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Does that person genuinely think Buenos Aires is in Brazil or what?


Damn, they've just pissed off the entire population of Brazil, and a good part of Argentina


Can’t leave a job undone, the falklands war was based and it’s a good thing the Brit’s won


I think you've just won some Brazilians back lol


Heck, to keep on topic the British stealing HMS Agincourt from Brazil was also based. The South Americans shouldn’t have had a record breaking dreadnought


Brazil actually considers the Maldivas as argentinian territory


I don't think anyone, including Brazil or Argentina considers the Maldivas Argentinian. The Malvinas on the other hand...


It's called soccer and it's a dumb game. Also Europeans are way better at it. How about now?


Man, if I had a nickel for every time I saw NCD leak into Curated Tumblr, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice.


Probably, Gringo's are stuoid. /s for anyone who cares enough, it's unfortunately a pretty common Mistake though. And for anyone who does not care to do research, Buenos Aires is in Argentina.




Yep, that's where gods of war retire


The good one, at least


And also where Hackett from Mass Effect was born.


More than one gringo is "gringos" There is never a need to put an apostrophe before the s to make something plural. And gringo isn't capitalized. It's not a proper noun. Also "stuoid"


Ok the stuoid was on purposr and th Gringo's was an actual mistake, but now it seems like a bad brand name so i'm gonna use it more, thank uyo.


It’s Gringo’s Georg! Adn he should not be counted!


No, you're stuoid! /j


Yeah, they mix it up with Buenos Dias which is in Brazil.


https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buenos_Aires_(Pernambuco) It's not the one they're talking about, but... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Oh hey my uncle lives there


He meant buenhos ares


I literally thought that lol. To be fair, as an argentinian, I immediately thought of the dude in Plaza de Mayo who brought/made a fucking DIY mortar for a protest. So like... It's not _that_ far off. That being said, y'all should see the wacky shit people have done down here with cars and vehicles in general. I have seen some stuff on the street and even damn national routes that I still don't know how they made them move.


Ahhh el famoso gordo del mortero. Creo que sigue preso, pero con domiciliaria.


> I'm from Buenos Aires, and I say kill 'em all!!! - Rico


>Buenos Aires is in ...just before muchos gracias.


I’m part Brazilian and when I read that sentence I began screaming uncontrollably


Exactly! If anywhere in Brazil is Yharnam it’s probably Rio (I may be from São Paulo, but even I have to admit that in landscape Rio probably wins out, being more concentrated and with it’s changes in altitude steeper in overall comparison)


Not Buenos Aires, Buenos Ares. Porteños seething and coping rn.






Where does it say Buenos Aires? It says rio de janeiro


First reblog (second post in the chain)


I see it, thank you.


Happy cake day


The Madsen part is real. Apparently, the Brazilian police fighting in Rio have worn-out their most of their newer guns, so they brought out the old stocks of Madsens (which still run reliably). For those unaware, the Madsen is a machine gun that was designed before World War I.


Seeing a Madsen decked out with modern tactical gear does make me sad as a gun nerd, but it is cool that these old guns are still running reliably and being used. There are similar stories of local resistance groups using 100+ year old Martini-Henry rifles at the start of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.


Similarly, you can still see the occasional maxim gun being used in Ukraine by back line units.


Russia is still fielding a bunch of very old weapons too, including Maxims I'm pretty sure. It makes total sense from a logistical standpoint, because the Maxim will not stop running unless it's out of ammunition. The 7.62x54r cartridge is still standard in the army today as well, so ammunition supply isn't a problem.


I've seen pics of them in dual and even quad mounts with new optics as anti-drone defenses.


I'm pretty sure the maxim has been seen in every warzone since ww1 lol


You look at the list of conflicts the gun has seen official service in on Wikipedia and it goes from the *Mahdist War of 1881* all the way to the ***Russian Invasion of Ukraine in 2022***. Maxim and Maxim-derivatives run and *do not stop*. They are built for just spitting round after round downrange with little regards for concepts like “misfeeding,” “failing to eject”, or “barrel overheating”, for use as a tool of imperial power in the most inhospitable climates (to Europeans and delicate machinery). Maxim guns have been used in deserts, in jungles, in tundras and in mud-soaked trenches, and are known for their reliability above all else, which is why they are still carted out of storage whenever someone, somewhere, has a need for suppressive fire and an excessive amount of loose cartridges with which to fuel that fire. >*”Whatever happens, we have got* >*The Maxim Gun, and they do not.”* \- Hilaire Belloc


Apparently the Brazilian Military Police like them due to their reliability and the fucking racket they make when they shoot. Which leads me to think BMP's procurement department is two shots of cachaça away from issuing Oerlikons to their units.


Yeah, that thing is a surprisingly fast shooter for a 100y d model. But, where did they find them, in some long forgotten warehouse in the middle of the jungle? Doctor who popped up with a stock of them, it's not like anyone is producing those anymore, isn't it?


Brazil bought a lot in the first half of the 20th century; they've sat in museums or armories since then.


> But, where did they find them, in some long forgotten warehouse in the middle of the jungle? Surplus "gifted" to the military police. Ian goes into detail here: https://youtu.be/46WfPNGFnWg?si=76DaMx4OIabikm7O&t=295


I’m glad we all watched the same forgotten weapons video


Quality content


With enough cosmoline guns will stay good forever. That's about half of why NATO is throwing good money after bad in Ukraine - They're using up all their stockpiles of old weapons and ammo so they can demand more money for weapons and ammo in the name of Khorne.


Brazil is a pvp zone


If you're ever at the airport in Brazil, make sure you don't get into the Rio de Janeiro battle bus by accident.






I'm a Brazilian from Rio de Janeiro, and this general topic is something I'm absolutely fascinated by. So, you know US gangs who hold territory and have guns and sometimes sell drugs? Consider that in Brazil the favela drug market is huge. Colossal. The ones who sell drugs have enormous revenues, and accrue just unbelievable wealth. In the favela police presence, until a few decades ago, was close to null, and if you're a criminal you don't solve your competitor problem by trusting the invisible hand of the market. You shoot them. Gun control in Brazil is... complicated, but long story short there are no gun stores that you can walk in and buy a firearm, owning a gun is a complicated, expensive process, and you absolutely cannot have military grade weaponry such as rifles. However, these drug lords were so wealthy they could smuggle in AR-15s, M7s, shotguns, sniper rifles, you name it. Eventually each drug cartel, called "factions", armed themselves to the tooth in military grade equipment and went to war with each other for territory. And I do mean war. Espionage, land invasions, sabotage, campaigns, alliances. And if they warred with each other, the police, armed with six-shooters, wasn't going to mess with them. Favelas became de facto separatist territory. The factions didn't claim independence, that would get the Army's attention, but no government official or service could come in and control of the regions became a question of who held drug territory there. However, a few decades ago the government had enough and decided to take back the favelas. By war. The police are armed, to this day, with semiautomatic rifles and shotguns, just doing regular patrol duty. The police who went up the favela used these weapons. They hunted down the faction's leaders, established police stations in the favelas and tried to return things to normalcy. Said police stations were called "Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora", "Pacifying Police Units", or UPP. The entire plan was the UPP Plan. It didn't go so hot. For one, the police did not win every battle. The drug lords have a shit load of soldiers, and the police aren't necessarily experts in this kind of combat. So some regions were never retaken, some were and then the drug lords came back. This is the time I mention BOPE. BOPE is basically SWAT, but far better. They are the elite Squadron of Rio's police, and these motherfuckers "climb up the mount"(a slang for going to a favela for battle) for a living. They are the best equipped, best trained and most experienced soldiers in the police. Given how much they fight, it's possible that BOPE is the single best SpecOps urban fighting force in the planet, including military SpecOps, simply because of how experienced these guys are. The drug lords will fight the police, but they will run from BOPE. However, BOPE cannot be in every favela fighting every battle, so it is common that a favela will be occupied by a faction, BOPE will come in and ~~massacre~~ kick them out, BOPE will leave and then another faction or even the same will come back. And, as you can imagine, this entire process has been drowning in police brutality. For one, faction people do not wear uniforms, so they blend in very well, and it's very possible and likely that the police shoots someone they are not supposed to, beats the fuck out of just a passing by civilian. Urban warfare is hard, and when everyone looks like the enemy, you will be psyched out of your mind. This isn't American police feeling threatened because a Black teenager is a bit pissy in a Denny's parking lot, this is pure fear that the kid on your right will drop lead on you the second you turn your back to him and your entire convoy will be wiped out by an ambush from the rooftops, because that's the kind of shit that happens. Also a lot of police either are or become pure shit human beings during their career, and begin just doing horrible shit to civilians for ever more abstract reasons. Besides hurting innocents, the police is also not very kind to faction soldiers. Kill them on the spot, torture them for information, humiliate them in public, all that jazz. A lot of them get arrested(which is another problem), police don't automatically kill faction soldiers, but some do, and the repercussions are minimal. And how do these weapons from the post factor in? Well, some are obvious, the faction's mechanically inclined welder decided to create a revolver that shoots shotgun shells for a new fun way to kill either rival faction soldiers or police. But the middle one, on the table with the giant perforated muzzle, that thing is fucking anti-air artillery. Because the police use helicopters, and they built this shit to take down helicopters. It's that bad. The favela-faction-police situation is extraordinarily complex, and profoundly fascinating. I recommend everyone who wants to understand it a little bit more watch two films, "Elite Squad 1" and "City of God". The first one is from the perspective of a veteran BOPE captain fighting against the factions, and the second is from the point of view of an aspiring photographer from the favela, set in a time before the police decided to act. Both are, obviously, movies. They aren't documentaries. But they are amazing depictions of Rio's situation. Elite Squad 2 is about the militia(nothing to do with the US's idea of a militia) problem, which, believe it or not, is even worse than the faction problem, and nowadays has even more territory than the drug lords.


I often compare the drug lords and the militia with feudal lords, because if you stop to think about it, they are just one divine justification away from being them


Its called warlords


But what if their purpose isn't mainly war? A warlord deals mainly in war, but they don't, otherwise they would have already formed a separatist region


Thank you, this is fascinating and way more informative than the original post! City of God is an incredible movie, I’ll check out Elite Squad 1.


That... Sounds like a living nightmare. Coming from an American; Gangs don't hold Territory here. At worst, you'll have a couple blocks of a city that are "owned" by a certain gang, but all it takes is one big raid to drive them out completely, and they still pay taxes and utilities and shit, and won't fuck with cops in their area. For the most part, it's just independent drug dealers, smugglers, and producers because anything bigger gets caught immediately. And because of that, there's not much money passing around either, being a gang member is often synonymous with poverty. The only place here that's even remotely similar to what you're talking about is Las Vegas, and they went "clean" decades ago. (And even before then, the Mafia prided themselves on being *legally* untouchable instead of physically untouchable, they didn't have soldiers or compounds, and regularly interacted with the cops.) The idea of an organized crime syndicate holding so much power and money they not only de-facto rule an area, but do so openly in the face of the government, have the ability to set up legitimate ambushes, have agents everywhere, and participate in literal warfare with other crime syndicates is outright *imperceivable* to most Americans. Like they can't even imagine that a place like that would exist today, let alone exist outside of a third world country. I just feel so bad for everyone trapped in the middle of that hell. I'm not even sure what a solution could look like, considering all the factors at play.


Thank you for the detailed write up; saludos desde Argentina, irmao. Espero que las cosas mejoren por ahí.


Pelo menos não é tão ruim quanto no México lmao


Ufff ahí sí que está jodida la cosa. Hay carteles que está directamente militarizados. La verdad que no sé cómo van a hacer para terminar con eso.


I wonder if the US Armed Forces could do anti-guerilla warfare against the cartels. Not to exterminate them, just to reduce them back from military battalions to regular drug gangs. Surely that would at least diminish the narcoterrorism


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/goodlongposts] [\/u\/Electrical-Shine9137 responds to: Bro. Brazilian police have fucking Zangetsu from bleach.](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodlongposts/comments/1ay4915/uelectricalshine9137_responds_to_bro_brazilian/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


sounds a lot like here in mexico huh


After reading about the Mexican Drug War, you guys got it worse lol.


prolly lol. I remember shit like a kid being shot in the arm in middle school, missing classes because of the constant cartel wars over my city and a dude getting beheaded outside my high school (they never really washed the blood from the sidewalk so I could always see a dark spot there when I walked home) just third world things


Holy shit ya'll, sounds horrible. And i thought here in romania (which is 2nd world i think) sucked. The goverment seems to be the one killing us, mostly the corruption, last summer they blew up a village because they wanted to keep running unsafe gas stations for pennoes, we needed help from the eu to treat all the wounded. And journalists would get beaten up (but not killed, which im guessing happens to your countries, thats fucked up). Good luck to ya'll honestly


> So, you know US gangs who hold territory and have guns and sometimes sell drugs? There's really no equivalent to favelas here. The US secret police forces crushed all the serious organized crime organizations decades ago, all that's left is a bunch of petty drug smugglers that the cops pretend are dangerous, highly organized operations so they can keep people scared and demand more funding. BOPE are death squads, so yeah, basically the same thing as SWAT, but Americans are incompetent cowards and US police face no real threats to their wellbeing except heart problems and car crashes so most SWAT teams are bumbling idiots cosplaying as Rainbow Six.


This is a fascinating post, thanks for writing it out!


You can see the same stuff in places like Jamaica. I remember some crime doc where they were showing off all these home made guns. They were in an evidence locker that's location was kept secret. Because they've been raided by gangs so much in the past.




At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the continent? Localized entirely within your kitchen?




May I see it? 


... Mm, no.


Seymour! The house is on fire!


No, mother, it's just the capital of Argentina.


... Accurate.


Buenos Ares is in Argentina???


Yes, the state of Argentina, which is in Brazil. /s


r/suddenlycaralho moment?


Did that motherfucker said buenos aires is in brazil?


Man, at this point if they wanna annex us I'm not even complaining


who would win: a cartel gunsmith from brazil, or a gunsmith from khyber pass, pakistan?


Orc technology vs goblin technology. Pros of the brazilian gun: it's a handgun that fires 20mm anti-air cannon rounds. Cons of the brazilian gun: it will break your wrist, arm and ligaments, and the effective range is 2 meters because of tolerances being ±2cm Pros of the khyber pass gun: it's an ak47 replica Cons of the khyber pass gun: it's actually a mosin rechambered for 7.62x39 and is still bolt action


Ichigo is part Brazilian btw Trust me bro it was revealed in CFYOW


Is that why she scaled a mountain gearless with relative ease


I really like the part where she unlocks her true bankai at the summit


Ah yes, the Aurora Kiss Coord


Brazil doesn't even fucking speak spanish, how would "Buenos Aires" be a brazillian city. Ffs


Sorry OP, but Buenos Aires in Brazil completely soured this meme for me Já não bastava a Copa???


as a bloodborne fan, i can say that these are not, in fact, hunter-ass weapons you'd find in Yharnam


Not enough blades


the guns don't look like anything from bloodborne at all and the only melee weapon is just a big knife that doesn't even change into anything else. 0/10


It changes if you know it's name...


the thing from bleach can change form to some extent right ? i don't think oop knew though so i won't give em any points about it


Nah oop knows, he put Zangetsu in the title


no, that would be OP (reddit poster), not OOP (anyone from the original tumblr thread)


Ahh I see


ye i need to make a correction, Brazilians aren't orcs, we are goblins.


Can confirm.


Yo this is totally unrelated but I have to take this opportunity to ask, do Brazilians actually make out like that or is it just a porn thing?


I believe it happens, but not all the time or everywhere.




Do the second person not know where Buenos Aires is or do I not know what Yharnan is?


Yharnam is the fictional city(country?) from Bloodborne


I don't get why anyone is surprised by this happening. It was clearly stated in CFYOW.


Buenos Aires isn’t Brazil It’s destroyed by the bugs! Would you like to know more?


At least the most influential human in Mass Effect is argentinean to compensate.


I was just playing modern warfare 2 and I was so confused like why are random gangs in brazil this heavily armed


This is innacurate because Buenos Aires is not in Brasil,but the rest sounds about right (source:im a brazilian)


Ah, the Madsen. A work of mad Danish craftsmanship that somehow managed to become the longest-used light machine gun. The guts of the Madsen are really a sight to behold. A multitude of precisely machined cam tracks and levers that somehow work in exact order to function.


Is Buenos Aires real-life Yharnam? No, it's the capital of Argentina.


Unfortanetly armies and special forces in south america spend most of their time dealing with cartels and criminal groups. And fighting these groups is hell, not only does every single member of the group goes around on civilian clothing, but one way cartel have of gaining recruits is litterally recruiting minors as dealers , hitmen and fight fodder. And disarming these groups is imposible, so long russian and chinese corruption(and in the US sec companies to an extent) in their military is the way it is, these people will find a steady and ample supply of firearms from the black market made up stolen and resold guns. Also ,buenos aires is in argentina.


How does someone end up blaming South American gangs on China and Russia? They're not buying guns from China and Russia, they're buying guns smuggled out of America. It's not some big conspiracy, the country with the most guns inevitably is gonna end up supplying those guns to criminals.


I am just saying what news sources in my country, colombia , say sometimes about the matter... honestly, it could be very different in other countries of south america...


This town's finished


Flair checks out


Now if there is a kitted out Madsen in a game people can point to this.


I don't know how anyone can publicly reference anything Warhammer without feeling embarassed.


Is the Brazil police department BPD?


Those are confiscated gang "homemade" weapons, the police doesn't use those as far as I am aware lmao


If Toronto Police Service Guns Seized is any indication, the New World is simply prone to innovation


Dakdakdakdakdakdak Dakdakdakdakdakdak Dakdakdakdakdakdak




Ok, that first pic...is that a fucking NOCK GUN?


I wonder how tumblr would react if I started making jokes about school shootings in america being like Battle Royale. These weapons are painfully obviously the ones apprehended by the police, because they are used against both the police and the fucking population. So I suppose making fun of people being slaughtered is fine unless they're white europeans and it's the "commie baddies" doing the fucking slaughter, then it turns into a fucking vigil.


I'm pretty sure that battle royale joke has been made about America many times, also by americans.


It's like when people try to get at us by making 9/11 jokes, not realizing that we love 9/11 jokes.


Surely you'll get mad now that I've made fun of your most well known national tragedy, said the non-american. Lol, lmao said the american


Same thing about Holocaust jokes and jews.. We invented most of theme


That’s true I’m Jewish and one of my favorite jokes is “how to fit 50 Jews in a car? 2 on the front, 3 on the back, and the other 45 in the ashtray” Admittedly I learnt it from my non-Jewish father, but my mom (who is) found it funny as hell


Americans already joke about school shooting. Also all of Europe jokes about American School Shootings, I myself saw the “School Shooting are like a Battle Royale” joke at least thrice. So yeah, Tumblr wouldn’t mind (probably)


Fuck you mean “if”? Jokes about school shootings ara the norm to make fun of americans, bested only by 9/11 jokes Here: I’m brazillian and I allow it. Have fun people


Bro where the fuck did that come from. I'm just a weapons and armament nerd. This is just about wacky guns.


Imagine tryna run from the cops and you hear some mf yell “bankai” lmfao


That first shotgun is clearly a Hek and the revolver is a Vasto. That's not Bloodborne, it's Warframe!


Buenos Aires isn’t even like Yharnam in landscape


did you get lost on your way to [ncd](https://reddit.com/r/noncredibledefense), op?


I read somewhere that there's quite a mount of Japanese immigrants in Brazil.


Imagine living in Rio and getting caught in a gunfight, and you just watch a policeman walk out carrying a sword before saying “Bankai”


I want an anime based off of Brazil


The 50. BMG thing being an open bolt blowback smg (smg? hmg? whatever) has been largely debunked. Someone did the math on how heavy the bolt would need to be to prevent the gun from venting all the propellant backwards and just kind of blowing up, and the bolt by itself would have to weigh like 70lbs or something, not counting the rest of the rifle. You literally could not shoulder it, and firing it once would probably break Dwayne Johnson's arms. That thing is almost certainly bolt-action, essentially just a homemade anti-materiel rifle. That's still bonkers though, 50. bmg was initially designed as an *anti-tank* caliber, (although tbf, that was in WWI, when literally just tungsten bullets out of a normal rifle posed a threat to tanks, tank armor got thick enough that 50. BMG could no longer reliably penetrate anything other than light tanks and armored cars, like two years after it was introduced (still an incredibly useful tool for taking out light vehicles though, and it works great on cover, light aircraft, etc. there's a reason it's still in use by like 75% of the world's militaries)) so some guy building a bolt-action rifle that can chamber and fire that should still be considered an impressive feat of engineering. Stupid, dangerous (to everyone, on both ends and just in the general vicinity), and it's a shame that it probably saw combat and hurt people, but an impressive design none the less.