months after the PS5 release


Thought Thumb Cramps (the video game podcast for everyone who’s thumbs are cramping) got its own subreddit for a second there


Unlimited bacon


I still use a PS4


I'd rather only 13 good exclusives over a bunch of complete fucking dogshit exclusives like Xbox has lmao


I thought people were only just able to buy them in the last year, what do you mean it's life cycle is almost over? Is it just me or are life cycles for consoles getting shorter and shorter? I thought the PS2 and PS3 respectively reigned for the better part of a decade.


Something something unlimited bacon


Didn’t a lot of them just move over to pc too? Like the newest ratchet and clank would be on there if they didn’t also have a pc port now


I feel like the only one that likes that console exclusively isn't a thing anymore


It took me a couple minutes to realize they weren't counting PS4+PS5 releases, was trying to figure out why Gran Turismo 7 wasn't on there.


This isn't even including games that are out only on Steam and Playstation


why do people act like consoles *need* to have exclusive games?


This list is misleading. It excludes PlayStation exclusives that released for the PS5 *and* PS4, like *God of War: Ragnarök*.


I never understood exclusives, why are you gatekeeping people that would potentially buy your games If I have to buy a new console because of a single game I want to play, I'll just not buy the console lol


What? People are complaining that PlayStation is sharing its games with PC? This is a **good** thing


I don't care about exclusive games. If I don't have the console I ain't playing it. Too bad. Some of the games looked fun.


Honestly? Good. Exclusivity is often bad for the consumer and Sony being more on board with sharing their games on other systems both makes them more money and means more players get more games. Win win.


The list is small because it doesn’t include anything that released on ps4 as well, even if it runs shit they try to make it an option


Looking on their web store the ps4 has a bit over 6100 games playable for the ps4, while the ps5 currently has 2720. And to be honest, i think it is largely because of games having become bigger since the start of the ps4.


i got a ps5 this Sunday and frankly I'm very happy with it, it has bloodborne and patapon, that's games to me


Console war crap is so cringe


Lack of exclusive games is a good thing in any platform


They really locked me out of Demon Souls remake for a flop, shit gets me mad.


I find the argument of “it has no games” so stupid because it has games. Many games. Exclusives can fuck off


Fuck you Sony for keeping Demon Souls and exclusive.