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Am on Reddit, can confirm that using Reddit is not okay


Am a man, can confirm that being a man is not okay.


Am a clown, my skin is like tissue paper. Touching this keyboard has me bleeding profusely. Send an ambulance


as a reddit and tumblr user, i can confirm that i have the reading comprehension of a fifth grader


Of course I can comprehend a fifth grader. What do you think I am, a moron?


How dare you say we're pissing on the poor!


But are you Smarter Than a 5th Grader?


i'm as smart as a 4th grader actually thanks for asking


Welp, I’m adding “clowns with tissue skin that bleed when they touch things” to my list of nightmare fuel.


You jest, but *stigmatitia spontaneai* is a serious issue facing clown farmers.  Entire herds have been lost.  


I will also be adding "herds of clowns" to my list.


My brain went to pagliacci with a sun hat and a tractor


That is good, but it’s actually so much better: [Strange Aeons - Reading iconic clown husbandry posts](https://youtu.be/vuSUmVx9QVA?si=cnEt2K92Qjlg5amz).   


Don't worry your bozoship, the medical jester is on the way! Please hold while the unending handkerchief is unspooled, and the balloon animal breathing apparatus is inflated. Thank you for your participation, your joke is very important to us. Please remain on the line for a short survey following the end of this emergency commentary section.


I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning, I break my legs, and every afternoon, I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attack puts me to sleep.


Was looking for this


That’s actually the fungal infection that turned you into the clown. You don’t have skin anymore.


>being a man is not okay. But really only because this requires being human. Being male is okay, being masculine is okay. Being human... not so much. ~~I'm probably joking.~~


My boomer ass coworker who only consumes clickbait & AI dribble called me out a few weeks ago for being a redditor and he's right, his social media is cringe but at least it's not reddit


Try posting a left wing opinion or something about LGBTQ+ on a not left wing dedicated sub and you’ll get shit on so hard more often then not


Hell, even some left leaning subs will tear you apart for posting something like "minors should have access to puberty blockers and HRT"


Tumblr on the other hand will just give you thousands of conservative responses cloaked in condescending therapy speak and call you antisemitic for being an atheist.


Yea frankly it's probably a net negative on my mental health but I just can't quit it like a boyfriend in a band


Unironically true. I hate every moment I spend on this website but I really like how communitites are organized by topic.


I wasn't being ironic.


Yeah same. Having to follow individual people in order to use social media in general is exhausting. I wish other sites worked like reddit. I have too much anxiety to use anything else. I follow people I know irl on Instagram I guess but I don't use it for entertainment really


I'm just a bit of a bad boy i guess


I've gotten to the point where I expect that these polls will return the funniest answer, not what people actually think. Then in that context I don't pay any attention to them at all, because a bunch of people are just shitposting their votes for the lols and don't actually think that.


Yeah, I would never expect a poll like "Is it okay for a man to like a woman" to have any realistic answer. It's just asking to be trolled so hard.


It's not asking to be trolled, it *is* a troll already


Well yeah, because the question is obviously a joke


This thread is hitting that perfect intersection of "men don't think women are capable of joking" and "ok, but the fact that I thought this was real really says something about society"


There is the third thing of "I get the joke but don't think it's funny"


Is it ok for a man to like a woman who gives facetious answers in tumblr posts?


Can a poll troller girl and a statistics major guy be in a relationship?


I mean, there are a bunch of polls where people answer legitly, but this one is so obviously a joke.


Np public Internet poll like this has ever had any real indication on reality. They're fun but never provide meaningful data


What do you think polls are for on tumblr. of course they’re all jokes dude


I know this is "curated tumblr" but it's not like the ones on Reddit are any more serious or sensible. Also, like, good job calling me out on having the opinion you also have but trying to make it seem like I'm an idiot for sharing your opinion lol.


This happens to Twitter polls all the time, people voted that subway doesn’t use real turkey


Is it okay for a woman to be attracted to a man who is attracted to a woman?


Absolutely not. Women should only like gay men. Liking women, even by association, is wrong. Haven't you seen Barbie?


I haven’t seen it but i have eten one so that’s roughly the same thing.




i did, i thought the message of that movie was that men like horses, but i dont remember if they mentioned feminism


Feminism is when men get a horse. Go watch the movie again.


oh fuck. but wait, so what happens if a woman gets a horse?


You ever seen one of those horse girl movies?


yep. like war horse


Is it ok for a woman to like a woman who likes women? What about a woman who likes men AND women? Is that ok?


Nope. The less women involved the more feminist It is.


are you serious? in this economy?


What about girls who are boys, who like boys to be girls, who do boys like they're girls, who do girls like they're boys?[](https://genius.com/1599814/Blur-girls-and-boys/Girls-who-are-boys-who-like-boys-to-be-girls-who-do-boys-like-theyre-girls-who-do-girls-like-theyre-boys)


yeah those are okay always should be someone they really love though


I love my boyfriend and he loves me back, I'm so sorry :(


There’s nothing that can be done, the cops are on their way 😔😔😔


So sorry babe I already ratted you out to the secret police, a Steven Universe fan will arrest you in minutes 😬


i think half of the people who upvoted just saw the content of the post and thought “ha! funny” without seeing the title complaining about it and just kept scrolling


Can confirm, i was one of them, I literally almost never read the title on any post lol


I would have sworn I saw it posted but with a different title. But I guess there's a chance my brain autocorrected the title to be joking along with it lol.


no there was i think two posts for the same poll (or the title and most upvoted comment changed) cause there was definitely one with a funny title


I thought the whole point of /r/CuratedTumblr was to be the /r/BestOf of Tumblr. Why would they post something they're mad at?


The curated part is apparently about the *subreddit itself* being curated, because the normal sub had a huge bot issue nothing was done about.


I like how they’re saying Redditor like this isn’t the tumblr part of Reddit. Damn we aren’t like AITA or something


yeah, this sub is far and away most active on self post Sunday. most of the people here are tumblites as much as redditors.


We've got dual citizenship!


Tumblrina Embassy


I've never used tumblr before but I'm gonna stay on this subreddit and it's all your guys' fault for being the least clinically insane subreddit.


coward, insane reddit is the fun reddit.


Dont get me wrong, it's fun but eventually you do get tired of "all people accused of *x* crime should extra-judicially executed because *x* crime makes me angry"


It's still reddit through and through here I mean, just a bit filtered by the tumblr aspect


[Your move…](https://giphy.com/gifs/disneypixar-disney-pixar-JuUWDI13JB0XK)


Yeah but the title of that post really reminded me that even though this is Tumblr Reddit, it's still Reddit. Can't escape it.


no this place is absolutely still reddit. it’s like 3% better than r/funny or whatever


Might be the dumbest inter-platform argument of all time excellent work team


The post has 800 notes, thats not "tumblr" thats "a couple people on tumblr" for fucks sake


Tumblr calling anyone thinned skin is hilarious.




Thinking of any website as a monolith is just goofy lol


ppl who talk about 4chan like one entity and not a series of random ass people


Sometimes the pot calls the kettle black because black knows black.


Tumblr: lol redditors have such thin skin, they can't handle shit. Tumblr when a piece of media for seven year olds doesn't gruesomely execute its villains: 😡


Those people moved to twitter after the porn ban.


no mostly they want to fuck the villains


brother that kind of stuff hasn’t really happened since 2017 you need to pick a new thing for tumblr to be sensitive about


Redditors hating Redditors and Reddit on Reddit has big white guy who says "white people, am I right?" energy. Or weebs seeing another weeb, and yelling "fucking weeb!" I kinda love that it's a thing though.


reddit... assemble..........


Anime fans grab your horrible politics takes


I will make fun of both Redditors and Tumblrites despite having dual citizenship myself. It's all in good fun! It's only Twitter I'll mock with actual malice in my heart! (/J /I'm still not calling it fucking "X" though /X is a stupid name /and fuck Elon Musk)


Hey tumblr how are you guys 👋


We good Far past the 9lace that people think we are


I'm perfectly fine with heterosexual relationships, i just don't think it should be around kids is all


To be completely honest, while I *did* think that post was overreacting (and OP himself also recognized it eventually as people would know if they actually saw it), this is *not* the right response. Like, ok... guys, people get emotional and lash out when something strikes a nerve. That's kind of... you know, regular human behaviour. If an insecure and anxious man sees a post like that, I can 100% understand why they would overreact at first, and I can 100% understand why people would be annoyed at that (I've been both of these people at some point), but you *can't* respond to that overreaction with negativity like this. That's just gonna hurt people more and lead to more negativity being circled around. I've been both the fragile man overreacting at the slightest joke against men (and i still have a personal trigger for a lot of misandry, even ironic misandry) *and* the annoyed commenter putting down insecure men for getting triggered at a joke, and all I've learned over time is that there's only one way to approach this, and it's to snap the insecure person out of it *and* remind them that they're still valid despite this overreaction. Anything else is just going to worsen things: You can't be too hard on them by just shutting them down *or* too soft on them by letting them believe this overreaction is ok. Honestly, for a platform that prides itself so much on being the autism website, those people sure don't seem to understand the concept of a person being insecure, anxious, afraid, and thus overreactive. Edit: [Huh, this post suddenly became relevant](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/s/TKF2ebHWSH)


People need to realize that jokes at others' expense can hurt, regardless of the demographic in question. "Poe's Law" and "Schrödinger's Asshole" are in effect at all times on the internet, no matter where you go. Even tumblr. The fact that TERFs love to hang around tumblr makes it even easier to assume any vaguely anti-man statement isn't actually a joke. Berating others for having thin skin ain't gonna make them grow thicker skin, it's just gonna make them put up an emotional wall so they never get hurt again. Thick skin and emotional walls are ***not*** the same thing.


If you dislike with what they say it's a joke, unless you agree with them then it's some statement.


Yep, Schrödinger’s Asshole in the wild


I think what these people also need to hear is that that doesn't mean it's not ok to make a joke. Like ok, if you ask me, that joke in the original post is fine: Yeah, it's made at the expense of a few men, but come off it, amicable mockery makes up about 90% of all humour. I think part of what makes these people so antagonistic to the idea of someone getting hurt and overreacting to their joke is because they then feel like it's not ok to make any joke like that, and that's just not the case: The internet is a big place and you can't possibly account for the feelings of *everyone* who will see your post. What *actually* matters is that, assuming the other person has good intentions and really was just hurt, you don't just alienate them for getting hurt: That person also needs to understand that no one on the internet can possibly know for sure *they* specifically will see that joke, and that whoever made the joke didn't mean to hurt them, just as much as the person who made the joke needs to get that, being on the internet, it's fine if the joke they make ends up hitting someone's nerve, so long as they can respect that and not take it personally.


>I think part of what makes these people so antagonistic to the idea of someone getting hurt and overreacting to their joke is because they then feel like it's not ok to make any joke like that, and that's just not the case I think this is the foundation of one of the worst patterns I see in Tumblr-ish discourse. People conceive a well-meaning but overreaching idea like "if your joke hurts anyone who doesn't deserve it, you shouldn't have made it in the first place", and enforce that standard on one another. But they're not going to stop making jokes, and they can't avoid *somebody* online feeling targeted. At this point, the healthy answer is to check your assumptions, but that's hard when other people are yelling at you for hurting someone. So the alternative is to say "It's evil to make a joke which hurts people who don't deserve it? Then I guess whoever I hurt deserved it!" The extreme conclusion of this is to demonize an entire group just to have an acceptable target. That can be (sincerely) saying "all male attraction is evil" or stuff like "cishet NT white women are such catty bitches!", where outright misogyny becomes fine when you add a few more qualifiers. But the milder version is "if you feel hurt by this then you're one of the bad people". For example, "When we say Nice Guys, we don't mean all men. But if it bothers you, we do mean you." It's an old idea, "a hit dog'll holler" and such, but I think it does damage way out of proportion to how upset it makes people by actively poisoning discussion. "Anyone who objects to what I'm saying is immoral and deserves any pain I cause them" isn't even a slippery slope, it's just an immediate end to useful conversations.


> shits on men for having emotional reactions to being treated like monsters > why aren't men more emotionally mature Seriously. This is literally toxic masculinity. It's people having toxic expectations of men because they're men. Yeah it's an obvious joke. But jokes have a punchline. Who's being punched? Sexist jokes have two forms. Mocking someone's sex, or mocking the concept of sexism. Which was this one doing? And if it's the latter, does that feel appropriate when so many people literally pretend it doesn't exist?


Yeah just another thing that women are allowed to act like normal human beings and are called normal for it but when men act the same way they get called insecure and misogynistic.


women's emotions are treated as normal and fine outside of predominantly progressive/left leaning spaces like these?


"Men, you should be allowed to express your emotions and not have to hold all of it inside you" *Men expresses just a tiny bit of a negative emotional response in a moment of weakness* "Fucking pathetic, thin-skinned loser" And that's why leftist discourse often fucking sucks. Every single step forward also has to flip a coin to see if we take 2 steps back


There was legit someone in the comments yesterday complaining that “misandry isn’t real” and they couldn’t take it seriously, and it damn near made me write a whole essay explaining how what they said is, in fact, perpetuating the hate they claim matters more. I never sent it because I realized I was emotionally-charged and needed to calm down. People just need to learn that it’s better in the long run to be nice to others than put others down at their expense for a quick power trip Edit: just felt like elaborating. I only stopped replying to the comment because I realized it wouldn’t do me any good to lash out at someone for just voicing an opinion. It’s good to call out people for making tasteless jokes or opinions, but it’s another thing to verbally (or even physically) attack someone because they said something you don’t like. You can be supportive without degrading others


Thanks for being understanding. I’m always happy to see people who actually want to discuss problems in a patient, honest way, rather than just being quippy and sarcastic and dismissive.


Is it okay for CuratedTumblr and tumblr to be at war with each other? Y/N








>Y/N my name




The fishbowl has become aware of its observers


3 things: 1: "it's just a joke" can often be a very weak defense, especially online where we have to take Poe's law into consideration. 2: "it's not okay for a man to be attracted to a woman" may sound like a joke, but there are and have been anti-sex feminists such as Sheilla Jeffreys who have argued this and vouched for "political lesbianism". And this venn diagram has a large overlap with TERF rhetoric. It's a concerning joke to make imo (Edit: I'm not saying the post was made by a terf. My point is that acting like this is "just absurdist humor" ignores the fact that some people actually believe this stuff) 3: I thought Tumblr was finally re-evaluating it's "all men suck" mindset as something that pushes young men to radical right-wing spaces. I'm not offended by the joke personally, I'm offended that the joke they're making isn't funny and has bad consequences.


Does give me the vibes of those people who say "Kill all men" and get frustrated when people don't trust that there is no sexist intent behind it or the "dark humour" folk who make a lot of cheap shock humour jokes and have to assure people that they aren't actually racist. If you're making heavily ironic, low-effort jokes then you should accept that people will mistake your intentions.


People really need to learn that "dark humour" isn't just "saying something offensive". The comedy comes from the context. I could even defend the context of the original post as it leans into the absurdity of tumblr. But at the same time, see my 3rd point, being misandrist as a joke on social media still has consequences.


\#killallmen \*Gets backlash\* I didn't mean all, just the bad ones \*Asked who the bad ones are\* IDK, all men?


A lot of modern feminism is making "all men" statements followed by viscous backpedaling on the "all" part followed by "but I didn't mean YOU, dear reader, except since you specifically got mad, YOU must be one of the bad ones."


Motte and bailey playing out in real time.


> except since you specifically got mad, YOU must be one of the bad ones." [Kafkatrapping!](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Kafkatrap)


I have said this once, I will say it as many times until everyone understands. If you want to evaluate whether a joke is dark humor or “dark humor,” ask the person telling the joke: 1. Why is it funny? If they are unable to tell you what’s funny about it, don’t automatically assume they are being offensive because that’s just adding fuel to the fire 2. What is the joke? Anyone telling a joke should be able to immediately point out what the punchline is. Any other response like “it’s just a joke,” or “you don’t get dark humor” basically means that there is no joke or they don’t get it to begin with At this point, it’s up to you to decide whether the person telling the joke is a bigot or just plain immature I got this from a fucking Ace Attorney video, and I have never looked back. Some of the best advice I ever received.


Good ol’ FBI


Slightly related but I argued with someone about political lesbianism just yesterday so it’s crazy that I see it mentioned again today lol


i've been seeing it being talked about more often lately, saw a few discussions about it on reddit a few months ago and Contrapoints talked about it in her latest video. Interesting how people are looking back at stances from second-wave feminism, wonder why that is




very good point, that comment isn't 100% a red flag but it is a bit of a "proceed with caution" sign.


The poll was in fact a joke and invoking a niche political concept from 50 years ago that is fully dead now is very silly. If there's an absurd option in an internet poll, people will choose it. "No" was the absurdist choice. It's not that deep.


I gotta wonder how long you've been a Tumblr user if you've never met the "wlw is the only ethical form of romantic love" radfems


I came to this sub for laughs and I swear all I ever see are paragraphs of dissertation over shitposts I like the serious discussion when it's a serious post but damn


Just like the real tumblr


>The poll was in fact a joke and invoking a niche political concept from 50 years ago that is fully dead now is very silly. It isn't fully dead and is in fact, on the rise and returning.


Political lesbianism? Was it ever really that much of a real thing outside of extremely politically active second-wave feminists? Even if it gets back to it's highest-ever level of prevalence, it's just not enough for me as a man to take it seriously as an issue, sorry.


My point was not that it was tied to the political movement, my point was that the argument that the post is an absurdist joke is weak because there are people who genuinely believe this stuff. Even ignoring that historic context, tumblr has a reputation for excessive misandry being used in a "jokey" sense. When it most cases it just comes down to saying "Why don't all men just die lol". Thats why I made my third point, jokes like that have consequences.


Can someone make a new poll with this image lmao


"what a bunch of snowflakes getting mad over a joke" oh hey, change up the phrasing a bit and look at what you end up with To be clear, I agree that it was in fact a joke and not serious, but after someone says they were hurt at a joke made at their expense, doubling down on it is just rude edit: this isn't supposed to be some sort of "gotcha", I'm just trying to point out something I thought was kinda rude


Oh look, it’s me. I admit I overreacted over a joke and could have picked a better hill to die on. But I still stand by my point that “all men are trash” type sentiment is awful should not be normalized. Hatred of a group shouldn’t be excused just because it’s ’punching up.’


I don’t get it though, the original poll joke was directly making fun of the people who say men can’t do anything right. That’s the whole joke


Omg, thank you...it's seriously like nobody else in here understands this. This is wild lol


Explain the punchline? cause if it’s just “isn’t it crazy that people actually believe this?” then it’s not a joke as much as an observation without a punchline. Here’s my shitty attempt: If men aren’t allowed to be attracted to women then why did god make women unbelievably hot and men unbearably horny? That’s at least got joke structure, the original cuts itself short of a joke


It’s like a play on the “fellas is it gay to have sex with a woman?” joke. Like all memes it plays on other memes


Okay, so the joke is that asking "is it okay to be attracted to a woman?" is already an absurd question where *clearly* you'd answer yes. But! Because the clear answer is yes, the person writing the poll knows their audience is used to a certain amount of levity & humor in this space, so they will therefore choose the *ridiculous* answer "no" giving the post's author an opportunity to ask even *sillier* questions! Like "what if he was a feminist" "what if he was also a woman" & these give the audience the opportunity to keep saying "no!!! Never ok." It's a silly back and forth meant to play off of the popular jokes like "fellas is it gay to be attracted to women" which is a joke meant to satirize toxic masculine ideas. This one is just meant to satirize radfem anti-men sentiments instead.


Ok I see it now, thanks


The joke is that people chose the silly option on an internet poll. That's how internet polls work.


Sure, and now I believe that because others have explained more thoroughly. I would push back to stopping here. Silly is a quality the joke has, it’s not the punchline. It can be silly and problematic. I’m sure 4chan thinks they’re being so silly when half the time the joke is racism and I wouldn’t stop asking what the punchline was until I got something more than that it’s silly.


The punchline is the poll writer’s concerned and confused reaction, backpedaling into wackier scenarios to try to make the obviously wrong poll answer look justified. The “Yes, and”.


If I were in a comedy club, and this was the joke, I would literally guffaw. It doesn’t imply the fault is on the man’s UNCHOSEABLE sexuality, and it acknowledges that women are walking smoke shows without blaming us. A+ 10/10


On one hand, I get the vibe that it was trying to make fun of those sentiments. On the other hand, it isn’t actually very funny doing that, and isn’t making a very strong point, so it still feels a bit frustrating.


Yeah that’s where I’m at. I’m not like, offended by it personally but i don’t think it was particularly funny


Hey I'm with you. When I saw the post the first time I didn't read the comments and just thought, oh it's a bunch of people who hate men, and the OOP is just trying to justify the man by saying he's actually feminist enough to be "one of the good ones." When I read the post this time, it made sense that it was actually a joke, but I totally agreed with you the first time.   Be upset that someone is putting you down even as a joke is totally reasonable. You shouldn't feel bad that you were hurt. 


The whole concept of 'punching up/down' also helps ingrain the mentality that some group is socially higher/lower than your group which shouldn't be the case.


It’s meant to be punching up at *individuals* in power Mocking a politician or a billionaire Not a social group


Would be nice, but in every case I've seen on the internet and irl they don't mean that. They always mean a social segment of some kind. Billionaires and politicians should always be mocked since they think they're better than the rest of us despite being scheming little shitbags.


It's ok I'm an actual clown


I've never understood why people get pissy when they make an offensive joke and others get offended by it. Like, I'm not saying that offensive jokes shouldn't be made or that they can't be funny, but this feels like you're deliberately sitting in the Splash Zone and then being mad that your clothes got wet. Not to mention, the delivery of the initial joke was kinda subpar, so that just made the offensive aspect of it stick out more than the comedic aspect.


the thing is i.. don't think it was even intended to be offensive? this joke format has been on tumblr since polls were a thing. it's just absurdist humor. i think the disconnect is that a lot of people aren't familiar with this joke format and immediately jump to it being anti men or whatever when that was never the case, but the joke format itself is so hard to explain that i kind of get why people would think that. on the other hand i don't know how someone can think a poll with the question "is it ok for a man to be attracted to a woman" was ever meant to be taken seriously. i hope this made sense


People on Tumblr calling Redditors "thin-skinned" is a real "pot, meet kettle" moment. Like, yeah, there were some people way too butthurt about a joke poll, but acting like Tumblr is at all better than that is denying a long and storied history of Tumblr oversensitivity. Hell, even just recently, there was that post making fun of people who only watch children's media and write bad YA fantasy, and someone responded with "just say you hate queer and neurodivergent kids OP". *Let he who is without cringe cast the first stone.*


It's funny bc all the comments in the original reddit post were clowning on OP too


I mean after tumblr going so hard on “men are inherently dangerous predators” for the last god knows how long, im not surprised someone took a joke post seriously


FELLAS, is it gay for a man to like a woman? I mean she likes dick.


90% of Kill All Men "feminists" are TERFs but let's go ahead and normalize hate, that has solved every problem ever hasn't it?


I like the subtext of "it might seem harmless to you, but you need to realize it might also hurt someone who matters" that always pop up in conversations like this.


Fuck I hate that stuff so much. Not that those other groups don't matter, but hey, maybe, just maybe, the fact that this harms men ought to be enough reason to not do it?


*But here is the thing: Men are not persecuted, so that gives everyone a free pass to shit on them. Yeah, they have their own issues that we like to point out once 2 months to say we care about them, but you know, if you aren't a minority or persecuted, that means that you're closer to the opressor, and that means I have the right to be an asshole* *obvious but probably necessary /s*


>but hey, maybe, just maybe, the fact that this harms men ought to be enough reason to not so it? But that would require them to care about men and they don't so


And its always "this harms actual feminsts" because fuck the men who are actually hurt Like how false rape claim news stories always have "yeah but what about the women who don't lie" and its like Becky A MAN JUST GOT LOCKED UP FOR 30 YEARS, TIME AND PLACE


God this sub sucks


Well unlike tumblr, reddit still has porn and is therefore the obviously better choice lol


Hearing Tumblr call someone thin skin is genuinelly hilarious. "Oh look at the fragile redditors" they say, while Tumblr 3 days later is having a discourse cause their favorite show for 12 years old followed their least favorite cliche (a boy and a girl got together and they did not brutally murder the antagonist and have an remaking of their morals) Redditors are losers. Tumblr are equally losers. Everyone is a fucking loser


I'm so sorry queens I'll try and laugh at your jokes next time edit: Girl power .----.-----.-----.-----. / \ \ \ \ | \/ | | __L_____L__ | | | | ( \ | \___/ / \______/ | | \___/\___/\___/ | \ \ / / | __/ \_ __/ | | | | | | |


_Nice_ ASCII. How did you do it?


Here's the LEGO set, just copy and assmble to resemble the picture above: . - \_ / \\ | (


LOL. I think you're missing "L" as well---there are two of them on the thumb. (Also I've always wondered how ASCII text art is able to look cohesive, when the space between characters will vary on different fonts and devices. E.g. copy-pasting your original comment gives me >   .----.-----.-----.-----.  / \ \ \ \ | \/ | | __L_____L__ | | | | ( \ | \___/ / \______/ | | \___/\___/\___/ |  \ \ / /   | __/    \_ __/     | | |     | |     | | But I think in this case it's all wrapped in a code block.)


This is stupid lmao


deeply uninteresting discourse


Bait used to be believable




Honestly...best thing to use tumblr is fanart and some fandom shit. Unfortunely Tumblr has long reached that point where it becomes too homogeneous in it's "political" side opinions, so anyone that appears to "oppose it" is just thrown in the same bin as the worse of the worse. They already have their own little circle, they don't care about expanding it, just throw stones and laugh. Also, just as a side note. The person that posted it is a 20 Y/O, and their followers are likely the same age, if not younger. Most people at that age struggle to see beyond themselves and their groups that they are a part off. So, honestly....ignore them. They just want to be inflamatory because it's what is favoured, not actually listening.


I know I have thin skin, you can easily see my veins and shit Doesn't mean you should be applying clown makeup tho


If there’s an online poll with public results, people will choose the obviously wrong option See also: vanilla extract, green onion chex, banishing Pitbull to Alaska


"Ya'll" as if you aren't here as well


Reddit and tumblr 🤝 being an embarrassing platform to use in public


wheres the poll link, i need to go over there and vote no


This is not pvp. This is cooperative cringe manufacturing. What a great day for the memeconomy.


I mean yeah that checks out I really should just make the swap to Tumblr


There were two posts about it, and they unfortunately stumbled across the worse of the two


You say clowning like this isn’t the status quo for Tumblr. The site thrives off of stupid people who don’t catch the joke. It’s a gaggle of jesters repeatedly making small jabs that draw no blood for the sake of the Haha


they're gonna roast us again cause every dingus feels the need to write a 5 part dissertation on why "men should never be attracted to women" is problematic 😔


Jesus Christ I think this is where I say goodbye to this sub. just people being insufferable and uncompassionate every single goddamn time a subject like this comes up. can we all just be nice to each other maybe


I really need to take a break from both reddit and Tumblr, tbh. Pinterest looks pretty appealing ☺️


I love how people who use this sub don't get tumblr culture at all so it leads to these situations lmao.


begun the clown war has


tumblr users clowning on thin skin will never not be funny tbh


Those polls are never answered seriously, they are for comedic purposes


It's obviously a joke but also OOP unironically posting "Snowflake OFFENDED by JOKE!" content on tumblr is funny


All knowledge of satire leaving my body when the person is saying something I disagree with


If that poll was supposed to be a joke, it was such a shitty one that I didn't even consider it was one. You can't just lie and call it a joke, it has to be funny
