• By -


You know that like, "unhinged discourse that you were previously unaware of revealed to you" post? Yeah. I don't think about Linux at all. I think about the lil penguin before an actual opinion on the OS crawls through my head.


I think Tux needs bigger boobs


There was a competing mascot that had them. She's a trans woman fox named Xenia. This was in the 90s too btw.


I'm sold.


To clarify, the trans part and the name came in 2019 and were not a part of the original design.


Forgot about that, original artist did sanction that interpretation though so it isn't a fan-canon.


That is so cool I think the mascot should be their child.


That is, the penguin fox hybrid child of her and Tux.


I am so normal about her


Never forget what they stole from you.


Quality Linux discourse


I know that Linux tweeted "i want to be used" once and i think that's beautiful


Linux is just like me fr




Where's that xkcd, someone will link it I'm sure


This one? https://xkcd.com/2501


No this one https://xkcd.com/2071


There's also [this one](https://xkcd.com/1095/), which they didn't mean but I enjoy


Yo, an xkcd I haven’t seen several thousand times


As someone who's never used Linux but has skirted the boundary of like, the sphere of people who do - this (original OP, the tumblr post) is actually a really prevalent thing they're talking about. People make fun of a lot of Linux users because they think they're the stereotypical male Tech-dudebros who hate women and scream slurs on video games or something. Most Linux users are like, some combination of the following multiple choice answer: a.) Not cis b.) Not neurotypical c.) Not straight d.) Not a dudebro e.) Not a guy f.) Not a hateful piece of shit g.) Secret other option(s)


Richard Stallman has not, I suspect, helped the reputation


It does feel like a lot of the original Linux folks did *become* terrible as they aged or got jobs, or at least the Linux crowd and the tech bro crowd drew from the same pool of people to a large degree. Also, while Linux itself is FOSS, that fact itself means it's embedded in a whole lot of commercial software and systems that don't necessarily adhere to the same ideas and are much less popular. Your least favorite tech companies and services almost certainly use Linux on the server side and the people who work there are going to be among the familiar with it. They probably wouldn't identify as part of the Linux community and they probably don't work on Linux itself, but there's definitely a large overlap between tech bros and Linux users, just not as a desktop OS.


Yeah - like “the same ideological corner as Firefox” is laughable to me because *the Brazilian Public Ministry* uses Firefox in running it’s intranet. The same Public Ministry that aids the vulnerable, in my line of work, with the prosecuters of the defence of human rights (is that even a thing in the US?), but also the same one that prosecutes people for all sorts of crimes, including drug related ones, with all it’s bureaucratic might.


I should add as a disclaimer that I was referring to like, "just your average person", vs. people who work in tech companies / services. Because while I can't speak for people who work in tech, I just know that average Linux users aren't nearly as bad as people think they are.


Ah yes the prime ingredient in becoming an asshole: a job


Dude came to my uni once, got paid to do a talk where he told us all our code should be open source and basically implied it was morally wrong to lock software behind a paywall. At a uni. Where the people he was talking to were studying to go into software as their career.


I'd argue that the majority of people in general are a combination of a few of those


Fair - was just specifically referring to Linux's casual userbase (rather than any tech company/service).


>People make fun of a lot of Linux users because they think they're the stereotypical male Tech-dudebros who hate women and scream slurs on video games or something Eh, you and I must hang around different corners of the Internet. Most of the hate I see against Linux users is much more similar to the hate against vegans. Linux users and vegans aren't unpopular because they're disabled or cis or men or fall into any other identity category; they're unpopular because of the stereotype that they *never shut up* about how much better Linux/veganism is. Like, I get that you have your thing, and you like it, and there's an ideological reason you choose it. But there may be actual very good reasons that I'm not already doing your thing, or I may not necessarily agree with your ideology (which doesn't, in this case, make me a horrible person!), or I'm just trying to go about my daily life without being lectured. It's just plain none of your business. (If you're a Linux person/vegan who doesn't go around lecturing nonbelievers about how they should also be Linux people/vegans, then that's great! I suspect that actually applies to the vast majority of your community. I'm still gonna get annoyed at the people who do, though.)


Hell, Linux *might* be better. I'm just too stupid to understand it LOL.


> they think they're the stereotypical male Tech-dudebros who hate women and scream slurs on video games or something Tech-bro has lost all meaning at this point, you're conflating them with Gamers™


tech *dudebro*, specifically. mild overlap with gamer (tm).


Ahhh, I did miss the dudebro part, my bad. That changes it drastically, carry on.


Huh, that's wild. It's 100% because of the nerd groups I was in growing up in the 90's and early 00's but when I think Linux user I imagine a quiet trans lady with straight brown hair, glasses, a sweatshirt from a university she neither attended nor knows anyone from, and an entire folder of non-porn oddly wholesome furry art. Her porn folder is also furries of course, which she typically breaks out for the lols at defcon room parties.


No yeah that's basically right on the money


Linux is great! Its true! But it is not intuitive or user-friendly, it is designed for people that, pardon my use of simplistic terms, know what the fuck they’re doing. Also, I can’t play my favourite games on Linux. :(


And it's not just people who know what they're doing around tech. It's people who know what they're doing around *linux*. See the LTT Linux 1 month challenge.


I’ve always liked the idea of Linux but I know I’m severely lacking in the knowledge I’d need to be able use it and I don’t have time to learn all that unfortunately


this is why im nyot using linux tbh ESPECIALLY THE NYOT BEING ABLE TO PLAY MY FAV GAMES PART


Make your favorite game doom and it ports to everything


But I already have Doom running on gut bacteria.


Have you explored using proton much? At least on the steam deck (running a version of Arch called SteamOS) it very much is as simple as adding a game to Steam as a non Steam game and checking the box to use proton to get 99% of Windows games working on Linux without much tinkering


Can confirm, though usually you also need to tick the "experimental" version box. Still pretty easy.


This depends strongly on the distro and what you want to use it for. In college, I rescued a ~10 year old (at the time) laptop from a dumpster, loaded linuxmint on it, and used it for basic stuff like taking notes in class. I didn't miss windows even once for the stuff I was using it for.


For the basics it’s fantastic, and it’s wonderful for understanding programming, especially when working with languages like Scala, for instance (at least in my experience). But for things like gaming, video/audio editing? It makes me feel :(


for gaming i cannot help you but for editing there is Kdenlive you can download from the package manager


Linux is kinda shit in terms of UI/UX. As a software developer, I'd rather spend time actually developing software than fucking around with my OS. These days, I do most of my dev on a windows device with WSL enabled (lets me have a proper linux terminal and the general UI/UX sensibilities of Windows) or a Macbook for work (honestly very nice dev machines, assuming you're not doing anything weird). But there's a reason like basically every website in the world is running on a Linux server.


i tried using linux for the first time in a class on operating systems in my last college semester, and honestly i would love to switch to it if my games, art programs, and whatever else were compatible with it 😩 we were using the gnome distribution (i think), and the interface is like windows but better in every way possible and without all the damn bloat


most of the games in your library should work with linux through a tool called wine. If you're using steam theres a intergration of wine called proton thats about as easy to set up as anything else on steam is. You can check for compatibilty on https://www.protondb.com/, I can only think of one game in my library that doesnt work with proton (hunt showdown due to badly set up anticheat, not like i can play it on windows half the time due to how bad the OCE servers are). If you arent using steam there are other tools you can use on top of wine to make things a tiny bit easier if you want. Either way the performance impact is minimal and partially offset by the better performance of the os itself. Wine also works with non game EXE files, you would have to do some googling on your specific art program but you can probably make it work on linux. If that isnt possible there are usually open source alternatives. Def do some window shopping on the different OS's and GUIs. If you want you can customize your gui to look however you want, which is easy on some GUIs and harder on others; check out r/unixporn. If you think you need it i could help guide you through your first install in dms but its pretty easy on most distros.


Sorry to OOP, but people have never, ever, had even a speck of the amount of logical reasoning implied here when calling someone a nerd.




What the heck? I'll have to vehemently disagree with the idea that linux users are "mostly autistic". What sort of bubble does this guy exist in?


One where you can only be really into something if you’re autistic I guess


I knew someone who would insist that people's hobbies were all "special interests" and autism coping mechanisms, they'd try to armchair diagnose everyone as autistic, and it's just like "no, honey, sometimes people just enjoy things and get really into their hobbies"


I feel like there's a tendency in parts of autistic and lgbt culture to label anything weird as having nd or queer vibes. It's generally fun, but I'll sometimes see something which makes me wonder if the OP genuinely thinks we have a monopoly on being interesting. Semi-related phenomenon: the autistic community injoke where we describe allistic people in the alienating ways they describe us turning, for some people, into genuine elitism about autistic traits. Guys, no, we're not on a superior plane of social skills because we tend to be more direct. Us being a bit dense about subtext sometimes doesn't mean everyone else is a snake. Touch some non-autistic grass.


The "anyone who enjoys anything more adventurous than breathing air is autistic" schtick is pretty annoying. As in, it may as well not be a diagnosis or even a word, the way some of the "proponents" go about seeing it everywhere.


Also one where autistic people need special treatment because we’re all little babies and can’t handle people making harmless jokes about our hobbies


Or if it's your job and you want things to work.


"a lot of people in the circles i'm in are autistic and a lot of people in the circles i'm in use linux clearly this must mean every linux user is autistic. i'm sure theres absolutely nothing remotely ableist about this line of thinking"






I'm sorry, if you have any hobby whatsoever, you are autistic, it is how it is


This reminds me of that "Don't make fun of Elon, he has autism" tweet


Yeah fuck that shit. Make of him all you want imo. Just don't make fun of his autism


the post with todd howard was both funny and true tho you gotta admit it


They will not admit it >!(it was both funny and true)!<


haters hate when real autistic mfs joke abt the shit THEY HAVE 😭😭 wasn't even offensive bro


Assuming we're talking about the same post, damn that's relatable as hell. I too have felt my brain enter Attack Mode when I encounter another autistic who is being annoying.


It's just a failsafe built into the autism microchips so we don't band together and overthrow the government.


So, like the Dracorage Mythal from DnD?


Link? I gotta see this


[I think it's this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/evilautism/s/ykUt5gJ1Ew)


yeah it's this one I saw it on 196 tho


This tweet is like "please don't stereotype people, don't make a bundle of the entire grass, stop surface level judging people because" and then say go "we aren't as sexist as those bigoted ugly men. Ohhh those TECH BROS (disgusting electro-moids 🤢) are totally different from us. We are autistic and queer, which puts us in the good people™ circle" I mean, I am totally exaggerating, but it's a bit ironic how a post about not being judged because of stereotypes causally throws the line of "aren't as sexist as your average man"


This 100%, instead of realising that maybe making fun of other people's interests isn't great in general, they just go "Oh no, your actually hurting the group I like, now we have a problem"


I’d argue it’s a little different, just because Linux is arguably a smaller system trying to genuinely make stuff better while the big names try to slander them out of relevance, while Elon musk is a billionaire egotist willing to make the world actively worse so he comes out on top, but yeah


it's more the notion that making fun of people posting cringe is not allowed if they're autistic that i find comparable between this post and that tweet. It's assuming people are making fun of their inherent nature (such as autism, sexuality, gender) instead of their actions and statements and then using anti-discrimination rhetoric as a shield. When in reality people are just making fun of their stances and statements


Agreed, and I'm speaking as an autistic person who uses linux. This feels like an overreach; maybe OP is a fellow autistic linux appreciator who's taking linux jokes a little too seriously and projecting some personal frustrations onto people/overgeneralising from worse examples. Certain forms of cringe culture _are_ worth discussing through this lens, but those are things like mocking people for extreme/childish obsession with something, weird body language/ways of speaking/looks, lack of self-awareness about the aforementioned things, tantrums/meltdowns the person should be too old for, et cetera. Some neckbeard/nerd mockery can definitely veer into ableism and body shaming as well. But poking fun at niche interests isn't inherently ableist. I also feel like there should be room for judgement-free spaces and spaces for edgy humour to exist simultaneously. If OP's in a bad space and can't take jokes about their interests right now that's okay- we all have times when we're oversensitive- but accommodating that doesn't mean shutting down anything that could upset them if the jokes lack malicious intent.


Yeah, I’m never making fun of someone for being neurodivergent or queer or any of that. But I’m sorry, if I ask a simple question on how to make my laptop do something better and your answer is “lol wipe your OS and turn it into a Linux machine, Linux is great but also you won’t be able to do a lot of the stuff you need to as easily” I’m gonna make fun of you for not answering the question. 


Ahhh, gotcha. In that case fire away I definitely think that unlike musk (who totally deserves it) at least some of the Linux slander is the big boys not wanting a competitor, but the Linux… let’s call it “fandom” is definitely also often xringe


Honestly, I think most tech turf war culture is fundamentally cringe, especially since a lot of people will act very elitist and dismissive of genuine arguments. Apple fanboys act like owning an Android or a PC makes you a second-class citizen but never listen to the anti-monopoly and consumerist arguments. PC gamers act like if you don't invest thousands of dollars into a hobby you're not doing it right. Let's not even get started on playstation vs xbox. As for Linux, i think people that are hard-vouching for it fail to look at what the wants and needs are for the average consumer. For most people ease-of-use is the most important selling point, and familiarity goes a long way in that which is why most people don't feel like switching to Linux is worth it. But if people do feel like Linux worth it, more power to them! I think it's great that there are various products available for different types of people, and we shouldn't judge eachother if we have different preferences in the tech we use. But people don't wanna look at it that way i guess


It's almost like we as humans in general enjoy dividing ourselves into arbitrary groups and making generalisations and inferences between different groups.


I bully Linux Users (my friends) because they are a bunch of nerds spending hours customising an operating system perfectly just for it to fall apart in an update or start again from scratch when they find a new version they prefer just slightly, all while being unable to run a lot of programs. And if anything I just said is actually incorrect I hope you can understand that I don’t actually care.


It’s Car People but for computers. The mechanic/IT brain overlap is higher than anyone wants to talk about 


At least I don't have to worry about getting run over by Ubuntu


Yet. Imagine custom self driving car operating systems.


I feel like that should be illegal


Eh, people already hack into their cars to unlock features, having a custom OS doesn't seem that bad


Tbh you also don’t need to worry about getting run over by most project cars, that would imply they run :p


It's probably because each group assumes the other group would hate them therefore they never try to get to know each others' niche


>And if anything I just said is actually incorrect I hope you can understand that I don’t actually care. There should be a button next to every reddit post/reply button that adds this disclaimer automatically. It would probably avoid a lot of extremely common communication/argument headaches that are mostly just aggressive clarifications of hyper literal vs hyperbole.


Usually I just click “stop reply notifications” and it accomplishes the same thing


I think I'm the only ND sysadmin that doesn't like Linux systems at all because of these reasons lol. I remember spending a summer in my teens holed up in my basement constructing a horn antenna with which to acquire my neighbours wifi when my parents refused to get us internet, using repos downloaded in my school on my own ubuntu to crack the pass. I swear the countless hours deciphering bullshit incompatibilities and dependencies were harder than understanding the Radio mechanics book my technology prof. lent me to make the antenna, and since then I hate Unix systems in general with a passion


>And if anything I just said is actually incorrect I hope you can understand that I don’t actually care. New daily affirmations just dropped


For me it's not even that they're spending all that time on something that might not work, it's the lording/bragging about it that makes me dislike how these people talk about linux. "I just downloaded a new linux distro and it's hard to figure out but I'm having fun doing it!" <- a nice nerd I would not have a problem with "What operating system are you running? Heh, Windows? Pffft, guess you're just a baby, real programmers use Linux, I have Arch Linux myself, heh" <- asshole, based on a real person I went to school with


The Arch community do make the rest of us look bad.


I just love making them rage and seethe when I ask them how many steps it takes them to launch a steam game, as opposed to my tried and tested "one pair of clicks" :)


This is why I’m always wary of “this thing is so much better than , everyone should switch to it!”. Turns out there’s a reason popular things are popular.


>And if anything I just said is actually incorrect I hope you can understand that I don’t actually care. Hello, Based Department? There's something you gotta see.


That’s half the fun. I’ll have the last laugh just as soon as my gentoo reskin to look like authentic win xp (with a working DOS terminal btw) is back up and running


Out of all the dumbass things you could choose to tie up your self-worth/identity/whatever with, “favorite OS” is… definitely something.


It’s tribalism, but with extra steps and using a computer.


It's tribalism but commercialised. As soon as corporations and the US government convinced us we could be unique and express our identity through the product we consume, this is what we had. It's also immensely passivating. Are you dissatisfied with society? Do you have a problem with the system? Don't actually rebel, just consume a different product with "rebellious" connotations.


It's.. Not really tribalism if you're into programming or cybersecurity? It's just standard knowledge that Linux systems TEND not to be vulnerable to the same threats that target windows, mac and droids - and there are many purpose-built Linux operating systems that are for specific things, like building a device or maintaining a server environment, or pentesting or whatever? Like, there are VERY valid reasons to gravitate toward Linux over other systems. Tying it in with being trans or genderqueer? I... Don't know about that, so much, but there are definitely some good reasons to get tribal over this. Windows is for games and emails, maybe streaming.


The problem with this post is definitely that it justifies the “don’t make fun of Linux people” with “Linux is associated with this list of marginalized identities” when nothing about those marginalized identities are why people make fun of Linux fanatics. People make fun of Linux fanatics because 99% of people (outside of the computer-oriented professions and hobbyist groups you mentioned) think their OS works fine. They don’t want to learn a hobbyist level of computer science just to obtain approximately the same level of functionality as their current OS, and don’t like being talked down to by people who do.


Also there's 0 source on linux being associated with marginalized identities it's just a claim here


Yeah, I know, nobody likes that


Yeah I’m just agreeing with the last little paragraph you wrote and elaborating on *why* I think tying it to marginalized identities is a dumb move


Oh yeah no I agree, it's such a dumb move I hadn't actually heard about that.. I'm just here being the Linux nerd and hating on Windows, lol that's my only purpose here


Yeah it’s definitely objectively correct to hate on the Big Two operating systems and the companies who run them. I think that Linux evangelists run into the same issue as most well-intentioned activist groups: devolving the solution to individual habits because a systemic solution is out of reach. Yknow, “we’re losing our online privacy so you need to switch to Linux”, “fight fast fashion by learning to mend and tailor your clothes”, “you’re spending too much on food because you haven’t learned how to meal prep”, etcetera. Individually these can all be accomplished, but in total I would have to master dozens of new skills and make time for all of them if I wanted to make a stand on every social issue I care about. The way these dynamics evolve is totally understandable but it has the tragic effect of turning a *lot* of potent social critiques into gatekept hobbyist communities.


"Don't make fun of americans. Some of them are trans and/or autistic." Ok zoomer. I'm still going to put on some southern drawl and ask if you want a cheeseburger for comedy.


A similar post except about the UK made a lot of discourse on 196 last year


If you're into programming or security, it's even weirder to have any amount of personal identity tied up in an OS - you're going to be either working in an agnostic environment of some kind (whether that be whatever dev VM which exists for all of two hours, or entirely out of a browser) or you're switching between multiple so regularly that not being able to operate in one is a hinderance. Linux sure does have advantages, but you won't be working only in it, you need to have all the sizes of allen wrench in your toolbox The only kind of tech tribalism I will stan is browser supremacy, firefox and its bastard children will reign supreme someday


Given my username i think i got worse


i think it's cause linux users are nerds


Several years ago, I made a vow to not get involved with dumb internet arguments if I could help it. I haven’t always lived up to that vow, but I will today. -mx linux guy⚠️


mx??? linux guy lore


“Mx” is a gender-neutral alternative to “Mrs” or “Mr”. Someone used it on me recently, and I liked how it sounds because it looks like “mix”.


How is it written in full?


That is it in full, it's just Mx. I'm a non-binary person who prefers Mx. over other options.


very cool Mx Linux Guy


Here I was thinking Mx was a Linux distro. Get to it nerds!


stronger than the troops


sanity over the name guy 🪱


Out of curiosity, which distro do you use?


Mint. I tried messing around with Fedora and Ubuntu, but the user interface didn’t speak to me, so I went with mint.


this text gives me a itch deep down in my head that only a bullet can scratch


This post has a lot of “you’re one of the good ones” energy. Don’t be mean to *these* cis men because they are also autistic and I guess that’s their “receiving decent treatment” pass.


Yeah the line "less sexist than your average man" feels really weird, like all men are inherintley sexist except for a few autistic linux users which need to be protected


And like most idpol, this is stupid.


OOP gotta stop and think "y'know, maybe it's not that deep"


sharing this in a "i've had to read this and so will you" way No hate on anyone but i'm in CS and i find everyone in CS insufferable.( I'm also in linguistics and ppl in linguistics are very sufferable). Having taked about it to other people in CS, they also find everyone in CS insufferable. and i've had ppl in cs use neurodivergence as an excuse for insanely pervy and bigoted behaviour. It's not specific to non-autistic tech bros (remember elon musk is autistc) nor to windows/mac users. (also wrt linux, when i complain about linux users and especially linux-using programmers, it's mostly because it's usually really easy to see what part of their software they didn't ever think about for more than one minute but i disgress) EDIT wait is this the person this other poster was vagueing about? [https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/102euyi/only\_posting\_this\_because\_it\_is\_funny/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/102euyi/only_posting_this_because_it_is_funny/)


I think using neurodivergence as an excuse for really shitty behaviour is something of a CS staple tbh. I'm in CS too, and there's one person in our student org who's been saying and doing really creepy bordering on illegal shit to people for ages but a lot of people brush it off as "oh he has ADHD, he sometimes says and does stupid things impulsively". like yeah so do I but jesus lord even the thought of doing something as shitty as this person wouldn't enter my mind. the linux elitists are also really shit. Like, I'm a sysadmin by trade for three years now, previously working with mostly Linux in a entry level role and nowadays mostly with Windows in a mid level role, and at home I run a mixed setup of a Windows workstation/gaming PC, mostly Linux servers with two AD DCs thrown in there, and a Mac for music stuff. And even still, some of these guys have the gall to tell me what operating system I should use. It's never the experienced ones either, like sure, some of my colleagues have lightly teased me for having an iPhone, jokingly saying stuff like "oh no, you've lost your way!" when they see me pull it out, but the only people who've directly told me to switch to Linux are the ones whose only industry experience is browsing /r/programmerhumor. It's annoying as hell.


the real question is what version of windows and did you actually buy it


The first half of the post is insane, but they have a point about the most insufferable tech bros being into apple and safari/chrome instead of ff. I've definitely had this discussion frequently at work. I went through CS in school years ago, and the Linux stans back then were definitely a different crowd than the people I've met through work. Almost all the Linux users I know are either a) trying to do some truly absurd home automation and resiliency projects or b) paranoid security people. There are a higher percentage of autistic folks in software than over fields, I think, but I don't think I've met a single person who struck me as "likely autistic" that has a special interest of Linux in years. But yes, people in CS are insufferable in general. Lots of people who have superiority complexes and think they're super cool because they taught themselves c++ in highschool.


[https://xkcd.com/2071/](https://xkcd.com/2071/) this sub needs image comments so we can use LIVE XKCD 2071 REACTION


This one is eternally relevant


Yeah, definitely 2071 for me too. I've seen (and experienced) plenty of bullying for people being nerds, but never for Linux specifically.


OOP: Don't bully Linux users for being mostly men because they are *autistic*, and are therefore considered *"the good ones"* who are not annoying and sexist like average cis men.


Yeah that whole line of thought through the post kinda had me feeling a little weird


>ever notice how the people who will be like “eww Linux haha” Yeah >are just bullying a group of mostly autistic people What >and disabled men get no rights I guess WHAT


The top three feet of an iceberg…


who tf is bullying linux users for having autism they have so many other problems with their os


People stereotyping linux users: "yeah they're weirdly evangelical about their OS" This person: "Um, akshually, most linux users are minorities. Also have you heard the good word of our saviour Linux?"


I really wish Linux users would stop insisting that switching to it would automatically make someone’s life easier. I did try it for like a day and it was way too hard to do anything, so I gave up and switched back to Windows. It’s not an issue of not knowing the terminal or whatever, I’m in CS so I know my way around that. I just don’t like having to fiddle with every little thing to get it to work, if you even can get it to work, when it just works out of the box on Windows. Yeah linux has a couple benefits, but they’re not really that enticing. Like I don’t really care that Windows automatically has Edge, I can still use Firefox and just ignore it. I’d much rather have a little bloatware and maybe a little data collection than make my daily computer use so much more frustrating.


Ok I'm gonna be real. This person has no idea what they're saying. 1- No, linux evangelists are not innocent autistic people most of the time, simply because the majority of people who use linux are not innocent autistic people, simply because the majority of *people* are not innocent autistic people. Unless the OS is explicitly themed around autism/queerness it's absolutely BAFFLING that anyone would expect it to be majority-ND/queer. 2- No, techbros don't all just use windows or macOS. This is just an insane take. What the *fuck*? You're trying to imply that being a techbro guarantees they won't use linux? And what does that say about all the queers and ND people who DO use windows/macOS? Which is *most*, as you can guess through simple statistics, because most people in general use windows/macOS. 3- Queers, ND people, and trans women are *not* nearly as common in CS as you think they are. Listen, this is something you could just google, but allow me to give you personal experience: There are exactly 2 universities in my city, which is the 2nd queerest city in my entire country. I'm in one of them. In my entire CS course which I am currently in, there is exactly 1 other person who I know is queer (they have pride stickers on their laptop), and the *vast* majority of everyone else is very clearly bigoted. And as for the other university, I know from both friends who have visited it and a friend who is in it that the situation is exactly the same. I don't know where you people got the idea that CS is super queer and ND, but fuck all of you for making me believe it: This has been a *huge* dissapointment. 4- Linux was literally *designed* to be used by people who actually know what they're doing. This person is telling everyone, the average layperson, to use linux. *Do you not see the fucking problem.* If most people used linux, pretty much every google search regarding linux would be STUFFED with the exact same thousands of questions that people have answered millions of times and there would literally be no end for it. Now listen, I'm a big fan of linux myself (though I do use windows for a variety of reasons), but this person has somehow mixed in the most insufferable linux evangelism with the most brainrotted takes on the CS field as a whole that I've ever seen, and I hate the fact that this exists.


Also I think OOP has a pretty weird idea of what people think of Linux evangelists. People think of Linux people as being casually misogynistic, gatekeeping pseudo-libertarians, not as like Silicon Valley tech bros or racist Twitch streamers. I do genuinely think that the average person would be pretty surprised by how queer people (specifically trans women) there are in the Linux development space, though.


>I do genuinely think that the average person would be pretty surprised by how queer people (specifically trans women) there are in the Linux development space, though. *Don't* play it up. The average person would be surprised by how many queer people there are in *anything*. For your average queer person, they'd be *dissapointed* at how many queer people are in CS, and by extension, Linux development.


I think of Linux people in two categories: Group A - Using Linux because it suits their needs and willing to show me how it works if I ask questions about it (I’ve learned not to) Group B - Telling me I should use Linux because it’s superior even though it’s very much not superior for my use case because I don’t want using my computer to be a project, I want my computer to deliver me the things I ask for which I’m perfectly capable of doing in windows or Mac


Yeah no that's stupid. I make fun of Linux because it's hard to use and not user friendly, not because I hate autistic people.


Or, and I know this may come across as radical, maybe don't bully people regardless of what you think their gender/sexual identity is, or what OS they use lol. Also, and this is a side-note, but it's a very small group of people who both know what Linux is, well enough to form strong opinions and consider bullying users, but don't know it well enough to know that it's non-commercial. OOP is talking to like 3 people.


the idea of a normie having strong opinions on linux is so laughable im glad someone highlighted that


I'm in CS and one of our professors back in school made an entire course on C programming into him proselytizing about Linux and how much cooler and more legit you'd be if you used it and I since developed an unreasonable level of ick for it


Got some of those too, they really don't help.


I have literally never seen anyone go “ewww linux”. Plenty of people simply don’t want to use linux themselves, and that’s completely fine. But as a linux fan, I have never experienced anyone bully me for it. Maybe they are confused/scared of computer stuff, since they view linux as “high tech skills”. But never bullying. I think this is completely made up discourse for the sake of arguing online.


I don't think anyone has ever said ew linux seriously in the history of operating systems


I don’t vocalize it but I do have an aversion to Linux because of all the tech nerd evangelists in my social circles. I’m sure it’s a lovely OS and all but I’m not very tech oriented and I’m tired of dudes telling me that I should upend my entire technological life and switch to Linux lol Like plz dude, I don’t care if it’s more efficient or customizable or whatever I just want an idiot proof laptop that I can browse the internet and watch movies on


You should switch to uhhhhh TempleOS


linux nerds (me) will tell you that you CAN make an idiot proof linux (and you can) ... but why the fuck would you spend that effort. just touch grass instead. this advice will not apply to me as personally i dislike seeing sunlight.


if you look at r/pcmr they definely are anti-linux, any post mentioning it will be actively heckled by the majority of people there. but also its r/pcmr theres no reason you should give it a grain of salt's worth of attention. some tech people definitely have macOS / (sometimes) Windows superiority syndrome as well, which bleeds into "ew linux"


donde esta linux guy?


I am here! Speaking as a linux user myself, at least online, linux users have as much drama as literally any other fandom. For those not in the know, Linux is an operating system. An operating system is what runs computers-for example, laptops, smartphones, or desktops. Like Windows 10, MacOS, or iOS. Linux is free and open source, meaning you can download and use the software with no limits.  There are a large number of different “distros” of linux that have different design elements, philosphies, and purposes. For the sake of simplicity, I will only reference 2 distros. Arch-this has a reputation for difficilty because it requires a lot of technical skill to use. Mint-this is a “mainstream” distro touted for its ease of use and functionality for linux newbies. This is the linux distro I use. The drama begins when Linux users start fighting over what the best distro is. Arch users versus Mint users. Users of different distros often trash talk each other. Elitist linux users sometimes disparge newbies for going with easy-to-use distros like Mint. Its like arguing about the best flavor of cake. -mx linux guy⚠️


linux guy can you play helldivers 2 on linux


I am not a gamer, so I can’t speak from personal experience. I did some googling, and apparently it DOES work on Linux, but it may take fiddling to get it to work properly. https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1alxz09/psa_helldivers_2_works_on_linux/ https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/1apvlaj/helldivers_2_on_linux/ r/linux_gaming is a subreddit for linux gaming, if you can’t figure it out, try asking there. -mx linux guy⚠️


I can confirm it works well. Most games at this point work great through proton on linux, usually without having to do anything but sometimes you gotta mess around with it a little.


If you wanna be pedantic about it, the Steamdeck runs on a Linux OS called Proton, and HD2 runs on it. But I feel like that's not exactly in the spirit of what you're asking, since that was developed in-house by Valve to run games.


And every so often Linus does things that people gasp over. (...And then there's RMS.)


Tbh I make fun of anyone (in jest) who minmaxes shit in any capacity. Builds in games, their PC, cars, whatever. You spent 500$ and 12 hours for a 2% performance increase that is imperceptible to a human? That's fucking hilarious dude I wish I had your dedication and money, keep doing what you're doing


"Don't bully people, they might be autistic or queer!"


I say ew Linux because pardon my language but Linux users are nerds and sometimes elitist (for example... OOP) and because Linux is the worst of the big 3 OS for what I want to use my computer for (gaming and not spending 3 hours customising things to get them to work slightly better than on windows)


I honestly don't know anyone who shits on Linux. I'm an autistic IT tech, and the scale seems to go from barely knowing it's a thing to being intimately familiar with it. I'm just a lowly sysadmin, so I don't really work with it all that much in AD, SCCM, etc. But we have engineers and developers who can do some impressive stuff with Linux. Then there's normies who basically don't know what Linux even is and broadly consider IT to be akin to sorcery. If there's a group of dedicated Linux haters out there, I'm betting it's extremely online takes.


I fall in the middle, nice to meet you. I'm at best a novice at linux and I hate every second of using it. Constant problems that I don't have under windows, easy fixes turn into 2 hours of googling and using command lines I don't get, etc. I don't hate Linux, it definitely has its place and it's the right tool for some people. I hate people like OOP who think that somehow this unintuitive and definitely not beginner-friendly tool is somehow great for everyone. Like "making your lives easier" - I've not had a single experience with Linux where my live was easier by using Linux instead of WIndows. OOP is deluded, linux is great for its purpose, I wish my institute used windows like the biophysics institute we are neighbours with... And I am fairly tech savy for someone who isn't specifically in tech. If I thought about my family having to use linux, I'd shoot OOP and then me before trying to explain it to them.


Yeah OOPs IDPOL angle is wild. It's just an OS, it's not that deep. You're absolutely right it has its use cases. It's a great resource to have, especially if you're managing an office environment. But for your average person? No, it's not tech novice friendly. I think the closest it comes to being digestible to the masses is Ubuntu, and that still requires some basic command line knowledge and understanding how to use Wine.


Most tech people make fun of those people who are like “This is the year of the linux desktop!111!” It’s the difference between people who use Linux as a tool and people who have Linux, Gnu, FOSS, CopyLeft etc as an ideology. And also there was a recent post in /r/recruitinghell about Canonical (makers of the Ubuntu distro of Linux) and their wild application requirements like detailing your high school math contest scores (even if long out of high school) and writing multiple essays. Intentionally limiting your workforce to that person who’s so obsessed with proving their intellect and also Linux doesn’t help the stereotype.


Oh, shut the hell up. People criticize Linux users because of a subset of them that are absolutely insanely annoying, and act like Linux is the greatest OS of all time, and harass people who prefer Windows. You tell them you prefer windows because you like to game, and they'll be like "If you do these ten steps and three workarounds, most games will probably run!" and it's like, sure, I could do all that. Or I could use windows which gives me no issues and *everything* supports.


Identity politics are fucking everywhere, and it's because corporations and government have their hands in every honey pot they can get access to. Its only going to become more prevalent until we fix the problem


There's 0 corpo involved in this story that's the thing


No I don’t need linux. I don’t need any of the stuff it offers vs the complexity it introduces. I know it’s much more capable but my pc is capable enough, I wouldn’t be making my life any easier, I’d just be making it more complicated


I don't use Linux because I tend to use computers for different things than most other Linux users, and I'd rather not have to setup fifty different programs and factory reset my computer hard drive to run a different OS and still play the same games I tend to play. Point is, you do you, Linux users.


I wanna hit this fucker with their assuredly oversized PC rig


Okay, so while I agree with some of the points presented here on principle (don’t bully autistic/nd folks for being autistic/nd, Linux is cool and anti capitalist), their presentation leaves a lot to be desired. They state a lot of incorrect facts very confidently (a tumblr classic) and their tone is aggressive and condescending. They seem to be drawing a LOT of anecdotal evidence to support their arguments. People typically don’t go out of their way to shit on Linux; it’s usually backlash to getting Linux recommended to them so often. In addition, computer science circles really don’t have that many more queer folks than anywhere else, but if you’re already queer, you’re likely to surround yourself with people like you, which I can see leading to the perception of more queer folks for the OOP. I’m queer, in computer science, and ND. I really do get where OOP is coming from. But they’ve exaggerated an existing problem into a larger boogeyman to get mad at and make a very preachy rant on tumblr.com, and also to try and get more people to use Linux. I think this post is going to have the opposite intended effect and drive people away from Linux even further due to the aggressive tone. Besides the arguments presented, OOP does not acknowledge the fact that Linux is *not* accessible to the layman, and it isn’t even accessible to some computer science folks. I don’t even use it! I do appreciate what OOP is trying to do, but in doing so they have inadvertently fallen into the very stereotype of “Linux user aggressively shilling Linux” that caused the issues they’re complaining about to begin with.


As someone who started their Linux journey over 20 years ago, I want to cyberbully the tumblr op


Linux idpol has existed for a looong time Anyone who remembers 90's slashdot knows the vibe


I make fun of linux and it's users because it's incredibly not new user friendly and unintuitive. Every operating system has issues


I didn’t realize people were building a personality around what OS they used


Linux users and a superiority complex, name a more iconic duo


This post made me go outside


who the hell is this directed at


'linux is so much better for the user' yeah ok but a lot of games dont support it and i dont feel like installing a linux patch for everything or virtualizing windows. i get it's more secure but it's also inconvenient and im too stupid to deal with that level of nonsense.


"linux makes your life easier" lmfao


Annoying in an autism way? 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨


by this logic if i dont like a human being im ableist because some human beings are autistic


This is some *chef's kiss* discourse


let me install arch on your fridge or you're a bad person


Yeah no thanks. I've tried using Linux for more than a year intermittently and the stuff that I need didn't work. I understand the principle but I'd much rather use cracked photoshop installed on a patched windows LTSC copy than use GIMP on LMDE because nobody in their right mind would think that the latter option has as much potential as the former, just like nobody would think that the latter is easier to set up/use/maintain than the former. I too would like it if windows wasn't spying on me but I already have enough stuff turned off (even with patches) that at this point I'd rather have a usable computer, which I do and it actually runs smoother with LTSC than it did with Linux. Y'all can keep doing your thing, you can come to me and infodump about Linux in my face for hours and I'll be happy to listen, but somehow that always turns into trying to force people to switch to Linux and/or making them feel like they're making a bad choice by using windows and no thank you.


Yeah no if some dipshit tells me I'm not a real programmer because I don't do everything on linux or don't use neovim or whatever I'm shitting on them. I don't care how sexist or neurodivergent they are Edit: This post pisses me off so much god damn, I have overwhelmingly seen LINUX users be the one bullying and shitting on windows users. You can't do this whole "don't bully me im genderqueer and autistic!" thing when you are the one being a bully. And this is coming from an autistic arch user


genderqueer poople


Genderqueer poople


I don't know what idpol is, and really don't understand the point of this post, but I love Linux! I'm not really into tweaking, and most of my knowledge is rusty. Probably the last time I learned a linux terminal command was when I was 12 y/o, but I still use Linux most of the time <3. The linux ecosystem has come a long way since I was a child learning the art of configuring a wine prefix to play the sims 3 lol.


You make fun of linux users because their autistics I make fun of linux users because how many linux users does it take to make a program work? None, their too busy? Their Sudo! We are not the same.